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S56 PT #3 - Subscription Service

PBE Affiliate PT +3 TPE

Anders has been approached by an outdoor company that put in place a subscription service that would ship once a month. The product would be what is mostly considered accessories. The service ships for $20 a month or $200 a month. The items have a value that goes from $30 all the way to $100. Every month, before the product is shipped to customers, Anders make a video of his last outdoor experience in which he will demonstrate how he used the product. Since it is a company that ship exclusively to Norway for now, the product is adapted to the current season so they could be used right when the costumer received the product. This means that the company ship winter outdoor gear during the winter, summer gear during the summer and autumn gear during the autumn. This left us with spring which is a period that the company used to ship accessories that can be used all year long.

161 words

Nor Ge

Salzberger Lillehammersson
norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
[Image: inferno.png] [Image: dragons.png] [Image: wolfpack2.png] [Image: stars.png] [Image: Dxdffra.png] [Image: hGKuRrv.png] [Image: sAx3Llh.jpg] [Image: firebirds.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-12-2020, 05:46 PM by Wawazat.)

Supernaw Dairy


New HOME Delivery Service...

[Image: CHUNKY-MILK-LOGO.png][Image: BETTER-WARM.png]

.....Sign Up Now.

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“Our third award is one that is dear to my heart as a SHL goaltender… The Peter Larson Award for the Top Goalie! This is voted by the GMs and considers both the round robin and medal rounds. The S56 Winner of the Peter Larson Award is….…
C.K. Supernaw! “

Battleborn Usa


Skao Anazibf is the founder, CEO, President and face of the Skao Anazibf's Stick Tape Resupply Service (or SA's STRS for short, this can be pronounced as sturss). Admittedly a little bit shamefully, Skao Anazibf has never been very good at taping his stick. It's good enough to be passable but he almost always wears it out too quick, partially because he buys cheap tape like the frugal man he is, but also because he doesn't want to waste tape knowing he's doing a bad job, so he always uses a very thin layer of tape on his stick that he wears through rather quickly. So with this new service, he's hoping to constantly resupply aspiring players who are also bad at taping their sticks with new stick tape at a very affordable rate of just $5 a month, and that way they don't have to stress too much about wasting tape that's oh so expensive. Very entrepreneurial of him.

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**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**

After the morning skate out in Alberta Edmonton, Daniel LaForest received a call, accidently hung up. Noticed he had 11 missed phone calls from the same number and it was only 11:05 am. Checked his text messages and there too the infamous number appeared with 17 text messages asking him to please call back asap. He also noticed the area code was from back home in Quebec born and raised. Will not go into the details word by word of the phone call, but you are now looking at a rookie SHL hockey player who just signed his first ever endorsement contract.

Known for our vast forestry and municipal green beatifications, a starter company already with the bank of Montreal backing them in this idea has decided to launch a grass, hedge, tree pruning service available 7 days a week. The fun part, it will not be a human coming to your property but a team of androids with a variety of tools for arms and legs. Whatever the job needs be. Also the androids will have a built in wifi and come with a remote control for. Client makes the call and rents which ever they need on a monthly basis. All that LaForest has to do is a commercial in both provinces Quebec and Alberta using the variety of robots in a variety of ways. The branding of the company will be called "The Forester".

[Image: Snoopdogg.gif]
    [Image: d9J5DHT.png]        norway      [Image: d9J5DHT.png]

I meannnnnnnnnn obviously we're doing a monthly box of hotdogs what did you expect!? sign up for just 29.99 and you'll get 12 gourmet premium hotdogs shipped to your house each month, ready for consumption or freezing. we've got all kinds of special dogs so know that these aren't just corner store franks we're talking about. we got mango habanero hotdog, we got vanilla dipped hotdog, we got gummi bear and mint hotdog, we got hotdog from the cow butt, we got hotdog from the cow hoof, we got hotdog from not even a cow, we got hotdog from cow anus, we got hotdog from cow lips, we got pork flavored cow hotdog, we got cow flavored pork hotdog, and you DO NOT get to choose what you get! It's a surprise each month, which makes the experience all the more enjoyable and exciting. Everyone in the SHL world knows that the players are actually controlled by Gods from above and it is well known that Eko Van Otter's God is named hotdog so this is consistent within the SHL universe.

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

Cassius Darrow is a relic of the past, and usually isn't a guy you can rely on to be on the leading edge of things. However, it didn't take much effort to get Darrow to buy in to sponsoring a monthly subscription box. After hockey, Darrow's second love has always been cooking and good food. He's quite the chef, and loved to host his teammates and their partners for dinners in Buffalo. With the ongoing issues with COVID, he hasn't has as many opportunities to do that with his new Seattle teammates. What he was able to do is start a Best Wurst of the Month: a monthly smoked meats box with recipes to bring the best out of the proteins. Each month, you're guaranteed one Cassius Darrow classic, tried-and-true recipe. For the first month, early adopters get Darrow's knockwurst garlic macaroni & cheese recipe and his personal favorite sauerkraut recipe (which pairs will with the garlic knockwurst).

So sign up, try some of Cassius Darrow's favorite meats!

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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(This post was last modified: 10-12-2020, 11:10 PM by Kalakar.)

It's been so long since I've had to type 150 words to fulfill a PT task, and I'm so glad that I don't have to do it anymore. Ever since I was appointed to a full simmer job, I've loved being able to use my PT Pass to complete tasks ahead of anyone else. My favorite time is using it for the Championship Week. It is always a favorite moment of mine to post something funny along with my favorite two words, while everyone else has to work for hours if they want the juicy 16 TPE. If I had the power to make it happen, I would create a PT Pass service for people that donate to the site. They've already spent real cash on this fake league, why couldn't they be able to skip a PT or two now and then? There's nothing else in this league that can be worth more in my eyes, I love my PT Pass.

[Image: Kalakar1.gif]


Jonas Kahnwald is sitting at home enjoying  the season 3 rerun of Gilmour girls when an unknown number calls his phone. He picks it up and finds himself talking to the marketing department executive of an up and coming Schnitzel company. The executive introduces himself as a big fan first and foremost of Kahnwald as a hockey player, and without being very subtle, expresses his interest and using Kahnwald's growing fame in Newfoundland to increase profits at his Schnitzel company. While Jonas is somewhat flattered that someone would wish to use him as the face of their company, he is confused as he feels like there are other players on his team that could perhaps garner more attention.

"we feel like you would be the bets fit for our marketing campaign," the the executive proclaimed.

"Wait a minute," Jonas groaned, finally clueing in, "is this because I'm German?"

"It's not because you aren't!."

And thus, Jonas Kahnwald's Schnitzel became a widespread hit in Newfoundland and much of Eastern Canada. Unfortunately, Schnitzel also became Kahnwald's nickname in the lockerroom.

WC: 184

[Image: kahnwald.png]
Sig by @Ragnar

Jed Mosley Jr is the official face of the new How I Met Your Mother Monthly Gift Box. As the name sake of a character Mosley gets to shill out things such as Robin's hit Canadiana pop record about a mall or something more grandiose like a yellow umbrella similar to the one that bastard Ted Mosley saw his future wife holding. As a special offer and not at all a desperate plea to get people to purchase a mystery box that will only have a one month run, there are FOUR boxes that include a replica french blue horn, arguably the most well known item used in the entire show. All purchasers will receive a commemorative Jed Mosley signed shirt which portrays the best character in television history. All of this and potentially (but probably not) can be yours for a monthly fee of 49.99 plus shipping and handling. Get yours today!


[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Raivo Helminen is the new face of SFM or Skirts For Men. The company aims to bring back the good old days when it was normal for men to wear skirts. The company makes all types of skirts from long to short and from different materials, sustainability is one of the main themes for SFM. According to the spokesperson of the company, hiring Raivo made sense since he has a unique style and he is not afraid to think outside of the box when picking his outfits. The spokesperson mentioned how Helminen and his growing Instagram following was the reason how they heard about him.

The fine details of the collaboration have not been published just yet, but many speculate whether its just another typical marketing scheme where Raivo wears SFM clothing and promotes the brand on his Instagram? SFM however has a membership drive going on in their site, which suggests that Raivo could potentially play a part in the efforts to bring customers into the SFM family. Typically such events include a discount of x% if the new users join or x% discounts on changing products during each month as long as the customer stays as a member, but we can only speculate at this point.

Raivo Helminen has not commented on the news yet, but Helminen's agent released the following statement via Twitter a few hours ago:

SFM? Yes, it's happening, its about time males all over the world have the freedom to wear something else than pants and shots. #SFM#RH
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2020, 05:52 AM by Mutedfaith.)

Cal Labovitch spends a lot of his free time playing video games and surfing the world wide web. He recently got into Tiktok, and has been using the app to share his personal and professional life to his fans by doing silly dances, skits and challenges ever since. On the app, he noticed a lot of scantily clad women advertising their profiles on a third party website called OnlyFans. Determined to give his fans as much insight into his life as a hockey player, Cal signed up for an OnlyFans account and started doing some research by subscribing to a few of the girls following him on Tiktok before starting to post content of his own.

OnlyFans management quickly picked up on the vast amount of traffic Cal's OF generated and jumped on the opportunity to partner up with him. Therefore we will soon see add campaigns of Minnesota Monarch's future superstar Cal Labovitch, promoting OnlyFans subscriptions to the larger public so that not only Cal's fans, but other users fans as well can get the chance to follow the monthly, weekly or even daily content these artists and athletes post.

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

Today I was approached to be the new face for a company's new subscription service. While I was not considering a new sponsorship, this one was way out there that made me think, maybe I should do it. After a long debate and thought provoking talk with my manager, we decided to do it. It took some work at first, but finally I was able to capture the nature of the services and really hone in on what it means to me. I cannot tell you the amount of times I have used a product similar to this, and now that it has it's own subscription service, I do not think I will every go to the store again. I would like to introduce the world to the Williams Brand Aspirin. The cure for many hang overs and bad headaches for years. Not to mention the pain relief for my back. Getting older? Try my new brand aspirin that we'll deliver right to your door for a small fee of course.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for this product reaching children. I am an old man now and want to look out for other old people.

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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

Otis B. Driftwood will only endorse products he uses in his daily life. He feels an obligation to his fans to be truthful in using his name or image in association with any product. As it happens, he has had a long and mutually beneficial relationship with several companies for the majority of his career. His face has long been plastered on advertisements for the select few products he loves and chooses to endorse, namely his beloved El Cheapo Cigars, Tanqueray Gin, Dolin Dry Vermouth and Sloppy Sam’s Coconut Oil (as both a sexual lubricant and a dietary aid).

Otis has been smoking El Cheapo cigars regularly since he was eight years old and enjoying martinis since the beginning of eighth grade. He discovered the wonders of coconut oil more recently when around five years ago his then partners Luis and Louise both complained of chafing and soreness after a particularly vigorous bout of extreme love making.

El Cheapo cigars have long had a monthly subscription service called Otis’ Spasmodic Discharge, with the memorable motto, Suck Down On Some Driftwood.

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