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S57 PT #1 - Attributes Off The Ice

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My strongest are the defensive ones: positioning, defensive read, checking. I have a very strong skillset that allows me to position myself well to limit potential threats, read the opponent to anticipate his moves and check him to neutralize any attempts that are made against my team. All these attributes come in handy when I'm playing tactical video games such as Age of Empire, Rise of Nations, and my all-time favorite: Crusader Kings II - always with the A Game of Thrones mod. I'm waiting for the mod to be released for Crusader Kings III to see if my skills are still good enough for the new iteration of the game. Anticipating and planning ahead is very important to position myself in a place where I avoid risky situation while reading the opponent allows me to wage war much more efficiently and putting any opponent down with a high success rate. Being conservative with my levies and not taking many risks is a clear parallel with how I'm playing on the ice.

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I think the best FHM attributes listed above that would help my player out in an off-ice situation is stamina. You need stamina for pretty much any situation in life whether it by getting through all of the grueling workouts to prepare your body for the long season of hockey. You need stamina to keep up the energy of taking care and parenting young kids throughout the day. You need stamina to get yourself through all of the Black Friday shopping with the craziness at the malls around the Christmas season. You need stamina for when you are exploring the world travelling to different countries during the offseason or even the travel for the road games on those back to back games during the regular season. You also need stamina for all those fun nights with your girl if you know what I mean. Overall, stamina can come in hand in pretty much all situations which is why I have been really focusing on improving that attribute this offseason.

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Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

As a goaltender, mental toughness is the biggest attribute that is an important asset both on and off the ice.  On the ice, when you let a puck slip by you it sucks.  You are the last chance at keeping your team in the game sometimes, so being able to block out the creeping doubt of a bad game, or a "bad goal" is huge.  Out here off the ice, we're still dealing with a global pandemic that is currently showing no signs of letting up, especially where I'm from.  Having to be stuck at various times, quarantining away from friends and family and not knowing what tomorrow will bring in terms of cures or definitely takes a toll on a persons mental health just as much as it does their physical health.  In short, being able to block out the negativity and keep yourself grounded and focused on the task, or tasks, at hand is essential.

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This is an easy answer for, I, Luffy Richard. Bravery helps me to recognize that discretion is the better part of valor, and that not every spider and roach, and ghost needs to be battled head-on. Yes, it is truly a brave man who can turn his back on a foe and run away. That is bravery! only a fool would take on the eight-legged menace that is the arachnid. bleh. Also, Aggression! Agression is important. How else can I be as aggressively mediocre as I am without a massive amount of aggression? How can I be so aggressively sloven without the benefit of sheer aggression? If you need someone to cat sit, I can do that with aggressive attention to how many times your cat visits the litter box. Oh, I guess strength is important. You need a lot of strength to open pickle jars. And a lot of strength not to eat your roommate's delicious chili cheese fries after you have dropped yours on the floor. Yes, this all makes sense. Luffy Richard, out!

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Honestly, the most useful skill Ronlain has developed that would help him off-ice is probably the Offensive Read he's accrued. This skill might not seem like it's super useful off-ice, as it seems pretty specific to the game. But on more than one occasion it has saved Ronlain's ass and allowed him to kind of see the pieces of a situation before it could unfold and allowed him to react quicker than he normally would and change the outcome of a situation to be more favorable to him. The analytical thought and mental fortitude that he has developed over years and years of playing hockey has translated pretty seamlessly to his abilities to tell when someone or something was about to fall into a precarious situation and basically prevent such a situation from arising altogether. It's a skill that has impressed many and prevented many a sticky situation from occurring and causing a big problem for Ronlain and the people around him.
162 words

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Barracuda Chomp Chomp Water Dog Barracuda
Scarecrows Scarecrow Noises Scarecrows
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Off ice, bravery is by far the most important attribute for Burlok. Balance is a close second-- but let's talk about bravery first.

When it's raining sideways and you're knee deep in soft, German soil trying to plant a potato, what stat do you want? Passing? Yeah right. You have to be brave to keep moving when potato seedlings are baring their fangs and latching onto your skin. You have to be brave when you can't tell the difference between the bite of a pounding raindrop and the bite of an angry potato matriarch. It's not easy. Anyone below ten bravery need not apply.

Balance is also important because he has to walk the thin line between being an affable rebel while also loving his coach. He's got such a bad boy persona but he loves hockey so much that it's hard to hide his delight at practice. When people want a good coach roast, Burlok has one, but behind the smile-- he doesn't enjoy it.

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As the great Michael Scott once said, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Well before you even get to take the shot you need to be in the right "position" at the right time. You also need to make yourself available for the opportunity when it arises. Make sure that you're "open" and ready to receive that opportunity. Fortunately those are two attributes Karlstraße Scholz excels greatly in. His positioning of 17 and getting open of 20 (or I guess 18 now after regression :( ) gives the veteran Luxembourger every opportunity to succeed, he need only take the shot. To top it all off he has Shooting Range of 18 so even if it's a "long shot" Karstraße will have a solid opportunity to succeed. Ignore the shooting accuracy of 12, the league is just bias against defenders dominating this league with clap bomb lasers from the blue line. Blizzard

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pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride
(This post was last modified: 11-30-2020, 06:50 PM by Tylar.)

Liam Slate has good stamina which is important in life as it means he can do more physical activity. For example, when moving into his new apartment, Liam needed to be physically fit and have stamina to carry the furniture. Having good stamina really means good cardiovascular health which means Liam is extremely healthy. This helps in just walking around shopping especially at Costco or IKEA. In relation, Liam is pretty strong due to his strength which was much needed during the moving process.
Another skill that Liam Slate has is his shooting accuracy. A hidden talent of Liam's is horseshoe or cornhole and also anything which throwing. Liam has always had a talent for being accurate when doing things like shooting the puck or throwing a horseshoe. He is pays special attention to details which shows in his accuracy.In relation, his hand-eye coordintation is extremely good although that is not necessarily a FHM attribute, but it related to shooting accuracy in a way. In a negative spin, Liam Slate has relatively low bravery which shows when it comes to some dangerous situations or doing adventurous stuff. Liam Slate's lack of bravery on the ice, shows off the ice too.

204 Words

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Made by Rindiee, rum_ham & Carpy

Jacob Mueller S5-S
Julien Dupont S6-S13
S9 Challenge Cup - Calgary Dragons
IIHF Gold - Germany
Rufus Reinhart S13-S24
S14 Challenge Cup - Texas Renegades
Christoffer Björnsson - S25-S35
S25 Four Stars Cup
S26 Tom Corcoran Trophy - SMJHL Top Goalie

Sami Owens - S36-S52
S38 IIHF Bronze - Canada
S39 IIHF Gold - Canada
S42 IIHF Silver - Canada
S51 Challenge Cup Champion - HAM
Liam Slate - S54-Present
S53 WJC Bronze - British Isles
S54 WJC Silver - British Isles
S55 Four Star Cup Champion - Newfoundland Berserkers
S57 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S58 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S60 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S61 IIIHF Gold - Great Britain
S67 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
S68 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
Triple Gold Club

Sad Ketchup -Present
S76 Ryan Jesster Trophy Winner

For Vaseline Podcalzone, Getting Open is one of his most criminally underrated traits. After all, having the capability of being cognizant of special awareness is absolutely crucial to becoming an outstanding hockey player. Being able to get into a spot where you will not be checked or pressured by a defender is extremely important in helping to set up a deadly offensive opportunity in the slot.

In the real world, Podcalzone can easily transfer this skill towards his other daily routines. Stuck in traffic? Podcalzone can use his spatial awareness to find an opening to change lanes, allowing him to show up to the rink in time for the Newfoundland Berserkers’ mandatory team morning skate. Stuck in a crowd and feeling claustrophobic? Podcalzone can find an opening amongst the crowd to slither his way through, allowing him to get moving faster instead of being stuck in the condensed trap of the crowd.

WC: 152

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Michael fitted loves having great balance. As you should know being able to hold ones self up and being always upright is a very good thing. Many deaths each year happen just from slips trips and falls and this will not happen to Michael fitted. With great balance you can do so many things yoga is one and its extremly enjoyable. Boxing is another ask any fight what's important number one will be balance as it is truly your center. After that I'd have to go with defensive read as this helps you watch out for those trying to do you wrong. With high read I see someone trying to rob me from days away as I can anticipate the movements of said wrong doer. As you can see these two attributes keep Michael fitted always at the ready to fight crime and stay healthy never wavering never falling and always vigilante. Until next time folks this is michael fitted signing out bon voyage.

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2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

Even though my player has zero tpe in fighting, he'd probably still be a decent boxer or a mma fighter or something. That's because he invested a lot of tpe in attributes like strength, stamina, balance, hitting, offensive and defensive reads and speed. So he would be physically strong which is of course important for a fighter, he also wouldn't get fatigued easily because of his stamina. Offensive and defensive reads allow him to read the opponents well and predict what they're about to do and because of good speed, he's able to adapt and react quickly. Balance is also very important and luckily that's one of the highest attributes for my player, so in a fight it would be difficult to take him down. And while hitting is not something that my player focuses on in hockey, he still has decent hitting and range/accuracy so he'd be able to land good punches when needed. Agility would probably be the biggest concern because he's not very agile and he'd probably have troubles ducking punches.

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Since it is getting nearer to Christmas time, Magnus finds that he has to go to the mall to shop for presents in case he could not find anything online. In this regard, even though he is not a center, or even a winger, his face off skills are coming in handy against the common shoppers clogging up the stores. He sets himself over an item being placed by the sales associate, and then protects it while doing the payment, ensuring that he wins ownership of the item. After that, Magnus uses his puck handling skills to keep the item out of the reach of greedy shoppers and people looking to steal his gifts, and would not hesitate to use his checking skills to defend the item. Worse comes to worse, Magnus will use his hitting skills to clear a path to his vehicle, and to be able to get out of the parking lot successfully.

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Michael Scotch's balance rating of twelve, stickchecking rating of twelve, and screening of five sure helps him a lot in his life.  One of Scotch's pastimes is to tight rope walk, he has one set up between his fences in his backyard, now that he's a hockey player the squirrels in his yard get more use out of it than him.  However when he is using it usually to entertain his friends at a party he always fell on his face more times than one and would be the laughing stock, now he rarely falls and usually challenges anyone else in his friend group to last longer than him.  As for stickchecking, Scotch is an animal lover and he has three dogs he loves playing with and anyone knows dogs grip on their toys is similar to an Alligator gripping prey, so Michael Scotch enjoys the ability to poke the toys out with a bottle or whatever else he can grab.  Lastly screening being so low he's always asked to pick something up when it falls in front of the TV since he can't screen anything, so it helps everyone else around him!

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