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S57 SMJHL PT #1 - Season Goals
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2020, 12:03 AM by Gwdjohnson.)

Heading into the season, every player likes to set goals that they attempt to achieve over the course of the season. What are those goals for your player?

Written option: What are some goals you have for yourself or your player in this upcoming season? Must include 150 words and some stats, attributes or even something more personality related.

Graphic option: Make a graphic that features your player working towards achieving their goals. Must feature a player render and team apparel of some sort.

Reward 4 TPE for doing the thing. (Just one of the options, not both.)

Only S57 SMJHL Rookies (S58 SHL Draftees) are eligible for this PT.

Do NOT claim TPE for this task until a post has been made in the claim thread.

Link PBE or NSFL submissions here to get credit for Welfare claims.

Deadline  Monday, December 7th @ 11:59pm EST (normally it runs Sunday-Sunday and it will go back to that next week)

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[Image: nMz40Vc.gif]

(This post was last modified: 12-01-2020, 01:15 AM by MrRuihu.)

Gerry Atrick has had a great first couple of days on the ice, he's netted two assists and one goal in his first two games, along with attaining himself a First star of the game in his second game. Although this is only preseason, He feels as though it is a strong showing of his raw talent and his drive to show up early and impress not only his teammates but also the other teams and people who scouted him. There was some non-believers, saying yeah he'll do fine but he won't be a top performing rookie, well this showing, although a small sample size, has him among the top of his class already. Gerry hopes to improve his game still and try to show his coaching staff that he deserves some tough minutes and will do whatever it takes to get them.

Gerry also wants to work on creating strong bonds during this season, he wants his teammates to feel comfortable and welcomed to speak to him anytime, anyplace, on or off the ice. He feels the best way to perform better as a team is to be open about anything.

192 words

[Image: EFoZMdr.jpeg]
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2020, 01:12 AM by dogwoodmaple.)

Ever since my heartbreaking loss in the NCAA Frozen Four, my goal has been one thing and one thing only - to win a championship.  That's the number one thing I hope to accomplish during my time in Maine and I think we've got the squad to make that a reality.  I'm making no bones about my role on our team this season and I'm happy being a late-liner playing when our frontline forwards need a break off the ice.  That's why I don't have any specific point, goal, or assist totals in mind, because I know my role is much more focused on adding some stability during my time and bridging the gap to our starters.  But one area that I want to really show off is my raw physical abilities.  While I may not get a ton of goal-scoring chances, I'll be able to flash my speed (10), strength (12), and stamina (12) the moment I step on the ice.  I made an effort to build up all three of those areas in the off-season and I want to be known as a player willing to leave it all on the ice for my team.  That's why I plan on really beefing up all of my physical attributes during the season so opposing teams won't be able to feast on our third line.  What I might lack in refined puck and stick skills, I'll more than make up for with drive, determination, and flat out physicality.  But, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to at least find the back of the net once this season.  But no matter how this year goes, I know I'm in a great place to hone my craft and really work on making myself and the team better.   

297 words

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Its been a long journey moving halfway across the world from my home in Switzerland to America. But I go somewhere where I can feel at home in Colorado. The mountains keep me from feeling home sick. I have never been the highest scoring player on my team, but I will make sure every effort is made at both ends of the ice to give our team the best chance to win every game.

I bring a strong presence in the faceoff circle (Faceoffs: 14) and I have good speed (Speed: 12) to backcheck and help my fellow defensemen defend our zone and hopefully make the other team turn the puck over so we can continue moving forward on the attack. My only goal every time I hit the ice is to win. Win games. Win Championships. I hope I can help The Raptors win this season. I feel it would be a good way to return the favor in them putting faith in me by drafting me.

[Image: BTHxZUB.png]
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2020, 03:47 AM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)

Graphic option: Make a graphic that features your player working towards achieving their goals. Must feature a player render and team apparel of some sort.

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[Image: cgv4vCv.png]|[Image: 95lCCDx.png]|[Image: KgwtJeY.png]
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2020, 01:42 AM by Keenan.)

The SMJHL preseason just kicked off, and boy am I excited. I can't help but look forward to the future and what this season will bring.

My first goal is team based: I'd really like to win the 4-Star Cup. Anchorage seems to have a pretty solid roster, so it does seem attainable, and I've never won a 4-star cup with any of my players. This is definitely my priority, and I'd consider the season a success if we won a cup, even if I ended up with 0 points.

Speaking of points, my player's goal is to outscore his father's first season in the SMJHL. It'll be a challenge, in S25 for the Scarecrows Clayton Goode put up 1 goal and 25 assists for 26 points. It does seem doable though, especially with the sim change, scoring is up. We're also playing more games this season compared to back then. Similarly, in 2 preseason games Gregory has put up 2 points. Incredibly small sample size and all, but at this point there's not much else to grasp onto Laughing

Finally my personal goal is to get my player to 350 TPE by next season, the max a player can have until their third season in the SMJHL. This will take some work to do, but I feel like I'm on the right track. I currently sit at 234, so I am 116 away. This PT is worth 4, two Deep dives at 5 each, 5 weeks of AC and training during the regular season, and likely another 4 weeks of playoffs and offseason. All that added up is 59, leaving 57 between predictions, other PTs throughout the season, and CW. I think it'll be close, but I feel like I'm definitely on the right track.

310 words

Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride

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Goals for this season? That is an easy question to answer. I wanna knock some of these mother fuckers out cold. I want to fight the toughest and the prettiest dudes the simulation minor junior hockey league. wait no. minor junior? that's redundant, surely that's not what it is. mighty junior? that's better. I want to be the mightiest junior hockey player this side of the Mississippi, and the other side. Stupid kraken. I look forward to going toe to toe with Ole Olson. He's been talking a tough game and it's time to shut him up. I'm bigger than him. I'm tougher than him. I'm cooler than him, and most importantly I'm a better fighter than his that Carolina krackheads. I will finish my SMJHL career with a record number of fights as well as a record number of fight wins. Shit, I might even play some hockey if I have the time.

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[Image: TjI93pk.gif]

I've certainly got a lot to learn as I hit the ice for the first time as a member of the Knights. Over the course of the season, I have a lot of improvement that I want to focus on, including picking up those weights a little more to improve my strength a few. It would also be a good idea for me to work on passing the puck a little more to encourage more scoring opportunities, as much as I love to score myself.

I think most importantly though, my goal this season is to prove that I can be among the best. I think that being a fifth round pick puts a target on me to prove that I belong here, and while I know I need to prove it on the ice during the season, I believe I have what it takes to make a difference. I want to show the team that they made the right choice. In addition, it would be nice to make some friends along the way. Moving to Canada has been slightly difficult because of me leaving my family back home in Atlanta, but I hope to build that chemistry with the team as we get the season started.

Coming in as a Rookie, there is a wide landscape for improvement. A strong, consistent effort in several areas is going to be a vital part of my development process. I'd say an over-arching goal for the season would be continued growth. More specifically, I want to expand my knowledge of the defensive side of the game. Positioning and defensive mindedness are my immediate concerns, and I'm going to try and grow that to an adequate level so I can be someone my team can rely on.

Throughout the season I'm hoping to build some lasting relationships with my teammates. There is a great degree of chemistry already formed, as far as personalities are concerned. I'm hoping that the positive atmosphere will help motivate everyone to keep a winning attitude. Even if we don't win every night on the ice, we'll still be putting in maximum effort.

It's exciting to see where things will go from here, the future is looking very bright.

Ako Zīle has already played 2 games in the preseason and has made one pass in them. Definitely the main goal of this season is to show myself what I can do on the ice. The statistics don't bother me if the team wins and comes to the cup. The key is to train, play with other players and build goal-scoring realizations, because without a goal there is no victory. Since I'm the center, I should improve my faceoffs this season, I have a good (12) faceoff right now, but that's not the best I can do. However, we must not forget about shooting (9) and passing (11). I need to improve my speed (11), endurance (12) to be able to play as long as possible and help the team for longer than now. After all, the big goal of the season is to get the cup with the team, which is not even unrealistic. 

Before the biggest goal of this league was to get into this league, I have finally succeeded. Moving from Latvia to America was not easy, but pleasant.

Whalers Whalers Whalers
(190 words)
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2020, 08:47 AM by Nictox.)

Jean-Locke Zidane's goals are fairly simple ones. I want him to be a defensive beast who does everything he can to stop the puck from getting to his net. Whether by making that big open ice hit or dropping down to block a shot. I guess you can say his main goal is to be a physical menace while being defensively responsible. I will be focusing on developing checking, hitting, defensive read, stick checking, shot blocking, and all the other defense attributes needed. I won't be slouching on the physical attributes either. I believe I already set up a good base for most of my build and just have to focus on getting my main things up now. Now if I can get a couple points to go along with great defense I would be pretty happy but I am not even worried about offense this go around. Zidane is not going to be nominated for rookie of the year and that is okay. That trophy is for goal scorers and point getters. It would be pretty cool to see St Louis back at the top during my time here. I am hoping the physical presence I bring is enough to make space for the forwards to do their jobs. 


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

What are reasonable and realistic goals for a rookie defencive defenceman? It’s not going to be goals, assists or points – I’m going to be looking at three stats this year the most: Plus Minus, Giveaways/Takeaways ratio, and Game Rating. For plus minus, if I can just stay neutral I’ll be happy. I’d love to be a contributing player off the bat, but am just trying not to be a liability for my team for now. A giveaways to takeaways ratio of under 1 will indicate I’ve striped the puck more than coughed it up. It looks like some of the best GvA/TkA ratio from last year was around 0.6, I’ll just aim for 1 for now, and hope I can get it lower than that. Game Ratings is akin to WAR in baseball, and it might be trying to do too much. It will give me good insight into how I’m performing, beyond just counting points. I’ll likely be looking closer at the DGR to see how I’m doing on that side of the puck more. With one preseason game down and my first goal netted (on a breakaway too), I’m excited to see how my first season goes!

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[Image: SyiOY8U.png] [Image: rwqM7d3.png]

Goals that i have for this season are a plenty for me due to the fact its my first season. I wanna score at least one hatty this season, i want to have better stats than some of my rivals from the ISFL, including guys like Rev and Asked_Madden, who are also wing players like my self. I also want to score against the Carlina Kracken as they have a lot of guys i know playing defense, as Amidship and r0tzboa are on that team as well as a bunch of other guys not in my class. I want to prove everyone who passed on me wrong. I was a max earning play an i fell to the third round for some reason, and worst a vast majority of teams did not even scout me which makes me wanna bring them pain. I was among the top earners in the class so i dont understand why i fell, but i will continue to earn and punish those teams

[Image: zayn.png?ex=65e9b101&is=65d73c01&hm=c0f0...y=lossless]
Kyle Sux Lmap

PBE Affiliation

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My goals for this season are as follows.

1) Have a strong first season and climb the SMJHL draft ratings. I’d love to be ranked within the top two rounds of next year’s draft.

2) Do as much as I possibility can to get better! (PT, Training, ect)

3) For my very first season I would like to aim for 5 goals and 20 assist. I am lucky enough to be on the 3rd line instead of the 4th so the extra ice time will work in my favour towards this goal. Also, the SMJHL now has a 66 game season which is another added bonus!

This season I really want to show the scouts what Twenty Twenty is all about. I want to prove to them that I have electric speed & elite playmaking abilities! It’s all about building for the future and it all starts with my very first season with the Colorado Raptors!

Word Count: 156

Twenty Twenty- Proud member of the Colorado Raptors Raptors

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