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S57 PT #3 - Battle Royale

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Berserkers Wolfpack France


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In a Chicago Syndicate battle royale the favourite would probably depend on what kind of battle royale it was and what weapons were available and the climate/environment it was in. If there was a variety of weapons and tools available like bows guns swords, Disisde Dayudie would be the clear favorite to win the Chicago battle royale since he has legendary trained samurai skills. Jules Watt would also have a decent chance since he has some ok shooting skills, but he's no CutMason. In reality what would happen is a massive bloodbath at the start with JNH being the first eliminated as he gets teamed on. Everyone else would slowly take each other out while Daniel Smeb is the eventual winner after just hiding all royale long only coming out of hiding once to take out Akira Ren from behind his only real threat. Jules Watt finished 2nd but was just a free kill for some animals in the end.

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A Battle Royale has begun and there exists no better candidate for victory than Hugo Grönroos. He's big, thick, like a slab of meat. Powerful hands to crush the throats of lesser players and thick, kinetically charged legs for chasing down prey. Hugo is backed by skilled teammates, but he does most of the work himself. A lone wolf who stalks the shadows and picks them off one, even two at a time. Victory is all but assured as Hugo's abilities become more pronounced as the pressure mounts, as the clock ticks down. He thrives as the gas closes in, as the bodies pile up. The chase gets tighter, the thrill of the hunt takes hold and Hugo cuts and guns his way through the remaining competition. As victory is assured, Hugo relaxes, becomes complacent, and is gunned down in his arrogance. A might warrior atop the podium, falls to a lowly Stampeder who hid the entire match.

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Alucard,Apr 14 2016, 03:33 PM Wrote:May the harvest be with you, young spud.
enigmatic,Aug 26 2016, 10:05 AM Wrote:Jedi could have 1 TPE and still improve any team [Image: ashamed0001.gif]
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First ever Norwegian IIHF Goal!!
2. Team Norway , Jackson Rodgers-Tanaka 1 (Isabella Esparza-Osvaldson, Aleksander Andrezjeck) at 5:50

Special Thanks to Count Chocula for the Hugo G sig <3

In a Battle Royale amongst the current Anaheim Outlaws, a few names stand out right away. First, myself, Long John Donair. It's not that I'm looking for a fight so much as I know it'd be a fun time to test strength against some of the guys on the team. The new guy, Asclepius Perseus Flitter, who's leading the team in points? Yeah, I'm sure he'd really turn up the toughness in a Battle Royale type scenario. It'd likely be between me and him in the end. There are a few dark horses, like Ryu Jones and Sammy Blaze. Even though Chet Hillier leads the team in hits with 81, he doesn't strike me as someone who could actually throw down -- or would want to, frankly. He has a very calm disposition. Don't let all those PIMs fool you! Ultimately, I shudder at the thought of facing A.P. Flitter after grinding down the rest of the Outlaws in the final round. It might be a pretty even fight, but I'll give the rookie the nod. He's going to be a great player one day.

If there was a battle royale in Buffalo Stampede, i think there are a few names that stand out. First one is Monkey D Luffy, whom i believe is a finalist. With a name like luffy, it is well evident that he is a pirate. He may also possess a devil fruit that will give her extra powers. With such a mysterious gift handed to him by the gods, you can be sure he will be a finalist. The other two that barely make the cut is Nicholas Owens and Hippo Passamus. Nicholas owens hails from Japan where as hippo is from Sweden. With a name like hippo, Mr. passamus probably possesses a huge jaw that may be difficult to knock him out. Between these two Hippo will emerge victorious by doing a body slam on Owens. Next is the infamous Zlatan Ibrahimovic jr, who is the son of the Football legend. As he is from a strong pedigree you can be sure, he possesses his dad's physical prowess. As a result, Ibrahimovic jr will knock out hippo with a round house kick to the jaw . Finally we have Zlatan vs Luffy. This will be a tough match but i have to give the win to Luffy. Monkey D Luffy is a scary man. He is also one of the better point producers on the team and will use his haki to petrify zlatan. Zlatan may or may not be affected by this but i feel that the god's haki may be too much for ibra jr. As a result, Luffy wins.

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to break down this absolutely crazy battle royale scenario where players from all divisons and conferences of the simulation hockey leauge and the simulation major junior hockey league and all of their divisions and conference battle it out in a sick battle royale i will be focusing on the tampa bay barracuda who are in a divisoin and conference in the simulation hokcey league and the carolina kraken who are from a division and a conference in the simulation major jnior hockey league. this is because i am pretty familiar with bot hof these franchises that are located on this site and would be able to have a good idea of who would iwn battle roayale from these teams. First off i think my palyer aleksander kozlov would kick the ass of all the players combiend in tampa bay barracuda and careolina kraken cause he is a beast and would no scope them all xD thats the breakdown of hte crazy battle royale from my POV

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Barracuda S56 1st Overall Barracuda

Gary Grease Career Stats: Click Here
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i think if we're gonna have an atlanta inferno team locker room battle royale royal rumble type of situation if you know what i'm saying i think mike hroch would be my pick to take it all man's a fully grown hippo out there with maximum size just bodying everyone left and right. in order to kill him you definitely need to have at least three other players team up and i'm just not sure that can happen in a battle royale situation except i guess it would happen in this one because all of the atlanta players love each other so maybe they would all unite in their common goal of defeating the hippo man in order for the rest of them to have an easier time and they'll have an alright time collaborating and not killing each other because of the power of friendship. so in the case where mike hroch dies i think simon @Briedaqueduc leblanc takes it with some special help from some care packages sent by @Gwdjohnson

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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If a battle of the royale nature were to break out among the Tampa Bay Barracuda roster, who would win? Would it be the physical players, or would the skill players win. To answer, we had each player on the Barracuda simulate a royale of the battliest nature after a practice by have them all line up along the boards throughout the ice. On a whistle, they were to do whatever they needed to be the last skater standing. If you fell, you were eliminated. Players were allowed to do whatever they needed to do to stay "alive". From the whistle, players Hamr, Ronlain, and Keahi all started to try and check the less physical players. They were able to eliminate some players early on, however Cuddles was able to shrug off any hits the trio attempted on him. A few skill guys where deke around and break the ankles of their teammates, but in the end a group of five were left and they weren't able to catch up to each other, so they just called it quits.

Sven Holmberg

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In the offseason, the Atlanta Inferno will be hosting a Battle Royale, where everyone will be blindfolded and put on an island randomly. Last one to be alive decides the name of the new otter pet the team will have. Obviously, we won't be physically killing each other, cause then there would be only one player left alive to play next season. So, to be the last one alive, you need to be the last one to not have lost a fist fight. You can hide, but not for ever. First person to be eliminated will be Gabriel Johnson. Don't ask me how he was there cause he's not an Inferno player, but he was there, and he got totally destroyed by Eko van Otter, who takes this competition very seriously. Guy Zheng knocks himself out by giving up cause he couldn't being alone in the forest, and didn't even care about the name of the otter pet. After a couple hours, three players remain : Simon LeBlanc, EVO and DeMaricus Smyth. EVO absolutely destroys LeBlanc, driven by his determination to choose the name of the otter pet, but loses to Smyth, who was really the only one who could win this kind of contest. Congrats to Smyth on winning and being able to choose the name of the new Atlanta otter pet!

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|Canada |Steelhawks| Armada|

|Canada| Inferno| Knights|

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Canada Knights Canada Knights Canada

You wanna talk about a Battle Royale? Well luckily, we don't have to hypothesize about such things here in Anchorage as we already held our very own Hunger Games including several members of the team & a few alumni. Wanna take any guesses as to who came out on top? TURG TURG with his all caps attitude to match his name? Maybe our brick wall Tendy? Both false. That's right, you guessed it. That sneaky little bugger Slava Petrov outwitted the rest of the contestants in this ultimate test of survival. Does that mean he's the toughest boat on the dock? Perhaps tougher than oafish brother Vladmir? He cracked his head diving into a shallow pond, so I'll let you decide. Now I know what you're thinking. How are these guys back playing hockey? That's a damn good question. Are they body doubles? Clones perhaps? Maybe they're robots & that's why they're playing so well this season. The world may never know.

169 words

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Bojo Box (C. Knouse)

Is this even a question? What would happen in a Quebec City Citadelles Battle Royale? We have Boris Petrov. MY CLIENT, BORRRRRRRIS PETROV.

Let’s talk about it. Let’s get it out of the way. What would happen? Petrov would lay a beating on every member of the Citadelles, the likes of which none of us have ever seen before. Boris would take his hands, put them on each and every member of the team, and suplex us all through the ice repeatedly.

Then, he would get bored. He would get hungry. He’d go out for dinner, say, “G’night everyone.” At some point, someone might try to step in. Maybe Danny Foster would come out of retirement, try to get another 15 minutes of fame. But Boris would still level everyone in sight. Maybe a real fighter would even show up. But no matter, Boris Petrov would lay waste to everyone in his path.

So yeah, let’s not do this.

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