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S57 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2021, 03:33 PM by JSS331.)

15. Trivia (3/16 TPE)

PBE Cross Claim (6/16 TPE)

[Image: kpALfz6.jpg]
Gritty McGritterson Player Page
Gritty McGritterson Update Page

S53 Four Star Cup Champion- Detroit Falcons
S56 Challenge Cup Champion - Hamilton Steelhawks
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2021, 02:17 PM by CrazyMojito.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Coming into the SHL as a rookie I didn’t expect much for my player, but I gotta say I was quite pleased with how it all turned out. I started the season with less than 800 TPE so expectations were really low, I was afraid of being a detriment to the team. While my advanced stats aren’t the strongest, and I got the benefit of playing for a contending team, I think I held my own. I finished 3rd in rookie points, 2nd in rookie goals, and tied for most game winning goals by a rookie. All this was accomplished while playing on the 3rd line with two sophomore players, and getting no special teams time. I can only take some of the credit on that though as I am just a tool, Keygan and Tommy do a fantastic job of putting everything together. Coming into next season I might work on my defensive game, maybe get a little stronger and be aggressive on the other side of the puck. Might. (172 words)

4. Written, 1 or 2 TPE
HAIKUS - write 2 SHL themed haikus for 1 TPE or 4 SHL themed haikus for 2 TPE.

Wow what a season
Sutton came in a rookie
Left it as a man

Edmonton Blizzard
You cant name a better team
I wont even wait

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

My predictions for the IIHF tournament is an easy road to the gold medal for Team Canada. These guys are going to have another monster effort bringing home the only acceptable hardware. I don’t follow IIHF teams very closely other than Canada so it’s hard to say how the rest will shake out. It’s all pretty irrelevant anyways. Im just going hazard some guesses as other than Latvia and GBR, I don’t see any other teams announcing their roster yet. I expect another strong tournament by GBR and the United States and I wouldn’t be surprised if these guys end up on the podium with Canada. GBR has Jon Forty-One who really found their game this season as an assist machine and if paired with the right line mates can do a lot of damage. USA has another two of my teammates in Julio Tokolosh and Barret Blackwood who are going to cause a lot of problems for opposing teams’ defenders and I wouldn’t be surprised if Tokolosh leads the tournament in scoring. (173 words)

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The season series between these two teams was tied 3-3. Do you think either team has an advantage in this series or do you see it as a true toss up?

Both teams had incredible seasons with only 5 points separating them in the standings. However, if I was a betting man, I would bet that Hamilton wins this series and it doesn’t go more than 6 games. It would be nice if Hamilton updated their team history, but I feel like every season Hamilton is in the finals as this is their 4 appearance in the last 5 seasons. I hope Chicago surprises me though and they take the Cup. (81 words) Edit: Boy was I wrong

b. Each of these teams boasts a very strong first powerplay unit - which team has the special teams advantage in this series?

I think the team that can stay out of the box the most is going to find the most success but even PIMs seem pretty even between the two teams. Chicago was the 2nd best powerplay team in the regular season going 29% with the man advantage while being the best on the PK at 88%. Hamilton was 4th on the PP with 26% but 7th on the PK killing off 81%. Both PPs are lethal but Chicago has the better PK so I’d give them the advantage. (89 words)

c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.

I’ve been to Hamilton and I’ve been to Chicago. To visit and take in the city while trying to catch a hockey game, I’d pick Chicago every time. I like the tie in to the mob with the name Syndicate, it’s a lot more menacing then a Steelhawk. I love the black and yellow look of the Chicago home jersey and the white gloves of the away scheme looks nice. Hamilton’s logo and colours don’t wow me. Seattle must really have liked Hamilton’s jersey and colours though because the two teams basically have the same jersey with minor differences… (100 words)

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word: Mojito

16. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
As my last PT prompt ever I am happy to claim creative license here and do this prompt that no one is allowed to get mad at me because it's my last PT prompt ever.
Many athletes have created OnlyFans accounts recently, including Bec Rawlings, Plaxico Burress, and Adi Spiegelman - if your SHL player created an account what premium content are fans around the world subscribing to see? It doesn't have to be sex stuff but it doesn't not have to be :o Would your player be successful on this platform? No graphic option for this one! Goodbye!

I cannot waste an opportunity with this prompt but I will apologize in advance for how uncreative my ass is.

Kyle Sutton is rendered after Kyle Palmieri and we all know how much of a stud Palmieri is so it makes sense that Sutton would start an OnlyFans account with expectations of instant success. As to what content people would be subscribing to, probably a lot of pictures of Suttons knob, shaft, heels, and toes. There would be videos of Sutton cranking one out in various public places. Kyle Sutton would seek out the most interesting bushes of all different shapes, sizes, and colours he can find from the cities he visits while playing. Would Sutton find success though? Its hard to say, are people interested in seeing what new stick Sutton is using and how he is currently taping it? He could use some funky tapes of colours and patterns and through on some unique tape jobs. Maybe people would like to see Sutton’s shot release in random places and seeing him make some tough bank shots through random objects? Who isn’t into a well trimmed bush though. (169 words)

[Image: CrazyMojitoSHL.gif]
Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 

CW S57
16/16 TPE done

1 - 3 TPE (158 words)
  1. I am kind of happy with how this season turned out for Zoltan. Tampa is on the verge of ending its rebuild with a lot of players coming up but we still weren’t a complete team this season. I ended up with 26 points which is just about .40 points per game. That gives me fifth on the Tampa Bay Barracuda when it comes to over points. I’m really happy to see that I didn’t have too many penalties. I only took 6 for a total of 12 minutes in the box. My giveaways weren’t all that bad with 27, barely .5 per game. I guess that rounded out TPE is really doing well for me. Next season I really expect some increased scoring totals as our overall TPE is on the rise in Tampa. Hopefully this puts us on the attack more. I would really love to see my overall +/- in the positive column this time around.

2 - 2 TPE 111 words
  1. The new skater role is “cherry picker”. This player literally just stands at center ice tapping his stick calling for the puck even though his team doesn’t have the puck and is playing defense. This role creates an EXTREME defensive liability but also gives the player a very high chance of a breakaway. Attributes that are most important are shooting accuracy for breakaway chances, speed for going fast, and agility. The key attribute is shooting accuracy. This is a role meant for scoring goals and should be used sparingly due to the high defensive liability. If there is low shooting accuracy and the player cannot score, this role is completely useless.

3- 3 TPE 156 words.
This offseason Zoltan has been a big help to two major charities. Some people (not many) consider Zoltan to be a great cook so he has been donating some of his time to Meals on Wheels. This is a hard time in many peoples lives and a lot of people in the Tampa bay area are going hungry. Zoltan really tries to give back to the community and this is one of the major ways he can. Delivering meals and seeing Zoltan is bound to put a smile on many a local residents face. Zoltan has also been volunteering for Habitat for Humanity. Building homes for people that are less fortunate and combating homelessness is a cause that Zoltan holds very dear to his heart. The entire Tampa Bay team has taken time this offseason to support both of these great teams and to really give back to their fans and the surrounding community. Chomp Chomp!

5 - 2 TPE 129 words
I know its my team but I’m a still a little sour that the Falcons didn’t make it to the 4 star cup finals. We had a little bit of a rough patch to start the season, but our rookies really earned well and were playing well to elevate our performance mid way through the season onto the end of the season. Our First line of Anton JP and Halk were really killing it all season long. We were able to earn a bye in the first round of the playoffs and it just seems like that extra bit of rest slowed down our team for the worse. We really had a great shot to make it to the finals but it unfortunately it didn’t turn out that way. 

12 - 3 /3  TPE done
12 a. I really see this series as a toss up. Both teams are really strong and I believe it kind of just comes down to a game of tactics rocks papers scissors. Each team is probably going to be switching up lines or tactics to be able to counter the other. The real question is who is going to pick right. Its playing blind. The scores on two of the games so far are really high so there is no lack of scoring on either side. It’s going to come down to luck, and the whim of FHM.
12 c.76 WORDS Comparing the two teams aesthetically, I’m definitely more of a fan of Chicago.  The syndicate is a badass name and having a mafioso as the logo is intimidating as can be. The colors on the logo definitely POP more than the standard Hamilton Steelhawks blue and grays. Also as an American, i have no frickin clue where Hamilton is. However, I do know where Chicago is and have visited there more than once. So that's relevant.
D. 85 words  I’m gonna go with Play league with Parker Smeb. Who in their right mind would get a lap dance from dirty ol’ Hugh Jazz in the middle of a pandemic. Maybe my wife, but your not asking her your asking me. So I’m gonna go with the safe answer and play boring old league of legends with parker smeb. Far away from any in person human interaction. Plus my wife doesn’t like league of legends so no lap dance from Smeb for either of us.

15 - Trivia 3 TPE
15 - Toys

[Image: topalo2.png] [Image: sig-nash.png]
[Image: Rangerjasegmailcom.gif]
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2021, 07:04 PM by Tate.)

1. Written - Reflection of my Season - 3 TPE

Well, it certainly did not play out as I had hoped. I had a great start to the season and seemed to be continuing in my trajectory as a top goalie. I truly believed I would have won the McBride again, but then I made the decision with my team to up my stamina. We had to release our backup so it was likely that my starts would increase for the rest of the season, however in upping my stamina I think I messed with my player’s chemistry/build and I seemed to come crashing down. I was no longer as reliable as before, and I’m a bit worried about this upcoming season, as I hope the trend downward doesn’t continue. It’s weird to think that I would get worse by increasing a stat but that is what seemed to happen. I can only hope that there is some kind of reset to the game and it recognizes that I should have improved overall, but only time will tell.

169 words

2. Written - Create a New Skater or Goalie Role - 2 TPE

Because I am a goalie I am inclined to go with a new goalie role. I took a look at the Player Build Tool and did not see roles for goalies but my assumption would be that the game has Stand-Up, Butterfly, or Hybrid. So for this particular goalie role let’s go with Unorthodox as that falls in line with something like Hasek was in the real NHL. For something like Stand-Up, Butterfly, and Hybrid the strongest attribute needed is likely positioning, so for Unorthodox I’d like emphasis put into Reflexes and Recovery. That way an Unorthodox could still be effective even if their positioning wasn’t as high.

108 words

3. Written - Charitable Causes - 3 TPE

In this time of need I can think of no better place to help than with distribution of the Covid vaccine. Desperate times call for desperate measures so Knox Booth has taken it upon himself to educate himself on how to administer the vaccine to all ages. The importance is being placed on people who are at high risk so Knox will be assisting in administering the virus to the elderly peoples of Los Angeles. Knox understands that in a time of a pandemic all hands on deck are necessary and so he has put his own health at risk to be of service to the community and to the loved ones of all. This will be no easy task and it is something that Knox intends to follow through on for the remainder of the season and beyond, as long as necessary in fact. Knox can only hope that by helping during this difficult time he can play a role in saving a life, one at a time.

(169 words)

5. Written - Best Team not to Make Playoffs - 2 TPE

In my opinion the best SHL team that wasn’t able to make the playoffs was the Minnesota Monarchs. Their scoring was good enough and while their defense wasn’t as great, it was more of an issue of being in the wrong division. I look at the Monarchs and see a team that is on the brink of great success and so they should be happy about the progress they’ve made and the trajectory that they are on. If they are able to tighten up their defense this offseason we could very well see the Monarchs in the postseason next year, and also as real contenders.

(105 words)

7. Written - SHL/NHL Comparison - 3 TPE

In terms of doing a comparison I think the best player to cover is my own, Knox Booth. When I first created my player I envisioned him in the same light as Jose Theodore. I wanted a right hand catch goalie who wore the number 60 and also had a very respectable career. If I was to think of a current NHL goalie that I could compare Knox to it would be John Gibson. Unfortunately there are no right hand catch goalies of Knox’s capabilities so I like Gibson because he is a reliable and excellent starter, who has yet to win a cup but not because of his play. I see him as a goalie who is in his prime but not quite yet at the end of his career and still has many seasons left to try and win it all. Of course there are many other goalies I feel Knox has similarities to but for me John Gibson would be the right choice if I had to pick from the list.

(174 words)

15. Trivia - 3 TPE
Verification Word: yes

= 16 TPE

[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]
[Image: FThunMn.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

I was pleasantly surprised with Sven’s season in S57. My goal going into the season was to reach the 0.5 point per game mark on a basement dwelling San Francisco Pride. I knew Sven would be getting top line minutes with two other good players, but it was still a big question mark of whether he could actually produce playing against what I assumed would be much higher TPE players on opponents’ first lines or strong shut down lines. Sven finished with 14 goals and 21 assists for 35 points in 66 games, just over 0.5 points per game. I was also pleasantly surprised with his +/- not being nearly as bad as it could’ve been at “only” -29. Sven did play slightly less of an aggressive physical game this season, amassing 122 hits compared to his 142 in 50 games last season. Overall, it was a big improvement from 13 points in 50 games to 35 in 66 and I attribute that to the incremental TPE I played with along with that of my line mates.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Create a new skater or goalie role for FHM. In what scenarios is this new player role best utilized? What attributes are considered important attributes to this new role, and why? Which attribute is the key one?

The newest FHM role is the Masochist Forward. The Masochist excels at blocking shots, taking a punishment in the corners, sacrificing his body in the neutral zone to dump the puck in, and generally being a team first player in every regard. Important attributes are Shot Blocking, Defensive Read, Balance, Strength, Screening, and Bravery. Equally important is to have a 5 in Fighting, so the Masochist can answer the bell and get their face pounded in. Naturally Shot Blocking is the key attribute. The Masochist serves a key purpose on every team’s bottom line and provides a lot of in-sim motivation to his/her teammates.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?

Sven Svenson went through a dark time where he got really deep into a cult in Sweden. He eventually pulled himself out of it, but was struck by the psychological forces at work for him to end up in such a dark place. This offseason, Sven is donating his time to help rehabilitate those that have fallen into the Qanon conspiracy theory cult. The effect the cult has had on families has been well documented and rehabilitating those that have fallen into the disinformation campaign through online channels is extremely challenging. Many families have been torn apart by a family member losing touch with reality and Sven is determined to provide support groups for those affected by the cult as well as counseling to those trying to regain their grasp of reality. It is extremely challenging work and Sven has taken it upon himself to do it in the Denver area, where he lives in the offseason due to his connection with the Raptors.

4. Written, 1 or 2 TPE
HAIKUS - write 2 SHL themed haikus for 1 TPE or 4 SHL themed haikus for 2 TPE.

SHL is fun
When your team is successful
Not when they are bad

Sven Svenson scores goals
Hopefully more next season
Future MVP

San Francisco Pride
Rebuilding is challenging
I trust the GMs

Raptors new jerseys
Super sexy fresh and dope
Imminent cup run

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

This is an easy answer for the SMJHL, it is clearly the Quebec City Citadelles. They had a monstrous regular seasons and were eliminated in the semi-finals by the eventual cup winning team. It’s remarkable to consider the team only lost 8 games in regulation and 9 games in OT out of 66 games, nearly 50 wins. They had 15 more points than the next closest team, the eventual cup winning Armada, and scored more than 50 goals more during the regular season. It’s a shame that the playoff system forced them to play the #2 seed before making it to the finals, although I suppose one could argue that losing in the semi finals is less painful than the finals.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


[Image: BirdmanSHL.gif]

Jean-François Bokassa

Proud Father of Johnny Wagner-Svenson

[Image: unknown.png]
Sven Svenson Career Stats

Sweden Raptors pride

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

After a strong rookie season I had set myself some pretty high goals before the season started.  Although my offensive production stayed similar by collecting a total of 32 points, one point shy from my previous season, I did manage to score four more goals (7) than last season.  Being a playmaker, I was happy to see my shooting game stepped up, and shot 133 times on net and got my shooting percentage up as well.  But mostly in my last off season I mainly concentrated on getting stronger by building up my strength, stamina and balance bringing those attributes to 16.  This allowed me to have better faceoff results and also be harder to steal the puck from me.  That said my giveaway to take away ratio improved slightly.  My hitting game the benefited most I would say going from 70 hits laid out to 103.  All in all I have to say I am pleased with my last season and working hard to better myself again for the next one.

3. Written, 3 TPE (100 words min.)
Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?

Daniel was never a big cooker, ask any of his family members and they will confirm this.  So He took it upon himself to do some charity work and helped out with an organization called the "Leftovers Foundation".  There he helped out as a driver collecting food from donators and dropped them off at local food banks, he also participated in related events hosted by this organization.  In addition he  also donated regularly making sure to do his part in this program and ensuring all leftover food did not end up in some landfill.  At the end of his 3 month journey with the program he then donated his delivery vehicle ( Honda CRV) to the team.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
SHL-NHL comparisons. With the NHL season kicking off again, what are some team or player comparisons between SHL and NHL? Pick one (or more) comparison(s) and explain why it works (e.g., Monkey D Luffy is the Connor McDavid of the SHL because xyz, or the Chicago Syndiacte are the Nashville Predators of the SHL because xyz, or nour is the Gary Bettman of the SHL because xyz).

I will go no further than my own team.   I think Tony Pepperoni is a copy and paste of NHL star John Tavares.  Both players are as steady as they come, game in game out you know what you will get.  Great at both ends of the ice and always comes up big when needed most.  They both can dish the puck for a set play of have the puck on a string and finish the play off themselves.  My second comparison will be Conor Tanner, yes I chose my two general managers for this exercise.  Best comparison I can find for Tanner would be Adam Larsson.  More of a stay at home defenseman capable of blocking lots of shots and laying out an opponent caught with his head down.  Both can play limited time on the powerplay as they both posses a hard shot, but their bread and butter is better served killing off penalties taken by their respective teams. 


15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The season series between these two teams was tied 3-3. Do you think either team has an advantage in this series or do you see it as a true toss up?
b. Each of these teams boasts a very strong first powerplay unit - which team has the special teams advantage in this series?
c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.
d. Would you rather get a lap dance from Hugh Jazz, have a staring contest with Luke Atmey (velv's old player), reach for objects on high shelves with Dale Miller, or play League with Parker Smeb?

A- I feel Like Hamilton has the edge in this one just because its Hamilton!  But we cannot underestimate the Syndicate as they have built their team to play any style of hockey and therefore consider this series a toss up.  Both teams have good veterans and rookies throughout the lineup and can rely on great goalers.

B- Hard question to decide on, but i tend to lean more towards the Hamilton side.  For the simple reason of the secondary scoring!  I think the second wave of the powerplay in Chicago is inferior to Hamilton's. The back end will be the difference maker here, more depth and more skill equals better results.

C- Well hopefully I don't regret this but I honestly thought I was going to be drafted by Chicago on my draft day.  So already had eyes on the team and immediately liked their logo.  Not so much the colors although it still looks good.  Mostly the name, very original and the logo is stellar!

D- Funny one, having been part of the Canada locker room before, I have to go with "reach for objects on high shelves with Dale miller".  I assume he is a short man as to all the jokes and pokes directed to him in the locker room.  So here is a shout out to Dale, me standing 6'3" tall capable to help a man out.


[Image: Snoopdogg.gif]
    [Image: d9J5DHT.png]        norway      [Image: d9J5DHT.png]
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2021, 11:42 PM by Toivo.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Overall, it was a good season for my player. I do not have any gripes with his production. 69 points (32 goals and 37 assists) is nothing to not like. I was expecting more because of the great season I had last season. I figured with all the additional games I could see 10 or so more points this season and I came up about 7 points short of that goal. Once again, the Inferno had a playoff caliber season and that was great to see. The players knew they would have to work hard in the off-season but had the talent to compete with the best teams in the league. Next season, I want to play harder and get some more production going. I hope I can help contribute to my team’s success and find myself in the playoffs once again. As always, championships are won in the off-season and I will be training hard to raise my compete level.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Create a new skater or goalie role for FHM. In what scenarios is this new player role best utilized? What attributes are considered important attributes to this new role, and why? Which attribute is the key one?

The spinner. This hockey role is crafted in make the puck turn onto its side and spin. What is the benefit of this you ask? The best spinners are able to calculate the spinning puck and slide it right by defenders’ sticks. They have no idea how to read the puck when it has a crazy spin on it. The crafted spinner can spin the puck in such a way that it starts going one direction only to change midway and cause mass confusion. Speed, endurance, passing are considered important attributes for the spinner role. These help elevate the spins and lead to many incredible plays on offense.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?

The off-season charitable goal is to link up with the local nonprofit that is focused on youth sports. The organization is focused on providing sporting opportunities and equipment to youth. It focuses on a wide range of sports to try and appeal to this widest range of clients. Over the off-season, there will be a drive to raise money for ice hockey called skates for kids. Folks in the community can stop by and donate either money, merchandise to be sold off, or skates for the kids. There will be some professional hockey players selling photos and autograph opportunities to raise the turnout and generate some funding for this great nonprofit. This specific drive will hopefully grow the roots of hockey in the local communities. These agencies are important because they have seen reduced funding during the midst of the pandemic. With fewer funds, the nonprofits are seeking different approaches to fundraising. These efforts can really make a kid’s childhood special as the memories of youth sports last for decades.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

The best SHL team to not make the finals was easily the Atlanta Inferno. Note the bias, but with some inside knowledge, the locker room in Atlanta is definitely the best of the league. These players know they can rely on each other. Some go out of their way to improve the mood when things don’t go 100% as expected. There’s a considerable amount of talent in this team’s locker room. Some teams don’t take Atlanta as serious as they should because there’s a mix of youth and veterans. The veterans may not be able to keep up with the rapid young ones that have something to prove, but they still have gas in the tank and invaluable wealth of experience.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

The IIHF tournament is always a bit of a challenge to predict. There’s always some randomness with a round robin tournament. Experts expect Canada to be a leading nation and perform well as they typically do. From personal experience, Team Switzerland is primed and ready for a fantastic outing. There have been a lot of developments since the last tournaments. New focus on training, play styles, and the chemistry has been growing nonstop all season. The Swiss are likely to come out and make some noise in the round robin stage. Expect Anthony Archer, an aging vet, to make some noise in the ring. He’s turned into a journeyman and his future is never certain, but you can count on him to make some noise in the IIHF tournament. Team Switzerland as a whole should turn some heads and get closer to winning that gold medal that they have been after since the team’s inception.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
verfication word: sent

16/16 tpe

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
Player Page- Update Page
Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
Player Page - Update Page
Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
Player PageUpdate Page
[Image: 2ew9foG.png][Image: rnSNsnU.png]
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2021, 09:19 AM by UrsinZ.)

Quote:2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Create a new skater or goalie role for FHM. In what scenarios is this new player role best utilized? What attributes are considered important attributes to this new role, and why? Which attribute is the key one?

The newest role for FHM is waterbottle guy. The waterbottle guy will mostly play from the bench. His role fits every game. The better his skillsets are the better your players are hydrated! He will go around and give everyplayer his gulp of fresh water or getorade. Like every other role the waterbottle guy has the normal physical abilities, but he won't have offensive and deffensive attributes like other players. His stats will be only one category named rehydrating. His most important ability is refilling which determins how fast he will be able to refill his water bottles. Another pretty important stat for the waterbottle guy is the mixing abilitiy which determins how good he mixes the water with gatorade powder. The better it's mixed to more energy your players get!

Quote:5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

This has to be the Winnipeg Jets / Auroras howver they wanna be called. First of their two GM's @Muerto and @Geekusoid made an awsome job this season and the seasons before! They had a solid season with 37 wins! First they played the Los Angeles Panthers, whom had 3 points more then WIN,in the first round of this seasons playoffs. They beat them after 6 games. After beating LAP they had to face the Edmonton Blizzards whom were the regular season champs from the wester conference. Which they beat after 7 games! So loosing to Hamilton was sad for them but they definetly had an awsome run and showed some great talent for the upcoming seasons! Definetly an exciting team to watch right now!

8) (+3 TPE)
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9) (+3 TPE)
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10) (+3 TPE)
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15) Trivia (+3 TPE)

[Image: Bananabread.gif] 

Thank you @Carpy48, @honkerrs
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2021, 08:18 PM by hhh81.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?
Seattle was a scoring-starved team. Heading into season 2 of the franchise, we still didn’t have the forward depth and high level talent you need to be successful. Our young players had positive steps forward, and we’re in a good spot going into S58. That being said, Darrow had a fantastic season. He led the league with an absurd 312 blocked shots and 61 Takeaways, while also adding a respectable 35 points and 126 hits. Darrow also had the best plus minus among top four defenseman (van Dijk and Bieksa weren’t playing much), albeit a -18. For a top player on a struggling team, I couldn’t do much more than what I did. Without Darrow, Seattle would have been a much worse team. Heading into S58, I think the additions of Gabe Johnson and Reid Sutherland, along with another year of improvement for the young players like Thor, Darzins, and Dee Centerman IV, will allow Seattle to make a sizeable jump in the standings. Darrow looks to benefit from this improvement, as there will be more talented players able to finish his passes or redirect his point shots. I imagine his defensive stats will stay about the same, but the improved talent around him could see scoring numbers tick up (and some improvement in his advanced stats).

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?
Cassius Darrow headed over to the Lambert House, a LGBTQ community center in Seattle, earlier today for the first time (unintentionally for #BellLetsTalk day). Over the offseason, he plans to help with several handyman projects on the property, as well as support some outreach programs the organization is doing in the Seattle community. Since coming out as ace a few years ago and moving to Seattle, Darrow has tried (gingerly) to engage more with the queer community of his new home, and help be a role model for other youth who may struggle with understanding and acceptance of their own identities, or who struggle to get support from those around them.

“As much as I try to avoid it, I have a platform and can help others,” Darrow shared. “I’ve always wanted to just focus on my play, but I know that I can make a positive change by being open and honest with who I am. I want to help young people who are different not feel so alone.”

Earlier this season, Darrow worked with the Seattle Argo Foundation/Community Engagement team to host a game day silent auction, proceeds benefiting Asexual Outreach, a nonprofit that aims to “create safe and inclusive schools for ace and aro youth, and [work] with major LGBTQ+ nonprofits to extend the reach” of their work.

4. Written, 1 or 2 TPE
HAIKUS - write 2 SHL themed haikus for 1 TPE or 4 SHL themed haikus for 2 TPE.
May the tendrils pan
Across Many-handed feet
A Martian on skates
Another season
ended, Steelhawks skree no more
Congrats Chicago
Sutherland and Gabe
All aboard good ship Argo
We’re comin’ for ya
And no more Owls; Quebec falls
Faelax weeps again

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?
It’s Quebec Citadelles. It’s not close. Quebec from start to finish had a completely dominant season cut short by Anchorage, but they’ll be even scarier in S58. They had three of the league’s most dominant centers in Jst Maro, Stan Q. Next, and Zdenko Beranek, along with a frankly unfairly deep group of defense and wingers. This team’s only weakness might have been a pedestrian season for Mat Smith in net, but even then, he was among the league leaders. It’s unfair to the rest of the league that they have to face more than 80% of that team coming back. Even with some losses to call ups (maybe 3 people?) Bjorn Jakobsen, Mew Two, and Brian Davenport will be a season older and stronger, ready to step into bigger roles. Jakobsen was already one of the stronger offensive defenseman in the league with favorable matchups lower in the lineup. Quebec was great last year and could be even better in S58. I’m glad I don’t have to face them as player or GM.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
SHL-NHL comparisons. With the NHL season kicking off again, what are some team or player comparisons between SHL and NHL? Pick one (or more) comparison(s) and explain why it works (e.g., Monkey D Luffy is the Connor McDavid of the SHL because xyz, or the Chicago Syndiacte are the Nashville Predators of the SHL because xyz, or nour is the Gary Bettman of the SHL because xyz).
Luca Del Vecchio is, without question, John Gibson. Dude puts up very impressive numbers, but the team is incapable of getting the poor guy wins. If he was on a contender like Tampa Bay/Chicago, he’d be raking in the awards. You almost feel bad for him.

Augustus Wang is early career Erik Karlsson—plays no defense at all, wildly overrated by the public at large, and likely someday will get an undeserved Stevens win. With his off-ice pursuits, he’s more like Paul Bissonnette, though. Will his career end in disgrace and a lowbrow podcast on a sexist network, or will he learn to play defense and earn a Stevens win? Will his partner get into a very public dispute with another teammate’s wife, leading to both of them leaving Buffalo? Probably none of the above.

Barry Batsbak is the SHL’s Claude Giroux. Largely anonymous to the layperson, but puts up solid production a team the league loves to hate (Batsbak and CGY, Giroux and Philly). Never going to get a ton of recognition individually, but that’s how it goes; they are steady, productive centers.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

[Image: AH23zKq.png]
Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
[Image: BAL_Player_Page.png] [Image: BAL_Update.png]

PBE Affiliate PT +3 TPE

Trivia Verification: Verisimilitude +3 TPE

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

My player, KnockedOut byOvechkin, had a great season playing for the Vancouver Whalers. While we struggled as a team for the majority of the regular season, Kobo as well as his other teammates on the top line excelled and kept the team afloat. Then we added some new players and had a surge and made it much farther in the playoffs than anyone expected, which was really fun. I finished in the top 10 in Points, which was awesome, and I also was again pretty good on the defensive end with 68 hits, 28 takeaways, and 89 shots blocked. The biggest disappointment was that I had a terrible plus minus rating at -19. I pride myself on being good both offensively and defensively, so seeing such a large minus there is disappointing. It is definitely fun being a capped out player in the minor league and I look forward to at least one more season in Vancouver where we can hopefully win another 4 Star Cup!

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?

Kobo has taken up with the Vancouver Food Bank and will be working closely with them during the entire offseason. First, Kobo set up drop off points for collection all around the city and every day he drives by in the morning to pick up what has been donated, and then drops it off at the main food bank hub. From there he helps deliver some food to various places around the city that are in desperate need. After he is done there Kobo puts some meals together and delivers them to people who don't have the means to go out and get food on their own. In order to bring in more food to the food bank Kobo has come up with a plan to get fans of the Whalers involved. He has setup a station every Saturday where people can get the autographs of him and some other fellow Whalers by bringing food to donate to the food bank. Kobo stays practically all day long signing autographs in order to bring in as much food to the food bank as possible. 

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

The Quebec City Citadelles finished the SMJHL regular season with an incredible 107 points, which was 15 better than the next team down, and yet they did not make the finals, which is a huge disappointment for them. They were the clear favorite to win it all after such an impressive regular season. They had a goal differential of 102 goals. Their win percentage was above .800, which is just unbelievable. This is the equivalent of a team going undefeated in the regular season in the NFL and then not making it to the Super Bowl, and that has never happened. Not only were they the best team in the SMJHL all season, it wasn't even close.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The season series between these two teams was tied 3-3. Do you think either team has an advantage in this series or do you see it as a true toss up?

I think I would give a slight edge to Hamilton just because they finished the season with a better overall win percentage, and I assume that means they also have home ice advantage, which gives them a slight boost as well. It isn't much of an advantage and the series could really go either way, but I do think Hamilton has the edge. 

c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.
I prefer the logo and colors of the Hamilton Steelhawks over the Chicago Syndicate. I honestly really like both names as both are really cool and unique team names. I have to give Chicago the edge on location mainly due to the population difference. Chicago is a huge city with lots of potential for a huge fan base. Hamilton is a decent sized city in Canada, but I feel like there are too many Canadian teams to compete for fans in the SHL.

[Image: Ugn5gZg.jpg]

Task 1 (3 TPE)
All in all, Frans Eller had an ok season. Basically, every game came down to if I could keep the Wolfpack in the game long enough for a fluke goal to give us the lead or tie it up. It was a routine experience to face 50+ shots a game, and I would often hold down the fort until I just ran out of gas and then they would pop in 2-3 goals in quick succession. It is not too frustrating however, as the New England Wolfpack simply are not at the point in their contention window that we can realistically expect positive results. We made the postseason and stole a game from the Steelhawks and did not end up giving the Barracuda a lottery first as part of the deal to secure Halkohol at 1st overall in the last draft. I think I will be working on my goaltending endurance and mental toughness to see if that helps me have a bit more staying power during games and to stay consistent through 65 minutes and a shootout, if needed.

Task 2 (2 TPE)
A new goalie role!? Let us do it. We are going to create the Battlefly Goaltender. Think of Tim Thomas. This is a goalie that relies less on technical play and more on sheer will to keep the puck out of the net. The passion to do their job can sometimes get the better of them, requiring their mental toughness attribute to be capped at a maximum of 10. Aggression starts for a new create at 15. A good slogan for this archetype is “they don’t ask how you save the puck; they ask how pucks you save.” A little bit of body contact is always a nice touch for this archetype.
[Image: BelovedEqualFalcon-small.gif]

Task 3 (3 TPE)
Charity is something that means a lot to Frans Eller. He has had the privilege of playing hockey in some great communities such as in the Carolinas with the Kraken, right here in New England with the Wolfpack, in Canada with the Team Canada IIHF group, and back home in Denmark. Frans sponsors youth hockey organizations by paying for ice time for their youngest teams, allowing kids that may otherwise not have the chance of playing due to the cost of ice time a chance to see if hockey is right for them. Eller is always looking for ways to grow the game and grow the SHL community to new folks and the next generation. The Carolina Jr. Kraken, The Boston Howlers, the Junior Leafs. Seeing the smiles of those kids as they lace their skates up and hit the ice for the first time. It is an investment that pays dividends for Frans. Ice time for everyone!

Task 4 (2 TPE)
Tempting offseason
Always Barracuda falls
before the playoffs

Stopped by Eller
But he lets out a rebound!
The Steelhawks lead grows

Hanson likes to hit
He does not like to be hit
Be more like Hanson

Lottery Balls Fall
Who will win the first draft pick?
Oh great, Tampa does

Task 5 (2 TPE)
I mean, for the SHL is this really a question? It is Buffalo, no doubt. They are a perennial contender, and that is not using the term lightly. I was thoroughly surprised to see that the Syndicate dispatched them, I would have bet mucho SHL bucks that it would be a rematch of the previous Challenge Cup Finals. Buffalo has a strong scoring punch, a stalwart defense, and a stellar young goaltender. They are an incredibly well-built team with a smart, stingy management. They always seem to come out of a draft with value and then, when that value cannot crack the roster, flips that value for a first-round pick. See: Shuffleboard, Johnny.

Task 12c (1 TPE)
As much as it pains me to say it, I prefer the Steelhawks branding. Hamilton is just a discount Toronto, so that is not something that goes in their favor, but they have a legacy here and strong history in the SHL. Their color scheme is solid as well, and their logo is sharp. I love the black and gold of the Syndicate for obvious reasons, and the location of the Syndicate is a huge plus. But man, what kind of name for a franchise is the Syndicate? It sounds like an e-sports team logo.

Task 15 (3 TPE)
Verification word: tpes

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
[Image: VZtEodi.png]
[Image: 1n0REYx.png]

RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) 168 words.
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

The season for Alexander Oscarsson over in Maine was a memorable one. In the regular season, the captain led the team in points and goals while for the first time in his entire career ending on a positive +/-. The team looked really strong heading into the playoffs with the Swede leading the pack with a C on his chest and a strong regular season in his back. Sadly, he utterly failed to perform when it mattered the most. Maine went out in 5 games to the Newfoundland Berserkers to close the circle of what has been nothing short of an awful time vs the rivals from Canada. A measly 2 points was all he managed, and the 10 shots he had hon goal showcased just how awful of a postseason he had. Claims should arise whether he is a playoff choker or not. He has yet to live up to the very high expectations of him. Only time will tell if he will improve in New England or not.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) 108 words
Create a new skater or goalie role for FHM. In what scenarios is this new player role best utilized? What attributes are considered important attributes to this new role, and why? Which attribute is the key one?

The artist. A player who has insane agility and overall skating ability, ungodly puck handling and offensive awareness but is lacking in end product through both shots and passes. If you want anyone to create time and space for your team through possession of the puck, this is your guy! A role derived from the legendary Matthias Tedenby, this brand new player role will help his team with an erratic and hard to catch play style, utilizing top tier agility, balance, bravery, aggression and of course - puck handling.

As for how useful it would be in an actual sim, that is not a question I will answer here.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) 169 words
Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?

Returning briefly to Sweden before landing in his new home in Boston, Alex Oscarsson will have not one but two charities lined up. One of them is to help young Swedish players afford hockey equipment to ensure that they can start playing hockey. Too many kids around the world have to quit playing hockey just because their parents can not afford it. Through his name and fame from his time with Maine and team Sweden, he will bring interest, money and equipment to make sure they have some legs to stand on.

The second one is going to be his final performance as a Maine Timber. The soon to be former captain will feature in the local Help the Trees campaign, This one ensures that more trees are being planted in the wake of forest fires or natural disasters. Maine is very rich with wood, but not everyone around the globe is as fortunate. He will bring some team mates and some swag to drive interest to the charity.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) 112 words
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

I would love to hate to answer Maine Timber right here, but it just is not possible.The Quebec City Citadels had one of the best regular seasons of all time in the SMJHL and had nothing to show for it. Yes, they did knock out Newfoundland who demolished previously mentioned Maine. But it was not very convincing, and it should have made the Quebec faithful weary of what was about to come. They were promptly knocked out by the Anaheim Outlaws, a team who faced many issues towards the ending of their season. Quebec had one of the best regular season teams ever, and yet failed to make it where it matters.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) 163 words
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?
Sweden are winning the IIHF this year. After years of good performances against bigger, better, stronger and most importantly deeper teams they are finally getting ready to show what they're going for. Many new faces such as Oscarsson, DuBolk and Bjerg are making the jump to the big leagues adding to the older core of Passamus and Wagstrom. This is a very young team, but a young team that is constantly improving. Vilde and Jobin are the goalies for this tournament, with veteran Vilde taking the starter position. When looking at their biggest strengths however, a strong and solid defensive core stands out. And among those mere mortals stand Sven Yxskaft. A player that is fierce, offensively gifted coming from a strong season with the New England Wolfpack he is expected to lead the backline like a prime Dylan Karlsson. This team will be better than many expect. They will even be so good that the Yellow team from Scandinavia turns to gold.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


[Image: K6ykz0o.png]
Theodor Larsson
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2021, 10:04 AM by Bayley.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?
I was actually very happy with my performance on the ice this season. As a team, we really knocked it out of the park in terms of performance. Now, we came up short when it came to the playoffs which I am less than happy about, but as a player, I really cannot complain too much about the performance that I put in this season. I had a fantastic 8 goals which happens to be my favorite number, so that is pretty cool. I also had 26 assists for a total of 34 points. Now, one of my favorite statistics to list is the fact that I had a +32. I mean, I was on the ice when things happened which is awesome to see. I had 118 hits, 41 takeaways and we only say the good things from here because you do not want to say the bad things. Why would you want to say the bad things, that would make no sense to say the bad things, obviously.
Words: 170

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Create a new skater or goalie role for FHM. In what scenarios is this new player role best utilized? What attributes are considered important attributes to this new role, and why? Which attribute is the key one?
We have to create a new player. I think the defenseman that I will create will be called a Pylon. Why a pylon? Well this guy is someone who just stands in the way of everything. He is not a great skater, you probably will not want him on the ice for your powerplay, but he will be an absolute shot blocking machine. You will definitely want him on the ice for your penalty kill. He will just take blocked shot after blocked shot which will really help your defense. Skating, well not so much as you probably will put him on the bottom pairing because he will probably give up a bit of goals. Words: 115

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?
One thing that I really like to do in the offseason is to help the Special Olympics. I think the Special Olympics is a fantastic organization that does a lot of great things for kids with needs. I mean they literally show how to demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. That is a really cool experience that I like to have with the kids. The kids love to see athletes out there as we may even be their role model, so to make their day for a couple seconds or minutes or even hours is worth it, without question. I try to participate in this at least a few times per year as they have a really great organization that does a lot of great stuff for the kids. I mean, that has to make everyone feel good during a long offseason, does it not?
Words: 163

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?
I really don't like this question, so I am going to talk about the team that did not make it and really should have. That team is none other than the Quebec City Citadelles. Honestly, we should have won the 6th game and went into the finals and it is a damn shame that we did not. I really do not appreciate losing those games, games in which we should have won. I think we are the best team in the league and should have been there over the other two. We would have won the Championship and called it a day. We got screwed, and I will say it again, we got screwed. This is the new Montreal Screwjob except we are Quebec City.
Words: 125

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
SHL-NHL comparisons. With the NHL season kicking off again, what are some team or player comparisons between SHL and NHL? Pick one (or more) comparison(s) and explain why it works (e.g., Monkey D Luffy is the Connor McDavid of the SHL because xyz, or the Chicago Syndiacte are the Nashville Predators of the SHL because xyz, or nour is the Gary Bettman of the SHL because xyz).
The Quebec City Citadelles would be the Boston Bruins of the SHL. Honestly, that is because we are the best team to ever play the game of hockey. Zdenko Beranek, well he would be David Pastrnak, that guy lights the lamp like crazy and he would absolutely be a scorer like we have never seen before. Beranek had 37 goals this season in 66 games which is awesome, so absolutely, there is no question that Pastrnak is the best goal scorer on the team. I think Liam Slate would be Patrice Bergeron. Slate is someone that scores goals but also assists on things. I think Slate does the little things which is why he is not really near the top of the team or league in points, but he makes a huge impact on the ice. Jasper MAximov would absolutely be Charlie McAvoy. Maximov is an offensive genius and knows what to do with the puck just like Charlie McAvoy does.
Words: 161

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

[Image: huNeCNb.png]
Thank you OrbitingDeath! <3
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2021, 10:47 AM by SewingWithNancy.)

Task 1 - 3TPE
Sean Gatez  had much better season this season compared to last. He found his groove with his line mate Nathan Thomas. With those two in sync they both helped their full line finish in the positive side of the plus minus which was rare for the Timber in the previous season. Sean finished with 30 points on the scorecard, with 7 goals and 23 assists. He also helped out more on the defensive side of things with 107 hits and 62 blocked shots. He was miles ahead of his rookie season in just about every way along with becoming a leader on the team by getting an A on his chest. So even though his rookie season was very blase the higher ups on the team saw enough potential in him to make him a leader. Next season Sean needs to improve on not letting the other team take the puck from him so much. 54 giveaways is just too much, thats practically one a game, and considering he only had 27 takeaways. That means hes giving up the puck twice as much as he is letting it go. 

Task 3 - 3TPE
With Sean coming from Colorado, he cares about outdoor activities and making sure that everyone has the chance to get outside and see nature in all its glory, regardless of capability or socio economic class. He is bringing a popular charity from Colorado to Maine to show the wonders of nature to those less fortunate. Is there a hike that ends a waterfall that people in wheel chairs will never get to see and experience? This group will get a team together to carry that person using a specialized chair that 4 people carry together. Other members in the group will run water and food for the everyone. The group also organizes hikes as afterschool activities for kids from poorer backgrounds who want to see nature, but come from families that dont have the time/money/history to show their kids the wonders of the world. Obviously nature conservatory is highly pushed and taught. We want future generations to be able to enjoy the world as we have been able to.
WC- 171

Task 4 - 2 TPE
Scoring all the goals
Jimmy Slothface hits the ice
With the speed of slow

Hits that rattle bones
Poopity Scoop is a beast
Crushing all in path

Booth is a big wall
Stopping all pucks in their tracks
Thousands of saves

Panthers are scary
Biting Clawing Killing Prey
Sometimes they draft well

Task 5 - 2TPE
The Maine Timber were the best team to miss the finals. Yes its a controversial opinion and maybe I am biased because I am a Tree but hear me out. With 37 Wins on the regular season that promptly put us in 3rd in the entire league. The east was dominated by Quebec City as they had 107 but being second in the east at 79 points was no easy feat with them beating up on everyone. We managed to steal 3 points away from them. FHM went full FHM and the team that we beat up on all season (Newfoundland) was able to route us at 4-1 in the playoffs.

Task 15 - 1TPE at least (possibly 3)

Task 16 - 3TPE
People would tune into Sean’s OnlyFans stream to watch him workout in the sexiest way possible. Every day is leg day at the Gatez Squat Club. Sean’s glutes will become the envy of everyone in the league as he lunges his way to Adonis perfection. Squats, lunges, hip thrusts, Romainian deadlifts, and cable pull throughs. People will marvel at his form while he swings that kettle bell forwards and backwards. Then when the workout is over, he will of course have to take an ice bath to help with recovery then. When he is done with his ice bath the viewers will then get to watch a beautiful masseuse give Sean a full rub down (not that kind of rub down, get your mind out of the gutter) to get all the knots out of him. When this is all over, Sean will spend the next hour taping up his sticks for his next game with the perfection of a samurai caring for his armor. Sean has spent a lot of time with Bigga Foryu and has come to appreciate the mastery of his culture.

TPE Totals : 3+3+2+2+1+3 = 14 with a potential of 16 if my trivia worked out.

   [Image: d2EaZfr.png]
Former Player

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this
season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you
come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you
attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?
For what will be Calvin Hobbes last season in the juniors when he was supposed to be a leading player for the Maine Timbers I believe I came up a bit short on the forward aspect of the game. While it started out good, the point pace didn't hold and I ended with fewer points than I had hoped and expected. It was slightly better on the defensive side, but also there it began to slip (along with most of the Maine Timber squad) towards the end of the season.
Part of this I do attribute to the increase in games, but I didn't invest enough TPE into the stamina for Calvin Hobbes. This lead to him being more tired than what would have been optimal for the amount of ice time and usage he would see during the season.
Next season being the first season in the big league, I will try to make Calvin to not be a liability, something that's at risk with the low amount of TPE compared to some of the players in the league.

(180 words) - 3 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable
causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity
this offseason?
The charitable cause that Calvin Hobbes will be driving will be an inclusion community helping children in need, he'll help them get a good education by personally teaching them (he's been taking classes during the season to become a teacher aimed at young kids) all the topics and subjects normally covered during school time. Anyone who's struggling or in other way cannot attend regular school days will be allowed to join the program. Older children will the asked to help the younger ones to give everyone the possibility to join the program. He will also invite as many children as possible from the teaching program to try out hockey, holding daily trainings for anyone who wants to join. To ensure everyone can join, he has asked Maine Timber to contribute and they will provide everyone showing up with a hockey kit to start out with. In addition to this, anyone who signs up for the hockey, will go around and help Calvin Hobbes keep the community clean by picking up trash from forests, beaches and any other public area.

(179 words) - 3 TPE

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?
I don't think there is any discussion this season on which team was the best that didn't make the finals. Quebec City Citadelles is the obvious answer. The Quebec City Citadelles were so dominating during the regular season the question was not if they would win the Four Star Cup, but in how many games during the play offs, who could possibly challange them. Scoring the most goals in the SMJHL, letting in 2nd least, winning almost 50 games and losing only 8 in regulation time (which is half of any other team in the league), with another 9 in over time. Posing a win % of 81%. They had more wins than both bottom teams in their division combined.

(119 words) - 2 TPE

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related
topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be
50+ words.

a. The season series between these two teams was tied 3-3. Do you think
either team has an advantage in this series or do you see it as a true
toss up?

b. Each of these teams boasts a very strong first powerplay unit - which team has the special teams advantage in this series?

c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account
colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.

d. Would you rather get a lap dance from Hugh Jazz, have a staring
contest with Luke Atmey (velv's old player), reach for objects on high
shelves with Dale Miller, or play League with Parker Smeb?
a. While this series is very close to a toss up as seen during the regular season with the 3-3 record that they hold, I think Hamilton Steelhawks will have a very slight advantage during the series, both from the stronger overall season they've had, but also coming of the win last season their players will know what it takes to win the Challenge Cup. (64 words)


c. I much prefer the branding of the Chicago Syndicate. It's an original idea with roots from the city history, the colour scheme is great and the logo has enough details and is just a great logo. While I do like the Hamilton Steelhawks logo, colour scheme and theme, the team has existed in real life and as such the idea isn't an original (63 words)



CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each
correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below.
Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit.
Post your verification word in your CW post.

16. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

As my last PT prompt ever I am happy to claim creative license here and
do this prompt that no one is allowed to get mad at me because it's my
last PT prompt ever.

Many athletes have created OnlyFans accounts recently, including Bec
Rawlings, Plaxico Burress, and Adi Spiegelman - if your SHL player
created an account what premium content are fans around the world
subscribing to see? It doesn't have to be sex stuff but it doesn't not
have to be :o Would your player be successful on this platform? No
graphic option for this one! Goodbye!
If Calvin Hobbes was to create an OnlyFans account, he would not indulge in the sex stuff so many other people have started. He would tie it in with his persona and namesake character and create an inviting, inspiring and helpful community where people can be themselves, get help and find that creativity and joy in life that many might have lost. The main videos on the channel will be similar to Twitch where he would draw (live) requests from people in the spirit of Bill Watterson, while the style will be his own, all the creations will be drawing inspiration from the joyous, mischievous and easy tones that Bill Watterson had in the Calvin & Hobbes comics. The platform OnlyFans might not be the optimal medium for this practice, but in order to reach as many people as possible, Calvin will open his channel in as many places as possible to create a welcoming atmosphere.

(156 words) - 3 TPE

TPE: 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 16

[Image: m59RPb7.png]   [Image: FcWmVTl.png]
[Image: krazkoSEA.gif]
credit to amazing @Carpy48, @Ragnar @sköldpaddor, @the_paytonium & @sulovilen !

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