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S57 Championship Week

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

This year was probably my worst performance of the FHM era, with my player finishing near the bottom of the stat sheet among starters in goaliescore, and a fairly low sv% despite facing not a lot of shots. This is weird because theoretically I should have improved, as this season I finally got positioning up to 20. Goalie performance in FHM seems to be fairly arbitrary, besides that fact that certain goalies seem to do better year in and year out, like Elizabeth Doyle, who has improved in the sv% department every year under FHM. It is still unclear how a lot of stuff works for goalies, and if TPE matters or not, but I do think we are starting to learn more and more about goalie performance, and what builds work in FHM and what stats are and are not important. I hope that next year will be the breakthrough year for me, I'd like to have at least one good season soon.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Create a new skater or goalie role for FHM. In what scenarios is this new player role best utilized? What attributes are considered important attributes to this new role, and why? Which attribute is the key one?

I'll do one better, I'll make four. Truck Freak, Crazy Ass, Layed Back and The Fighter. Each of these builds prioritizes different stats. Truck Freak is a build that requires mechanical acumen and read skills, and is the smartest of the group. Crazy ass involves putting all points in speed and fighting. Layed back involves having a 1 in every stats and putting all stats to their most conservative so the player just sort of sits there. The Fighter is kind of self explanatory, and you put all your points into fighting. All 4 of these are only available to teams in redneck areas.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?

Samat is a child of nature, and supports efforts both in Kazakhstan and Atlanta to clean up local wildlife areas and streets from litter and pollution. Specifically, he has founded his own charitable organization to clean up rivers and forests in Atlanta, and rivers in Kazakhstan, and he plans to donate some of his future earnings to that foundation once he retires. In addition, he also focuses on using his salary to provide university educations to families that may not afford it with a sponsored scholarship endowment back in Kazakhstan. He would found one in Atlanta but he can't afford to spend all of his salary on charitable causes, after all 1 million dollars per training session is very expensive, and builds up a lot over time, especially since he missed the new years media bonus because the season finished too late.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

I think the best team to not make it this season was Buffalo. Frankly I was really surprised Hamilton got beat, especially as bad as they did. Buffalo is still a really strong team with one of the best defenses in the league and a really strong performance from Elizabeth Doyle, who is most likely a McBride frontrunner. The problem with Buffalo is their division is super stacked, so they beat each other up and it really hamstrings playoff seeding in their division. There are 3 really good teams there and its very difficult to break through and get the one seed. I think they will compete but getting over the Hamilton hump is really hard.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

This year we will see probably more of the same as last year, with teams like Canada and the Czech Republic putting up strong showings and being pretty much a lock for medals. I think Russia will have a slightly better year this time around, and despite still being in a full rebuild I think they do have a chance to sneak into the playoffs, though I doubt that they can take home any hardware without a very fluky or magical performance that somehow sees them sneak into the medal conversation. Sweden is someone who I think is a much stronger contender for the bronze, just not for the silver or gold, as the teams ahead of them are strong and they are in the stronger division.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


[Image: Duff101.gif]
Credit to Geck, Ragnar and Juni for sigs
(This post was last modified: 01-31-2021, 11:34 PM by Grum.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

I was thoroughly impressed with my player this season. Initially going into the season the most I expected was maybe like a 2-3 point increase and some increase in both SB and hits. However my player blew those expectation out of the water. Saw a massive increase in pretty much every single stat. My advanced stats were also extremely good, at least defensively. Could even be potentially biscuit nom worthy but let's see. I don't have too much hope for that one. Having 66 games in comparison to 50 definitely played a part in my large improvement. I didn't rly think about how much that would affect me when I made these expectations. Another contribution was the increased PP and PK times. Also I think playing beside Augustus Wang, who exploded onto the scene as potentially the best defenseman in the league definitely helped me a lot seeing as a lot of my points are from assist and probably allowed for Owens to take a bit of a back seat on the offensive end. 

WC: 174
+ 3 TPE | 3 Total

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?

Nicholas Owens has always been really big on charity and helping his community, both in the America and back in Japan, during the offseason Every offseason, Owens goes back home to Japan and holds a mini hockey training camp for the kids there. Since there isn't a ton of Japanese players in leagues as big as the SHL, Owens finds it rly important to give those kids in Japan the opportunity to receive training and advice from someone who is currently in the league they might dream to someday play in. Another thing he does for the community is to help out at local homeless shelters in Buffalo. Theres a lot of homeless people in Buffalo and it's just a way to give back to the community. As for charity, Owens always donates a pretty big sum to the Feeding America organization. Especially in these rough covid times, food can be very scarce. 

WC: 153
+ 3 TPE | 6 Total

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Although I probably sound a bit bias when saying this but I think this question is a no brainer. The best SHL team to not make the finals this season was definitely the Buffalo Stampede, no question. The Buffalo Stampede this season had an absolutely stacked team all around that was able to achieve a 50 win season, which is just 1 win behind Chicago and 3 behind Hamilton. The Buffalo Stampede also were just 1 win away from the finals, losing to the Chicago Syndicate in 7 games. Although I'm still up in the air if we would have won, I think I can certainty say there is no question that the Buffalo Stampede where the best team in the SHL that did not reach the CC finals this time around. 
WC: 132
+ 2 TPE | 8 Total

4. Written, 1 or 2 TPE

HAIKUS - write 2 SHL themed haikus for 1 TPE or 4 SHL themed haikus for 2 TPE.

I love the stampede
The best in the SHL
The next champions

Nicholas Owens
Should receive a biscuit nom
However not really

+ 1 TPE | 9 Total

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The season series between these two teams was tied 3-3. Do you think either team has an advantage in this series or do you see it as a true toss up?
b. Each of these teams boasts a very strong first powerplay unit - which team has the special teams advantage in this series?
c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.
d. Would you rather get a lap dance from Hugh Jazz, have a staring contest with Luke Atmey (velv's old player), reach for objects on high shelves with Dale Miller, or play League with Parker Smeb?

a. Even though I'm late to the party and already know the winner, going into this I think it was a complete toss up. Like mentioned they were tied going into the series, and they were both the two top teams in the league. They have both stacked rosters all around. Truly a difficult one to say who would win the cup.  

b. I think the Hamilton Steelhawks had the better power play. Hamilton is just extremely stacked when it comes to the forward depth on this roster and even more so on their top 3. They also had a defenseman like Gabriel Johnson who is very offensive that helps in that regard as well

c. Personally I prefer the Chicago Syndicates branding a lot more. The black and gold combination is just one of my favorites. Having the syndicate based in Chicago is also just a nice nod to all the mafia activity that once went down in that area. In comparison, not really sure what the steelhawk represents. 

d. This is a complete no brainer. I would obviously want to reach for objects on high shelves with Dale Miller. Although I'm considered a bit short in comparison to the average man, I am obviously still taller than Dale Miller. Getting the satisfaction to be able to boast that fact is the ultimate feeling of achievement and an incredible ego boost.

+ 4 TPE | 13 Total

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Word: Worms

+ 3 TPE | 16 Total

  1. This was an amazing year for Ruggs McOoooh In my opinion, almost doubling my on the ice productivity and helping the Colorado raptors come away with with the top spot in the division. One of my major goals for my J career was to be selected by my team as some kind of captain role which I was lucky enough to receive this season. I was elected by the raptors as an Alternate Captain which I was honored by, It obviously doesn’t help directly with our effectiveness on the ice but I am adamant that a good locker room culture is more important then anything. With how defensive oriented my player is I was happy with my 25 points. Although I will always be trying to push myself in every aspect of the game I’m really hoping to become a defensive powerhouse now that my full J potential has been unleashed. With Juni Panda gone we will all have to pull our weight in a very literal way and I’m hoping I can help punish the other team physically more than I have this past season.
  2. If I were to create a new player type it would be a wizard. Someone who can summon the deepest powers from the elemental realms that could strike fear in even the best players. Pucks would be sent flying through the power of the air, and ice would be made faster through the power of water. Players would fly through the ice and throw punches of fire while they were playing along side this player. This would still be easily one of the worst playertypes to be because everyone know wizards are bitches and a rogue could fuck them up any day of the week. 
  3. Once again we will be following the raptors tradition of charitable causes through the Colorado raptors be your own burglar event for the reduction of crime in america. Through our event potential burglars will compete against eachother to rob our prop house in the fastest time possible. The entrants will attempt to steal the most in the least amount of time. This provides the otherwise illegal burglars with the rush of stealing while giving them a legal chance to win real hard cash. As always children from the local hospital will be invited to watch the event and see their favorite burglars compete on their own hometown stage. As a special surprise for this years event, colorado raptors will pose as the family members in the house and will actively try and stop the intrusion. See your favorite players such as: Ruggs McOoooh as the grandma, RESO and Demo as the parental couple, and Jarmo the dog who also has a taser. 

Fitted media 
Transcends ideas of sheep
But was it worth it

You can change tactics
You can run all your test sims
The game does not care

Submit jersey swaps
Double for your rookie swap
Pays for your training

Defensive defense
I cannot score any goals
But my goal is safe

15. Answerino 

16. My player would have the sexiest onlyfans on the site. It would probably make him more famous then the fact that he is a professional hockey player. Although there will be some hockey related acts including but not limited to shoving a hockey stick so far up my ass you would get a high sticking and seeing how many pucks I could fit in my mouth. Obviously scuba entertainment will be involved such as having my snorkel directly connected to my dick so I can coom right into my mouth. Throughout the year I will be attempting to get other guests to come on and make content with me (eventually someone will want to im sure of it) but until then it’ll just be me and my fans and my large collection of massive dildos. If we win the cup I will shove it up my ass for everyone to see.

[Image: Z8yXihx.png] [Image: U0nD2Rt.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

In a season that I did not give myself a lot of expectations as I get used to the much faster paced rigors of jumping from the Juniors into the Simulation Hockey League, I will say that I am quite relieved to consider the role I played to have been done well. The first thing I did right was kept my head on straight and only racked up 9 Penalty Minutes over the entire sixty six game season, and five of those was the right thing to do after Ethan Price was given a cheap shot that I saw and took exception to, so I had to stand up for my man, even if I did end up getting my you know what whipped. I chipped in for Seventeen Points this season, which I'll gladly take considering that I did not serve any time on special teams. I focused on keeping things basic, giving up as few giveaways as I could, and just focused on positioning and trusting my goaltenders instructions to help him out. This was a good Rookie Season to build on and focus more on establishing my role.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?

A cause that is near and dear to my heart is giving back to a major staple in the New England area, the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and the phenomenon known as "The Jimmy Fund". I have enjoyed the opportunity to meet with kids who love the sport of hockey, and coming in with some Wolfpack t-shirts, pucks, and bobbleheads to brighten up their days. I even took to my Twitch channel to get dressed up in women's makeup, wearing lashes, eyeliner, and full makeup done by a professional to play various games with the community while all dressed up. We were able to raise over $7,500 in donations, and the only reason I think we didn't do more was that I wasn't very good about getting the message out. That will change soon enough for next season!

4. Written, 1 or 2 TPE
HAIKUS - write 2 SHL themed haikus for 1 TPE or 4 SHL themed haikus for 2 TPE.

Anaheim Outlaws
You were where I learned my craft
I think of you well

The man they call Zomp
A really solid player
But what is a Zomp?

Ode to a goalie
When that puck went in the net
It wasn't my fault

These haikus are fun
Talking about hockey so
Let's do this again

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Winnipeg seemed to play quite well this season, but it was only good enough to earn them a fifth place finish in the Western Conference. They scored a lot this past season, with balanced offense throughout the ranks. Four players scored twenty goals over the past season, and two of their defensemen also scored double digit goals during the season. Four of those players, Nick Brain, Goku Muerto, Calogero Crudelli, and Commander Shepard all ended up with more than fifty points, which was good enough to get all of them into the Top Fifty Scorers in the SHL this season.
6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

I hate to sound like all that makes sense to vote for is the top hockey teams, but this will be one of those reports that will tell you just that. If we go by last season's results, it's expected to see Canada, the United States, Japan, Great Britain, and Czechia establish themselves as the top dawgs in the IIHF World. For this season, I think it's safe to say that the Canadians continue to be the expected favorites during this season's festivities. I think the teams that will fare the best will be Canada, the United States, and Great Britain. Japan will probably play the tight games they did again, but I expect that if they don't score more this year, they will not succeed as well. 

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
SHL-NHL comparisons. With the NHL season kicking off again, what are some team or player comparisons between SHL and NHL? Pick one (or more) comparison(s) and explain why it works (e.g., Monkey D Luffy is the Connor McDavid of the SHL because xyz, or the Chicago Syndiacte are the Nashville Predators of the SHL because xyz, or nour is the Gary Bettman of the SHL because xyz).

Ethan Price reminds me of what Charlie Coyle has started to become in Boston. A hometown player, he plays within himself, stays composed, and covers all two hundred feet of the ice. He surprised himself this past season by scoring over thirty goals, and racking up over sixty points. While only having twelve total penalty minutes, he played aggressive and would block shots when he needed to, played exceptional on the forecheck this past year, and while not afraid to take his own shot, was just as willing to feed his teammates when the situation arose. He can only hope to continue adapting his two way style and expanding his role to lead the Wolfpack into better times.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Create a new skater or goalie role for FHM. In what scenarios is this new player role best utilized? What attributes are considered important attributes to this new role, and why? Which attribute is the key one?

So if I was going to create a new player at this point in my SHL career, I think I would abandon my very unique enforcer role and focus on being a true assist accumulator. In all my playthroughs it seems like I always end up either being a sniper, or being relatively balanced. I tried to make a pure playmaker in the GOMHL before, but that was mostly balanced as well. I would really think the most important attribute would be offensive read. Having good quick passes is nice, but the most important thing is knowing where to thread them to make sure set up your teammates for goals

4. Written, 1 or 2 TPE
HAIKUS - write 2 SHL themed haikus for 1 TPE or 4 SHL themed haikus for 2 TPE.

What is a haiku?
LPLL writes poorly
too much brain damage

BAP on the attack
Sneaking below the playoffs
waiting for their chance

Suaves discord is bad
stupid special characters
How can I tag him?

Winnipeg, not Jets
new colors are very cool
Name is not so much

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The season series between these two teams was tied 3-3. Do you think either team has an advantage in this series or do you see it as a true toss up?

I dont think either team really had an advantage coming into this series based on the regular season results, as they were evenly matched as you displayed with the stat above. However, I do think Chicago playing more games may have helped the team say more fresh for the finals and be on top of their game to take home the grand prize

b. Each of these teams boasts a very strong first powerplay unit - which team has the special teams advantage in this series?

I really dont know anything about this lol, so I decided to do what any smart procrastinator would do and do a quick dive into the SHL index and just look at Power Play Points and Shorthanded Points. Based on that, it seems very close, but I would have to give a slight edge in the end, mostly because of their stellar Penalty Kill

c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.

I think I would have to go for Hamilton. While I dont really like the name, it feels like a ripoff of the SHL, the Chicago Syndicate both looks like a log from another league, seems really cheesy, and is in Chicago. I mean come on guys, who wants to be in Chicago? Their pizza? WACK! their hot dogs? WACK! Their gun violence? WACK!

d. Would you rather get a lap dance from Hugh Jazz, have a staring contest with Luke Atmey (velv's old player), reach for objects on high shelves with Dale Miller, or play League with Parker Smeb?

I feel like this is a pretty self explanatory one, to the point that I'm not sure why you're asking. Of course it would be a lap dance from Hugh Jazz! I mean hello, booty is the main best thing about a lap dance, and this man got so much cake they even NAMED him after it. I really am interested in the Hugh Jazz experience.

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

This is probably one that many people chose to write about for this procrastinator PT, but I am going to go with Nick Connolly as my playoff MVP. As much as it pains me to pick any Chicago player as the MVP, it seems clear that they are the most deserving ones here, rounding out the top 4 highest scorers in the playoffs en route to a cup win. What sets Connolly apart from everyone else is that he showed a great physical side of his game as well. He was third in the league in playoff hits, and 4th on his team in shot blocks. That to me makes him the playoff hero here

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


16. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
As my last PT prompt ever I am happy to claim creative license here and do this prompt that no one is allowed to get mad at me because it's my last PT prompt ever.
Many athletes have created OnlyFans accounts recently, including Bec Rawlings, Plaxico Burress, and Adi Spiegelman - if your SHL player created an account what premium content are fans around the world subscribing to see? It doesn't have to be sex stuff but it doesn't not have to be :o Would your player be successful on this platform? No graphic option for this one! Goodbye!

Well first of all, goodbye and thank you for all your hard work! second of all, I would imagine that my player doesnt understand what Onlyfans is, considering he is currently like 50 in sim league lore. So I think the storyline there would be that its a way to set up a service to connect with sports fans everywhere, like a social media for athletes. Naturally LPLL would fall for this and start doing like silly little videos on there, but then would notice that he is getting lots of lewd comments and also just not a lot of sustaining subscribers. He would likely mention it to one of the new rookies who wasnt in on the joke, and thats where he would learn about the true nature of the site. Would he shut down his account after finding this out? Well that is a story for a different time, because I have reached the alloted word count

[Image: Dwy-Sig_copy.gif]
[Image: DzzMoaP.png]

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?

Each offseason, Elwulf Jericson participates in the Dempsey Challenge back in his home state of Maine. The Dempsey Challenge is an annual run/walk/cycle fundraising event to raise money for the Dempsey Centers. These facilities offer free care and support to families in Maine that  are dealing with cancer. If Elwulf hadn’t gone into hockey, he had planned on possibly going into the sciences in order to study cancers and this is his way of giving back.

Since this is a fundraising event, Elwulf bugs his teammates all year about helping out with the event. This past season, he managed to wrangle Rum Ham into some questionable acts in order to help raise money for the event. Once the offseason begins, he takes time to go around to the various schools and other community events in Maine in order to help raise awareness. He matches dollar for dollar every donation raised.

When it comes time for the challenge, Elwulf looks forward to the cycling. He always attempts, sometimes in vain, to participate in the longest cycling event. Even though he is a strong skater, the 100 mile bike ride always makes him realize how skills do not always transfer. He is constantly passed by various people during the event who like to make light jokes at him. He takes it in stride and knows that it is all for a good cause.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

I have always felt that Japan will surprise each year. They seem to recruit very good players who are looking to crack the roster with a nation. That being said, I would put my money on either Great Britain or Canada to win it all. It really could be a coin flip as both have some strong players with Frans Eller backstopping for Canada and Vincent Mietitore backstopping for Great Britain. If it comes down to the two of them to decide the winner, I would put my money on Vincent Mietitore and Great Britain.

As for the bottom of the barrel, I feel that yet again Russian is not going to perform anywhere near where they would want to. For a proud country, they have not been able to ice the greatest team the past few seasons. Perhaps it is due to the training and recruitment of the other countries, but Russia seems to keep falling behind rather than cathup. Hopefully in the next few seasons we will begin seeing them produce yet more high profile players that can help make the team relevant again on the national stage.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
SHL-NHL comparisons. With the NHL season kicking off again, what are some team or player comparisons between SHL and NHL? Pick one (or more) comparison(s) and explain why it works (e.g., Monkey D Luffy is the Connor McDavid of the SHL because xyz, or the Chicago Syndiacte are the Nashville Predators of the SHL because xyz, or nour is the Gary Bettman of the SHL because xyz).

For this I dug a little bit into the attributes system of the sim program (FHM 6) to determine mathematically how players would line up. Now, this doesn’t mean that on the ice they will be exactly as there are lots of factors, but I wanted to discuss this first to show something interesting with how goalies specifically are handled in the SHL.

First, the best goalie by TPE (based upon attributes in the simulator) is Ben Bishop. In the SHL, we lock Aggression, Determination, Team Player, Leadership, and Professionalism for our players, so I have done the same with Bishop even though his stats (such as Aggression at 11) do not line up with the locked stats. Taking this into consideration, Ben Bishop would end up with 1117 TPE spent in the SHL. This would put him approximately in the same range as White Goodman of the Texas Renegades. White Goodman played 32 games during Season 57, bringing in a 21-7-2 record with a 2.45 goals against average and a 0.907 save percentage. Bishop, during the 2018-2019 season that the sim was developed after, played in 46 games recording a 21-16-4 record with a 2.32 goals against average and a 0.921 save percentage. Surprisingly, other than the save percentage which is reduced across the board in the SHL compared to the NHL, the stats between players are fairly similar. This is probably due to the fact that the average SHL skater lies right around the same TPE spent as the average NHL player.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The season series between these two teams was tied 3-3. Do you think either team has an advantage in this series or do you see it as a true toss up?
b. Each of these teams boasts a very strong first powerplay unit - which team has the special teams advantage in this series?
c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.
d. Would you rather get a lap dance from Hugh Jazz, have a staring contest with Luke Atmey (velv's old player), reach for objects on high shelves with Dale Miller, or play League with Parker Smeb?

A: I am never one to put much stock in home-ice advantage but it is never a guarantee. That being said, the 2 teams split the season series against each other so my bet would have to go to the team with the home-ice advantage, which for this series is the Hamilton Steelhawks. That being said, Chicago finished the series season winning against Hamilton and may have a bee under their bonnet finishing in second in the division to Hamilton.
B:Interestingly enough, I feel that both teams are right around even for their powerplay capabilities. This is due to, during the regular season, both teams earning a total of 134 power play points. Instead we have to look at the capabilities of the shorthanded units to produce. Hamilton had 2 shorthanded points throughout the regular season. Chicago had 3 shorthanded points through the regular season. Granted, the extra point is on the assist but it shows that there may be a slight advantage team-wide for chicago.
C: Personally, I prefer the Hamilton Steelhawks branding over the Chicago Syndicate. It starts with the naming. With teams, I much prefer a physical object rather than a broad idea. When I think of a steelhawk, I think of a blue-white keen-eyed bird (even though their logo looks more like an eagle than a hawk to me). When I think of a Syndicate, I think of a shady organization and cannot have a picture of it in my head. From there are the colors. This is a personal preference, but I am not a fan of the color yellow for whatever reason. Not really sure why, just never liked the color. Finally, the location. I have no grudge against either but coming from a small town I hate huge cities. The thought of living, or even visiting, a city of over 2 million just makes me anxious as hell.
D: I would reach for objects on the high shelves with Dale Miller. Being a shorter guy myself (5’6”), we could stand on each other’s shoulders in order to reach. Together, we would be an unstoppable force that nobody could defeat. We would conquer all the tall shelves and cut them down to normal person size. And by normal person, I mean our size. Suck it tall people.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


[Image: jericson112.gif]
[Image: 5p7vOwY.png][Image: NA3IV5m.png]

15. CW TRIVIA, verification wordlazy

[Image: snail.png]
(This post was last modified: 02-01-2021, 12:16 AM by TnlAstatine.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Once again we have the reflection for like what the fiftieth or something season for our hero monkey d. luffy. It comes at the apex of his career and we all know it is downhill from here. With the first extended season in the books, luffy continues to be at the top of the league in terms of production and capability as the captain of the buffalo stampede. It goes to show how dominant this player has become and will continue to be for some years to come. With no signs of slowing down luffy wants more cups as the captain of buffalo and will continue to do everything in his power in the coming years. We'll see if he can continue his outstanding offensive upside and work on his defensive side as the years come and he starts to slow down. Luffy will continue to be a household name in the SHL for years to come.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Create a new skater or goalie role for FHM. In what scenarios is this new player role best utilized? What attributes are considered important attributes to this new role, and why? Which attribute is the key one?

A wild new skater type for FHM could be a honey badger type player. Similiar to a two-way forward this player tries to utilize their defensive upside and work that into their offensive game. I think of Yamamoto as the staple of this player, since two-ways or power forwards usually use their size, but honey badgers would be capped on height and weight and instead use their skill and tenacity for their defensive prowess and their uncanny ability to force turnovers for scoring chances. At goalie I would try to but a way to break the current FHM 3/4 stat staple for goalies and have the other attributes matter more, now that's more of a fundamental issue in FHM than just a goalie type could do.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?

As covid is still going on, luffy has taken up the online world by storm and has all his social medias on point. He has a PR manager and has set up a charity that streams through his twitter, tiktok, facebook you name it. All the revenues that Luffy makes through his socials will be donated to this that help anything to do with covid such as healthcare, education, vaccination resources and anything else for front line works. No matter what Luffy does only a couple things in the offseason, train hard, get a little relaxing, and when not doing either of these he's trying to make the world a better place where he can. Its hard even for somebody making millions of SHL bucks a season, but anything that can just get even one more person to see some much needed help is good enough for the luff master. This is why luff mainly uses social media as an outlet for self promotion and charity. It provides more brand awareness for himself, to reach a wider audience, to therefore make a little bit bigger of a splash when it comes to organizations or people luffy can help out.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

We all know this is the great lakes hockey league and the finals shows just that. The other 2 great lakes teams are buffalo and Toronto. Now toronto is the best team to miss the playoffs and it comes at just being in the hardest division known to mankind. But we see that buffalo is on the outside looking in aswell. Losing in game seven against the eventual winners is a sting but we would rather see Chicago hoist the magic trophy over hammy. Buffalo is hands down the best team in the league and sometimes you lose 50/50s in rocket league and in fake hockey. Its just the way she goes bud.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

This one has got to finally be the one for Japan. Japan is sporting a near undefeatable roster when compared to most international teams and they are all at the peaks of their career. Sure Canada and USA have a huge log jam of talent and their 4th lines would be the starters on most international teams, I really think japan is super motivated to finally bring home the gold medal for their country. They are a newer international team here in the shl but they have been climbing higher and faster than any other team ever, they look to be rivaling the powerhouse Ireland team of STHS years. If Canada or the USA make one slip up they know that a hungry hungry Japanese team is right on their heels ready to be at the top of the podium this year. It will be a battle for the top, but a battle japan is ready for.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

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1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

This season was definitely quite the surprise for me. I had a few set goals heading into it and I think it's safe to say that I definitely surpassed them. Last season my player Ethan Price had eight goals, thirteen assists for a total of twenty one points. Whereas this season Ethan Price ended up with thirty two goals, thirty four assists totaling for sixty six points. I don't think anyone on the New England Wolf Pack team was expecting that, I ended up leading the team in points as only a sophomore. I'm not too sure how I'll be to top this next season, but I'm going to try my hardest. You definitely need to contribute at least part of it to the handiwork of both the general managers of New England, they slotted my player into a place where he was able to excel. I'm incredibly excited for this upcoming season, I hope to see more of the same out of my player as the team builds toward becoming a contender.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?
Ethan Price of the New England Wolf Pack hockey team is known to be one of the most generous players in the league. He's a true philanthropist at heart, he's taken the initiative to help underprivileged children who are still in middle school be able to afford cigarettes and alcohol. He knew that he wanted to help out his community in a unique way and I think it's safe to say no one has ever had this idea before. During the Summer time he raffles off tickets to kids for only ten dollars each that enters them into a drawing to win a pack of smokes and a case of PBR in a fancy New England Wolf Pack backpack that's signed by the legend himself for them to have when the school year starts up again. Normally one would think that providing kids with cigarettes and beer would be frowned upon, but when it's for charity it's a-okay!

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?
This is without a doubt one of the easiest questions for championship week every single season. I've had the same answer for multiple years now and I think it'll stay the same going into the future. The New England Wolf Pack were absolutely robbed of a finals appearance this year. They were easily the most feared team in the playoffs, but unfortunately due to rigged match making they got stuck playing against a pretty rough opponent for the first round. I'm going to take a guess that this might happen one or two more seasons, they'll soon make the finals however and if they make it, they'll win.

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.
The Chicago Syndicate finally won the Challenge Cup finals, I think everyone was praying that they'd finish up the series as fast as possible so we could properly get into the off-season. I believe it's safe to say that Lallo Selman is without a doubt the MVP for the series. He's a right winger who's offensive production is essentially unmatched by anyone else on the ice at any time. Selman is a one man scoring machine that can single-handedly win your team a championship. I'm willing to bet we're going to see him as MVP next season too, there's no stopping this man.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

16. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
As my last PT prompt ever I am happy to claim creative license here and do this prompt that no one is allowed to get mad at me because it's my last PT prompt ever.
Many athletes have created OnlyFans accounts recently, including Bec Rawlings, Plaxico Burress, and Adi Spiegelman - if your SHL player created an account what premium content are fans around the world subscribing to see? It doesn't have to be sex stuff but it doesn't not have to be :o Would your player be successful on this platform? No graphic option for this one! Goodbye!
The world of OnlyFans is without a doubt an interesting one. This may come as a surprise to some, but Ethan Price has actually had an Onlyfans account for a little bit over a year now. This man has had people throwing money at him by the handful to get a quick glimpse at his collarbones. If you randomly asked one hundred people what their favorite feature of someone was, you already know for a fact that at least seventy five percent of them would say collarbones. You can have the best personality in the world, if your collarbones aren't pronounced and glimmer in the light of the moon at night, you will never be successful in that section of OnlyFans. I believe Ethan Price's tremendous success in the SHL over these last two seasons and heading forth into the future is going to skyrocket his numbers on OnlyFans. It's only a matter of time before he's a household name up alongside Belle Delphine.

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

For Justin Keahi, the past season was one filled with ups and downs. To end the season, the forward would end with a +/- of -68. Quite possibly the most depressing stat to look at, you were on the ice for at least 68 goals by the other team. It's the type of stat you look at and go, "Wow, talk about a train wreck of a team." Just soul crushingly depressing to see, but even more depressing for the player. To play every night, and know that your career plus/minus will be ruined for ever. You can't fix something that awful. One of the positives this season for Keahi was two fights. It only took one season, but he was finally able to find some willing partners to drop the gloves with. His 10 goals and 10 assists are neat too, but throwing hits and blocking shots are his true calling.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?

Charity is a huge part of Justin Keahi's offseason. When he isn't on the ice playing for the Tampa Bay Barracuda, he is out and about working with charities. For many Tampa Bay players and residents, the local shelters for spousal abuse victims is a main play to fundraise and raise awareness for. I mean, the Barracuda put their fans through a lot, to the point where it maybe abusive. So to try to make up for that, they try to help the local abuse shelters. This offseason, Keahi donated over $10,000 to the local shelters, as well as spending some time doing promotional campaigns to raise awareness for them. In addition, he promised to donate $100 for every goal he scores next season to the shelters, as well as $500 for every fight he gets in. At the end of the season, he will auction off three game used sticks, two game used jerseys, and a game used water bottle.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The season series between these two teams was tied 3-3. Do you think either team has an advantage in this series or do you see it as a true toss up?
I think Chicago has the clear advantage between the two teams. I mean, it's a hawk versus a mobster. Claws against a gun. The numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for Hamilton in the finals with Chicago swinging that big dick energy against the team most people are sick of seeing the finals.
b. Each of these teams boasts a very strong first powerplay unit - which team has the special teams advantage in this series?
Obviously it has to be Chicago that boasts the better special teams and will have the advantage this series. They have that big dick energy, and they'll use that special team big dick energy to swing it against Hamilton and take over the special teams during this series. And that's not just an opinion, it's a fact.
c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.
I prefer Chicago's branding more because it has so much more color and soul into it. It's yellow and black, yeah, but it's more life filled then that lame ass gray and navy scheme the Steelhawks have. Also the Steelhawks have yellow in their shit for some reason? That's wack, and if it's wack it means they don't have that big dick energy like Chicago does.
d. Would you rather get a lap dance from Hugh Jazz, have a staring contest with Luke Atmey (velv's old player), reach for objects on high shelves with Dale Miller, or play League with Parker Smeb?
I'd rather play League with Parker Smeb, because he plays for a team with that big dick energy. He also mains characters that have big dick energy, in turn giving him big dick energy. There is no doubt that you would want to play league with Parker Smeb. It's simple, it's clear cut, and it's fact. Big dick energy.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


16. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
As my last PT prompt ever I am happy to claim creative license here and do this prompt that no one is allowed to get mad at me because it's my last PT prompt ever.
Many athletes have created OnlyFans accounts recently, including Bec Rawlings, Plaxico Burress, and Adi Spiegelman - if your SHL player created an account what premium content are fans around the world subscribing to see? It doesn't have to be sex stuff but it doesn't not have to be :o Would your player be successful on this platform? No graphic option for this one! Goodbye!

So first of all, who the fuck are any of those "athletes." Second, of course Justin Keahi has an OnlyFans. You know what people with OnlyFans have? Big dick energy. And Justin Keahi has big dick energy, thus he has an OnlyFans. His OnlyFans is a mix of workout tips, day in the life's of a SHL player, bathroom shots of him beating his wrench, helpful road cooking tips, and other big dick energy content. When he isn't flexing his big dick energy OnlyFans to his loyal fans, he is working on branching out his OnlyFans content. One of the key things to social media is networking, so he is trying to find other people with OnlyFans to work with and grow and expand his subscriber base for his big dick energy OnlyFans content. Will he succeed in this business venture, or will he fail? It doesn't matter, because he has big dick energy and that's all you need to succeed in the world.

Sven Holmberg

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Player Page | Update Page

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?
I expected a lot out of Jack Klompus this season. Being on the first pair with a player like Seger, you imagine that your player will be able to jump in on the offense but Klompus really seemed to struggle. We went through a hot streak in the middle of the season but after that there wasn’t much to show for. Minnesota is a rough team that has youth still trying to figure out their ways, which is where Klompus falls right now. Over the off-season I need to focus on the physical stats that will turn Klompus into a monster with the puck and I think that is something that will really help the Monarchs overall. Once the team continues to age and Klompus continues to get some TPE, I really feel like he can become one of the premier defenders in the league but there is still a few seasons until the point where I’m answering this prompt in a positive note.


6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?
My prediction for the IIHF this season is that Team Japan is not going to continue to grow to the point that we think we have been projected to go. We are in a tough group with Canada and Germany and then it seems to be a toss-up for the other two teams that are going to be able to manage to get into the medal round from here. While the youth on the team continues to get better, the best of the likes of Monkey D. Luffy and Westbroek are behind us. With the top players on the team continuing to regress, Japan looks like they are in a bit of trouble right now. As long as the rest of the youth are able to progress hopefully we’ll get back to where we need to be. I’m looking forward to many more seasons being a part of the defensive core in Japan and hopefully we have some medals in our future.


5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?
The Manhattan Rage are the team that I thought was going to the Finals after a very successful regular season. After being able to get a bye into the second round with their strong play I really thought they were going to be able to make it past Chicago. They had a lot of strong players with reliable guys like Cleary and then some of their younger players like Jukka Timonen had really good seasons as well. It seems that the Rage are really close to the Finals each season but just can’t quite make it. Hopefully next season is better as their team is getting older.


13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.) Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

Chicago somehow pulled it off. When I saw that Hamilton made it into the Finals again I was discouraged because I thought that meant that the team was going to win yet another cup. I think that Westbroek should be named MVP because he has always been a reliable forward for the Syndicate and has been someone that has really helped bring a bunch of people back to activity through Newfoundland. I know that this should only be about what a player did omn the ice but the Toast MVP is going to a member who does more off the ice and I think JNH deserves a nod of recognition here.


12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words. a. The season series between these two teams was tied 3-3. Do you think either team has an advantage in this series or do you see it as a true toss up? b. Each of these teams boasts a very strong first powerplay unit - which team has the special teams advantage in this series? c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.
A. Hamilton had the advantage just based on the roster strength and seemingly always finding a way to win in the clutch moments. I’ve seen some game 7 overtime wins but the Steelhawks are such a balanced team that can go on a tear. I saw what they did in the regular season and think they could have pulled off a dominate series win.


B. The special teams advantage just looking at their primary powerplay has to go to Chicago. While I feel that Hamilton is the stronger team overall, Chicago has shown how dangerous they can be with the man advantage. Westbroek, Kennedy and Ryuuji have all been players who could score with any given opportunity and I expect more of the same in the Finals.


C. The Syndicate. While the Steelhawks have been around for as long as I can remember, I really feel like Chicago hit a home run with their branding. The name, simple logo and colours are all things that stick out to me and make them feel like one of the best brandings on the league to me. I really prefer simple logos and think Chicago does that well.



[Image: BrettBroadway.gif]
[Image: Hunter.png]

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Create a new skater or goalie role for FHM. In what scenarios is this new player role best utilized? What attributes are considered important attributes to this new role, and why? Which attribute is the key one?
My new role is for a forward and it is the faceoff specialist. It's really weird but for some reason faceoffs are super highly valued by some teams/coaches despite the fact that it's one of the lowest important events that can happen in hockey. Still, I imagine there would be some people would love the faceoff specialist role. The attributes that would effect this role are defensive read, faceoffs, strength and determination. Faceoffs are the skill/technique, defensive read is improving where you win it to, strength is just a modifier that improves faceoffs, and determination works the same way but it's more about how badly you want to win the draw.

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.
I think Nick Connolly deserves the MVP award. He was the true leader of the Chicago Syndicate who drove his line from the wing the entire way. He had a great mix of goal scoring and playmaking throughout the playoffs and I know plus minus is a bad stat but the fact that he was +14 throughout the playoffs while most of his teammates that also score high numbers of points were between +2 and +8 honestly has to count for something. He just made his team better whenever he was on the ice offensively and defensively. The only Chicago player who had more goals scored than him was also extremely lucky with more than 4% higher of a shooting percentage so I think that has less to do with playing better and more with fluky stuff happening.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Verification: e

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[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?
Jimmy Jimmy both excelled and disappointed me. Last season I came into this league at the trade deadline and performed amazingly for how low TPE my player was. This year I can say he excelled in the point I got and both Shots blocked and hits. While both were over 100 I could have had more. He got a new career-high in goals, assists, points, hits, shot blocked, and a new career low in -/+. I have a huge part in this. I could have done championship week last season. I could have done PTs that I missed. But it's in the past now and I'll do better next season. I'll be doing every PT, AC, anything in my power to get Jimmy Jimmy to the next level and get him to win awards. Jimmy Jimmy will be the best defenseman in the J next season. I can promise you that.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Over the offseason your player is getting involved in some charitable causes. What is your player/team doing around the community/for charity this offseason?
Jimmy Jimmy was MR.February in the Carolina Kraken's NEW calendar. We have special appearances from our GM himself sve7en. 7's picture was caught of him cooking in the kitchen with him only in his Krkaen apron that he got from the merch store and his Kraken socks which are also available in the merch store. Next, we have ACapitalChicago who was caught in his Kraken jersey watching the Capitals play. He kept his Kraken jersey from the days he used to play in Carolina. I'm not going to spoil everyBODY in there Wink Wink. All money made from this calendar is going to make a wish to help support children's wishes.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?
I'll be going very basic here and saying QCC. QCC had such a strong roster and such good management that they should have been in the cup finals and should have easily won the cup. They had numerous stat leaders and had such a dominant season. Now on the other hand you could say that Hamilton had such a strong case and should have been in the cup finals also. They had the Rookie of the year. they had the points leader. They had such a strong team also, but the teams that did make both cup finals were strong and had their reason for making the cup to props to everyone, and good luck next season

GM of Canada in the WJC S56

S56 WJC Gold Medalist GM/Player for Canada

[Image: ddIlIkT.png][Image: qzGJBye.png]

[Image: GMGumba.gif]

RESO: Honestly, this season was indeed a massive improvement in terms of my production on ice. Scoring 21 more points than last season, 16 of them through special teams, shows that I have a clear role in the team as a power play specialist. I also enjoy the fact that my shot accuracy has improved from my rookie season. After S56 where I scored 5 goals from 84 shots on goal, scoring on a 5.95% shot percentage, I trained a lot to get my accuracy on point and freeing myself from opponents. The results mean that I got to score 13 goals on 168 shots, a 7.74% shot percentage. If there is one area I would like to improve on the most, it would be my plus minus. It feels weird scoring 34 points yet earning a disappointing -16 plus minus, but it is what it is. Improving myself physically would be a great thing for myself.

Currently, RESO has placing in a full month’s work just for raising funds for charity, with extra days. In the early days, RESO will be in his hometown of Sheffield where he will be hosting an esports tournament. All the funds that come from the entrance fees, in addition to £10,000 will be heading to the Teenage Cancer Trust. Then in the middle of the month, RESO will be doing a marathon cycle, from London to Newcastle, all for the British Heart Foundation. RESO will be supported part way with some of his friends from Team GB and Colorado Raptors. Finally, RESO will be taking the biggest challenge that he has ever taken. In a mad strive to both personal thrill seeking and to aid those less fortunate, RESO will be heading to the Himalayas by the end after a rest where he will be looking to climb K2. The charities he will be doing it will be various, such as WaterAid, Cancer Research, Special Effect and many more.

Godspeed to the Jets
Gone to the airfields above
Godspeed the Aurora

All fear the annual rush
Rule Britannia

As an IIHF Fed Head, I know that I am going to be heavily biased with my prediction, but there is no way that I cannot back Team Great Britain. Even with regressions and an aging core, we have a stacked forward core with solid defence. However, the key thing for us that that we can roll so many different lines and are capable of just drowning your nets in pucks.
Outside of team GB, I think the team that could make some serious noise is Team Sweden. Never doubt the carry capabilities of Kata Vilde. Even in his old age, he is still one of the better goalies in the SHL, and he is not alone. Passamus, Wagstrom and Soderberg will make for a strong first line and are backed up by guys like Sven Yxskaft, Zlatan Ibrahimovic Jr, Henrik Lekberg Osterman and Karl Krashwagen supporting them. Watch out, Sweden could land in a medal position.

I’ll be using Colorado Raptors players since they are the ones I am most familiar with. Starting off with RESO, I would compare him to Miro Heiskanen. Obvs RESO has quite a way to matching Miro in terms of skill, but both are fast and use their puck handling skills to very lethal effect. Then you have Juni Panda who is a mix of Mark Stone and Ryan Reaves. Last season, Panda was doing everything, laying the body ad nauseum, showing himself defensively and packing in a lot of points, a lot like Stone. His Reaves side however also showed a lot with him bullying unwitting opponents, serving brutal beatdowns called fights and just racking up lots of penalty minutes. Finally, we have ole reliable Yano Rosejac. Truly he has embodies is inner Carey Price with how he has come in as the true long term starter Colorado has been looking for, pulling save after save after save.


[Image: ProjectSaint.gif]
Sig Credit: Flappy (EVO) and Skolpaddor (RESO)


First SMJHL Goal: Colorado Raptors, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Mikelis Ozoliņš 4, Loki Odinsson 3) at 3:12, 2nd Period (GWG) / SMJHL S47 Game 47 Day 12: Colorado Raptors vs Detroit Falcons
First SHL Goal: Texas Renegades, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Josef Kubinec 5, Ricky Spanish 4) at 16:23, 2nd Period / SHL S51 Game 71 Day 16: Edmonton Blizzard vs Texas Renegades

Eternal RaptorsRaptors Old, onwards we roll Rage

And Let's Retire at the Pinnacle


15. Apple

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