The most important stat is speed; whats the point of doing anything in hockey if your not doing it fast; obviously you need control and shooting, but the only thing that you cannot teach is speed; that stuff is 110% all natrual speed; in the wise words of sonic; "GOTTA GO FAST"
If a new user asks me for the most important stat, I will tell them stamina. Stamina is necessary whether you are a forward or a defense. Even if you have the greatest offensive talent or defensive talent, you can't do anything if you can't stay on the ice for a while. This is very important to hit 15 first.
Everyone is talking about the physical stats as if they matter... like stamina. Completely irrelevant. Until you're good stamina won't help you because you won't be on the ice. You need to be a good hockey player otherwise you'll just become referee. So my advice to that player is think of three things scoring, passing, defending. If you are going to score. focus that first. if you're going to pass focus pass first. If you are going to play d.. do that first. That should be your initial focus. After that physicals help you improve but until you have something you're good it its irrelevant.
The most important stat is obviously passing. If your team is bad at passing, you will never get into a good position to shoot. You could try shooting as much as possible and mostly from low danger areas but that wouldn't work, of course?
The most important stat is stamina. If you don't have at least 16 stamina, you are going to suck at hockey. Trust me. I had like 13 stamina in the J and I was ass.
The most important stats in my opinion is the two reads, Offensive Read and Defensive Read. The ability to read what is going on while you are on the ice is critical to the success of your player.
Stamina stamina stamina. Having the silkiest of mitts is great and all, but if your player is gassed after a game and can't recover after a day or 2 off to be at 100% fitness before the next game you're going to get buried on the depth chart and not see a ton of utilization. This is especially important for dmen who see more ice time than their offensive counterparts and are critical to a successful penalty kill.
I would tell any new players that while any of the stats might be important to their build, they definitely need to pump some points into Stamina. Even an extra point can make a big difference on the ice and get your stats up and maybe give you some extra TPE for those milestones!
Stamina. Being available for your team at the end of games during crunch time is a big deal. Especially with such wacky scheduling, it's important to keep your fitness up and be ready to dig deep in the third period!
The only stat that matters is bravery. You're player will never score if he is to scared to even shoot the puck. He will never block shot or challenge another player if afraid of getting hurt. Bravery is the only way to win hockey games.
I would definitely tell them that fighting is the most important stat. You want to come into the league and get respect and there is no faster way than go out there and drop the gloves with the biggest guy on the other team. Of course they will likely get their ass kicked but it's funny either way.
I would tell the new player to invest some TPE into checking. You might think "what if he doesn't wanna hit people" - I dunno. Kylrad told me checking was important, and he knows better than I do.
Something happened on the day he died. Spirit rose a metre and stepped aside.
Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried. I’m a blackstar, I’m a blackstar.
a bottomless curse, a bottomless sea, source of all greatness, all things that be.
Stamina would be my guess. Just like in the bedroom, you gotta be able to last from the start to the finish. If you can not perform in the third period you become a liability for the team. Got to be able to work hard for the whole game and help your team the most you can for 60 minutes
There are probably three attributes that I would recommend as being the most important. Stamina, because as a junior player you want to be able to skate around and do things. Bravery next, because if you aren't going into the dirty areas, you aren't contributing to the team. And most importantly, fighting.
Well, I'm probably the last person they should be asking lol. I'd probably just tell them not to sink all their TPE into a single stat since it's important to be well-rounded in all facets of the game before running away with one category. Then defer them to someone who actually knows what they're doing haha.