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Hi, I'm Monkey D. Luffy AMA!
(This post was last modified: 02-25-2021, 04:00 PM by TnlAstatine.)

I think ready for grading, baring anymore questions. I put what i said in a word counter and it was 3234 words

Hello all and welcome to my AMA! I feel like this has been long overdue and I've been here long enough to maybe answer some questions ya'll might have. Some of you may know me and others might just see me from time to time near the top of the points leaderboards in and around the last couple seasons, since the birth of our savior FHM. My 2k peak has come and gone, and I haven't really interacted with many people here on the forums and thought maybe it was time for a change of pace? I've been on the site for WELL OVER 2 years and when I was first drafted into the SHL i wore a suite expecting to go 1st overall and somehow fell to buffalul. Early in my career I was known for posting shitty selfies in the locker rooms I was in an encouraged everybody to do the same, and the tradition continues in Buffalo and to a lesser extent the lions discord (now newfieland).

There have been plenty of ups and downs in the SHL, and Luffy is no stranger to the ups and downs. From missing the boat on both the 4 star cup and challenge cup in the same year, to captaining one of the finest dynasties the SHL has ever seen and scoring a game 7 overtime winner to secure the cup in his first year of captaincy! 

Feel free to ask me anything you would like, IRL or SHL related it doesn't matter. Maybe you just want to get to know me more than the little dribbles you have seen in and around the site or on discord? 
Ask away.

[Image: 20210223_113235.jpg?width=274&height=608]

bdu754 Wrote:1. How do u get the beeg yoshi?
2. Extend neck?
1. Well this is probably the hardest question, I've personally tried candy but apparently the candy that I offered wasn't good enough for the beeg beeg. Do you have any tips to get the beeg yoshi?
2. yes
[Image: unknown.png]

LordBirdman Wrote:What is the backstory to the naming of Monkey D. Luffy?
I would like to say that it came to me in a fever dream, or that I'm really creative at naming things. Most of my characters in video games or even my pets are named after fictional characters that I vibe with. My cats are named Liliana (from magic the gathering) and goku (we all know goku right?) My old bearded dragon was named rinzler (evil tron) and a long lost dog named roxas (KH2). This is just another name in a long list of fictional characters that I vibe with. Luffy tends to follow the patterns of the real luffy and is pretty silly, yet powerful akin to where I got his name from. And heck having the will of "D" in hockey hasn't been half that bad for my carrer.

Ragnar Wrote:1.How did you get so handsome?
2.Hair care tips?
3.Beard tips?
4.How are your kitties?
5.Send me a snap rn of whatever you're doing (as long as it ain't obscene)
6.How much longer does Luffington have in the ole tank?
1. i don't know what you are talking about, This mans get a grade a donkey face and I've partied in vegas, i'm a solid 2 in vegas.
2. I wish i had hair care tips, I haven't gotten a haircut since joining the SHL and its pretty on par for my hair growth. I honestly just try not to over shampoo it, so that means i was it ever 2/3 days. I wish i had better hair care tips because I know its important especially when it's longer to take better care of it. Hopefully once covid has settled down a bit I'll get a real trim and ask them how to better take care and style this long mess of flow.
3. Alright so when I first got drafted to buffalo, I was just on the start of my hair growth journey and my beard ended up not getting shaved for a year. I learned a lot of things in that time, and I just can't grow the amazing thiccness of pure awesome like karey. I tried basically everything in the book, from using a bunch of products such as wax and beard oil, coupled with brushing and combing it everyday. But it just kind of fell flat. My beard hair is spaced to far apart and just always looks like a mess no matter what I do to it. I've also tried trimming and shaping it, but everytime I do that I fuck it up somehow and end up shaving it all and restarting. Currently I'm working on a hipster stache and furled out ends. Honestly it's not the greatest but whatever its covid and its something cool to try.
4. My cats are decent but they still hate each other. They don't fight to the death so that's alright but the little one likes to attack the older one all the time. Shes a super drama queen and whines like death is coming for her, but its all over the top. Shes just super needy and particular about things and hates that goku trys to play with her all the time. Shes also having a hell of a time with my roommate and basically screeches at him whenever he gets close. Shes turning into an old lady and needs something to realize that not everything is trying to kill her. Also goku tries to dig in the middle of my roommates sheets and I swear if i have to buy him new blankets cause he rips a hole in his I'll be pissed.
5. Ya i did that Wink
6. Realistically it's getting hard. The original goal is to drive luffy hard and fast and forever. It's getting almost unattainable with the constant earning that one must do to make ends meet. It's really hard to make money consistently without a plethora of jobs, especially when real life gets you down in the dumps and makes you sever almost all ties from SHL from time to time. The original goal is to beat out AVA for games played in a buffalo sweater, and hopefully snag as many buffalo records as possible and make them impossible to break. I will take luffy as far and as long as I can until my soul gets eaten I guess?

Carpy48 Wrote:Best memories from when we played together in Lethbridge?
I believe the fondest memories are that we all struggled through it together. We always had glimmering hope, even when things weren't always going our way. It's hilarious to think about that old locker room discord and how there were only a few of us on the ghost ship, and now the newfie locker room is bumping almost more than even the buffalo one. Its great that the ship has been corrected from back in the early days of the emergency expansion team. Luffy will forever and always be a lion at heart.
Zombiewolf Wrote:1.Thoughts on how your career has gone so far? Do you have any regrets with the way you built your player?
2.How do I get an awesome flow like you do?
3.Who is your favorite member of the buffalo stampede and why is it Evok?
1. Well I'll be honest, I always aim to be the best or strive to be the best and always fall short. It's a hard feat to be the best of the best in anything you do, and there are a lot of try hards like myself on this site that strives for the same excellence. My career so far has been a bit of a blessing, even though its not the tippy top peak I've always dreamed of it being. I've won lots of awards, and still want more. Luffy is still as hungry as ever! I'm missing the top points in the league and still hope to somehow achieve that, but these old bones might not be able to sustain the top of the league. Early on I thought to have cracked the simon code for the perfect SMJHL build but always fell short, I believe that to be a team thing and not something to do with my build. I've definitely had a couple FHM builds while everyone found out the best ways to go, and I think I have settled on a decent build that I can find success with and my coaches can play me in multiple different scenarios. As regression hits a little bit harder year in and year out, I assume Luffy will trend toward that of somebody like jumbo joe. A big long haired grey maned bitch that just plants himself in front of the net, and digs the hard pucks out of the corner for players like seppalla and Harrington to carry the goal scoring load while he does all the hard things.
2.Honestly I don't do anything, I just let it grow and hope for the best!
3. I cannot answer this question without hurting feelings <3

Grum Wrote:.-. What is your favorite Pokémon?
.-. What is your favorite anime?
.-. Do you like otters?
.-. Who do you think is the best rocket league player in Buffalo?
.-. Why did you not answer the drop shot queen to the previous question?
My favorite pokemon right now is the new dragon, dragapult! The only downside to this super awesome pokemon, for me, is that it's shiny is kind of weak. This is kind of a big downfall for me because I'm a shiny hunter. Overall I would still have to go with shiny mega-gengar. I love that shiny so much and the pure white scary ghost has my heart.
My favorite anime currently is demon slayer. The animations for the fights are honestly just amazing. One piece will always have my heart and is honestly fabulous if you can get over the goofiness and things like that. Attack on titan gets an honorable mention as its the first anime I ever really watched (DBZ kind of doesn't count imo) and the darkness of that AOT is awesome.
Otters are pretty great,
I'm gonna go with myself on this one. My teammates sharp and kholin are amazing and we make a great trio and are currently on top of the SHL with back to back tournament wins. I'm just greedy tho because they are both probably better than me and I'm on a big loss streak right now.
wdym drop shot queen REEEEEEEEE

Sopath Wrote:Does Luffy party with Stampede Mafia?
I'm not actually allowed to talk about the mafia and I'll be hanged if I do. but yes
Naosu Wrote:How do I be an elite player like you? TPE clearly isn't the answer.
Can you get me an irl accounting job? :^)
TPE does actually play a pretty big role in being an elite player, and max earning will always give you the margins above the rest. To be an elite player in this league really depends on deployment, linemates and how your management uses you. We see that with buffalo as fish has sacrificed himself (at 1900 tpe) to be more of the defensive power house. I still consider him elite except he is producing points at a below average rate. Defense wins games and wins championships and sometimes you need to be the low scoring defensive stud to be the elite player your team needs to win.
I don't think I could get myself another accounting job right now so probably not! Getting a job is just RNG, fire those resumes out and hope to win the lottery!

Mayuu Wrote:Are you a desk or bedjerker?
A little bit from column A and a little bit from column B, monkaS
Fluw Wrote:What team is the best SMJHL team in history and Why is it lethbridge Wink
Well truthfully my knowledge of the SMJHL is super limited, as I stopped paying attention once I finished and didn't win shit! Lethbridge was a hell of a time, even with the limited people we had for that small amount of time. My only ties with SMJHL right now is continuing to be in the NL locker room so I guess the redesigned lions are the best smjhl team! I also have to throw my hat in for QCC as my teammates run that team, and they are a force to be reckoned with.
Nhamlet Wrote:In all the locker rooms and teams that you have been in and on, which seasons stand out in particular?
I would be fooling myself if it wasn't the playoff run in S55 where we eventually won the challenge cup! I have a lot of good times, and bad times, in the buffalo locker room but it will forever be my home here in the SHL. My first season after taking the reins from Metzler was wild, and it was a learning experience on how to be an actual captain here on SHL. We got through every single thing that came in our way that season, and we struggled through together. It was an amazing atmosphere even when we were losing and everybody always has each others backs in there. The feeling of spamming with your team through every goal, and every breakaway save made all the hardships worth it when we finally broke through in the game seven overtime. It was a magical experience Luffy will treasure until he is retired, even if no more cups are brought to buffalo. I've had a lot of great times in and around NL as well, gaming with all the homies and memeing each other back and forth. Great group of people in both locked rooms!
MCP_ Wrote:And for a slightly more serious question, what has been your favorite experience on the site in your 2+ years on the site?
For your first meme, buff good luffy gooder than dubo.
My favorite experience will and forever be scoring the game winner in overtime in game seven to win the challenge cup. There are still a lot of good times throughout the seasons, like struggling through SMJHL with all the ghost ship and competing in WJC and IIHF even tho I have yet to still win one (forever the bridesmaid on those). I've had lots of great times like all the gaming tournaments and memeing with everybody on the forums and trying to make all the forum teams when all the drama happens every offseason! Another great time is when a good percentage of the players on this league had my back when my tpe got shorted in my peak year and everyone rallied behind me, that felt nice.

SlashACM Wrote:U look cool
no you
SDCore Wrote:Hello Monkey Luffy man. My question for you is, how does it feel to be the second best player ever in the SLL?
For real tho, if you could go back and do one or two things different in your 2+ years on the site here, what would you do and why?
Well let's be real, if SLL were to be continued and never ended, the first ballot HOF would have been the two of us. But with only one season in the books (which we know who won that) it's hard to tell who actually was the GOAT!
The things that I would do differently are not missing some of the opportunities in my first 10 seasons before regression. That one is tough for me because I fell just a little bit short of the goals I set out for myself at the start of my career. I did pretty decent at predictions and fantasy the whole way through so that's really important to keep a leg up while racing to the top of the TPE leaderboards. But depression hit me hard some seasons and it was hard to keep up, and even tho i didn't miss a lot of TPE opportunities throughout the years, i missed enough to fall short and thats extremely disappointing to me. I'm happy with how everything and how it is and I've accepted that I'm not a perfect TPE grinding machine and others are just better than me! I would love to go back and make sure i never missed a single tpe.

Faelax Wrote:Why is Buffalo the best team in the SHL?
When will we revolt against Fishy's reign of tyranny and put Luffy back on the top line?
How much longer do you think Luffy will stick around? Askinf for a friend who is looking for top 6 minutes :eyes:
Will you recreate after Luffy is done?
<3 you Luffers
Well the honest answer is that they drafted Luffy and built a team around him! SYKE. Even tho lee is a bit of a bitch, he somehow knows how to wheel and deal around the league, I'm pretty sure he has a lockbox somewhere with insider information on every GM and AGM in the league, probably where he keeps the meowmix he feeds us. Coupled with the scientist robotic german you have the power couple the somehow don't win GM of the year on a yearly basis cause somehow others are more deserving cause they get yeeted in the ploofs early? But after everything is actually settled, it's us the players that make buffalo the best team in the SHL. Sure we haven't strung together the B2B2B2B cups we would have hoped for but our locker room is the best in the entire SHL hands down not even close. Everybody has each others backs and nobody is scared to go to war for each other. We pull no punches in buffalo and we call each other out when somebody is being dumb. Nobody comes close to the community we have in buffalo.
I mean i wish to call it fishy's reign, but you can see him under knute for points so you know he's trying his best for Ws.
As i've said before, I'll try to keep luffy alive as long as i can, and when his time has come he'll be the 3rd line defensive rock for his team moving forward.
honestly I have no idea.

ProjectSaint Wrote:Old Man Luffy, would you accept owning a Gundam?
I mean hell yea who wouldn't want to own a gundam? Truthfully I would invest in a mech from armored core: for answer though. That game was the shit when I was in high school and customizing your mechs to outpace the others was insane. Those high flying mechs like noblese oblige and white glint were killer and I'd shoot my shot for those above gundams.
JAJA SWEG DINGDONG Wrote:Why wont u catch up on One Piece :(
Truthfully I've struggled recently with actually watching shows, but i have been re watching it slowly with a friend and we are currently around episode 300! I know i have a lot of catching up to do so why am i re watching it instead? I like sharing my passions and likes with others so it's been awesome to re watch it and share the joy with others! I'm currently watching Dr. Stone and finishing up haiyku atm, and maybe i'll look into finishing OP alone with AOT (i've read most of it also). I'm so excited for my demon slayer i can't wait!
fishy Wrote:1.Why are you the way that you are?
2.How did it feel stealing the Buffalo captaincy from a rookie?
3.A&W or Wendy’s?
4,Would you rather have 1 GME or 20 AMC and BB?
5.How’s ur new place?
6.Why do u never play rocket league with me?
7.How long will you play with Luffy?
8,What are some goals as luffy moves into the next stage of his career?
9.Why am I ur favourite
10.When are u giving me ur old PC for free
1. I don't really know, I was born this way and was sculpted by the hardships of my life. Now i just meme away the pain and yea. I used to be a lot worse to be honest.
2. I never stole nothing, Luffy is and forever will be the heart and soul of the green and gold and there is nothing a stinky fish can do about it, except killing that heart and soul.
3. A&W all the way, Mozza burger is the supreme burger in every single way. A&W slaps and Wendys needs a slap, they only have good junior bacon chesseburgers and frostys.
4. Well considering i'm a donkey and i just sold over 300 AMC and switched it all into GME i'm gonna go with GME on this one. I have stayed away from BB. I used to own one and was never a fan, except bb messenger was the shit. I guess in this conext 20 AMC is worth more than 1 GME so i guess the 20 amc.
5. The new place is good. Me and my roommate always be vibin and playing games together so it's nice to not always feel alone in this shitty world during covid. It'll be nice when we can have people over once covid is over and we can have some hangs and actually show off our place, we have put in some decent work already to make it look nice.
6. I hate you and i hope you never double flip resent triple tap in your life.
7. I've answered this lots and it's still going to be as long as I can for me. If i can survive on the 3rd line for as long as i can I will.
8. I still think I have a season or two to get a shot at the point leader total. I've gotten so close it's just one of the trophies I really want in my bag of tricks. After that maybe I'll pursue a dar as I transition into the older more mature player who wants to play a defensive first game for my team. The goal every year is obviously the challenge cup and as I get older and my play slows down, I'll do whatever it takes to keep my teams compete level near the top.
9. you aren't even my favorite fish!
10. i charge you very special price for you my friend.

[Image: x17WALp.png]||[Image: uNh8ZtE.png]
[Image: luff.png][Image: luff2.png][Image: luff.png]

1. How do u get the beeg yoshi?

2. Extend neck?

[Image: gLIi4AC.png]
[Image: beegbeegyoshi.gif]

What is the backstory to the naming of Monkey D. Luffy?

[Image: BirdmanSHL.gif]

Sven Svenson is the Proud Father of Johnny Wagner-Svenson

Sven Svenson Career Stats

Sweden Raptors pride

How did you get so handsome?

Hair care tips?

Beard tips?

How are your kitties?

Send me a snap rn of whatever you're doing (as long as it ain't obscene)

How much longer does Luffington have in the ole tank?

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
[Image: 64012_s.gif]
Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

excel? just reference a table Smile

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


Best memories from when we played together in Lethbridge?

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @"Capt_Blitzkrieg", @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
[Image: p1gG0LD.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: ctsxTFg.png]
my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: AfpXX8l.png]

Thoughts on how your career has gone so far? Do you have any regrets with the way you built your player?

How do I get an awesome flow like you do?

Who is your favorite member of the buffalo stampede and why is it Evok?

[Image: blurrybad.jpg] [Image: zomboy3.png]
Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
[Image: Pw202QP.jpeg]

Player Page || Update page

.-. What is your favorite Pokémon?
.-. What is your favorite anime?
.-. Do you like otters?
.-. Who do you think is the best rocket league player in Buffalo?
.-. Why did you not answer the drop shot queen to the previous question?

Does Luffy party with Stampede Mafia?

[Image: RrqOgzL.png]
[Image: X6NDpNM.png][Image: 6eXcLdf.png]
[Image: yuWLBZB.png]

How do I be an elite player like you? TPE clearly isn't the answer.

Can you get me an irl accounting job? :^)

[Image: jrousseau.gif]
[Image: j7ebBxQ.png] [Image: FbT2Pb1.png]
Canada Knights Canada Knights Canada

Are you a desk or bedjerker?



02-23-2021, 02:24 PMbdu754 Wrote: 1. How do u get the beeg yoshi?

2. Extend neck?


[Image: x17WALp.png]||[Image: uNh8ZtE.png]
[Image: luff.png][Image: luff2.png][Image: luff.png]

02-23-2021, 02:27 PMLordBirdman Wrote: What is the backstory to the naming of Monkey D. Luffy?


[Image: x17WALp.png]||[Image: uNh8ZtE.png]
[Image: luff.png][Image: luff2.png][Image: luff.png]

02-23-2021, 02:29 PMRagnar Wrote: How did you get so handsome?

Hair care tips?

Beard tips?

How are your kitties?

Send me a snap rn of whatever you're doing (as long as it ain't obscene)

How much longer does Luffington have in the ole tank?


[Image: x17WALp.png]||[Image: uNh8ZtE.png]
[Image: luff.png][Image: luff2.png][Image: luff.png]

02-23-2021, 02:33 PMluketd Wrote: excel? just reference a table Smile

sir, this is a wendys.

[Image: x17WALp.png]||[Image: uNh8ZtE.png]
[Image: luff.png][Image: luff2.png][Image: luff.png]

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