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S58 PT #4 Redesigning the Rink

As part of the new television contract with ESPN 8 the ocho, the first and second intermission games are being replaced by their fan favorite Dodgeball matches. A few people questioned this merger, but the thought is that the crossover between fan bases would work and ignite interest in both sports.
One of the unconfirmed rumors however is that the dodgeball might be played on ice, adding an entire new dimension to the game. Speed, and sliding are going to come into play here.

Moving past the small tweak to entertainment is the issue of rule changes and equipment changes to the players. Rumors from a confidential leaked source state that the network is working with the SHL to tweak the rules. Study groups indicate that audiences like explosions, so now not only are slashes that are stick on stick allowed (as well as breaking the opponent stick), but they are rather encouraged. Sticks have their inner core lined with phosphorous so that in the event of a break they have a small explosion. This is sure to send ratings sky high, to the Moon!

Additional rule changes that have been hinted include maximum stick length being increased to 6 feet which should allow defenders more maneuverability, as well as a recomendation to wear a stomach, or kidney protector. The thought is with increased slashing that spearing also may become prevalent, or even allowed.

More on this at 11!

239 Words

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I remember back in the day growing up ESPN2 late at night would show roller hockey from some exotic locale like Muscle Beach, CA. The rink there looked like it was a mix between vinyl and carbon fiber, so black and shiny and slippery. We play on ice, so what I'd do to make it more extreme would be to dye the ice black and change the red and blue lines to Yellow or Neon Blue, this would also include the faceoff circles and dot.

They also had some kind of ramp behind the nets, so id also bring something like that to the SHL, a slight incline which would keep the puck from resting behind the net and bringing the play out. I'd also make the dasher boards rubber, hard on the sides and more elastic in the corners to make it unpredictable if shot against. I figure it would make for more garbage goal opportunities and a better opportunity for grinders to be in the spotlight more often.

the "extreme" version of the SHL would be deathmatches in intermission. In the 1st and 2nd intermission, each team would have to send out one player to have a fight to the death on center ice. We could build a ring/cage of some sort in the faceoff dot, and whichever skater is victorious, their team gets an extra goal for their efforts. This would be a strategic decision from the coach, as if your player loses, they are... uh... out for the remainder of life. So you wouldn't want to send your star players all the time, unless they were really really good at fighting. Another bonus to this is that it would solve the logjam situation in the SHL, as prospects are likely to be called up very early to replace new vacant spots on the roster. It would also probably encourage several people to put more TPE into the fighting stat, which is fun. Who ever said fighting wasnt the best part of hockey? [167 words]

Thanks Wasty, Carpy, JSS, TurdFerguson, Geekusoid and Awesomecakes for the sigs!
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I have a series of suggestions for changes that could help make the SHL more extreme. First step is to remove the glass so that players can now be hit over the boards allowing for the old exciting play of a playing getting hit into the bench can now happen all over the ice. One major draw back to removing the glass is that pucks will inevitably end up off the ice with more frequency. To increase the pace of the game and counter all the additional stops in play I propose that pucks that fly out of the of the offensive will result in a 3 second countdown and a puck being dropped directly behind the net and play continues without any stoppage of play. This will increase the pace of the game and also change how teams need to change lines and may result in more odd man rushes.

The shl merge for a season with the legendary show battle bots (or the version in the UK - robot wars). The rink is fitted with a series of arena traps which trigger in various ways. Nothing life threatening, but thing a floor flipper at a certain area of the rink where - if you stay too long in the same spot it will toss the skater a foot or two into the air.
Another one could be pneumatic bars which shoot out a couple of inches out of the floor to catch an unsuspecting skate - causing the skater to flop to the floor.
Maybe a spot in the goal where if you score in the perfect place a large punch glove bops the opposing GM in the face.
This is only the tip of the iceberg and would bring in floods of new crowds to the arena and glued to Spike TV to watch causing a huge ratings jump, and whatever happens Razer always wins. (also slamball was fucking lit)

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Sigs by: Rum Ham, Orbiting Death x2, Enigmatic & Kyamprac

I think like most things extreme if you want it to hit that title you take away some of the safety precautions already in effect and go from there. Removing helmets from the equipment would be a big starting point since they did not even have helmets in the old days to begin with. From there to make it truly unique we then take away the pads on everything except the knees, everyone still needs to be able to skate after all. Then for extra fun we add the MULTIPUCK! With multiple pucks on the ice it will make the game way more extreme and fast paced as everyone tries to figure out what to do at one given point. Some rules would have to be changed as well such as removing the icing lines with multiple pucks on the ice. Also removing offsides and then to make sure they stay out of the way get the refs off the ice and all behind the glass watching the play but not in the way.

174 words

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Redesigning the rink is no easy thing to ask, but I have the exact thing to make it challenging and more extreme. Have you ever heard of the Red Bull crashed ice challenge? No? Well let me explain it to you. It’s a city event where a parcour of about 3 metre wide and not sure how long is constructed. 4 racers start at the same time and race to finish first.

So far, so good. In the SHL we can’t race against each other, as the hockey sport has a set regularity behind. We have 3 periods of 20 minutes each. No starting line, no finish line. But we have goals. I present you a rink, that’s like that track. It’s a roundabout that is 4 metre wide, and has ups and downs in it. The goals are on two opposite sides of the roundabout, on a small part of about 2 metre of plain area in a small climb of the rink. So you can go full speed from the one side, or come from the lower side and try to go up. Makes strategies probably really interesting.

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(This post was last modified: 03-05-2021, 10:20 PM by Ferda.)

all players will be required to be nude and you must be making contact with at least one part of the opponent's body at all times otherwise you are disqualified for being a wimp. bodily fluids are encouraged to be exchanged and the team with the most bodily fluids excreted will be given bonus point(s) relative to the fluid differential between the two teams. we will move the play area from the ice to the bedroom and players are designated to play for days on end to see who comes out on top, or bottom. the rink will now simply be a king sized bed that all of the players must be on at the same time with one or more balls in play and the teams will score based on how many holes the ball(s) enter. teams will be rewarded for stuffing the other team's holes and the challenge cup will be used as the calgary dragons did when they won. the cup will be used to store the winning team's "cheese" and the losing team must drink/eat the "cheese" inside of it.

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

The change that I would make to the equipment is multiple pucks in play, and also the general sizes of the sticks. The stick size is a reverse function of how tall you are. In the regular hockey leagues, its based on your height. NOW its based on your REVERSE height. SO taller players need to use shorter sticks and shorter players need to use LONGER sticks. Back to the multiple pucks thing. There are always two pucks in play. Play does stop if one of the pucks does enter the net. A goal is still a goal. Also on faceoffs, the ref will drop two pucks simultaneously. This allows the Simulation hockey league to enter a new era. There are going to be so more breakaways and will really breathe some fresh air into the league. Players will really need to start paying a lot more attention to what is going on. I think that this would really expand scoring and excitement around the league.

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Number one shits behind the blue line are 3 goals not one this and many other changes I will instrument will make the game more fun. When the opposing team has the puck only defensemen can try to impede the team forewards are not allowed to play defense plain and simple. This league is all about offense and theres also no penaltys we dont play those games here. Faceoffs are now a game of rock paper sciccors no more kicking guys out of the dot but simple hand gestures give us the victor. Fans can also vote what strategy the coaches will use by using built in I pads on the seats in front of them.maybe you dont like this league but we love it here at FHN so dont sleep on this beauty of a game. For the haters fuck em this league is gonna be dope no league will ever have the refined mechanics and ridiculous players that fhn hockey will have. Let's go cuda!

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2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

I have been saying this for some time but we need to consider adding ramps ot the ice. This would allow players to get better air and pull off some flashy plays. Sure, we may run the risk of having blades soar through the air and that could potentially pose a safety hazard. When have we been the type to let safety get in the way of having a good time. These new ramps would surely pull in additional viewers and help grow SHL’s footprint in the country. Ratings would go up, players contracts would eventually go up, and everyone would come out happier. It’s a win-win-win situation, one that makes perfect sense and I don’t understand why the idea has not been execute already (besides the safety concerns of course). It opens up the possibility for some big mid air collisions. The all-star weekend could now have different contests based on ramps, such as longest jump, coolest trick, etc. Let’s get some ramps for the SHL and get vertical.

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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The big wigs at the cable syndication have heard of the public’s gripe with the low scoring games that the NHL has, and have implemented a couple of ways to alleviate that in the new broadcasts of the SHL games.  The game will start off normal, but at every 10 minute increment, an additional puck will be thrown onto the ice and will not be removed.  So, by the end of the 3rd Period, there will be a total of 6 pucks flying around the arena that the players need to keep track of or ignore if they so choose to.  Once one of the pucks is scored, it is taken back to center ice where teams can play it like any other puck or focus on one of the many other pucks that may already be in the offensive or defensive zone already.  This results in higher scoring games for the TV audiences and an overall more hectic game for all of the players on the ice and on the bench.

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As the NHL moves more towards a faster but less physical game, the SHL will be making moves in the opposite direction in reaction to the urging of their new network partners. The aim for this is to try and draw in more of the older fans who miss the hard hitting, grittier game that used to take the ice. Some of the changes involved will be that players will have helmets be optional, the removal of obstruction penalties, a fighting quota and limited curves on the sticks. The goal being that you'll see the return of hockey hair taking centre stage again with the removal of helmets. With no obstruction penalties you'll see a lot of the old hack and slash in front of the nets and the holding and slowing along the boards during breakouts which will slow the game down and make a physical style more prevalent as opposed to the NHL. The limited curves on sticks should help with keeping the shots lower amidst the sea of helmet-less players. The last change that shouldn't need much provoking with the hack and slash style game on the ice is a minimum of three fights per game. A line brawl wouldn't count for all three, but instead would be one. It would have to be three separate instances of fighting, which would promote the bloodlust that used to be shown in the older style of North American hockey.

Word Count: 240

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How do you make hockey more extreme? No seriously, how? You already have a bunch of maniacs on knives dancing around on frozen water trying to get a rubber biscuit between to poles with a cloth net. Not to mention they allow fighting and will only break it up if it is going nowhere. As I sat here pondering on this, it came to me. Fire. We're going to add fire to the game. "But wouldn't that melt the ice?" Technically yes, but we'd not use the fire on the ice. Once a period, the team who is behind (or has fewest shots) at the 10 minute mark can choose to use a fire shot. It's a penalty shot but the puck is, you guessed it, on fire. To spice things up even more, 1 defender is allowed to be involved in the attempt to try to block the chance. Except, he doesn't get a stick. He gets a bucket of water to try to put the fire puck out. What will this do? Easy. If the goalie stops the fire puck, no goal. Simple. If he allows a fire puck, it is worth 2 points. If the defender successfully puts the fire out and the goalie stops the puck, it's -1 point from the offensive team. If the fire is put out and the player scores, a normal 1 point is awarded. As you can see, this will surely add more scoring to games and add a little bit of a gimmick.

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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

To make hockey more extreme, I offered to give up helmets as in the old days. Of course, it increases the risk of injury, but the question was about limb, not trauma. Players would start playing more attentively, maybe hockey would remain a little more boring as it would no longer be the usual power games. But there would certainly be more attentive throws because no one would want to traumatize anyone. In my opinion, this kind of hockey would show exactly the individual level of craftsmanship, as it would have to do without big strong throws, but it would have to combine beautiful moments and beautiful gates all over the game. It's one way to make it extreme. Besides that, you could also give up your skates, which would make the game more ridiculous because it would create a lot of awkward episodes. At the same time, other guards would be needed to maximize the risk of injuries. Either way, the game would be fun and quite certain viewers would be entertained.

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