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S58 PT #6 Your Season

So, PT 5 is done, but we won't have playoff predictions for another couple of days, what do? I guess we can do a PT #6, right? No mPT this week though, we've already done 1 more mPT than last season (somehow, I could've sworn last season took FOREVER) so may as well make it one more regular PT too.
Written task: Tell me about your season. What kind of stats did you put up? How did that compare to what you were hoping for at the start of the season? How did your team do? Whatever you like really, just a recap of the season for your player (150+ words)
Graphic task: Make some kind of infographic for how your season went. Include some stats or maybe some comparisons to your peers.
You will receive 3 TPE for fulfilling all requirements.
Deadline: Monday, March 22nd at 11:59PM ET

Affiliate claims from either PBE or ISFL are accepted; link directly to your post and note if your username is different there.
If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me.

This task is for SHL players and send downs only, it is not for SMJHL rookies.

Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride

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PT Pass

Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride

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(This post was last modified: 03-21-2021, 01:50 AM by Dextaria.)

Ryosuke Sato improved on his rookie season in the SHL putting up 22 points total, 7 more than his last season. On the North Stars, Sato was trusted with 2nd line minutes, moving away from his longtime Whalers teammate and friend Luffy Richard. It was definitely different playing with a veteran like Delver Fudgeson and it certainly took the pressure off the young Sato. Now being able to focus more on offense, Sato helped get 8 more apples on the season. Ryosuke also shot a lot more increasing his shot totals to over 100 at 123. However, it seems luck wasn't on his side this season as he had one of the league's lowest shooting percentage at 1.63%. Defensively, Sato began to become more comfortable laying the body breaking 100 hits in a season for the first time ever. Although the rest of his defensive game definitely needs more work to prevent too many takeaways and to get more shots blocked.

Overall, it was a solid progression for both Ryosuke Sato and the Toronto North Stars. It seems like from here on out the team will look to continue to lead the SHL and Sato is only getting better and better with each passing season. The future is certainly bright and one day Sato will be the best mobile defenseman in the league.

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!
(This post was last modified: 03-19-2021, 05:04 AM by _Blitz_.)

Danny Marston put up 49 points, 174 shots on goal, 116 hits, 34:28 giveaways to takeaways, and 85 blocked shots. Overall, this is a complete increase from S57. The only thing that didn't change were the total number of giveaways.

I think the offensive stat line is pretty much what I expected from a Playmaker center. 18 goals is pretty good, but it's almost doubled by assists. I'm just happy to be closer to eclipsing 50 points on the season in the SHL. I think with Marston's rate of improvement, it's reasonable to expect 50 to 55 points next season.

If I'm happy with Marston's offensive production, then I'm thrilled with the defensive improvement. Takeaways increased from 6 to 28, which is almost existentially massive. Like, I'm kind of wondering if my player's defensive skills have been a liability in seasons past, or if the increase is a sign of general improvement. It's probably both. Hits increased a little bit, which was nice, but shot blocks went up by almost 20. That's a little crazy to think about, given Marston's play time. Then again, there have been seasons where he put up over a hundred shot blocks, so maybe this is a sign that my player's ability in that category is getting back to that relative level.

[Image: olivercastillon.gif]

Thanks @enigmatic, @Carpy48, @Bayley, @Ragnar, @sulovilen, & @dasboot for the signatures!

(This post was last modified: 03-18-2021, 07:59 PM by yosh.)

Let’s be honest, this was supposed to be Vaseline Podcalzone’s greatest season as a Zerker. He had a huge third year, putting on 45 points as a consistent fixture on the team’s top six. After being appointed the new captain of the Newfoundland Berserker following the promotion of Lassi Suhonen, all eyes were on Pod to lead the team to glory with a monstrous campaign.

What does he do? HE GOES ON A 20 GAME POINTLESS STREAK! Despite all of this, Podcalzone was able to salvage a decently respectable season anyhow. 21 goals and 20 assists for a total of 41 points for the Newfoundland captain. He really could have done more, so it was a very disappointing campaign for Podcalzone individually.

On the bright side, how about this season for the Zerkers? Bas O’Bigbers and Ric Charlesworth popped off as one of the deadliest offensive pairings in Newfoundland history, giving even the Marner-Minamino connection a run for their money. The team bounced back from a last place regular season finish last year. With a team consisting of a good handful of rookies, this core is going to be a powerhouse for seasons to come.

WC: 195

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(This post was last modified: 03-22-2021, 10:27 PM by hockeyiscool.)

The Simulation Hockey Leagues 58th season was a season that ended up being below expectations for Dwight Knight. Some personal goals that Dwight had set for himself was a 40+ personal point season, 20 goals, 60 points as a team improvement on the amount of giveaways during the season and a trip to the playoffs. Dwight fell short of these goals across the board. The personal stats of Dwight was 14 goals, 22 assists for a total of 36 points falling 4 short of the desired 40 point season Dwight's line was geared toward offense which in hindsight might have been a mistake. Dwight had a +/- of minus 18 on a line that also had minus 20 and minus 22. notably Dwight had the second worst face-off percentage by a center (Took more than 500 face-offs this season) in the league. This was not against expectations.  As a team, the Barracuda had a hot start to the season keeping themselves even with the Atlantic division leading teams, Atlanta and Manhattan. Then the slump in Tampa begun. The second half of a season was rough as Tampa dropped a lot of winnable games and their players began to underperform. Tampa finished just outside of the play-offs tied for the bottom of the Atlantic.


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Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
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Did Ya Get It?

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I'll summarize this season by comparing my stats to last season since these will be the only two seasons for quite some time where I'll have extremely similar if not exact TPE totals. As far as point totals go, Kev regressed a bit by putting up 41 points compared to 44. However, this came with almost no time on the power play this season as opposed to last, where an average of 1:03 per game gave 6 points to the total. I'd say this season was better points-wise considering the total would be higher with time on the power play. There's not much to look into in regard to +/- with +34 this season compared to +37 last. It's negligible as far as I'm concerned. There was a huge reduction in PIMs with 8 this season compared to 49 last which was largely due to two game ejections last season. I'm glad to see this reduction and I'll leave the role of racking up PIMs to Boris once more. More hits (49->57), takeaways (32->40), and shots blocked (81->111) than last season show where the true improvement was made this year. Increasing those minor stats while keeping everything else stable for the most part means the season was successful in terms of personal growth.

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Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate
(This post was last modified: 03-16-2021, 02:43 AM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)

Graphic task: Make some kind of infographic for how your season went. Include some stats or maybe some comparisons to your peers.

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All in all, I am extremely happy with my season. Coming into the year the Blizzard had the daunting cap fine, but found ways to insulate the defensive corp with outside help. While Tuck and Karhunen weren't on the levels of Vandy and Smeb before them, they are also a huge step up form Toki Wartooth and the other IA I forget that we had to sign. So just coming into the new season was refreshing, as it was the second run at things on a pair with Tanner, and there was insulation above, and below our pairing.

On the ice there is nothing to complain about. I believe each stat category was at an all new high for me, but that should be expected given the whole, sophomore growth thing. The one hallmark I like to judge myself on--a form of "invariable" production, is at 5v5. It feels like an excuse given I averaged "0:00" minutes on the powerplay all season, but I gotta make myself look good. Among RD I finished 8th overall in points at 39, and had 38 of those at even strength (one SHA). I believe that ties me for the highest 5v5 points scored by a RD this season, with Karlstrabe Scholz and Rex Kirkby. Unfortunately there is a reason I included the "RD" introduction since a lot of the higher scroing d-man were on the left side of their pairings. Regardless, I'm pretty happy with those offensive results. Going beyond that, I also got into my first scrap this season. Didn't win it, but you can't always ask for perfection from a non-fighter.

On the defensive side of things... ehhh. There were a lot of hits and shots blocked, but that has never been Foley's "trademark." Even dating back to the agante winning season from him, it was more about dominant possession numbers and a stellar giveaway/takeaway ratio. Unfortunately, there were a lot more giveaways than takeaways, which is natural when the puck is handled more frequently but is still disappointing since that is something I value. On the other hand, the hallmark of strong possession numbers showed signs of life. -0.6 CF% is alright, but once again viewing things through the lense of "I'm a sophomore d-man playing where other draft-classmates would be rookies," that's pretty good. And really, that's where I'm at this year. Viewing it as a "second" rookie season is a healthy perspective given that is what my fellow S55's are doing right now. I mean, shit, I feel like these numbers could've gotten me a RotY nom if this was my true rookie season. Either way it's hard to complain about the offensive and defensive counting stats Foley got this year. Hopefully they are just the start of steady improvement in the future.

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PT pass

[Image: outlaws2.png]  [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]  Mathias Seger #15 | Player page | Update page [Image: outlaws2.png] [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]
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Sigs by Donini, RainDelay, Fever and OrbitingDeath

My season was "alright" I would say. Not an extremely good season which I had hoped for (because you always hope for those), but it wasn't bad by any means. It started quite well with a number of early shutouts (3 this season, compared to 6 last season), but then the numbers went down towards the end. However, I can't say it was much better than last season and it also wasn't my best season ever. Perhaps I should define what I would call an extremely good season; one where I have the best goalie stats in the league. I would like to play a season where I'm the clear McBride favorite and finally win the award.
That wasn't the case this time with a 0.918 SV% (at least compared to what I had in S54 when I had a 0.922 SV% and I know I can even do better than that), but that’s okay. I'm sure I have room to improve still; I don't feel that old... yet. It would feel nice to get under the 2 GAA too, but that's a team effort just like wins are and I don't see these as my own stats.
Looking at our team as a whole we've had a great season. Making the playoffs again for the first time in 6 years is something to be proud of and I am proud of this team. We won 46 games (33 in games I played, 13 for Scoochie) and finished 2nd in the East. That's amazing considering where we've been just a few years ago.

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
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Cal Labovitch had a great S57 breakout season, rackin gup 31 goals and 20 assists for a total of 50 points, at a shooting percentage of 17.13%. He gave the puck away a bit more often than he would've liked (39 giveaways), and only had 18 takeaways, but with scoring being his primary focus as a perimeter shooter, he wasn't toio concerned with either of these. His expectations for the S58 season were high; he had grown as a hockey player, cemented his position on the first line further and signed a contract extension that'll keep him in Minnesota for the foreseeable future. Nothing stood in his way of stepping up, and grabbing the spotlight as the face of the Monarchs franchise.

Nothing, except for himself and dumb bad luck. 5 games in, Cal had not managed to find the net even once. It wasn't until we were a few weeks into the season that things started to click and we got to see some of last season's Cal back out there. While his teammates, Mika Mayfield mostly, managed to bang in a few of his missed and blocked shots, leading to Cal picking up a career high 34 assists, the meter for goals scored stopped at 19, which was less than the 21 in his sophomore season and only marginally better than the 12 he scored in the 50-game S55. His shooting percentage plummeted to a disappointing 9.60%, and while his overall production was 2 points more than in the previous season (53, over 51), his power play stats weren't keeping up and fell by 1 to only 11 points in over 2 minutes of power play per game. The one bright spot were the number of takeaways, which almost doubled to 32, but then again he gave away more pucks than ever as well.

Overall not a huge season, and definitely not the season Cal had hoped for. Maybe S59 will bring more luck, and hopefully some playoff hockey where Cal will finally have a shot at breaking the playoff curse that seems to be on him.

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

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