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s60 PT #5: SHL Family Values

Well, another stressful mishap squared away due to some quick thinking by you, and we're already at the end of the season. Time flies when you're dealing with other people's bullshit.

An email comes through with an invitation to a family reunion! All sorts of close and extended family will be there, and it's during the few days before the postseason starts and it would be good to take your mind off of hockey (whether or not you're IN the playoffs).

Written Task: How does your family reunion go? Is it a nice time to see loved ones that you don't often see? Is it a disaster where everyone berates you for your PR mishaps earlier this season? How do people feel about your profession? Proud of where you've gotten? Or disappointed by your lack of skill and personal accomplishments. Either way, the more detail, the better!

Users who have canon family as current or past players, this one's for you! (150+ words)

Graphic Task: Depict the family reunion; Include your render and at least 3 other family members (they don't have to look like you). Also include a speech bubble to indicate if they are happy or unhappy with your presence at the reunion.

You will receive 3 TPE for fulfilling all requirements.

All responses are due on Sunday, July 25th at 11:59 CST.

Affiliate claims from either PBE or ISFL are accepted; link directly to your post and note if your username is different there.
If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me.

This task is for SHL players and send downs only, it is not for SMJHL rookies.

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UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

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(This post was last modified: 07-21-2021, 07:05 PM by yosh.)

The Podcalzone family reunion actually takes place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this year, because Vaseline Podcalzone was voted in as a last-man in of the SHL All-Star Games!

The entire Podcalzone family flew down from Pod's hometown of Vladivostok, Russia, to get a chance to cheer on their family member over a weekend of festivities. The family reunion takes place in a small greasy spoon diner because there really aren't that many spots that can squeeze in a family during dinner time. The family toasted Pod's success, not realizing that he was really only voted in by fans and not really because of his genuine playing prowess, as the Seattle winger had been slumping hard all-season.

Pod was able to get his family tickets for the entire festivities, as they watched him play in the all-star game, as well as participate in the skills competition. All in all, it was a really fun and unique Podcalzone family reunion, and certainly beats out the ones that take place at home in Russia!

WC: 170

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PH if only to annoy other people that would PH

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Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard

EDM All-Time Leader in Goals, Assists and Points

PT Pass, also PH

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How interesting time goes by and yet another Chamberlain family reunion is scheduled.  This time, I would be appearing with my significant other and our new bundle of joy.  I'm sure there would be some smart comments about putting the "cart before the horse", but that happens from a classic midwest family.  One thing I definitely counted on was my nephew talking smack about how terrible my season was going this year.  "When I get called up to the league, I'll definitely have better stats than you".   He isn't the brightest.  He also plays defense (which explains some things) and forgets that a defenseman stats can not be the same as goaltender stats.  I had to remind dear Dakkon of this, and he of course grumbled off to go play on his Switch-Lite.  There wasn't a ton of league talk, thank goodness.  A couple of cousins (and my parents) of course inquired about Montana but much of the talk was about the new kid.  That, hands down, was a huge relief and distraction away from all league related things.

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[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

Written Task: How does your family reunion go? Is it a nice time to see loved ones that you don't often see? Is it a disaster where everyone berates you for your PR mishaps earlier this season? How do people feel about your profession? Proud of where you've gotten? Or disappointed by your lack of skill and personal accomplishments. Either way, the more detail, the better!

Users who have canon family as current or past players, this one's for you! (150+ words)

A family reunion is something that I can definitely use after having a tough season in my first year with the newly formed Montreal Patriotes Many thought (ourselves included) that we would not be on the outside looking when it came playoff time but not everything always goes according to plan. This would be the first time in my SHL career that I will not participate in the SHL playoffs and have an early off-season, but that means I get to spend more time recovering and seeing more family and friends. My career is nearing its end so I always value the time I can get away from hockey and focus on the next chapter of my life. My family has always been there for me when I began my hockey journey and still support me to this day. I will never forget that time when I was able to win the Challenge Cup in S49 and brought it back home and got to celebrate it with family and friends. We plan on having a picnic in our neighbourhood park where I always used to play and take walks/runs around when I was a kid.

(196 words)

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Graphic Task: Depict the family reunion; Include your render and at least 3 other family members (they don't have to look like you). Also include a speech bubble to indicate if they are happy or unhappy with your presence at the reunion.

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PT Pass

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Thanks to @sulovilen, @the5urreal, and @sve7en for the sigs!
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During the offseason, Miguel travels back to Mexico for his family reunion on his Mom’ side of the family. Despite his public relations blunder earlier in the season, Miguel is kind of a Momma’s boy and he’d have to do something really bad for her to get too mad at him and not let him back in the house. Not only that, but family is huge in Mexico, and even if he’s playing some weird sport that involves ice skating and not football (not the American kind!) his family is pretty forgiving. In fact Miguel spends a lot of time explaining the sport of ice hockey to his Mexican family, since its relatively unknown there. And of course nothing says family like eating tons of delicious food that his Mom and other relatives cook, so Miguel is probably going to have to spend some extra time in the gym when he gets back to St. Louis to work of those extra pounds. The worst thing was having to avoid all those awkward conversations about if he has a girlfriend and trying to set him up with a friend’s daughter.

189 words

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Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

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Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

Well, Mew Two only has one living relative, and that is the Pokemon Mew. Mew Two was cloned from Mew many, many years ago. They actually made a movie about it awhile back, but I digress. The family reunion started in Mew Two's cave north of Cerulean City. Mew Arrived perfectly on time due to his knowledge of the move teleport. They started off the day by playing super smash brothers vs the other pokemon that lived in the cave. Everyone of course picked one of the pokemon characters. Eventually Mew Two became frustrated due to losing multiple games to a local Golbat and accidentally crushed the controller with telekinesis. After this, Mew and Mew Two both teleported to the orange islands where they spent the afternoon in the hot springs, catching up on Mew's research into pokemon cloning and Mew Two's hockey career. While Mew always was the smarter of the clones, Mew Two is definitey cooler, as what's cooler than playing hockey?

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S58 Elias Armia Award Winner

mitchell van der heijden doesn't have the best relationship with his proudly dutch family due to the fact that he chose to represent a different country internationally (switzerland) and went to a different country (germany) to push forward his future shl career. as such, he doesn't really look forward to family reunions although he normally attends them. he happened to attend one after the shl playoffs and the hamilton steelhawks' devastating game seven loss to the texas renegades in the semifinals. he showed up hungover, having turned to the brew to cope with the pain of the loss, and when his uncle questioned him again about the swiss thing while the extended van der heijden family ate lunch at a local alkmaar park, mitchell snapped, yelling at his uncle to "get the fuck over it" and that he was "only there cause mom and dad asked me to come". he then had more beer and pissed in a bush before flying to bern to get ready for the iihf tournament, where switzerland finished 4th.


Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

Well by virtue of the odd stuff, the family barbeque was a bit awkward already. But with all of the damage that Jay Sink has wrought upon my life as of recent, there were a lot more questions directed at me. I kind of just wanted to work the barbeque and cook some great meat but it every flip and every flame up was met with a new question. "Daud, how could you say that about us online?" "Daud, that type of thinking will get you sent to hell, you know that right?" "Daud, you hate dogs, really?" There was a lot.

Thankfully I am an incredible cook. I know the importance of yoghurt based marinades for perfect tenderness. And so the moment the chicken thighs were off the barbeque and onto some sliders with my own custom hot sauce, everybody chilled the hell out and the rest of the night was pretty fun.

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Pt pass

After getting drafted by surprise in the S55 SMJHL draft and leaving home to move out to Quebec City, Kev has missed the yearly family gatherings for six years in a row now. There's so much to catch up on and Kev ends up spending most of his time giving repetitive updates to everyone he comes across. Most of the conversations are dull and factual, but the kids at the gathering occasionally chime in with some pretty interesting questions. "How many fans and haters do you have?" "Is it true that there's aliens and animals playing in the league?" "How much did you have to bribe the all star committee to vote you in?" Some of these questions caught the attention of other family members and a huge debate was started over topics such as if SFP prospect Narboza Manyhands is a real alien and if the all star vote is legitimate. The peace was nice while it lasted, but as with most family gatherings, it ended up placing doubt in people's minds as to why they even attend these events in the first place. As for Kev, he's thankful to be busy most years focussing on training and playing to have an excuse to skip these kinds of things.

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate

Gunnar actually goes home to see his family in Sweden almost every summer, so this is really nothing new in theory. Just his immediate family is something of a party in itself - his six sisters all have families of their own now, so between his parents, his sisters, their spouses, and his sixteen nieces and nephews, it's a pretty big gathering. This year, though, there's apparently going to be an even larger gathering. Gunnar's mother's two brothers and their families are coming, so that's another twelve assorted cousins there. And then you have to take into consideration the other two branches of the family - Gunnar's biological father died when he was two, but the Söderberg side of the family still comes along to these things (that's three more aunts and their children and a few of the grandchildren, although it's possible all of them won't be able to make it). And then there's the possibility that some of Gunnar's stepfather's family may attend, because they've all gotten pretty close as well throughout the years. All of that is to say; this reunion is going to be massive. But it's probably going to go very well; Gunnar has always been extremely close with his family, and they all get along very well, so it's going to be chaotic but also full of love and good times. The only real wrinkle to iron out is whether Gunnar is going to bring his boyfriend home to meet the family; they've been hounding him to bring Jean-Uhtred home pretty much since Gunnar told them the relationship existed, but a gathering of that magnitude seems like a very overwhelming way to introduce your significant other to your family. If he doesn't, his family is going to give him a hard time about it, and if he does, he's going to spend the whole time trying to make sure his family doesn't absolutely overwhelm the person he loves, so Gunnar is going to spend the next short while agonizing over what the correct choice to make is here.

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. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

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