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s60 PT #5: SHL Family Values

Heading back home to meet family would be a nice change of pace for McMahon. Having been overseas for the majority of the season has brought about a level of homesickness. He is not like his other relatives who chose to focus their athletic career on the simpler sports such as football and cricket. He is the black sheep so to say but is the most successful of the bunch. His family would ask all these questions about his time in North America and how the game of hockey works as a whole since it isn't very big in England. Of course his extended family would congratulate him on his championship he won years ago back in juniors and wish him luck on this upcoming playoff run. They would have to stay up pretty late to catch any of his games so McMahon knows that he will have to play knowing his family cannot watch. He also played a little football game with his cousins and promptly got demolished having been so used to the ice.

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As great as it would be to have funny bizarre stories from Paul Binder's family reunion in Vienna, Austria, that sadly isn't the case. In fact, the family reunion was a very laid back and enjoyable experience for all. Schnitzel and Vienna lagers were had a plenty, Binder got to see his uncle once again who originally got him into the sport of hockey, and the entire family couldn't be more proud of Binder to be the first person in family history to become a SHL player.

Of course, after a few drinks, Uncle Binder couldn't help but start trying to coach Paul on how to better his game. I mean come on, who knows more about hockey, the guy playing or the guy who introduced the guy playing to the sport? Being an old-timer, most of his advise was themed around all sorts of penalties you can take while the refs aren't watching. He noticed Paul's 10 minute hooking misconduct during the last playoff run which is a huge no-no.

WC: 179

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Ah, but to assume that Slavakov remembers who his family is is quite the mistake on your part! You see he came to Canada from Russia, but he has not seen his parents since he was but a boy. While playing in Siberia he received a note they died in a bear wrestling competition, and with no other family to speak of, as he is an only child, Slavakov knew he was on his own. Luckily, he now has three families to speak of. With his Edmonton family, they are, for the most part, the most civilized of his three groups, mostly relaxing for nice dinners and playing hockey, with the occasional phallic drawing appearing every now and then. With his new adopted country of Japan, he gets to meet up and explore a new country, try new food, get wasted on sake, and drive Supra's around Suzuka. But of course, what he considers his family the most is Newfoundland. Bar fights, drunken karaoke, all-you-can-eat steak, and snowmobiling are just part of the shenanigans Newfoundland deal with whenever everyone gets together. While they may not be traditional families, Slavakov is glad he's found people he's able to bond with and call his own.

203 Words

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Thank you @xjoverax and @phoenix for the sigs!

Oh look, an email: Invitation to the Goode family reunion. Let's just delete that...

Yeah, that may sound cold, but I have my reasoning. First off, it's still hockey season! The Armada are playing incredibly well and I don't need any distractions from trying to bring home the Cup in my final season in the SMJHL. And if it's after the season ends (I don't recall, I just deleted the email!) then I gotta be spending all my free time getting in shape and getting ready for my SHL debut, I don't want to let San Fransisco down.

And family reunions are usually so droll. You have your immediate family, who you see all the time anyway, so nothing special there. Then there's the extended family, who you'll probably talk to for 15 minutes each and have to answer the same questions to each of them. I'd be better off just sending in a post card that says "Gregory. I am well. Still playing hockey. It's going swell. Don't know when I'll settle down yet. Nice to see you too.".

Besides, dad will be there, and I don't want everyone to point out how much better I am than him at hockey. It's just not fair :p

Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride

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This is beautiful, since I literally just got back from an IRL family reunion that sucked shit. So Roddy B will be having a much more enjoyable one.

Coming from a small family, the reunion was just Roddy and his moms. He went home to Vancouver for a long weekend, and his moms met him at the airport. They decided to have fun, and rented a place instead of staying at home. They rented a small cabin on Bowen island and spent the three and a half days windsurfing, kayaking,  fishing, drinking a ton of delicious Granville Island Brewing Co. beer, and having plenty of laughs. With his mind off hockey and sport for a while, Roddy had the chance to relax and release some of the late-season tension. The first practice back after all that beer would prove to be rough, but it was worth it for the chance to make sure his moms know he is doing A-okay in Carolina.

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pbe cw

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Kyle Sux Lmap

This is an expensive PT! Cassius Darrow doesn't actually have a family reunion between the end of the regular season and playoffs. His family reunion will be taking place in the short period between the Challenge Cup Finals and the start of IIHF camps. Darrow already needed to return to Germany to begin practices with the national team, so it was a perfect time for him to fly his mother, sister, brother-in-law, and two young nephews back from Seattle to Germany. There, they engaged in a two-day festival of delicious food with his mother's side of the family (his father's family has been a little estranged since Finn's death years ago). They all were very supportive of Cassius' successes and careers--the family has many big hockey fans who have loved the IIHF honor Cassius has brought to the nation through multiple medals and two Best Defenseman of the tournament awards, while also being a big shot SHL player. He had a great time playing with his nephews as well as his many other young 2nd and 3rd cousins. This was a rare chance for the quiet Darrow to drop his guard and enjoy himself away from the ice. He got into arguments over alcohol with his second cousin Herbert and talked over the finer parts of smoked American meats with his grand uncle Eduard.

It was a wonderful time with family, and something Cassius will cherish for a long time.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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With Pride Month having passed, William Hartmann's brother Chris, who made headlines a few seasons ago by coming out as non-binary, was in a pretty good mood thanks to the acceptance of his family. William took some time during the All-Star Break to spend time with his family. As going all the way back to Lugano wasn't feasible due to the short break, the family instead met up in New York City to tour the metropolis. The trip was rather routine, and it was good to see family again. The highlight of the trip for the parents was getting to see Times Square and other iconic areas in New York, which has appeared in many movies showing in Switzerland over the years. Besides the travel, Hartmann's parents would be much happier to see New York than Edmonton where Hartmann actually plays, given what's actually there to do in the Albertan capital.

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Magnus always liked seeing his extended family in Örnsköldsvik whenever he got the chance. Of course, they are proud that he has made it to the SHL, and happy that he seems to be establishing himself. However, they would like to know when he will be settling down - meet a nice girl, produce some babies, and bring them back to Örnsköldsvik to spoil? Yes, of course he can be the big fancy hockey player, but the Sedins for example, each brother has a lovely family - that was the kind of thing that he should emulate instead! His mother isn't quite at the level of the older people in town yet, but he can sense that she too would like to have grandkids to spoil. The thing is, Magnus isn't ready to have that - he's still busy chasing a Challenge Cup, and would like to get that (and maybe a IIHF gold medal while he was at it too) before settling down.

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eko van otter had a very nice family reunion with his parents and all his many brothers and sisters and some cousins as well. The reunion took place in Norway, at the family estate where eko was raised. Van Otter's father was a dutch ice hockey star in the 80's and all of eko's relatives play ice hockey so they hoped to get a game going but there was no ice so instead they all went for a big long swim in the river, chasing each other around and uhhh singing songs too i guess why not. they played around and ate lots of fish - the buffet at the reunion was quite the spread, with lots of different kinds of raw fish that they all gulped down ecstatically. as one looks around the reunion, there are many potential future SHL stars present at this reunion. Who knows, perhaps another van Otter may be headed to the SHL in a season to come!? it hard to say

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thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

I wake up to the chime of my email alerting me to new mail.  Fuck yes, I’ve won a new free gun giveaway.  My smile swiftly leaves my face as I see it’s an email regarding a family reunion back in Ireland.  “Fuck” I mutter, “I am NOT going to that”.  I pull out my phone and open up my texting thread with my mother.  I see an unread message from her, it reads “Don’t even think about skipping the reunion.”.  FUCK.  I start to pack a bag, 3 pairs of tighty whities (2 clean 1 dirty) and 4 bottles of wild turkey 101.  I like to travel light.  I find my plane ticket in my email and I head to the airport.  As soon as I pull up a plane flies overhead.  Just like a falcon or a steelhawk.  It’s a sign, I gotta get the fuck out of here.  I go home, bang on my neighbor’s door as he answers.  “Family reunion day?” Jerry says.  “How’d you know.” I say as I walk by with a cracked bottle of bourbon.  It’s going to be a good day.

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The Byrnison family reunion would be a very difficult one as my family don't understand why I spend my time playing ice hockey with humans rather than staying in my royal halls in Svabald. There has been been decent in my own family suggesting that I should vacate my throne as I am away so often, but this will not stand. My brother and my sister would not challenge me but a couple of the more foolish cousins would. So my family reunion quickly turns from a fun time eating walrus and herring and into a fight to the death. Unfortunately my idiot cousins are no match for me and I quickly dispatch them. It does leave a bit of a downer on the whole reunion but it reminds people why I am King and you can not put a price on keeping your throne and the respect and fear of your family and subjects.

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Angus McFife XVIII next familly reunion is gonna be awkward. For those that don't remember, I was expulsed from the Terrorvortex earlier this year, leaving behind the world I knew. In fact, it's not even the world I knew, it's a world where I was transported after my original homeland of dundee exploded after the Hollywood Hootsman exploded his nuclear heart, creating the terrorvortex, a terrifying dimension in which I was sucked in. So all my familly kinda died in that first universe, and also in that 2nd universe. Fortunatly, I have just married a Czech princess, which I can call my new familly. She's not from the terrorvortex so it's all good. I get to be presented as a prince, noble and true with a heart of steel. However, my real familly are the friends I made along the way, the atlanta locker room, the colorado locker room, the micool fan club room and I guess the French Complotist Club against the SHL, but that one doesnt exist for real. It goes like a good ole corn peeling. We all peel corn, boil it, grill some hot dogs, drink some beer until sun rises up again. This is how Angus McFife XVIII celebrates his familly reunions.

Character Page RD- Quarterback
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Retired players:
-Toki Wartooth
-Nathan Explosion btw
-Angus McFife XVIII

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It’s not often that Luca Del Vecchio’s family come visit him, seeing as they are on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. But for this occasion, Luca’s 10th season as a professional hockey player, his parents, his brother, his grandparents as well as a couple cousins, aunts & uncles decided to visit him all together, just before the team began a 6 game homestand.
Now yes, Luca is well off and has space to host some people but not 15 people, which presented in itself a problem. Hotel bookings were made and the solution was found without much fuss. On the day of the family dinner, Luca was bombarded with questions about his health, his wealth, whether he was seeing someone or not, and a multitude of other questions. Most of these questions were easily answered or dismissed until his mother asked him if he had made plans as to when he’d retire. This question, which he admitted to not have thought about it, soured his mood for the rest of their stay.
(174 words)

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I am usually the one that gets picked on for the family reunions. My brother, Theo Morgan, is for sure the better player in the SHL and the main comment I get is "Why cant you be like your brother?" Winning 3 back to back to back champions in the juniors was not enough to impress everyone when Theo is just constantly breaking records, top of the league in points and winning championships even in the pros, along with the juniors and even the world championships. It is for sure a tough comparison because he is one of the best and I am mediocre at best. The only argument I can make is that I am a defenseman so it is without a doubt going to be hard for me to produce at the same rate as my brother does, and also he plays for one of the best assembled teams and organizations in the SHL. It is all in good fun and joking around with the comments that we give each other, it also makes the games between Hamilton and Calgary a lot more intense. It sucks that I have not been able to be on the same team as him since the Juniors with Vancouver, that would really be fun to be putting on the same jersey as Theo Morgan

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Thanks to @enigmatic , @Ragnar and @sulovilen for the sexy Signature

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