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s60 PT #5: SHL Family Values

So with regard to Gudmundur Kristjansson’s family reunion, it is rather small as he does not have that large of a family. The party would essentially be, his mother, father , sister, a couple of aunts and uncles and a couple of cousins. Likely it would just be a small get together, dinner or barbeque.
The family love that Kristjansson is making it in the SHL representing Iceland, and ask about his expereineces in the league, and what his next steps are. If he will ever move back to Iceland. They ask why he hasn’t won any awards yet but the congratulate him on becoming captain of the New England Wolfpack. Further more they have a drink together, and watch some TV, usually a movie that his dad finds on Netflix or the like while the woman chat away instead of watching the action flick, they are more than welcome to join if they like which some do. When all that is said and done, Kristjansson gives everyone a small little gift as a thank you to his family for believing in him and letting him get to the place he is at now

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Tanjiro's family reunion is a very sad family reunion. For those who don't know, his family was murdered by the demon Muzan. His only remaining family is Nezuko. Nezuko, being a demon, lives with him in her box and hangs out in the locker room during the game. To honor them each year he goes to visit the grave he made for them. While demon slaying did not pay the bills, the money he has made from the SHL and SMJHL has allowed him to have nice tombstones for each of his family members that have past. He goes each year to clear his heads before playoffs to make sure he is ready. He prays on the tombstone of his father for advice, even though he didn't know him very well. This year was special as he finally had a breakthrough year from the mediocrity he had been before. He burned incense in hopes of his first playoff series win and the continuation of his success. While they weren't reunited physically, he felt that their spirits came and visited him and comforted him before his first game.

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Like Michael Scott once said, if you play in the NHL SHL, you're on the road so much you don't have time to spend with your family. So it's nice to go to my hometown and visit my family. My dad is a hockey coach and he always tries to give me advice and help improve my game. "You're passing the puck too much. The team that scores more goals wins the game, not the team that makes more passes. You need to shoot more. Once you're in the offensive zone and you have the puck on your stick, shoot, don't hesitate. I want you to lead the league in shots on goal next season." I love it, I wouldn't be the hockey player I am today without his advice. My older brother always jokes about me being 2nd in everything, and of course he didn't miss the chance to mention that I finished 2nd in the league in points again. Overall it was a very nice family reunion before I have to fly back to Hamilton for the game 1 against Toronto.

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It's enough of a shock to go from his home during the season in Denver, Colorado back to the place he grew up: East London in the UK. There's a whole extra level of shock to return to his ancestral home in southern part of the Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan. Jack has only ever been back to meet his family a handful of times, this Nishimori family reunion would be the first time he'd been as an adult. Though he often spoke Japanese in the home with his family, it was very different to feel so surrounded by that language and culture. He often felt like an outsider, even among his family. Only his parents left the country, so the rest of his cousins and other relatives had more opportunities to meet together and he was more of a stranger to them. This time, however, he felt extremely welcomed and cared for when he arrived to the reunion and saw a number of cousins wearing Colorado Raptors shirts and jerseys. Thanks to the SHL and SMJHL streaming services, they'd been able to see a number of his games in his first years as a professional hockey player, and had embraced seeing their family so strongly represented among the best of the best in the sport. It was truly special to Jack to know that they all cared for him and he felt much closer to everyone after the reunion.

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Friday, somewhere at Nevada's headquarters.

The rest of the team can hear a loud thud and a little bang against the wooden bits of the lockers. Anton Harrier just managed to make his way through what seemed like a rough day, cleaning himself off of bits and pieces that seem to mostly consist of remains of gunpowder and glass. He doesn't seem to notice a ninja star lodged on his bag.

The rest of the team is, unsurprisingly, curious.

Carrigan: W-What the hell is that?
Harrier: Uh... Mate, we've been playing together for the past two years, I know I'm not amazing but I imagine you can tell who I am.
Miller: He means the thing stuck on your bag.

The Irish man looked towards the bag, finally noticing the object stuck to his bag, having ripped through the fabric.

Harrier: Uh... huh. Guess it must've been a keepsake from my... uh... girl, I guess.
Majestik-Moose: Well, assuming she doesn't kill you, you're fine.
Larkin-Conway: Since when you're dating?
Harrier: Oh, heh. Since two weeks ago, actually. Met her at the casino I'm working part-time, actually. Weren't you guys supposed to come for that gathering I scheduled over there?
Carrigan: The head office isn't fond of you taking us to casinos.
Harrier: But the place is different, c'mon. It's not like I'm taking you guys to gamble bucketloads, isn't it?
Larkin-Conway: ...What else is there to do on a casino?
Harrier: Meet chicks, I guess. I've met the bird working the air conditioning system.

They all notice Wing Wang rushing out of the locker room from the bare mention of the word "bird".

Miller: He's already off.
Harrier: Those things are way faster than I thought they'd be. Well, I guess we don't have 'em in Galway... Anyway, yeah. I've met this girl. Rather.

He rose a finger triumphantly.

Harrier: The girl.
Majestik-Moose: And where does that thing there come into it?
Harrier: Oh... uh... I dunno if I should say it to you guys. She's a... niner.
Larkin-Conway: What's a niner?
Miller: Don't tell me you grade girls like that.
Harrier: No, no. It's her job thing like in that table game. Dungeons and Dimwits.
Larkin-Conway: Dragons.
Harrier: No, she's a nymph, not a dragon.
Larkin-Conway: The name is Dungeons and Dragons.
Carrigan: And they sure don't have nymphs... maybe you're thinking of a ninja.
Harrier: Bloody hell, you know 'em too?
Carrigan: Yeah, there used to be an actual ninja on the league not too long ago.
Harrier: Uh... huh, on the league?
Carrigan: Aye. Got like five cards of the guy and couldn't trade them off. Heard his Aurora one is pretty expensive too. McCloud.
Miller: Oh, yeah, I had the Platoon card.
Larkin-Conway: Pride.
Majestik-Moose: ...I had the one with the soccer jersey.
Harrier: ...Fuck, that's her brother. Well, older brother, at least.

Majestik-Moose reached a quick conclusion.

Majestik-Moose: So he tried to kill you for doing his little sister?
Harrier: Uh... I mean, I didn't do anything. And I can't really call her little, she has... uh... y'know.

He made a motion in front of his chest.

Harrier: Big fan of 'em. But you didn't let me tell the story. Sit down, it's a mouthful.

Once the rest of the team piped down and took their seats - while Harrier was busy cleaning his hair - he took the chance to continue the story.

Harrier: Well, we were getting along far too well, decided to make it official... but the thing is that her brother is a bit of a serious gatekeeper. He said something to the tones of "If you want to be Kasumitsu's lover, you will have to go through the text!" and I was like-
Larkin-Conway: Test.
Harrier: Aye, test, my bad. So I was like... on one hand, I wasn't sure of what the test would be. On the other hand, large frontal commission. So I said aye, I'll do it. Guess he wanted something more epic from me but he let me go through it anyway. It was like this freakish circuit, you had to go through a bunch of traps, walls and windows. I made it through mostly unscathed but...

He pointed to the bag, sighing.

Harrier: Guess I'll have to get a new one. Either that or ask her seamstress sister. They were all there that night and from what I can gather, they're all living in the US. The exception being the big brother who I think is playing ice hockey in Brazil.
Miller: Or making a Megazord out of his self player cards.
Harrier: Y'know, he did try to hit me with one of those, actually.
Majestik-Moose: Which one?
Harrier: Anaheim. Rookie season.
Carrigan: Oh, wow! That's a pretty rare one, legend has it they just photoshopped an old picture of Taki Inoue on it.
Harrier: Kinda messed up I'm more familiar with that guy instead of McCloud, to be honest.
Larkin-Conway: What rock did you live under?

Harrier shrugged.

Harrier: ...That's a good description of Ireland, yes.

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Scarecrows Dragons Czechia
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Former Players: Yoshimitsu McCloud (LW, #64) - Outlaws pride Platoon Jets Aurora Ireland
Won a Four Star Cup once, knew ninjutsu, picture editors hated him, never tried free agency
Anton Harrier (LW, #90) - Battleborn Rage Ireland
Won WJC gold, liked skateboarding a lot, went to the finals with Manhattan, kept his seat glued in LR

False. An email did not come through with an invitation to a family reunion because I created the family reunion, I am the reunion. There are always a lot of impressive stuff that goes on at these reunions. We all compete for the best. There really was not any kind of backlash about any quote or unquote accidents or public relations disasters. Folks were reminiscing all the other great family moments like when Uncle Yea Yea won pin the tail on the pony by pinning Henry the donkey. I never understood why Uncle Yea Yea would win for that, but my family is a special bunch, a duck is a duck, and a donkey counts as a pony. Of course families fight from time to time, but we don’t draw blood like we are so angry at each other. So the team helped me organize this reunion right before the playoffs so that we can refresh and recharge before we go to battle in the playoffs.

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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ISFL Affiliate (Username: Thor)

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Pasta was the first of his family to have made the leap into pro hockey, well, even the first to play hockey. Rejoining his family provided an opportunity to retail them with wild tales of debauchery at the zerk house. Co-ass cap @Evil_AllBran had recently introduced him to a game called "Goon of Fortune" so that made for a quick ice breaker with his cousins. As is tradition in the Turtle household, several courses of pasta dishes were followed up with enthusiastic conversations around animal and more specifically reptile equality. There was some praise, and a lot of encouragement around Pasta's role in being a voice for animal equality in the league. This reinvigorated Pasta to continue his work. The evening ends with a nice soak in a hot spring, and a shell scrub. Relaxation is very important, and Pasta takes full advantage of time with his family to fill his cup in terms of familial connection, but also to rest in preparation for what was sure to be a wild playoff run.

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The Olson family reunion is generally pretty uneventful. It begins with everyone travelling to Heddal; but all those coming from out of country will need to stop in Oslo on the way. After jumping on the train from Gardermoen to Oslo proper, the family members jump in a rental car and head west toward Heddal. After meeting at the Olson farm, the family will hike some local trails before ending up back at the farm to have a communal dinner. Family members will split off into groups to discuss the past year or years depending on how long it has been since they have seen each other. Eventually people crash at the farm house or set up tents and camp out outside under the stars. The next morning, the family gets together for breakfast and spends the morning together before packing up and making their way back to their homes. There are rarely any family issues at the Olson reunions, however every family has its issues.

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At the conclusion of the 60th season of the SHL, Jon St. Ark returned home to his native Austria for a few weeks to rest and recover from the long and arduous season. While there, his family organized a family reunion of sorts, both to gather together as well as to celebrate the conclusion of Jon's first full year in the professional league. Many of the questions were focused around his time in the United States and Canada and what it was like to live in Vancouver and New Orleans. There were more than a few questions about an apparent story featuring Jon being eaten by alligators in the swamps of Louisiana, or that he was replaced by some hooligan that stole his equipment outside the arena. Jon put all those rumors to rest and set the record straight, and found himself re-energized by the experience. He was ready to start the offseason with a fresh perspective and a renewed spirit.

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Every year the Lind family has a big get together back home where all extended family from around Norrbotten visit for a big garden party. This year the party is going to be a bit different because of Covid, basically everyone seated with one empty chair in between them, but everyone will have access to megaphones to make themselves heard. Seeing as Tomas is the only person coming in from another country, he gathered a lot of interest especially from his younger cousins. They all wanted to hear about how it is to play hockey in North America, if he's seen any great players, what the food is like, etc. Most of the older folk only wanted to hear on how he's coping with being so far from home, most of them having not set foot outside of their own province. They are all impressed by Tomas's success on the rink but always say that he should have stayed closer to home a while longer.
Words: 168

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Kenneth Lind (S78-)

Tomas Lind (S57-S78)

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@sköldpaddor @High Stick King @Ragnar

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Coming from a pretty small city in Sweden, Luleå, family means everything to Aleks Blixtstrom. His whole extended family lived in houses on the same street, so as a child all until he moved to the United States he was constantly around his family. He did everything with them. He was raised by his parents and all of their siblings, and always played with the other children. They were always extremely supportive in Aleks's hockey playing. When he had to leave the city he had always called home to chase his dreams in the United States, leaving his family was the hardest thing he ever had to do.

When he got the call that they were having a reunion, he instantly started making plans to travel home and see them again. After a long flight there, the reunion was everything Aleks hoped it would be. He saw all of the people he had grown up with. They talked, played games, and had a massive dinner.

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Henrik Lekberg Osterman has always had a deep love for his family and his home, so a family reunion is an exciting time for him. With quite a small extended family, even a family reunion is quite an intimate affair. Most of the time when Henrik goes to visit family, the time during the day is spent working on the farm. There is always something to do when you live out in the countryside. There's roofs to be fixed, fences to be pulled down or put up, trees to fell, animals to feed, gardens to tend and everything else in-between. During the evenings, family discussions and dinner around the table is the norm. The heart of any home is the kitchen and its not unusual for the family to sit up into the early hours of the morning talking and enjoying a few drinks. His family is very proud of what he has achieved and they are always excited to hear about his life in the states, but being humble is valued highly in the family so no bragging or ass kissing.

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