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S60 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 08-14-2021, 10:07 PM by Highhaschdi.)

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for
each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked
below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get
credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification Word: Outlaw

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Claiming 3 TPE

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Pokemon! Everyone loves em, and if you don't, you didn't have a
childhood. Or adulthood. Anyways, let's imagine all SHL and SMJHL
players are now pokemon. Assemble your team! On top of that, what is
your strategy to navigate the POKESHL? Try to get the strongest pokemon
and become champion? Catch all of the possible players and complete your
pokedex? UwU Breed them? Catch low level juniors players and train
them? Or become a gym leader, helping others on their path to greatness?
I'd love to hear your approach.

For my team, I would definitely try to get some fighting, rock, steel and fire type pokemon if I can find any in the league, because I expect most players in the league to become ice pokemon and I want to be very effective versus those. For the same reason, I would try to reduce the number of flying, ground, grass and dragon pokemon in my team, because all the ice mons would be very effectice against them.
I would try to find a mix of getting those strong pokemon and levelling them up to become champion, but I would also try to catch them all and complete the pokedex. The goal would definitely be to be the very best in the POKESHL. Therefore I would also definitely breed some pokemon to get even stronger ones. My favourite pokemon would be High Haschdi as I see him becoming the strongest and rarest pokemon out there!

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should
keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it
time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend
your stance.

I really like the current playoff format of everyone making it for the junior league. The playoffs take some time here compared to other leagues and it would be very long without games for some teams with another format. It also helps people get more invested in those games and gives the chance for some great upsets. I was very happy in my first season as waiver pick up for Maine to play some playoff hockey. We knew that we didn't have a great chance to make a deep run, but I really enjoyed that games! It would have been very disappointing for me to not have any playoff games in the junior league. I can understand not every team making the playoffs in the SHL though.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

I think that the IIHF this year will be very competitive and there are lots of teams that can win a medal there. In Group A I think the United States, Germany, Norway and Sweden all have a chance to make the playoffs and go all the way to the finals. In Group B the strongest teams in my opinion should be Canada, Finland and Czechia. Especially Group A seems very stacked at the top and I think the winner of that group will also have a good chance to win the IIHF. On the other hand, teams like Latvia, Ireland, Switzerland or Russia are not looking that strong this year and it will be very hard for them to make the playoffs.
As a German, I will definitely be rooting for them and with not even nominating High Haschdi, they sure have a stacked roster that should be able to go toe to toe with every nation.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related
topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be
50+ words.

a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they
gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?

b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only
the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is
more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple
of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?

c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.

d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

a. Unfortunately I don't know the teams that good yet, but at least Buffalo really seems to deserve to be there with winning the regular season and only losing 10 games! Chicago only ended in the fourth place, so other teams might also deserve the second spot, but they earned it in the playoffs and in the end, we got a great series between the two teams, where Chicago showed that they can definitely compete with Buffalo.

b. Both of those are pretty impressive in my opinion. It's very hard to get that far in this competitive league with so many great teams, so it needs some great management, team building and also a bit of sim luck to make it to the finals. Chicago and Buffalo are doing an awesome job there and I think they will also be competing for the cup in the next few seasons, where Texas will hopefully win the cup though!

[Image: Haschdi.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-13-2021, 09:06 AM by GCool.)

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

The freaky off-ice stuff throughout the season didn't really bother "Long" John Donair when it came to offensive production. In his sophomore (yes, only second year!) campaign, Donair managed to have a very successful line on the Los Angeles Panthers, putting up 32 goals and 26 assists - with a +28 rating to boot. He led the league in shooting percentage with a 20.25% mark, which is honestly more than I'd ever expect throughout an SHL career for one of my players, much less in season two. Making the top 100 in fantasy scoring (#93) while playing only 16:35 a game is really impressive to me, and I hope that even though I didn't get an All-Star nod people are taking notice of what the young guys in LAP are doing. Here's to hoping that Donair doesn't get turned in for that one little bank job - and that he can make it out to Foster's gym to improve in the physical attributes for season three. [174]

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Pokemon! Everyone loves em, and if you don't, you didn't have a childhood. Or adulthood. Anyways, let's imagine all SHL and SMJHL players are now pokemon. Assemble your team! On top of that, what is your strategy to navigate the POKESHL? Try to get the strongest pokemon and become champion? Catch all of the possible players and complete your pokedex? UwU Breed them? Catch low level juniors players and train them? Or become a gym leader, helping others on their path to greatness? I'd love to hear your approach.

I've always played the Poke-games somewhere in between collector and battle strategist - mainly because you never really needed that much skill to get to the end of the Pokemon games (despite people trying to make it so much harder now). So I think in the POKESHL I'd end up collecting Junior players and training them up to sell them off. I like money, and I always liked hoarding money til the endgame to buy all the vitamins and X items for my party of 6. So over time, after developing enough players that went on to have illustrious careers, my favorite players would hang back and be level 99 with maximum stats. That way no real type weaknesses or team composition would matter, and I could just hang out with the same players for the rest of my days! Going for some badges might be cool, but that's not really my style; I've always preferred the coaching role if it's open. [167]

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Freaky Friday.. or Monday. Tuesday? Anyhow, I think the finals will be over by Friday barring some kind of Re-sim :grimace: Anyways, I forgot the plot of the movie but there's something about a fortune cookie and now you're in your mom's body! But actually, it's the body of an SHL player, one from Chicago or Buffalo! (If you are on Buffalo or Chicago, you can't be yourself, pick a teammate or opponent). Now that you are them and they are you, what do you do during the big game? Play amazing and turn a scrub into a superstar? Play like a bum and try to help the other team win? Oggle yourself in the mirror? The world is so exciting in a new body...

4. Written, 3 TPE (60 words min.)
Ugh, poetry is so 17th century, we're ditching that prompt. Earlier in the season I had you flex your songwriting in an SHL style parody, but this time you don't have a song to lean on. You're writing your very own diss track about something SHL related. A player, A team, A GM, anything. You can write a diss track about CW if you want.

Here are the rules: At least 12 lines (and at least 60 words total) but if you wanna do more go for it. I'm not laying out a specific rhyme scheme but there has to be rhyme in it. Be creative! This prompt is not for everyone, if you have a problem with it there are like 15 other prompts I made for ya. NOTE: THIS IS ALL IN JEST; ANYTHING OVERLY MEAN OR MALICIOUS WILL NOT BE GRADED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

I think there's a happy medium to be struck with respect to the SMJHL playoffs. We all want the league to be fun for the new guys, right? Some people think that means letting literally every team into the playoffs. I've never really thought that, because the absolute LEAST fun one can have in their first or second season here is working hard with a bunch of rookies all season long to get the #1 seed and then get fucking FHM'd by a 16 seed or something. Some people also think that making the league fun means making the playoffs an exclusive or quick tournament, and that's categorically untrue either (also a much quieter opinion tbh). I think 12 teams is a good in-between. The 10th, 11th, and 12th place teams are still going to be trash. But they won't be "holy shit I'm shocked they took Team X to game 7" trash. And it includes a decent enough proportion of the league so that not SO many people are dealing with an offseason. [181]

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

For you FHM babies: What if we were still in Simon T land? Would your career be where it is now? Or would randomness have stunted the dynasties you may or may not have been part of?

For starters, I definitely would not have returned if we were still using STHS. Sve7en and Faelax wouldn't have come to me and been like "hey have you heard of SHL" if Simon T were still being used, I can almost guarantee that. I think that, in addition to how everything went down in the end with respect to strategies and attributes being [not literally but kinda close, semantically] manipulated, the idea of THAT particular brand of randomness made things really tense and salty on here come playoff time. It still is tense around here - I mean look at who we're dealing with sending to the finals every season - but it's different now. It's much more understandable and people's expectations can be managed. Further, if I were to try building a quintessential enforcer like Danny Foster in FHM, I think it would have been a lot more difficult because of how high-octane everything is. I'd be sent to the box SO often that I wouldn't be getting hits. And I see some people who are in that role especially in the J and the numbers boggle my mind. I simply don't know how the engine works well enough yet, I guess. So I wouldn't have bothered building a meme character. [220]

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word: gcool

16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?

Using all the money? That's honestly going to be tough, as it was a good haul. But if Luke would settle for just a fun time, I'd probably take him on a nice picnic first. I'm a big outdoors guy, so I'd set something up ahead of time out by a disc golf course. Show off my sick calves while huckin a few discs. Then, since we're both data men, we'd just talk shop for a little bit. What he's been able to do here has been incredible, and I definitely think of that whenever I get stuck on problems at work. [109]

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Milestones Claim
(This post was last modified: 08-14-2021, 02:47 PM by XLeafer.)

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
The shit teams do not deserve to make it into the playoffs and the best teams deserve a bye in the playoffs. It should be the 8 best teams who can make it into the playoffs instead of all because what is the point in the regular season if every team is going to make the playoffs. It would be a waste of a regular season and there would be no purpose. So the format of every team making the playoffs is so bad and the worst do not deserve the playoffs. So let it be the 8 top teams make it to the playoffs and it would be like a 1v8 2v7 3v6 4v5 format.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
IIHF is pretty predictable because there are nations that have the best players and there are nations that have depth and shit players so obviously we would know who will do good and who will do bad unlike the SHL. So I expect countries like canada and sweden to do very well because they are the best rosters in the IIHF and I expect nations like the USA and British to also do very well because they have such great rosters and they better be at the top or else they are a huge disappointment. The nation I expect to not do well is of course Latvia because their roster sucks and not a lot of good players on that roster. And sadly Ireland as well as it has been so long since we were good and I remember when we won 5 gold medals in a row and I want those days back when ireland were the dominant nation.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
I am someone who played under both STHS for so long and I think it was 18 seasons between S31 and S51 so that was a big chunk of time I have played under STHS and I have played in all of FHM time. So if Roenick's whole career was with STHS, his stats would of course be worse because STHS is so unpredictable and so inaccurate that a shit tpe player would do better than a 2000 tpe player and that is how bad the sim engine is. But one plus side is that it is anyone game's in the playoffs and we won't see the same teams in the finals and we will see someone else. Maybe we could have seen the best team in the league get knocked out in the 2nd round by a regression team that barely made it into the playoffs and with a 600 tpe goalie because that has happened to me before and I do not forget. I would like 8 straight 1st round exits to be changed.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Well these two teams deserve to be in the finals. They were the best team in their respective division so of course they deserve to be in the finals. Buffalo dominates the east and Chicago dominates the west so it is reasonable for both of them to be in the finals. I am very happy hamilton didn't make it.
b. The dominance of Buffalo is very impressive. Who would think that Buffalo would even have a good sports team. All their sports teams have been trash and it is a perfect representation of Buffalo or Buffalol. To see buffalo have a playoff team itself is impressive so seeing Buffalo be so dominant for so long is very impressive.
c. I do not know why the Steelhawks are still in Hamilton because it is not even a good city. I live neabry and it is a trash city and has no right to own a hockey team especially one of the best teams of all time with such great city. Relocate because the city is trash, and the arena looks like shit.
d. I do not know jack shit about either teams but Leafer Rielly is the best player ever for the Buffalo Stampede. He spent one season with Buffalo and it was their unthinkable championship season and to this day, I do not know why Rielly's number isn't retired there or have his own statue in Buffalo because he deserves it for bringing a ring to Buffalo.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

[Image: giphy.gif]

(This post was last modified: 08-11-2021, 11:10 AM by dankoa.)

It was a solid first season in Montreal for Kaarlo Kekkonen. Now being looked at as one of the star players in the league (jokes) after having a ton of TPE, a consistently high point scorer and a recent champ, the pressure was on Kaarlo having recently left his long term home in Texas to play for the new expansion franchise in Montreal. Things have gone very well for him all things considered, with him still scoring at a point per game pace on his new team, and being able to help the team on a whole give strong performances. There were no real off the ice problems for the team and so I think all things considered it was a good year for both him and the team and one that he can use to try and build off with his new team as he unfortunately starts to feel the effects of regression during this offseason.

157 words

The IIHF tournament is always quite interesting just because there's so much variation and change each season, there's genuinely a lot of different directions the tournament is able to go in. One of the main constants is Canada always being a threat. That's not to say that they're nailed on winners, but given the player pool they have available to pick their squad from, they're always just about in the mix. They've got some huge names on their team in players like Theo Morgan, Matt Kholin and Gabriel Johnson, and to me they're a tough team to look past in any case just because they're always capable of causing problems. I would like to see someone like Finland doing well also, we've spent a long time not really living up to the standard we'd like to, so it'd be great to be able to come back into the medal round this season and try and get some hardware to take home with us.

163 words

As someone who has been around the league for way too long a time and definitely remembers the old sim and its foibles well, it would be interesting to have complete consistency across all sim engines. Currently, things are very hard to compare across eras of STHS alone, just because of the large variations within different versions of the sim meaning that there was little consistency over the years. I think it'd definitely have been a harder sell over the years getting people to buy in long term to the issues that we're seeing with FHM in terms of parity, wherein its pretty much always the same teams in contention with a couple outliers, and the status quo feeling very hard to disrupt, but I think that perhaps given more time with the sim engine its something that would have been corrected. I think for the overall health of the league its been good to have two different types of sim engine, its allowed the league to progress through the years and will hopefully mean that in future, there's even more room for growth and improvement.

186 words

Milestones (+3 TPE)

Total TPE: 12/16

[Image: VkRiFym.png]

[Image: dankoa2004.gif]
(This post was last modified: 08-12-2021, 08:38 AM by Urq660.)

Quote:1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)

So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

This season has been quite the season of ups and downs for Daryl Urquhart and the whole St Louis Scarecrows roster. There was a really good feeling around the team leading up to the regular season, a strong core of 425 capped players, some quality sophomores and very good rookies, and one of the best goaltenders in the SMJHL. The season started uncharacteristically well, maybe this could be the season we mount a challenge? Things went awry as the season wore on. We were made to look better by a poor Kelowna team and a Nevada crew that was, frankly, bobbins. It was our best season in the 4 I’ve spent in St Louis, but still nothing to write home about. Then, as is Scarecrow tradition, we came alive in the playoffs! We swept the stinky Detroit Falcons 4-0, 6-0 if you include the false start, which we also won. Then a surprisingly competitive series against Vancouver. A real belief we could squeak through in game 7! But, alas, it wasn’t to be. A season of extreme highs and not-quite-crushing lows.

Quote:3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Freaky Friday.. or Monday. Tuesday? Anyhow, I think the finals will be over by Friday barring some kind of Re-sim :grimace: Anyways, I forgot the plot of the movie but there's something about a fortune cookie and now you're in your mom's body! But actually, it's the body of an SHL player, one from Chicago or Buffalo! (If you are on Buffalo or Chicago, you can't be yourself, pick a teammate or opponent). Now that you are them and they are you, what do you do during the big game? Play amazing and turn a scrub into a superstar? Play like a bum and try to help the other team win? Oggle yourself in the mirror? The world is so exciting in a new body...

Damn where am I? I don’t recognise this hotel room. Did Gucci roofie me again and leave me in a random hotel room again? That fucking guy….. uh why the fuck do I look like Aron Hernadivic??

So me, a distinctly average SMJHL defenseman, has somehow managed to get into the body of Buffalos star Winger, Hernadivic. This can’t be good! He had 92 points in the regular season in the SHL. I had 22 points in the SMJHL. Buffalo will be expecting me to lead the line  in the game, score goals, create chances, against some of the best players in the league, I’m not even the best player on my line. Shitshitshit think…. I mean, I could feign injury? ‘Ooh my knee isn’t feeling too great coach, I better sit this one out’, nah, would never work. I could give myself a reverse Tonya Harding and actually injure my knee on purpose? But then Aron would be mad when he got his body back, and he’s much bigger than me. Oh well, sorry Mr Hernadivic, time to have the worst game of your career in one of the most important games….

Quote:5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

Now, part of me feels like the top 8 going to the playoffs would be the right way to go about this, it keeps things competitive. Buuuuuuut, at the same time, St Louis would not have made the playoffs in any of my 4 seasons with the team. That would have been a travesty, as the Scarecrows come alive in the playoffs. And when you have a team laden with rookies, like Nevada this year, a bit of playoff experience for them, whether they are competitive or not, can only be good experience, so I think it should be all in for the J. It is a development league, after all, and there’s nothing to destroy someone new to the leagues desire to continue than missing the playoffs every season!

Quote:12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

a - Buffalo deserve to be in the final again, they were the best team in the whole of the SHL, topping the much tougher Eastern Conference and putting out Hamilton on the way, Chicago had an easier draw, but made a meal of putting away Calgary in the conference final. But at the end of the day, they won the conference, so there’s no real arguments to be made!

b - While it is impressive the amount of times the Stampede have been to the finals, 3 Challenge Cups is not a great deal to show for it. This makes the Buffalo Stampede seem, somewhat, like master chokers. I’d much rather watch a newish team go to the finals than watch the same team go over and over, getting turned over each time…

c - This may be controversial, since they are one of the best lived and most successful teams in the SHL, but I hate Buffalos colours. Yellow on green? It is a bit too much on the eyes, I’m sorry to say. The Syndicate though, their clean black and yellow jerseys are enough to moisten my gusset. I just don’t enjoy seeing green and yellow together, soz 

d - Now, I don’t know if you can call him the best player to play for Buffalo yet, but by god, I think he’s going to be! Hernadivic made the step up to Buffalo in S53, scoring a modest 20 points, then his progression was steady, with 27, 31, 30 points up to S56. Then he took a massive step forward in S57 with more goals than he had ever had points, 33, for 62 points. A step back to 34 in S58 coinciding with a poor season for Buffalo, but the last 2 seasons have seen him in the leagues top 3 for points, with 93 and 92, that kind of progression is huge and if he keeps it up, he can be a legend!

Quote:15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


Quote:17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


[Image: A3AlstA.png]

CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each
correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below.
Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit.
Post your verification word in your CW post.

16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't
tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using
the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you
have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?
First i will take luke to disney land, will have a great time with him, we will play all of the rides!!! do not forget to buy a lot of disney food there, mickey shape burger, churros, waffle, pretzel and other food!!! Then do not forget to take a pictures in front of the castle of course, with all of the disneys character, hope mike wazowski will be there. Ok after having fun we will have a dinner at a fancy restaurant, i really want a steak or ribs, and maybe lamb shank for luke. after that we just gonna strolling around the city staring at starry night

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

MILESTONES TBD (check back later)
lnik here
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 03:09 AM by Asked Madden.)

I fuck with pokemon. I suck so badly at the actual game, just doing the usual over level 2 or 3 pokemon then sweep with them.
No, what I'm doing in shl is becoming a Shiny hunter.
First I need to catch all the basic versions of the players to register them all in the SHL dex. This will give me the shiny charm which increases the spawn rate of a shiny from 1 in 4000 to 1 in 1600. I'll then pop down to the NOLA training facility and keep on random encountering Xavier Doom until he pops up in his shiny mardis gras Jersey. The same can be done for any player you want to catch as a shiny. Fancy grabbing a shiny Miguel heffeweisen? Go hunt him in your local crab shack.
Fancy a Zayne Rotzbua? Keep encountering him at the seedy strip club down in the dodgy end of Winnipeg.
I'll be the SHLs premier shiny HUNTER. 3TPE

4. @zaynzk I've embarrassed myself enough with my shit diss track skills. 

This one goes out to Nikolaj Boyle
Skills so poor you make your team toil
Whenever you try to go fast on the ice
People scratch their heads as if they've got lice
Want to talk about your luck with the girls?
They only look at you when you give them pearls
You look so offended when we call you Zayn 
Even though it's quite literally your name
You correct us quickly it's pronounced Zahn
For those who can't tell that rhymes with pan
If you look at this then please know that I jest
I'm writing this diss because I think you're the best. 

5. I absolutely hated the idea of "everybody makes it" for the SMJHL playoffs, that is until I wound up on a team who would very rarely make it if it was any other way. I have absolutely loved my time on the St Louis Scarecrows, and part of the reason for that is the fact we would occasionally make a big upset in the playoffs.
SMJHL is meant to be a gateway drug to the big leagues, if your team is in constant rebuild and you're sitting out the extra week or two every season for playoffs you arent going to have a good time. Keep the current format.  2TPE 

15. Spoop 3TPE

16. Considering we managed to make off with 10s of millions of dollars I am going to show Luke the time of his life in a 3 step date that's almost guaranteed to get you lucky.
1. Take him to a matinée showing of the most recent transformers film (if there is no transformers film sub in the latest Fast & Furious). Ply him with buttered popcorn and a large Dr. Pepper.
2. Take him to your classiest burger joint and let him order anything he wants. Splurge for the added bacon on the big mac.
3. Take him home in your camry but keep all the doors locked when you're about to drop him off. He'll put out because of "the implication"  2TPE

17. Milestones 3TPE

[Image: Hockeymans.gif]
[Image: E8Qr7c5.gif]
Sigs by: Rum Ham, Orbiting Death x2, Enigmatic & Kyamprac
(This post was last modified: 08-12-2021, 11:35 PM by BigTittySmitty.)

PBE Affiliate +3

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Quote:15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Word: Smitty

Quote:5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

Keep it. Personally for me my interest level in watching/paying attention to SHL things when activity is happening is lower but I do things for team. If I wasn't even playing I would be bored out of my mind and have no interest during the time period that I would be potentially eliminated to actually look at the site. If you want people to keep looking at the site you need to give them something to look forward to looking at. If their team gets eliminated that is one thing but to just shut a team down for the playoffs before they begin sucks. This would also help teams not intentially tank out and sell their more valuable assets to enter a rebuild much sooner.

Quote:12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
- Did 3 tasks

a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?

If they make the finals then they deserve it. Did the teams play their games and win the required number of games? If you answer this no.. then they deserve it. Did they get a lucky bounce where a team played like shit? That's for the experts to consider, quite frankly that is not my forte so to be able to answer. Good luck

b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?

A team that keeps appearing in the Challenge Cup Finals over a longer period of time is more impressive than a "couple of times". This is because if you keep going to the dance over many different stages of player careers and consistently making playoffs and the works for so long takes effort to maintain cap, player development and the works.

c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.

Buffalo - I don't like the combo of green and yellow as primary colours for a jersey. These colours are nice pieces to add as secondary colours to help but the core primary colours. No thanks it is why I don't like their home jersey. Their away jerseyI prefer over the home as white is the primary colour on the jersey so its easier on the eyes.

Syndicate - While I am not a fan of yellow being a primary jersey colour it actually works here as even though the yellow is a primary logo colour when it comes to their jerseys they save face as the yellow is not a primary colour for the jerseys.

Complaints about both.. what happens if the teams both decide to use their alternate jerseys in the finals? YUCK!

16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?

Let's splurge as gotta keep Luke happy... if I am rich as hell and can splurge and make sure I keep money in my back pocket. It's called a trip to Europe. Lunch in Paris, Dinner in Rome and site seeing throughout the journey by train. As that is a great way to travel through Europe. Gotta splurge to make it a great date right? It will be a good bros trip! As still on the trip hit to Madrid to enjoy the worldful world of Spain and find some great Spanish company. Then the rest of the night is up to Luke's skills. PS.. I know nothing of the logistics of this.. but you didn't say things have to be accurate. - Milestones +3

13+ potential 3 Trivia (13)/16

C - Kenji Yoshimura  Panthers Kenji Yoshimura Updates Panthers
[Image: BigTittySmitty5.gif]

Credit to Wasty and Steelhead for the sigs - thanks dudes!
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 10:47 PM by CampinKiller.)

1. Probably the worst thing to happen to Jonathon Hagan over the course of this past season was his incredibly slow start to the season. While the Outlaws had their share of success on the ice, it took Hagan over 2/3rds of the season to match his points total from his rookie year. To make matters worse, he played even better down the stretch, only to find his team unable to win a game while he was performing well. This seemingly continued in the playoffs, with the Outlaws only winning a single game where Hagan scored a point, and Hagan in face led the entire team in goals with 2, as the Outlaws were bounced from the playoffs in seven games. Things are looking up for this next season though, as he improves his game, and hopefully leaves a lot of off-ice crises in his rearview mirror. The bright side of the upcoming season is the powerful roster that Anaheim is boasting going into it.

6. My incredibly expert predictions for this season's IIHF tournament, being made smack-dab in the middle of the tournament, are that Norway and Sweden will fight for control of Group A, with Team USA sliding into the third spot. For Group B, Finland and Canada will battle it out to see who can beat up on poor Latvia more. Daniel LaForest of Norway will lead the tournament in both goals and points, Andreas Kvalheim and Akira Ren will, for some reason, fight in international play, which is an automatic ejection, and because they are crazy enough to fight at Worlds, will win their fights. By the end of the tournament, I see Team USA coming out on top, backed up by a solid netminding performance from Strom Chamberlain. In second place will be Sweden, coming up just short of their fellow Group A members, and in third place will be Canada, because USA will smack them around in the semifinals, and then Canada will exact revenge upon Japan for such a national embarassment.

12. a. Both of these teams are only here based upon an incredible amount of luck. Corey, in his position as something or another, has rigged the sim! I'm kidding, obviously. Buffalo has had a stacked team for literal years now, and Chicago has done well to build themselves a solid contender. At the end of the day, both teams deserve it, as they're the complete packages in terms of being able to win the Cup.
b. The continued dominance of Buffalo is more impressive to me. Don't get me wrong, Chicago having built their team up is a feat, but it's also been 15 seasons since expansion. If they hadn't made a deep run or two by now, I would be concerned. For Buffalo to be able to dominate in the league for this long is incredible.
c. The Syndicate's colors remind me of Boston, and I dislike Boston greatly. Anytime I've looked at their jerseys in the past, I get distinct Bruins vibes from them based off of the colors alone. That's not to say they're bad jerseys, because they aren't, but I just can't do the Bruins color scheme.
d. Aron Hernadivic is the best player currently on Buffalo. If you want to talk about pure offensive filth, then look no further. He scored 92 points over the course of the season. 41 goals and 51 assists. I mean that is just outrageous numbers for a 66 game season. A few more bounces and you could be talking about him breaking 100 points in 66 games, which would be incredible.

15. cum


[Image: CampinKiller.gif]

(This post was last modified: 08-11-2021, 10:53 AM by Jonny Tsunami.)

PBE Affiliation +3
Milestones +3

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

The worst thing happened this season, Dogwood Maple and Puddles O'Duck left me for the SHL. I was heartbroken because it meant two things, my Maine Timber were officially in rebuild mode, and I wouldn't get to play with my draft class for season 4 of our careers. Jonny Tsunami was accommodated by the great Maine Timber GM Toast, and he found a team that had a better chance at winning a championship and traded Jonny Tsunami in the hopes of winning a 4 star cup. Unfortunately, Jonny Tsunami's dreams were dashed, but Jonny Tsunami did everything he could for the St. Louis Scarecrows, by leading the team in points in the playoffs. Good thing was, Jonny Tsunami was able to make friends away from the Maine Timber family, and he now calls both The Maine Timber and St. Louis Scarecrows family. The SHL is a family and is really a great league to join and Jonny Tsunami could not be happier to join this league. 

166 words

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

THE SMJHL is the league that brings all the rookies up to speed in the league, if I was a new player, and my team did not make the playoffs, I feel like I might have gone inactive due to how long the playoffs and offseason go. So with that being said, I believe that all SMJHL teams should make the playoffs. It makes it more fun for the bottom feeders if they knock out a team or two, and it keeps every team involved and therefore all the new players involved, to hopefully stay active and have fun enjoying this sim league. That would be my plan at least. 

110 words

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

Jonny Tsunami's hot take for this season's IIHF tournament is that Russia will medal this season. Russia, the underdog with so many young players, always outperforms and makes it into the playoffs. However they did not make it that far, but just making it to the playoffs is a complete success. This season, Jonny Tsunami believes that Mother Russia, will medal this season. Hopefully a bronze. Duff101 has been such a great leader for Russia, bringing talent in from more talented regions and really building a family, and he has really grown the team so much that we are just starting to take off. It will only be a matter of time when mother Russia starts to crush the competition. I'm expecting a big IIHF season from my future SHL teammate Jakub Bruchevski. I believe he will lead our team in scoring and lead our team to victory. I am very excited for this IIHF season and really hope for the best.

162 words


16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?

Jonny Tsunami does not know who Luke is, so Jonny Tsunami will make this date go as quickly as possible. Jonny Tsunami is taking this Luke fella out to McDonalds. We will both order Happy Meals, it will be a wonderful date using his money. We will eat the said Happy Meals and we will be on our way. This isn't dine and dash because we have to pay for our Happy Meals beforehand, but this is the quickest date I could think of so I can get be with my money. Maybe if this Luke fella is cool we could go out again and we can watch a hockey game or something, but for now, we are doing something quick so I can get back to my money. Thanks Luke. 

131 words

[Image: TNUT2f6.png]
[Image: rL8frIL.png]
[Image: jOCBbVg.gif]
[Image: 6Hefllo.gif]
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2021, 10:34 PM by Merica.)

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Freaky Friday...

- Oh this is a good one. Daniel Merica Jr, easily the handsomest son of a bitch in the SHL, with his gorgeous blue eyes, perfectly curated brown hair, ripped and tan physique and a booming smile that makes the ladies melt, woke up one morning the body of one Chimkin Wing, a winger from the Buffalo Stampede. As Merica went to take his normal 5 minute long morning piss, trying to control his morning wood, he looked up through foggy eyes to see the ugliest mug he'd ever seen staring back at him. While Wing is a fantastic young hockey player, he is very lacking in the looks department. With greying blonde hair, a nice bald spot coming in and a pudgy face, Wing is far from being the ladies man that Daniel is, not too mention is dad bod physique. Merica looked on at his new body in utter disgust, but decided to embrace the fat boy he had suddenly become, and went on an absolute binge of eating fatty foods, candy and fried chicken wings, all the bad shit he refused to put into his own body.

After completely bloating his already bloated body, Merica strolled into the Buffalo Stampede locker room as they prepared for their Game 7 match against the Chicago Syndicate. With Merica now on the roster, the Stampede would have the edge they need to win the final game. @Ragnar

4. Written, 3 TPE (60 words min.)
Ugh, poetry is so 17th century, we're ditching that prompt. Earlier in the season I had you flex your songwriting in an SHL style parody, but this time you don't have a song to lean on. You're writing your very own diss track about something SHL related. A player, A team, A GM, anything. You can write a diss track about CW if you want.

I heard seven was talkin shit
Oh no, another bum actin tough
You're not pretty enough to be this stupid
I envy people who haven't met you
What's that? Oh your Your bitch just hit me on a text
Said you dream of having the career I've had
Oh no, what's that? Can't hear you over the HOF speeches
Shut the fuck up, you human equivalent of a participation trophy
Oh no this, oh no that
Maybe pay attention, take notes, know when there's an Ace in the hole
Shut the fuck up
Keep chasin what you cant have

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

- As I have always been, I do not agree with participation trophies. The naysayers always swing the "its a development league", well I'm not trying to develop players who just get handed trophies for showing up. A team that stinks the entire season, hell take a team who wins 10 games for example, should not have the opportunity to beat a team that won 50 games, it simply shouldn't exist, they shouldn't have to deal with that. Now with more teams, I think its even more important to move back to a traditional playoff format. I would even accept the best 12 teams, although I think 8 would be better. This will make it more important for teams to play well early in the season, and not simply rely on developing their guys so their ready to go when the playoffs hit, like what the fuck is the point of the regular season?

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
- I would say both teams deserve to be there. Chicago made every move imaginable to put themselves in this position, and they earned the right to play for the championship, I think more teams should strive to emulate the way they've built their team and gone after the ultimate prize. Buffalo has been a force for many years, and considering this their second trip in a row to the finals, I'd say it goes without saying that they deserve to be there, plus they have the greatest player of all time, Chimkin fuckin Wing.

b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
- Well I think both teams deserve a ton of credit for what they've accomplished over the span of their franchise so far, but it's hard to argue against Buffalo, considering they've actually succeeded at winning the Challenge Cup, more than once as well, and they remain a top threat year in and year out currently. For Chicago, they've done a great job building up their current team, they are loaded and oh so close to achieving that dream of winning the Challenge Cup and I expect they will succeed soon, as it's pretty clear that their general manager will stop at nothing to win.

c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
- I would probably nitpick Chicago's branding, I think the whole mobster thing is very played out with Chicago teams in simulation leagues, and it's not very original. I think Chicago has much more to offer in the branding realm than recycling the same old shit from the 1920s. I'd also say their jerseys could use a little work, I would definitely add in a nice grey jersey with black on top and yellow accents.

d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.
- Easily Chimkin Wing, famed forward for the Buffalo Stampede. Why, you ask? I mean he's the ultimate motivator, one look has his ugly ass appearance and dad bod and the other players starting pumping iron like their lives depend on it. Plus, I mean, he's the chicken wing guy, he always shows up with buckets of homemade chicken wings, his own family recipe, which are utterly unreal, just insatiably good.

10. Graphic, 3 TPE
Design a Challenge Cup/Four Star Cup Championship banner for one of the teams in the finals, like those which appear on the side of the site.
[Image: LFSYgmz.jpg]

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)
Hits: 66


S2, S5, S18, S22 Challenge Cup Champion
Hall Of Famers: (S7) Alex Reay | (S28) Daniel Merica

[Image: mckeiltbb.png]
[Image: Merica5.gif]
Thanks to Ragnar, Wasty and myself for the sigs.
(This post was last modified: 08-10-2021, 06:48 PM by leviadan.)

Quote:2. Pokemon! 3 TPE 

Pokemon! Everyone loves em, and if you don't, you didn't have a childhood. Or adulthood. Anyways, let's imagine all SHL and SMJHL players are now pokemon. Assemble your team! On top of that, what is your strategy to navigate the POKESHL? Try to get the strongest pokemon and become champion? Catch all of the possible players and complete your pokedex? UwU Breed them? Catch low level juniors players and train them? Or become a gym leader, helping others on their path to greatness? I'd love to hear your approach.

My strategy would be to catch and refine "hotdog". My gut tells me that I wouldn't need anything else. I think that, much like how a hot pepper farmer continually breeds only their spiciest peppers, I could grow hotdog after hotdog selecting for taste and skill improvement over time. This way I only have to catch one Pokemon, and I can kind of be like that trainer with the super tough Miltank, just with a super tough hotdog. It would be a multi-year process in which I have this 500th generation hotdog that has been selectively bred down to it's perfect essence. A tough outer skin, hot juicy internals, a soft and warm bun, a perfect mustard squiggle, and NO KETCHUP. I wouldn't need anything else with such an unbeatable little morsel. Granted I probably couldn't be greatest champion in the world or anything... hotdog is still just hotdog. But I could probably serve as a good intermediate gym leader that gives rookie trainers a run for their money.

Quote:4. Diss Track! 3 TPE

Ugh, poetry is so 17th century, we're ditching that prompt. Earlier in the season I had you flex your songwriting in an SHL style parody, but this time you don't have a song to lean on. You're writing your very own diss track about something SHL related. A player, A team, A GM, anything. You can write a diss track about CW if you want.

I write a stupid poem,
The only poem that I have ever wrote
Don't know who it's for
But the playoffs end, so I write the poem.

I write this empty screed
On the forum board for TPE
For the PT Team,
I'm the not only one, so they read the poems.

They read the poems, They read the poems
They read the poems, They read the--

My guess is they hate this as much as I do,
My guess is they are skimming this so quickly,
Sometimes I wish someone out there will read this
Till then I write the poem.

Quote:6. IIHF! 3 TPE 

What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

This season I'm hoping Germany can come back with some force. We had a nice run over the last few seasons earning back to back bronzes, but then getting trounced by Norway in the quarter finals. I think our whole team is still improving year over year, and we're only losing a little bit of power in the older guys. We were only a game away from being in the gold medal match in bother S57 and S58, so I think with a bit more luck and development we'll get there. My hope is that we have a window of three or four seasons here where some of our top guys are going to be battling regression around their 2k peak, giving the younger players some time to get up closer to that level. Hopefully at that point we'll have a super strong mix of players that can compete for medals every tournament.

Quote:15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


Quote:16. Date! 2 TPE

Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?

I don't know Luke that well, but I know he's good at coding and likes SHL history? Does that mean he likes real history too? Maybe I'd start the date at like... a library or something. Maybe that one in Boston from that famous movie so that he can feel like a movie star. We'd look at old stuff in books and then he'd probably love it so much that we'd just get something delivered to our reading desk. I'd secretly request they only deliver one fork so we'd have to share, and that's kind of like indirectly kissing. Kiss gotten? Date successful! 

Quote:17. Milestones! 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Claim here!

TPE: 16/16

[Image: pin1_1.gif?ex=66ef0174&is=66edaff4&hm=69...e3ef77306&]
(This post was last modified: 08-10-2021, 06:00 PM by .Laser.)

PBE Affiliate - username Laser - 3/16

#1 - Tough Season: 6/16
This season, probably the worst thing to happen to James Kimanje was not the fact that he had a -14, most likely cementing himself as one of the most 'meh' players of all time. Nor was it the fact that he had a lowly 46 DGR, the worst of his career. He actually did have the most goals and the least penalty minutes of his career so far, so that was quite nice to have. The worst part of his season was being forced to let his parents move in with him as they had foundation issues with their house. They stayed with him for the entire second half of the season and likely will be there for the first half of season 61 as well. James' +/- dropped nearly 30 points after they moved in, both because of the added stress of having his parents there and him having to sleep on the couch instead of in his own damn bed. Truly not much could be worse. (167)

#2 - Pokemon: 9/16
So this is an interesting prompt honestly. Usually when I play through the pokemon games I love to take all the fire types and blaze my way through the towns, leaving a burning waste behind me. However, in a hockey league that plays on ice, that might not be the best plan. I would take several ice-types to lead my crew, starting with Cyrogonal, Articuno, Kyurem, Calyrex, and Eiscue as my top options. Then, I'd add other types that aren't necessarily ice types but also aren't fire or a warm type in order to get the best possible results. Mew would definitely be on the team, and I would add Victini, the spirit of victory, for a permanent morale boost. I'd catch all these pokemon at low levels, then breed them for IVs and wait until I have perfect IVs for all of them (which could take a long ass while) to begin my journey through the J's and majors. I think I'd do quite well with all perfect IVs. (170)

#5 - SMJHL Playoffs: 11/16
Currently, all of the SMJHL teams make the playoffs, with the top 4 seeds getting a bye and the other 8 teams playing to try and make it to round 2. Now that we will have 14 teams rather than 12, I think that the playoffs would frankly be more of a pain than it's worth to seed. Likely you'd have 2 byes and then 6 play-in series, but I think that's too much to have to deal with. Rather than make all 14 teams make the playoffs, I'd like to see 8 teams make it. 1 vs 4 and 2 vs 3 in each conference is the cleanest way to do it, and it allows a guaranteed better pick for the 6 teams that don't make it via lottery. While it doesn't automatically encourage engagement as much as a guaranteed playoff trip, I do think it would help encourage engagement more for the teams who actually earn their way in as well as make it that much sweeter if a team misses one season then makes it the next. (180)

#12b - 12/16
As the former GM of a team that made the playoffs for 26 consecutive seasons in the ISFL, I am absolutely going to say that Buffalo's continued run of dominance is far more impressive than a couple good seasons by CHI. That's not to take away at all from what CHI has done, but for a team to continually be in the championship talk season after season despite a ton of other teams in the league, good or not, especially over so many seasons, is nothing short of true dominance. (90)

#15 - Trivia: 15/16 
confirmation: ventriloquist

#17 - Milestones: 16/16
+1 TPE, Kimanje bad confirmed

[Image: laser.png]

[Image: Virrok.png]
Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!
(This post was last modified: 08-12-2021, 10:33 PM by Zerg.)

Total 16 TPE claimed

1. Despite catastrophic product endorsements, both real and fraudulent, and various twitter trolling that occurred this season, Artemius Nystrom still found this year to have been a good one. Over the course of the all-star break, he'd taken a Miami vacation with the other unchosen Raptors. There, he'd met one Eleanor Kowalewski, a local young lady who barely knew what ice hockey was. Nevertheless, the two had hit it off. They'd been in constant communication since the break ended, and she'd come to Denver to visit him after the playoffs concluded. While there was some concern about her ability to handle future visits to Edmonton, she wanted to make it work. So did Nystrom, of course. Eleanor was a folk singer with a slightly raspy mezzo-soprano tembre, and time seemed to stop when she sang. If he ever lay awake at night and wondered if this year's trials had been worth it, for her face alone, he could conclude that it was. (161 words) 3 TPE

4. 3 TPE
About to spit nonsense for fake hockey bucks,
the Alberta rednecks all rev up their trucks,
we're coming to roast you just like some lame ducks,
the fans wearing Red-Black just stand there awestruck,
the Blue and the Silver don't need your good luck,
boomboxes and kid bands all play Thunderstruck,
when the Edmonton wingers streak in, rip those pucks
forever reminding that C.G.Y. SUX,
they'll always remember that E.D.M. FUX!

12. 4 TPE 
  1. Buffalo is fine. Buffalo deserves to have something good happen to them for once in a while, even if it's in a sim league. Chicago being in the finals, especially over Edmonton, is inexcusable. The Edmonton Blizzard are obviously the best team in the league, the officials rigged all the games they lost, and they should be in the finals to sweep Buffalo if there were any justice in this world.
  2. Clearly the continued dominance of Buffalo is far more impressive than a Chicago team that's been around for 15 years being allegedly-good twice. Not being good at least a couple of times in the 15 year history of a franchise would some Columbus Blue Jackets shenanigans. I'm gonna go drink now. Fuck you Doug MacLean.
  3. The Calgary Dragons logo is almost as offensive as Kelowna's goal song. Why is it in the exact same contourné pose as the Blizzard's noble arctic fox? Why is it red and black instead of incorporating at least some gold or blue or something at least a little interesting? EDMFUX remove dragon remove dragon you are the lizard stink you are the lizard smell return to Red Deer.
  4. Martijn Westbroek has an elite Dutch name and has been an elite forward in the league for a long time. He's a huge part of Chicago's success and drives their team to be excellent year in and year out. And, again, his name is absolute top tier. Creme de la creme. Textbook top cheese. Het beste.
15. Trivia verification word KEKW: 3 TPE claimed

17. Milestones claimed, winger: 3 TPE
  • at least 22 goals (23)
  • +/- at least 17 (17)
  • at least 112 hits (124)

[Image: zN6tB52.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2021, 03:02 PM by zeagle1.)

Well Mew Two is already a pokemon in the SHL, so this question feels rather superfluous. Mew Two does not need a team of inferior pokemon to dominate the SMJHL or SHL! If Mew Two had to choose some teammates, he would call on his fellow legendary pokemon to assist him. His buddy Zamazenta would be perfect for goalie, his face is already a shield! And also from Galar, Zacian would make a perfect center, just swap his sword for a hockey stick. Regice is a no brainer as a stay at home defender, pair him with Deoxys; could be in defense form when we need to buckle down on defense, speed form on breakaways, and attack form on power plays. Urshifu would bring up the other win for Mew Two's team; he's both fast and strong. He would provide the physicality on the forecheck that a good team needs. The team's coach would be Mew Two's little (older) brother, Mew. Mew is an OG pokemon and would make an awesome coach.
172 words

BAP deserves to be here more than both these teams. Why? Grit. Baltimore has far more grit than Chicago and Buffalo. Sure, Baltimore lost to Atlanta in the second round, but that was pure sim fuckery and the COWARDS Chicago and Buffalo missed out on a serious butt whooping. Oh well, maybe there's next season. (55 words)
Being consistently good is far more impressive than having a couple good seasons. I am a DSFL (minors) GM in the ISFL and very involved with my ISFL team. Any team can get lucky with picks and have a good team for a few seasons, but being good means you have later picks, making drafting good players harder. (57 words)
I hate the fact that Chicago in the SHL is the exact same thing as Chicago in the PBE. Plus the colors of yellow and black are bad and have nothing to do with Chicago. Chicago has one of the coolest city flags in the country with the sky blue, white, and red. Integrate that into your logo smfh (59 words)

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[Image: 4x2jj4a.gif]
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