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S60 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 08:19 AM by bk1689.)

syndicate Stampede

Here are this season's tasks for CW. The maximum is 16 TPE. Mix and match whatever tasks you desire, but the maximum TPE to be earned from this is 16. [/align]
The deadline is Sunday, August 15th at 11:59pm CT.
Please copy/paste the prompts (including the # of TPE) into your post; it makes it much easier to grade and track.

This PT is for SHL players and send-downs only; it is not for SMJHL rookies or SMJHL prospects.

One (1) affiliate claim from either PBE or the ISFL will be accepted for 3 TPE! *if you’re claiming this and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.*

Please feel free to PM with any questions or concerns.

4. Written, 3 TPE (60 words min.)
Ugh, poetry is so 17th century, we're ditching that prompt. Earlier in the season I had you flex your songwriting in an SHL style parody, but this time you don't have a song to lean on. You're writing your very own diss track about something SHL related. A player, A team, A GM, anything. You can write a diss track about CW if you want.

Here are the rules: At least 12 lines (and at least 60 words total) but if you wanna do more go for it. I'm not laying out a specific rhyme scheme but there has to be rhyme in it. Be creative! This prompt is not for everyone, if you have a problem with it there are like 15 other prompts I made for ya. NOTE: THIS IS ALL IN JEST; ANYTHING OVERLY MEAN OR MALICIOUS WILL NOT BE GRADED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Championship Week
How much I despise
End of every season
Everyone lies
Says how much they love it
Type up some BS
Just spouting random words
Until I hit the count
Can't stand this time of the season
Just looking for a reason
To keep on going
Catch me flying in my private Boeing
I'm almost at my 60
There we go, hit it, let's go be shifty

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

I get having everyone make the playoffs, as if you're a new user, of course you want to see your guy in the postseason. On the other hand, I think if you're joining this, you understand how sports work and realize not everyone gets a participation trophy. For this reason, I think the playoffs should be trimmed down in the SMJHL. 8 or 12 teams, I dont care, but I think the days of everyone making it should be done. It makes it that much more special if you're a first Gen and you make the playoffs as one of the top teams this way.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?

Neither team deserves to be here.ill tell you who does, the Calgary Dragons. It should have been a Dragon on Dragon final. That would have impressed me, not this lackluster overgrown hairy cow against the mafioso wanna be. Give me a God damn Dragon that spits fire against another Dragon, then I'd watch the finals

b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?

I'm more impressed by Buffalos dominance over the last 20 season. The switch to FHM didn't hinder them at all, proving that they were a legit team for many seasons and it looks like they will continue this. Buffalo is a perennial cup threat and should be looked upon as a great dynasty.

c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.

I'm going to pick at Buffalo as a city. I've never been there and don't plan on going, but it sounds like a stupid city. Close to New York, but not New York, close to Canada, but not Canada. I feel like Buffalo is juat a Pittston for anyone going to either if these places.

d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

The best player to ever play for either team is Joe Kurczewski. Buffalo had one of the best players to ever lace the skates up in the SHL and what did they do with him after getting him? Traded him. Joe never got to even put a Stampede sweater on, and frankly after seeing how they handled the situation.  They didn't deserve him.

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

I'm gonna go with a less popular opinion and say Monkey D. Luffy should get the playoff MVP for the champion Buffalo. Did he lead the team in Points during the post season? No, but he was second overall. And to do that as a grizzled vet cannot be overlooked in my opinion. He leads the team by example, whether its on the ice or in the locker room. He is a proven winner and showed it during this playoff run. Even in his advanced age, he's still a legitimate threat that needs to be contained, or else he will do some damage.


15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?

First off, what money? There was no money taken... anyways now that is out of the way. I take Luke on the most extravagant date of all time, because I can afford that type of thing without any nefarious acts. We start off by getting my jet to pick him up. From there we are off to Paris to dine while having the Eiffel Tower in our view. After that, we head to Italy to travel the canals, then we make a quick pit stop in Brazil for some samba dancing before taking him home and tucking him in bed for the night

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

S60 Milestones

[Image: Bk1689.gif]
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 10:10 AM by PremierBromanov.)

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?
182 words
This season was a bit rocky for Tom fiddler and the Tampa bay barracuda crew. We didn't quite get the wins we were looking for but we did manage to sneak into the playoffs again. We felt like Atlanta was a better matchup for us compared to Baltimore but it apparently didn't matter at all. Despite simming all week with the best strategy we could muster, it was no match for a few bad goalie rolls. Swept in the first round. We managed to beat Buffalo last year. But surprisingly Atlanta ended up going far in the playoffs which is fine by us. Our assumption was that Baltimore would have been the worse matchup for us and maybe that was true, but it's beginning to look more like rock paper scissors, except the rock never wins. Still, we managed to add some extra security in stromboli chomperlain. While a goalie isn't the most important part of a team and certainly not why we lost 4 games, it helps to have that safety net just in case he steals a game or two.

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Pokemon! Everyone loves em, and if you don't, you didn't have a childhood. Or adulthood. Anyways, let's imagine all SHL and SMJHL players are now pokemon. Assemble your team! On top of that, what is your strategy to navigate the POKESHL? Try to get the strongest pokemon and become champion? Catch all of the possible players and complete your pokedex? UwU Breed them? Catch low level juniors players and train them? Or become a gym leader, helping others on their path to greatness? I'd love to hear your approach.
170 words ish
I will assemble the Tampa bay barracuda, using mostly the first few generations because that's all i know.
Tom fiddler is a Machamp.
Strong, insane puck handling, 4 arms, two cocks. Machamp isn't very fast but he can arm wrestle 2 dudes at once.
Michael fitted is a primape. primape is a fighting type monkey who can't be predicted. His temper is short and his reach is long. He will flight any man, animal, thing, or concept.
James ronlain is a Mewtwo. He is the most powerful Pokemon in the shl, but he's saddled with a bunch of noobs and so he still can't beat the elite 4 (great lakes). Ronlain can move the puck with his mind and mesmerize goalies with his stick movements.
Zoltan topalo is a Entei. A fiery wrath tempered by cool regard and wise words. Also, he has a mustache. And he has a dog. Bing bang boom. Zoltan is fast as hell and incredibly powerful. He only stops for the most worthy of opponents.
And that's over 150 words so sorry to the rest of you.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Freaky Friday.. or Monday. Tuesday? Anyhow, I think the finals will be over by Friday barring some kind of Re-sim :grimace: Anyways, I forgot the plot of the movie but there's something about a fortune cookie and now you're in your mom's body! But actually, it's the body of an SHL player, one from Chicago or Buffalo! (If you are on Buffalo or Chicago, you can't be yourself, pick a teammate or opponent). Now that you are them and they are you, what do you do during the big game? Play amazing and turn a scrub into a superstar? Play like a bum and try to help the other team win? Oggle yourself in the mirror? The world is so exciting in a new body...
157 words
In this freaky Friday scenario, we go back in time to when Buffalo had two big dick players and only one roster spot. They had made the decision to trade me to Tampa bay, to pay for my crimes. But now, we go to an alternate reality where i had not been traded. A third line plug at this point, old, decrepit and barely standing at 1900 tpe, Tom fiddler does his best to match against the big boys of the other teams trying to feed on the bottom. But Tom is a 20 rated shadow in fhm and that fits his proclivity for strong checking, stick handling, strength, and balance. By this point in his career he would have won two cups instead of none. And he wouldn't be minus 280 in his career. But is it worth it? To be on a team without Michael fitted? Would FHN even exist? There's no way to tell.

4. Written, 3 TPE (60 words min.)
Ugh, poetry is so 17th century, we're ditching that prompt. Earlier in the season I had you flex your songwriting in an SHL style parody, but this time you don't have a song to lean on. You're writing your very own diss track about something SHL related. A player, A team, A GM, anything. You can write a diss track about CW if you want.

Here are the rules: At least 12 lines (and at least 60 words total) but if you wanna do more go for it. I'm not laying out a specific rhyme scheme but there has to be rhyme in it. Be creative! This prompt is not for everyone, if you have a problem with it there are like 15 other prompts I made for ya. NOTE: THIS IS ALL IN JEST; ANYTHING OVERLY MEAN OR MALICIOUS WILL NOT BE GRADED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
121 words
Michael fitted is a big stinky baby
All his lady friends want to lay me
And there ain't much worse than zoltan topalo
His verses and rhymes all ring so hollow
Trella thinks he's some kind of sniper
But i peep through my scope to see he's wearing a diaper
We got big booty bitches
We got Big booty bitches
We got big booty bitches
My name is fiddler and I'm here to say
Don't even mess with old Tampa bay
You will make me cry
And that's not very fly
Please respect my emotions
Before i cause a commotion
If you try to add music to this track
Your brain will break because there's no meter or flow or rhythm

Milestones +2

15. Trivia
1. Nick Connolly
2. 7
3. Chimkin Tendy
4. Alexis Metzler, Viktor Marius

[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

3 Milestone TPE Claim

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification Word: Royals

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

For you FHM babies: What if we were still in Simon T land? Would your career be where it is now? Or would randomness have stunted the dynasties you may or may not have been part of?

7. As someone whose career got royally dunked on by the swap to FHM, this is a subject near and dear to my heart. For all the great things that FHM brought to our league, it took away one important possibility. It is almost impossible to have a good player on a bad team regardless of TPE. Back in the STHS days, there was a much higher correlation to a player's TPE and their performance in the sim compared to FHM which is much more tied to team strength. There were cases of single 2K players dragging bad teams into the playoffs or leading the league in a few stats. The data becomes more apparent when you look at the crater in Candice's tool for my players production. I was scoring nearly 50 points at around 1300 TPE and immediately struggled to pass the 30 point mark even at 2k TPE. I think the league will get to a good point with recent changes but we also saw the detrimental effect of players leaving teams for the top contenders because it was a way to guarantee point production.

4. Written, 3 TPE (60 words min.)
Ugh, poetry is so 17th century, we're ditching that prompt. Earlier in the season I had you flex your songwriting in an SHL style parody, but this time you don't have a song to lean on. You're writing your very own diss track about something SHL related. A player, A team, A GM, anything. You can write a diss track about CW if you want.

Here are the rules: At least 12 lines (and at least 60 words total) but if you wanna do more go for it. I'm not laying out a specific rhyme scheme but there has to be rhyme in it. Be creative! This prompt is not for everyone, if you have a problem with it there are like 15 other prompts I made for ya. NOTE: THIS IS ALL IN JEST; ANYTHING OVERLY MEAN OR MALICIOUS WILL NOT BE GRADED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

4. When you look at me, what do you see?
The king of Takeaways, stopping all of your breakaways.
No better at stealing, excuse my pass cuz I'm dealing.
Apples to all of my team, the puck hits the net,the crowd screams.
There's no one better at stripping the puck.
You heard what I said, and I don't give a fuck.
Step on my ice and you better beware.
Gibbles is taking the puck while you stop and stare.

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Pokemon! Everyone loves em, and if you don't, you didn't have a childhood. Or adulthood. Anyways, let's imagine all SHL and SMJHL players are now pokemon. Assemble your team! On top of that, what is your strategy to navigate the POKESHL? Try to get the strongest pokemon and become champion? Catch all of the possible players and complete your pokedex? UwU Breed them? Catch low level juniors players and train them? Or become a gym leader, helping others on their path to greatness? I'd love to hear your approach.

2. My strategy for conquering the PokeSHL is the tried and true method of gathering a cohesive and complementary team. Anyone going for a single type team is a chump and deserves to get swept by a single pokemon. Obviously my Gym would be located in Minnesota.

My Team would consist of:

SpartanGibbles -Nidoking - Eternally my favorite and I share a lot of traits. Big, strong, and versatile to counter the enemy.
KlusteR - Mr Rime - Strong Mentally and able to analyze the enemy strategy and evolve.
BadWolf - Luxray - Quick and cool, able to strike before the enemy knows what's happening.
Segi - Coalassal - The workhorse and driver that comes out of nowhere to level opponents.
Tig - Greedent - Tig is happy and fills a great support role. Also I had one in the games named after him and traded it to him.
Corey - Corviknight - Looks Mean and scary but underneath it all willing to go the distance for their friends.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?

12. While I do love the success that Chicago has been able to build as a team, there is something to be said about Buffalo's ability to stay on top of the league. They have been a dominant force for my entire time and it doesn't show any signs of suddenly stopping. I don't think there will be as many invincible teams, but I don't see a bad Buffalo on the horizon.


[Image: spartangibbles.gif]
Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 05:07 PM by Nhamlet.)

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Freaky Friday.. or Monday. Tuesday? Anyhow, I think the finals will be over by Friday barring some kind of Re-sim :grimace: Anyways, I forgot the plot of the movie but there's something about a fortune cookie and now you're in your mom's body! But actually, it's the body of an SHL player, one from Chicago or Buffalo! (If you are on Buffalo or Chicago, you can't be yourself, pick a teammate or opponent). Now that you are them and they are you, what do you do during the big game? Play amazing and turn a scrub into a superstar? Play like a bum and try to help the other team win? Oggle yourself in the mirror? The world is so exciting in a new body...

If I could be inside the body of another player, it’d be a tough choice to not pick Elizabeth Doyle. However I will instead pick @neonlime and have the biggest carbs load of all time day of the game. First starting with a bowl of cheerios that has been sitting in whole fat milk for about 3 hours ensuring that they’re as soft as can be. Breakfast has been taken in through a straw, then it’ll be brunch, eating plain slices of toast that was overly toasted to the point of clearly being burnt but left in the fridge to cool off. So cold, burnt toast as a snack. Then as a pre-game warmup, I’d look to ask somebody to tie myself up in bondage esque knots to remove all flexibility from Harrington’s body. Then as a pre game meal, there can only be one choice: mac and cheese with ketchup. In fact there’s more ketchup than mac and cheese. After that, I wouldn’t do anything and let Lime back into his body.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

I’ve voted for the option to have 8 teams in out of the 14 teams and to a degree, still stand by that idea. On one hand, being on teams that haven’t made the playoffs in other sim leagues, I can fully appreciate the feelings of missing out, seeing others continue to play and have their shot. As it is right now, for everybody making it, it does take away the first round from appreciating being where they are to being taken for granted. In a format where the 8 teams make it, being left of the playoffs will only make the eventual appearance in the postseason that much more satisfying and noteworthy.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

Without thinking too much of how the standings are right now, I was going to say that we would have the usual suspects of Canada and USA being some of the top teams. Along with that, I felt that Sweden would take the step as being the 3rd best and potentially one of the best teams in the league. Japan was the most recent gold medal winner but still remains a wild card to be anywhere in the standings and anywhere in the medal rounds.

With how the standings are at the moment, it’s a little bit of both a surprise and isn’t that Norway and Finland are dominating as much as they are. Both teams have solid pieces in place from great top end players, solid depth and members in management who have had success on winning teams in the SHL. Yet on Finland’s side, this is a bit of an unexpected step so far as they have underachieved in the past and arguably could be seen as over performing for the time being. Norway on the other hand is showing their 2nd straight season of being a dominant team so there’s some historical reference being built with every win that they get.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?

a. Easy bias here to say that both Chicago and Buffalo deserve to be here. As much it must be frustrating to be on the other side and view either of these organizations simply pick up additional assets at minimal costs, the teams that manage to slowly weigh the value in their favor consistently in positive manner are the ones who typically come out more often than not. Some anomalies exist out side of this in regards to sim knowledge/luck but it at least puts you in the position to have that chance.
b. I would go with Buffalo. Some of it is due to the low speed of improvement/falling with how the previous salary cap system worked, FHM's relatively predictable nature but as mentioned, the collection of assets and value for your organization, making the most of picks, trades etc are symptoms of a extremely well run organization. And I hate it.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Milestone +3

[Image: 1rdovVs.gif]

[Image: X6NDpNM.png][Image: 6eXcLdf.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 11:05 AM by scorycory.)

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?
Both the bright spot and the worst thing that happened to me this season came courtesy of the Buffalo management. On the high note they drafted me to a wonderful locker room that is absolutely bursting with activity. I immediately felt at home among a great group of people, many of whom I was familiar with and friends with already. Big shoutout to my favorite troll @Lime here. Then however, the trade deadline rolled around. Most seasons I wouldn't think anything of this date but this time around the normally reliable Buffalo GMs did something unthinkable. They traded for kpop and anime fanatic, Jeffie43. I have constantly been shadowed and followed around every league I have been in by this manchild weeb. Then I come to find out that not only did they trade for this maniac, but they completely mortgaged the future of the team in order to do so by getting rid of a bevy of first round picks.

4. Written, 3 TPE (60 words min.)
Ugh, poetry is so 17th century, we're ditching that prompt. Earlier in the season I had you flex your songwriting in an SHL style parody, but this time you don't have a song to lean on. You're writing your very own diss track about something SHL related. A player, A team, A GM, anything. You can write a diss track about CW if you want.

Here are the rules: At least 12 lines (and at least 60 words total) but if you wanna do more go for it. I'm not laying out a specific rhyme scheme but there has to be rhyme in it. Be creative! This prompt is not for everyone, if you have a problem with it there are like 15 other prompts I made for ya. NOTE: THIS IS ALL IN JEST; ANYTHING OVERLY MEAN OR MALICIOUS WILL NOT BE GRADED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
Oh my Anchorage Armada, at least you aren't Nevada
If only we had a different GM, perhaps we would have had a better end
Another finals to lose, once more Gabe is here to abuse
His poor players who thought we had a chance, alas this will be Bear's final dance
At least we got to cuck Quebec along the way, that always makes our players day
5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.
Honestly let's finally get to the point that not everyone makes it, top 8 teams only please. Whoever ends up getting Nevada is basically getting a bye anyway, they are a joke of a team who is horribly managed. The sad thing as well is that it's usually not even the top seed in the conference that gets to play this team of glorified bots. Same thing goes for Kelowna when they don't have an army of IAs. Let's make playoffs fun a competitive and fair experience, if any team should get a bye it should be the top seed, the team that earned it. Though I am partial to no byes at all because I love the idea of playoff success not being entirely predicated upon regular season success.

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.
My easy choice for series MVP goes to Steve Harrington. Not only did he score a hat trick against his former SMJHL teammates in Newfoundland to seal the series win in the final game, he also lives rent free in the head of many of the other players in the league who are misfortunate enough to not play for Buffalo at all(or not play for any team because they suck so much that they didn't get drafted). Steve Harrington lives a life of success on and off the ice that is both admirable and certainly worthy of being jealous over.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Milestones +3 TPE
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 11:39 AM by BarnabasCollins.)

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

Well for Kata Vilde the down would have to be the start of the season for the Calgary Dragons. For the first dozen or so games both Vilde and the Dragons sucked total balls. We then proceeded to get on a roll and got to the number one seed in our division. The we won our first FHM playoff series, followed by another to make it to the final 4 before bowing out. On a personal note Vilde became only the 3rd goaltender in SHL history to get to the 400 win plateau. He also became the second winningnest goalie of all time and tied for the most shutouts in league history. So while it may not have been a stellar start to the season it ended up very well for both Vilde and the Dragons. On a more off the ice tangent Vilde went thorugh quite a myriad of health issues that forced him to curtail his usual workload, luckily Cale Admundsen stepped up admirably to fill the void left by the old netminder's body beginning the final breakdown.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

Well I am of 2 minds on this. First off you like to see everyone make it because the playoffs are exciting times, especially for the new users on the site and getting them the experience of a playoff buzz goes along way into keeping them in the SHL.  On the flip side everyone making the playoffs isn't very realistic and the SHL is supposed to provide some semblance of realism. Not to mention the fact of the many recreates in the SMJHL who know the drill and have been through the grind before so eliminating the bottom feeders makes sense from a realism standpoint. I would probably lean toward realism and having the bottom teams not making it in the end as we're trying to provide a realistic hockey experience.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

For IIHF this season I expect it will likely be more of the same with the larger nations once again dominating the action. Canada was a bit of a disappointment last season and I fully expect them to bounce back and be in medal contention. It's also interesting to see former powers like Austria and Ireland toward the bottom of the standings so it remains to be seen if thos managers can bring back their nations to their former dominance. On a personal note Kata Vilde will still be trying to help a young Latvian team try to improve and move into the top half of the standings but it's most likely they are a couple seasons away yet from being able to put up much of a run. What will be the most interesting however will be to see the effect of the new update scale on the competition. Will this tend to help the smaller nations become more competitive or will it still be the case off the haves and have nots. I think that is truly the most intriguing IIHF storyline to be watched.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

For you FHM babies: What if we were still in Simon T land? Would your career be where it is now? Or would randomness have stunted the dynasties you may or may not have been part of?

My player is probably one of if not the oldest in the league so the majority of my career was played with STHS. I actually preferred STHS as a goaltender you actually had some type of control of how your player actually played. In FHM which I can't stand, goaltenders are completely irrelevant. No matter what you as an individual do you simply have little to no effect on how your player performs. That is very disheartening to be quite honest. I thought the switch to FHM was hurried and not completely thought out and I have seen no reason to see that I was wrong in this as one complete class of player is basically precluded from making a difference for their teams. It certainly does not back up our goal of being a realistic hockey experience. I despise FHM so much I probably will be ghosting when my player is done, the only reason I've actually stayed is for my teammates.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim

[Image: iUd7IJE.png]
[Image: rhodes.png]

(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 09:41 PM by fishy.)

17. S60 Milestones -

+3 = 3 tpe total

Quote:Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?

Having achieved the heist of the century thanks to my wonderful, yet now dead accomplices of Steve Harrington, Alex Selich, and other buffalo bros, luke can get treated to an absolutely wonderful evening. To start, co commissioner Luke Thomason and I will begin at my apartment, then heading out to a bar. We will eventually make our way to the Canadian tire centre, in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. We will be watching the sens play the penguins, not the flyers specifically to spite Luke. To further spite Luke, the penguins will win and simultaneously Risto ristolainen will be named captain of the flyers. Luke will also be paying for this entire evening. Thanks Luke!

115 words, +2 = 5 tpe total

15. Razov, +4 = 9 tpe total

Quote:12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

A. Buffalo won the presidents trophy as the leagues best team, while Chicago bested new rivals Texas and won the western conference. Bard. Off their playoff paths alone, It’s impossible to find teams more deserving based off their play this season. The only other teams arguably in the same stratosphere as Buffalo and Chicago were Hamilton and Texas, and they showed this wasn't their year by losing in 6 and 5 games respectively.

72 words, +1

B. Chicago has less finals appearances than their expansion rival New Orleans. The continued dominance of buffalo over 15 seasons and two sim engines is far more impressive and frankly isn't even a discussion. Buffalo has more cup finals appearences in the last 3 seasons than Chicago does since its inception. Impressive by the Syndicate? Frankly, no.

56 words, +1

C. Chicago’s consistently had some of the worst goal horns, culminating in the ruining if a banger Olivia rodrigo song. This is why it was so important to ensure that Chicago did not hear their goal song too often. Unfortunately Mat Smith decided he enjoys hearing this abomination, and forced the series to go the distance to a full 7 games.

60 words, +1

D. The best current skater is likely myself, having been top 3 in points in each of the previous two seasons and possibly receving mvp noms in both seasons. Elizabeth Doyle also deserves consideration if considering best all around player, as does Chicago’s Martin westbroek who singlehandedly carried this Chicago team himself. Had this been asked seasons prior, Matt Kholin and Monkey D Luffy may also deserve merit.

67 words, +1

+4 earned, 13 tpe total

Quote:2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Pokemon! Everyone loves em, and if you don't, you didn't have a childhood. Or adulthood. Anyways, let's imagine all SHL and SMJHL players are now pokemon. Assemble your team! On top of that, what is your strategy to navigate the POKESHL? Try to get the strongest pokemon and become champion? Catch all of the possible players and complete your pokedex? UwU Breed them? Catch low level juniors players and train them? Or become a gym leader, helping others on their path to greatness? I'd love to hear your approach.

Early in my career, it was hard to not look at fishy and consider him to be underwhelming and virtually useless. In fact, you could look at him floundering around there on the ice and wonder if he was really ever going to figure it out and evolve from constantly splashing. You could even compare his game to that of Magikarp. Fishy in s59 got enough experience to evolve his game, and turned into quite the formidable opponent. The evolution into Gyrados helped diversify the Pokémon in Buffalo’s lineup, with Buffalo also having a number of other types including Primape Monkey D Luffy, ground type Hippowdown Hippo Passamus, as well as poison type Nidoqueen, Queen Elizabeth Doyle. Although not the ideal Pokémon lineup, the stampede sure have survived all their important battles and can be considered PokeLeague champs. It will be interesting to see the next generation of Buffalo players, who grow to take over as these leading Pokémon get old and wind down to laziness in the Safari Zone.

170 words, +3, 16 total tpe

3+2+4+4+3=16 tpe earned

[Image: fishyshl.gif]
Thanks to everybody for the sigs :peepoheart:

[Image: czechpp.png][Image: czechup.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 07:49 PM by Faded.)

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)
+3 TPE

[code]15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.



[Image: 8hp3ACT.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-16-2021, 08:31 PM by SlashACM.)

1 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 5 minutes or 4 TPE for 7 Minutes
2 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 6 Minutes or 4 TPE for 8 Minutes
Post the direct link to your podcast.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

a: I think the Hamilton Steelhawks deserve to be there. They are the most underrated team in the league and it is time to give them a reward that they deserve. They need to finally get a cup after years of being underrated. I finally think the Hamilton steelhawks are going to run on a tear next season!

b: Buffalo has been more impressive because they now have to continue to get past the overrated Hamilton steelhawks. They have an amazing group of players but the Hamilton steelhawks are just their crutch in the league. If they wany to get over the hump then they have to figure out the Hamilton Steelhawks

c: I hate the Chicago Syndicate Logo, it is jsut too messy. Who needs the syndicate when you have the OG team logo and names like the COUGARS. They are just a backward team themselves. And dont get me started about the Buffalo SHITPEDE and their shit logo. Who wants a buffalo as their mascot


13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

Wow, I cant believe that the Buffalo Stampede won the Challenge Cup. They did what every team would wish they could have done. Built from the draft, built from trade deadline, get pucks deep, and do not forget get pucks to the new. That was the key to sucess when they were down 3-1 in the series. You have to get back to the basics, and just play the simple north south game that got them to the hump. As for playoffs MVP, probably Fishy, aka Aron Herdenvic or whatever he spells his name. Most points in the finals, and then 2nd most points in the playoffs.


15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?

Well shit, I didnt know so many people stole money from me. SIKE, they did not steal any money from me. Little did they know is that they were given fake money, all coming from the SHL Bank Account. You know, the big one that funds the league. Anyway, so I get to take myself out on a date. So obviously I would take myself to Italy, and get myself some custom made pizza from the oldest pizza shop in the world. I would then walk around italy for a month, while taking pictures and enjoying the scenic view of italy and the italian people.

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Podcast- +3 tpe slashacm approved

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]

16/16 TPE 

2. (+3 TPE) Easily I would run the fighting gym. I would use all the biggest bruisers in the league and honestly if you just go AGI you will easily defeat the gym and get the badge. This gym is all about frustrating tile puzzles and use HM FIGHT to break through cardboard cutouts of players blocking your path. The gym would be like other fighting gyms from previous games, lots of board breaking and steel bending going on. 
[Image: image.png]
Since this one the earlier gyms you'll fight I only have 5 SHLmon:
Level 23 - Junpander (Juni Panda)
Level 24 - Liviusword (Niccolo Livius)
Level 24 - Phantobench (Joseph Fantobens)
Level 24 - Poroshank (Boris Proshenko)
Level 26 - Hurder (LPLL) *signature move "Left-Right-Left-Left" [locks SHLmon into 3 attack sequence, 3rd attack has two instances of damage and increased critical hit chance]

Upon beating me you would get the "Left-Right-Left-Left" TM47, and the gym badge will let all SHLmon obey you regardless of their level cause you swoll and not afraid to hit them now. 

4. (+3 TPE)
Slash is a mini stinky,
that's right he still has a binky. 
expressionless face, 
call him "blinky".
I will say his prompts are pretty cool,
but dont go thinkin' that I respect the fool. 
I know hese a gangsta, 
but im the king pranksta. 
While hese robbing the SHL bank, 
im posting the jank. 
While hese cooking up a plan, 
im just pitying the man.  

5. (+2 TPE)
I absolutely believe that all SMJHL teams should be in the playoffs, the SMJHL league should always be a starter league, the playoffs do not need to be some "prestigious" highly sought after reward. Any team should have a chance at the end of the season. This would help with player retention and engagement. For many new players, not being the playoffs would be the first big stoppage of participation in the league and would increase fall-off rates if more teams are not in the playoffs. It does not make sense to restrict the playoffs, as it will encourage more senior players to move to the big leagues faster as the main league trophy should always be the primary concern not carrying and stomping on new players/teams who are just coasting along. Including everyone tackles those two problems simultaneously. 

15. (+3 TPE)Trivia: REWRWEAREAWE

16. (+2 TPE) 
As much as I would love to lie and say I know exactly what Luke would want to do and eat, I haven't the slightest clue. So I would try to show Luke the best time I could by taking him on things that I think most people would find enjoyable. Going for the middle of the road I would take Luke to a great Chicken shop around here for lunch. After munching on some tenders or sandos with great coleslaw and iced tea I'd take Luke down to the track. Renting a cool but not insane track car, probably an Audi R8 or Nissan GT-R. From there just let Luke send it around the track as many times as he wants. I think almost universally everyone likes going fast in cars in a safe manner and tracktime is a great time to do that. Should be a fun time. 

17. (+3 TPE) Milestones

[Image: 81ImQYu.png][Image: suavemente.gif][Image: QD85cmZ.png]
     Platoon    Timber
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 01:14 PM by juniped.)

2. This is an obvious question. Lets talk strategy. The first thing you have to do is invest all of your time drafting every single person possible. You then have to make sure they all of the correct natures. You can’t have all of these prospects with the Luke Nature. You need Goon, Goons and more Goons so make sure to draft people with that nature. Then you have to breed these Goons, make sure the Goons have more Goons. Then with all of your Goone type pokemon you’re ready to go. Now you have to train them against other Goons to make sure their Goon stat is maxed out with EVs. Once you do that you can level up all of your Goons to max level and then you have the ultimate Goon Squad. Your only team weakness is injuries being turned off. IF that happens, well then your only option is to trade some Goons for your “scoring type” players, one for each Goon line to actually shoot the puck while your Goons run wild. Goon (177 Words)

I think the way the SMJHL is set up where everyone makes the playoffs is my favorite developmental league format. I think the setup for is good because league parity in the developmental league is always going to be in a good place, due to the rotating door of rookies coming in and out of it. Because of this and the fact that the juniors is supposed to be a place where players learn, letting everyone experience playoffs is good not only for them to learn, but also for retention. If you’re in another developmental league, say the MiLPBE and your team does not make playoffs, well that’s like an extra week of offseason where you just don’t care about what’s going on in the league for a lot of people, and that’s a point where you can lose a lot of interest for players. Allowing everyone in the J to make playoffs I think is good because it keeps people more interested and allows everyone to experience playoffs at least once in their careers. (175 words)


13. My MVP selection is obvious in my opinion. While there were many players who were exceptional in this series, there is one player who was better than the rest and I am about to tell you who I think was the standout player between both teams right now. The index is confusing for me to go through, but if you look at team leaders only player stands out. Chicago may have lost but the performance from Martijn Westbroek was steller. They had 30 points, 17 assists and 1 plus minus of 10. Now it’s not good enough for Chicago to win but those stats are the team lead for anyone else on Chicago. And while seeing as I don’t know how to download the league file and make it work for me I am very impressed by these numbers since that is more points than anyone else in the series. As far as I know the MVP should be the person with the most points and that is Martijn Westbroek again despite losing. (173 words)

15.  Verification Word

16: I’ll take @"luketd" on a wonderful date, first off we’re going to a Theme Park. Maybe Disneyland. We’re going to ride all the ride and enjoy a nice day making jungle cruise jokes to each other and talking about how much we both love the Jungle Cruise the most out of all the rides. They have the best jokes and are all really funny and the Rock is hot Then we’re going to go see a movie, nothing too scary though I get scared easily. Maybe something nice and calm, like Jungle Cruise with Dwayne the Rock Johnson. Then we’re going to head out to a boat, and go on a cruise through, oh I don’t know a jungle. There hopefully I can leave Luke out there and come back with Dwayne the Rock Johnson and pass him off as luke for the rest of his life because I wish Luke was the Rock. (154 Words)


[Image: juniped_shl.gif]
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 05:24 PM by bbjygm.)

4. Written, 3 TPE (60 words min.)
Ugh, poetry is so 17th century, we're ditching that prompt. Earlier in the season I had you flex your songwriting in an SHL style parody, but this time you don't have a song to lean on. You're writing your very own diss track about something SHL related. A player, A team, A GM, anything. You can write a diss track about CW if you want.

Here are the rules: At least 12 lines (and at least 60 words total) but if you wanna do more go for it. I'm not laying out a specific rhyme scheme but there has to be rhyme in it. Be creative! This prompt is not for everyone, if you have a problem with it there are like 15 other prompts I made for ya. NOTE: THIS IS ALL IN JEST; ANYTHING OVERLY MEAN OR MALICIOUS WILL NOT BE GRADED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Yo, this CW equal to a double deuce /
Procrastinatin', masturbatin' with some apple juice. /
Coming up with shit
is a pain, yeah it /
gonna end up looking like a roasted bubble goose. /

You may think my rhymes are sleazy but let me tell ya this ain't easy /
Creative writin', this be incitin' shit that make me queasy. /
But I got ass to kick, so I string words so sick /
That it's no wonder I've got you looking rather sneezy. /

Yeah this is my final verse, best believe I don't rehearse /
Got lyrics so bad gonna feel like you just got a curse. /
Got a day to do this task, though I set up my own cask /
But at least I'm now getting past the first.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

I think it'd be a good idea to continue to have all teams enter the playoffs. The SMJHL is the first experience anyone has of the league in general. It could be a great method of retaining players if they have some further investment during the season than just the regular season. Sure, this could open up a little more randomness to the playoffs with more potential for upsets to affect the final result, but the J teams have a relatively short turnover rate compared to the SHL just by its nature, and I think it could be more exciting to have the occassional underdog story.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

For you FHM babies: What if we were still in Simon T land? Would your career be where it is now? Or would randomness have stunted the dynasties you may or may not have been part of?

I played in both eras. My player first started off as a pass-first power forward. I took pride in my faceoff percentage and hits, but I wasn't such a great point generator. After the switch I was able to basically respec into a more offensive and point-minded player which (I think) has helped me boost my team up as much as my player can. One issue in STHS that I'm now glad is resolved was the single maxed-out build everyone had. Having the potential to reach an end point gave me a goal for a while, but upon reflection my interest would probably have stagnated if I was rocking the maxed-out build for many seasons upon a row. Earning points wouldn't have immediate effects, just a slight and incremental prolonging of my eventual regression. Having a build that changes often has helped retain my interest somewhat and still feel like I contribute to the team when I'm max earning since there always seems to be a new goal to reach for.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

a. I think both teams deserve their place here. Chicago has made good use of their window and stuck through the climb to get there (plus I gotta root for Anaheim alumni). Buffalo has strangely continued to make excellent playoff results. I'm not sure how they keep their contention window going for so long, but it has proven to work and their dynasty continues.

b. I appreciate Chicago's efforts to climb to where they are, but I think Buffalo's continued dominance is more impressive. Climbing up is a challenge, but so is staying up. They have weathered sim engine changes and likely the entire turnover of their whole team, possibly several times. New England had a decent run in which bad luck caused a fracturing of the core's resolve, so I know firsthand how fickle success can be and to continue that success, to me, is pretty impressive.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

+3 TPE

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

SMJHL Stats || SHL Stats
[Image: YZjkK9Q.png] PORTAL [Image: rwqM7d3.png]
Berserkers Elk Falcons Renegades Germany

Stats Pre-S53 || Stats S53+
[Image: yXVPZSm.png] [Image: updates2.png]
Outlaws Switzerland Wolfpack
S53 All-Star and Richan Trophy Nominee
S60 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
Never forget

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

With 2 more teams added to the J this season, I believe that we should change the playoff format to the top 12 teams instead of letting everyone make it into the playoffs. I know the main reasoning behind letting all the teams make it in to the playoff is to allow everyone in the J to experience that but I feel like it's better to make it at least a bit competitive during the regular season. Also if you are the bottom 2 teams, I don't think theres really any expectation to make it out of the first round regardless. 
WC: 101
+ 2 | 2 Total

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case

a. I am slightly biased here but I feel like both teams definitely deserved to be here. Buffalo was statically the best team in the regular season, and Chicago has probably the best team on paper. I can not speak for chicago as I have not looked but I know Buffalo had to go through Hamilton who was arguably a top 3, possibly top 2 team this season so I think they definitely deserved getting to that final. 
b. I think Buffalo's continued dominance. While I do think what Chicago has done is impressive, and I admire the ability of the management there, Buffalo itself is not that old of a franchise itself (at least compared to some other franchises) and has proven it self to be an absolute powerhouse 
c. I'm not a giant fan of the Chicago Syndicate logo. Do not get me wrong, I think it is still a good logo but I am not a giant fan of the yellow rhombus in the back. For me it just feels a bit out of place, I think they should have either had a triangle encompass the logo or maybe just simply remove the rhombus. 
d. I am just going to do current players since I am not that knowledgeable about the players of Hamilton to do it justice. I think for Hamilton the clear cut best player at the moment on that team is Mitchel Van Der Heijden (sorry if I misspelled that .-.) MVDH in my opinion is the clear MVP this season, having an incredible 99 point season. As for Buffalo, the best player in my opinion this season was probably Aron Hernandivic. He was a consistent offensive presence for us this season while also contributing on the defensive end.  

+ 4 | 6 Total

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)

Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.
My vote for series MVP in this finals between Chicago and Buffalo probably has to go to our goal tender, Elizabeth Doyle. There is definitely some argument for players such as Aron Hernandivic, Matt Smtih, and Marjon Westbroek. However, I think night in and night out Doyle was simply amazing for the Buffalo Stampede against an absolutely stacked Chicago team. Many might look at the losses Buffalo faced and simply blame it on Doyle but in reality it was the offense of Buffalo that was letting them down, while Doyle kept our hopes a live throughout the game with incredible goal tending. 

WC: 102
+ 2 | 8 Total

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Verification Word: Sheep

+ 3 (hopefully) | 11 Total

16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?

Before I go on about our date, might I say how amazing of an opportunity this is? Luke is one of the most hard working and kind users on this sight and it is such an honor of being able to take him on a date. As for what we have planned, I would probably say we are going to be cooped up in my room working on spread sheets, looking over stats, and looking over my homework. I know, I am a very romantic individual but personally I am not one for dining and night time activities so I chose to do something I would hope we both can enjoy doing. Also does not cost us almost anything outside of the internet and electricity bills.

+ 2 | 13 Total

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Link to post

+ 3 | 16 total

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

While it wasn't the most amazing season on the ice for me, it certainly wasn't all bad either. Starting with a big personal/team milestone as I entered the top 10 in all time goals in New England history, I'm very proud and I hope by the time that I'm done I'll be in the top 3 at the very least. Something the team did accomplish wasn't getting back to the postseason which is the first time we've done that in a while, even though our time in the postseason was very short lived. Another good bit of new was I got a new 2 year contract with the team which will hopefully the team will be really competitive by then, but it's still good to see that the team still wants me around. So despite all the rough things going on around the league it was still pretty enjoyable for me and I hope the next season will be the same.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
I would definitely say that these two teams deserve to be here, both teams have been one of the best all season and both have been really good over the best 5 or so seasons. Both teams have great scoring paired with great defensemen, so yeah no salt here both of these teams deserve to be here.
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
Both teams have been impressive lately but I got to with Buffalo they have been so good for so long in a league were it's hard to be great over a long period of time. Both teams have drafted well but I think Buffalo are dialed in to be force for a long time to come.

c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
I don't like being a critical of logos in the league but for the sake on tpe I will do it this time. I don't like the Toronto North Stars logo, considering they basically ripped of the Maple Leafs with the leaf in the middle, I said this with Winnipeg when they were the Jets and I say it with Buffalo but find your own unique logo don't rely on the NHL.

d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.
For me the best player on either team is my former St. Louis linemate Aron Hernadivic. While he doesn't have the most TPE between the 2 teams (he still has 2103) Hernadivic is just a monster in the offensive zone. The last couple of years he's been one of the top 5 players in both goals and points.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.



[Image: DrbPYHV.png]   [Image: B4x6AQm.png]
Scarecrows Russia Wolfpack

Rest In Peace Dangel

1st SHL Goal - S52 Game 1 vs Tampa 3. New England Wolfpack , Jakub Bruchevski 1 (Eko Van Otter 1, Delver Fudgeson 2) at 8:10

Scarecrows Platoon Russia

[Image: F4iUWyS.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 01:49 PM by Bruins10.)

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Freaky Friday.. or Monday. Tuesday? Anyhow, I think the finals will be over by Friday barring some kind of Re-sim :grimace: Anyways, I forgot the plot of the movie but there's something about a fortune cookie and now you're in your mom's body! But actually, it's the body of an SHL player, one from Chicago or Buffalo! (If you are on Buffalo or Chicago, you can't be yourself, pick a teammate or opponent). Now that you are them and they are you, what do you do during the big game? Play amazing and turn a scrub into a superstar? Play like a bum and try to help the other team win? Oggle yourself in the mirror? The world is so exciting in a new body...
I do not know that many people personally on the SHL so I do not know who I would choose to sabotage the Stampede. But, I would want the Syndicate to win because of my Boy Poroshenko on the team and even Mats Marner. For that reason alone I would do whatever is necessary to Sabotage the stampedes playoff run. I think we will see some great games and the series will go the distance and it will come down to the last game. So I don't know, maybe being the goaltender for the Stampede and let some easy ones go in to give the Syndicate an early lead in some important games. I would probably even try to ruin someones career, create some controversy in the SHL world. Pull some sort of Patrick Roy thing or Chris Chelios and sleep with a teammates girlfriend. Not wife, that is a little too far. But maybe create some chaos in the locker room and ruin the whole ambiance.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.
I think for the Juniors, everyone should make the playoffs. The make up of the league is always going to be people coming into the community. You can not have someone go into the Juniors and then have him not make the playoffs for 2 or 3 seasons and then be excited to continue to update when all he sees is losses. Atleast with the playoffs as an option, there is something to look forward to at the end of the season. When new users come in, and especially the Reddit drafts where there is an abundance of new people coming in and giving the SHL a try, you want their experience to be a good one and that is what the Juniors are for. Positivity, good people and not too much dilemma. I think having that little candy at the end of the season that you are in the playoffs no matter what, it keeps people engaged.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?
Canada, United States and Great Brittain are the countries that come to the top of my head as the ones who always perform. When looking at players, I know players like Aron Hernandivic and Martijn Westbroek just dominated in the Finals of the Challange Cup and will continue that momentum going into the International tournament. Last IIHF season we also saw players like Daniel Laforest and Andreas Kvalheim dominate for Norway, who some might have seen as Underdogs. What is good about the IIHF is that there always seems to be a change in which player dominates the tournament and it keeps everyone on their toes to figure out who the breakout player of the tournament will be. I would hope I would have a chance at that title but because of playing for Latvia, we definitely do not have the same amount of talent as the other top teams in the tournament. We try to play spoiler and really wear that title proudly in the Lockerroom and hope we can pull off some upsets this season.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.
a) I think looking back at the beginning of the season, everyone knew that the league would be dominated by Buffalo, Chicago or Hamilton. With Chicago changing division, it made it a lot easier for them and the path was a lot easier considering the talent in the other conference was not as powerful. It was deeper with the likes of Calgary, Edmonton and Texas. But there was no power house teams like Buffalo and Hamilton to go up against. So, no surprise there in the finals.
d) I remember Viktor Marius just being an absolute GOAT in the league when he was around. Sucks that he did not recreate, if I remember correctly he does not have a new guy. But he was just always the number 1 fantasy pick because of his physical presence as well as his offensive talent. Plus, he can be a GOAT of the league and he had to out play a bunch of talent on his team, that's how good he was. He was one of the best players for them and they had such a deep roster.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Verification Word: Remote

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)
Goals: 11 or more
Assists: 26 or more
+/-: 24 or higher
Hits: 115 or more
Special Points: 7 or more
GWG: 2 or more (check the link above)
Take Aways (TkA): 31 or more

[Image: Bruins10.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic , @Ragnar and @sulovilen for the sexy Signature

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