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S61 SMJHL PT #3 - Rivalry Week

I would personally consider my teams rival this season the Quebec City Citadelles. The reason for this is they are in our division and thus far are only 1 point behind us in the standings. There is no doubt that we both will make the playoffs, but we will be fighting them for division supremacy.  Right now, we are winning that rival race but there are plenty of games to come, and more animosity to be shown. Great competitiveness between the two teams, and who knows even though this is just a divisional race right now, can turn into a bigger rivalry later on.  I look forward to the future battles and with this declaration of them being the Newfoundland Berserkers rival it should make every game against them, but also every game that they play that much more meaningful. I am excited to see how that turns out, and as for the reasons I stated above the Quebec City Citadelles are our rivals for the season and who knows much more after. Lets go ZERKS.  Berserkers Berserkers Berserkers Berserkers (173 words)

Berserkers Patriotes Finland
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When I was drafted by the Quebec City Citadelles I didn't hate anyone, or any team for that matter. I was completely new to the SMJHL and was far more worried about getting my update thread done properly than I was throwing shade at some team full of randos. Well.. here we are, a couple weeks and I think it's safe to say - to hell with Anchorage. Quebec City was introduced to the league in season 55, rather than compete immediately they decided to build through the draft and sign players through free agency to be competative for years to come. That plan worked exactly as they had hoped, making it to the semi-finals in season 57 and have remained a perennial contender ever since. 

But why do I now hate Anchorage, you may ask? Remember that semi-finals I mentioned in season 57? It was Anchorage who drove the nail in the coffin for Quebec City, after a Cinderella rise to a Laurifer Trophy for best regular season record. Although the Citadelles managed to get one back from the Armada the next year and bring the Four Star Cup home to the Belle Province, the rivalry did not end there. The Anchorage Armada continued to be a thorn in the sides of the Citadelles, defeating them in two more consecutive semi-final appearances, which brings us to present day. The Citadelles currently sitting fifth in the standings with a 9-3-1 record, with the Armada right below them at sixth, posting a 6-5-3 record. 

The only thing that I know for certain is that I hope to see them come playoff time.

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Sig by @Ragnarr

Two new expansions teams, yet only one (or neither) can be the best. Great Falls and Regina both came into the league at the same time. Both are starting from literally nothing and molding a culture around the first ever roster they have accumulated. Closer to home for myself, both teams are represented in net by rookie netminders. No two other teams can, at this time, look back at the starting line that they and their rival both began from, and be able to definitely declare which one has had more success in the same window of time. This rivalry isn't built off old drama, tense playoff battles, or regional pride. It is purely based off competition and trying to prove that each time earned their spot. Both teams only have one first season, and will act as the measuring stick for the other. Will one team be able to stand over the other with the Cup held high? Probably not, but if nothing else, one team will skate away with bragging rights come season end.

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It's only logical for the Regina Elk to pick the Great Falls Grizzlies as there main rival. Both teams are recently added and this causes a natural rivalry, as they have joined the league together. And honestly after the conversations I had with the Great Falls management and the Regina Elk management, I would have thought I would be a grizzly at this point, Regina never made it clear I was high on their list. Despite them only having their first pick at 24th, i felt there still was a chance i would go there. All teams were telling eachother that a goalie would only be picked in the third round, so one team had to play a smokescreen and go for one sooner. I expected this move from Great Falls, but it ended up to be Regina. Now I don't hold any grudges and I'm happy to be part of the Elk, but I do consider Great Falls our main rival, and while I don't hate them or something, I do love us outperforming them so far. Go Elk!

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Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


When considering who our biggest rival is, I checked the Locker Room and noticed we have a ton of GIF Memes about Maine ... but as a teammate said "it is hard to call it a rivalry anymore when we keep crushing them Wink "
Given the current standings, the Zerks have 2 main rivals in this season.  With Vancouver and Carolina being our biggest competition.  So far the team has faired well against both teams, but the season is still very early.  Vancouver has the deepest squad in the league and the highest total TPE of any of the SMJHL teams.  Carolina is another deep squad that clearly knows what they are doing.  That being said, we are pretty confident that we can beat any team when it comes playoff time.
Personally, I don't have many rivals in the league yet, but I do like to think that there are a few teams that showed interest in me during the draft but decided not to take me Smile we'll see how that plays out long term.


Apparently the Outlaws rival is Colorado. While I do not understand why, I've never understood rivals in the first place. Especially when your record is 2-13, your rival is the draft and FA which Anaheim has been dealing with well. Focusing more on developing our players instead of the beating we are taking this season and having a solid locker room for the new blood cycling through the system. Next season I can see our rivalry picking up against Colorado when we actually have some TPE behind us and the chance of losing 10-0 is lessened substantially.

As for S61, I would say our rival is actually Great Falls because they are also shitty like us and being able to not be last in our division would be a nice little surprise even though it takes away some lottery odds, which we need going into the S62 draft. Nevada would be a close 2nd but I feel they are better suited dealing with Kelowna

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Maine has made the playoffs in the past 5 years and ran into the Berserkers each time, and have not won any of the 5 series'. In S55, Maine made it to the four-star cup finals, just to be defeated by Newfoundland again in the finals. They have been a solid team that has done great and won every series in the past 5 seasons except their series' against the likes of Newfoundland. Maine so far this season has been in the middle of the pack in the league so far, and with Newfoundland at the top of the standings it's looking like things are not subject to change for this season. However, Maine should have an extreme level of capped players as they have so many S60 and S61s that will be 425 capped players, along with top tier prospects like Jesper Aittokallio that should become 350s next year, and with Newfoundland losing a bunch of S59 players this upcoming year, Maine may have a chance to break the streak of losses, but this year should go the way of Newfoundland.

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After spending so much time on the site and cycling around multiple SMJHL teams its hard to pinpoint one specific team as a rival. If I had to choose I think it would be the Kelowna Knights, and this predates back to my time with the Vancouver Whalers back in S13 where the Knights were a powerhouse of a team and someone that we always were very competitive with in the sim and also on the forums via some form of trash talk. Coming back to present day I believe we have played the Knights quite a few times with the Detroit Falcons, and in those games we have had some tight affairs, so one could possibly have the notion the Knights are a big rival of ours. Personally, I think some teams like the Whalers and even Timber could be rivals due to the fact I was never contacted by them during the pre-draft process, you could even extend that to all the teams that passed on me 60 times so I have that burning desire to work my butt off and prove them wrong for not taking me.

(191 words)

Akashi SixNine Jr. Updates


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credit to Qwest

So I was originally going to say that the enemy of my lovely Citadelles Citadelles  was the Anchorage Armada Armada due to their playoff history over the past few seasons-and the fact that the Armada have beaten Quebec in the last 2 playoffs, the most recent being a complete sweep-but after yesterday's sims I'm going to go with the Elk Elk . Although a new team, they earned my wrath in QCC's 15th game when the Citadelles lost by one (1) point after a real nail-biter of a game. Regina had 3 at the end of the 1st period, Quebec 2. Then Quebec evened it up in the 2nd period. Going into the 3rd, it was anyone's game. The 3rd period was a stalemate for the first half, then Regina scored at the 11th minute, Quebec at the 16th. We were golden, off to the races. Then, Regina scores with 1 minute left. What. The. Hell. The final score was 5-4 REG and I couldn't even be excited that my boy Fiske had nabbed a goal and an assist. To add salt to the wound, 2 of Regina's 5 were scored by former Citadelle Hail Bingus.
Regina, you've made a mortal enemy and you're going down.

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gay heghog

I think the Detroit Falcons' biggest rivals are the Colorado Raptors. The Elk are too new and  they're the only other team in the division.  That leaves the Raptors as are main enemy. Though apparently  the Raptors themselves seem to see Anaheim as their main rivals for some reasons and the Falcons were historically rivals with the Saint Louis Scarecrows though that rivalry has obviously taken a bit of a hit in recent months. This is just a hard question for me to answer overall. I've never really got the whole sim league rivalry, I don't know why. I feel like disliking certain teams is unique to each player and user on the site. Like in the ISFL< I Dislike Norfolk. Not because Norfolk is  a big rival to the Coyotes (which is the team I play for in the ISFL) but because Norfolk won a lot of awards that I think should of went to Coyotes players in the last award season.

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thanks sburbine for the inspiration
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The Newfoundland Berserkers for one simple reason… Jeff Larsson. Why you might ask, well let me tell you. He was drafted number 28th, one position ahead of myself. It’s an unbearable insult and blemish permanently affixed to my career. We battled in the prospect showcase where I proved my metal but apparently that wasn’t enough for the scouts. Forever in the history books I will be known only as the guy drafted after Jeff Larsson. My name and number forgotten with just a, “That guy, you know? The one who was drafted after Jeff Larsson. What was his name again?” Having to deal with his twitter taunts of being second best to him. But the Knights believed in me and I’ll pay back their belief. With the knights, we will knock off defending champions and rewrite the narrative, Jeff will be forgotten and the S61 SMJHL draft will be remember as the “Why is everyone passing on “Ignaz Pleyel?” draft.

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Now I’ve not been in the SHL long so don’t really have a grasp on the history and so certain rivalry’s are out for me, Tallas our GM would say when asked said Colorado Raptors and that seems to be the general agreement among this PT so far. However I’ve yet to get that rivulet feeling with them.

As you know the Outlaws are in an interesting position at the moment going through a huge rebuild with a team of basically just rookies with the odd veteran in and among them. So our biggest rivalry for me at least this year is ourselves.

Ourselves you may say? Well let’s be honest our season so far has almost been a total washout, we are currently in last place sitting 3 - 15. So for me all I can say is that we strive as a team to beat ourselves week in week out. This can be done simply by improving week upon week, game after game. The signs are there for a better middle & end of the season than the start, we just need to work on it!

As long as the hard work continues behind the sciences the results will come and I’ll be able to say that we will be beating the Colorado Raptors with ease.

The biggest rival I think my team, the Anchorage Armada, has is Quebec City. Both teams have been at the top of the standings for several years running and always seem to match up against each other in the playoffs with big stakes on the line.  Starting in s57, they were the two best teams in the league, and they met up in the Semi-Finals with Anchorage winning in 7 games.  The next year, they met for the championship with Quebec City dominating the series, winning in 5 games including a 6 goal beatdown in the final game.  The next season they met again with Anchorage taking the first 3 games before QCC fought back winning the next 2 but were eventually thrown aside in game 6. Last season they met again in the playoffs with the Armada sweeping away QCC, before losing the cup finals.

So thats 4 years of being at or near the top of the league, and meeting each year in either the semi-finals or the finals, with some pretty epic games and series sprinkled in.  I'm looking forward to our inevitable playoff matchup once again!

-Cup Noodle

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