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S61 PT#4- Attributes


Before I hit regression with Gabe Johnson, my vision for him as a player was a high scoring offensive defenseman who quarterbacked the powerplay. As such I put a lot of stock into offensive stats, the main two being Getting Open and Puckhandling. Investing a lot into Getting Open made me one of the best players in the league at getting shots from the point, as I have a sizeable lead over any other defenseman when it comes to getting shots on goal. That being said, being in regression now I am gonna be able to focus on offensive stats less and less because I don't wanna end up being a liability for the sake of trying to score points. I am currently in my glory days still of having as much offensive investment as I can, but once I hit 15% regression this off-season I will focus on balancing myself out more and being just a two way presence who can still log pp minutes. Once I'm in my twilight years I might just commit to being more of a shutdown type.

(186 words)

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(This post was last modified: 09-13-2021, 01:32 PM by _Blitz_.)

With all of these changes, Danny Marston's new build gets pretty wild. He doesn't have any 20s currently, but he does have a couple of 19s. In general, his stats are going to go way up and this is going to be interesting.

Screening 51
Getting Open 81
Passing 91
Puckhandling 81
Shooting Accuracy 71
Shooting Range 90
Offensive Read 91
Checking 51
Hitting 31
Positioning 61
Stickchecking 51
Shot Blocking 1
Faceoffs 61
Defensive Read 71
Acceleration 81
Agility 91
Balance 71
Speed 91
Stamina 71
Strength 51
Fighting 70
Aggression 80
Bravery 41

Everything except for Shot Blocking goes way up. Shot Blocking is currently a 10, so it goes down. Despite that, Danny's got enough other features within his build that it works out to still be exceptionally decent defensively. Maybe it's just me, but it's got shades of what you'd expect an uncapped STHS build to look like. Offensive power almost maxed out, defensive power less so (especially where hitting is concerned), and then physicals somewhere in-between. The only thing that's wildly different from STHS-style builds and my build intent in general is that Danny's Aggression is suddenly higher than his Shooting Accuracy and all of his defensive stats. I'm picturing him just hammering pucks from center ice or the defensive zone and a little more than 65% on average hit the net front, but otherwise he's like a rodeo bull in a china shop.

Considering the league at large, I think even in an environment where the whole league is changing like this, Danny is still going to come out a bit ahead. Right now he's kind of on the cusp of maybe being a really good player, and he's pretty solid. With almost all of the players in front of him suffering in some ways from their best stats suddenly tanking, I think Danny has an opportunity to leap frog ahead. It'll really depend on how hampered he is by such high Aggression and Fighting stats. If it's just Danny, however, I think it's reasonable to expect his performance to go down because he'll never get out of the penalty box ever.

[Image: olivercastillon.gif]

Thanks @enigmatic, @Carpy48, @Bayley, @Ragnar, @sulovilen, & @dasboot for the signatures!


Written Task: Talk about the FHM attributes you value in your player. What are you looking to train over the season. Over your career? What kind of player do you want to ultimately build and how do you want your player to be remembered. If you are regressing, feel free to look ahead to a future player of yours or reflect on the player you once were.(150+ words)

Ryuuji Kawashima has always seen himself as the playmaker for the team. A player who selfishly passes off the puck and tries to get his teammates in scoring positions by putting the puck in a prime spot for them. Kawashima naturally values his passing ability. How are you going to lay out a crisp pass to the slot or just hit the general target you want without being good at passing. He also values his offensive read, being able to hit your team mate on the tape is one thing, but you also need to be able to read every situation. Understand where you are on the ice, where your team mates are and most importantly the opponent players. You have to be able to read if your team mate can reach a good position with a pass or when it is beneficial to pass in general. Puck handling is another pick one, the ability to be able to stick with the puck is important and also benefits the passing. Preventing hitting the puck incorrectly and messing up your pass. Finally Ryuuji also values his defensive read. Offense is one thing, but defense is another thing that is important to do well. As they say a good offense can win a match, a good defence can win championships.

[218 words]

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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

(This post was last modified: 09-13-2021, 06:25 PM by Kyamprac.)

Prompt 2

Burke is trying to build into a two-way defenseman that's just kind of all over the ice. She wants to help the team notch some points, stop the other guys from doing the same, and just generally have a positive impact out there for the team. So it probably doesn't come as a surprise that she most values the recommended/priority attributes for a two-way defenseman in the builder - passing, puckhandling, offensive and defensive read, positioning, and stick checking.

Burke is making some good headway on a lot of these attributes now and it's starting to show out on the ice. But she's got a long way to go yet, and it's a bit of a grind to get there. She needs to stick to it and up some of her physical ratings so she can keep up with the competition, and find ways to lead the way however she can as she quickly finds herself becoming an old vet in the rebuild.

I don't really care if she makes it into the hall of fame or breaks any records, and doubt she'll be remembered for much. Just hope she can build into something that helps her team move forward.

200 words

[Image: kyamprac1.gif]
thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2021, 07:35 PM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)

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Topic 1
Congratulations so Senji Seteki for becoming a relatively worthless goaltender.  All these amazing people with their jacked stats and my best stats are still positioning and reflexes at 61.  But that doesn't hold a candle to my 80 skating and aggression.  I now regularly cross check defenders and charge players.  Then they can't stop me as I skate away with total skill.  All of my secondary skills are now 31, which is better than I am now but still not the best.  I can no longer pass at all, as I now possess a 1 in passing.  I am way more mentally sound but not as good as other goaltenders.  My chances at becoming a hall of famer have definitely increased but the other goalies are just as good.  At least I can now be the starter for San Francisco, as our normal starter now has a bunch of twos.

Japan Outlaws Blizzard  Blizzard Outlaws Japan

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(This post was last modified: 09-13-2021, 08:29 PM by WithTheMoose.)

Prompt 2

When i came into the league I honestly knew nothing about hockey and had no idea how to even begin or approach what kind of player or build I wanted. The very helpful guys over in the Whalers though guided me and I learned pretty quickly that a stay at home defender was really my style always down to my core. i like to play a more supportive style because stats aren't that important to me and so I am fully open to being the unsung, rarely talked about hero in the box who simply strive on relieving pressure off the goalie. For that reason shot blocking, hitting, defensive reads, and the physical attributes like speed are what are most imp;ortant to me. i want to prevent people from scoring and be able to really lay them out if they come at my goalie. Good old fashioned hard hitter. That is what I dream of for my player and I look forward to seeing him develop,

ISFL: IsaStarcrossed


The two attributes I value the most in my player are offensive read and defensive read. This is because the ability to make the right play physically does not matter if you cannot see what the right play is going to be. Scouts would probably denote this as Hockey IQ, which is not impossible to succeed without it just makes it a heck of a lot easier if you posses higher hockey IQ. Everybody likes offense but I like defensive read as well. I hate to be a liability in my own end and really want to make sure the team is set up for success offensively by taking care of the defensive zone first. Theoretically, these better defensive plays will help my offensive minded teammates to do their thing much easier and the more time we are able to spend in the opponent's end, the more likely we are to come away with the victory at the end of the game.

(This post was last modified: 09-13-2021, 08:40 PM by .Laser.)


Well if my attributes were to get switched around, I think I'd be one of the worse players on the ice still. While almost all of my stats would improve, a few would get worse. Notably, I would now have 1 hitting and 1 shot blocking, which would make me totally useless as a two way forward. However, I would have as well very high rankings in almost everything else. With the exception of shooting range, which would be 21, all of my stats would jump to be 50 or over. You might think "damn, that's gonna be a hella good player" and I might agree with you. However, we have to take into consideration that every other player in the league has had this happen to them as well. So, despite James drastically improving in nearly all stats, he most likely would not be a force to be reckoned with on the ice. If anything, he may be more of a liability than other players simply because his defense is so bad in comparison to the incredible puck skillz the rest of the league suddenly has. Hall of famers would either have their numbers shattered or never touched again, but in either case I think it would make the league significantly different and I don't know if it would be in a good way.


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[Image: Virrok.png]
Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

ISFL Affiliate

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(This post was last modified: 09-14-2021, 12:18 AM by Muerto.)

Prompt 2

Grogu is my first player built from the ground up with the FHM sim engine. When we made the switch away from STHS, my player was already quite deep into his career, just a couple of seasons away from regression. So I never really had to work through the Junior League slog, and the first few seasons of being a sub 1200 TPE player trying to compete against the behemoths. I have one main goal with Grogu and that is to hit 2000 TPE because it is obvious that if you want to be a star, that's the level to which you must aspire! FHM gives a lot more flexibility in how you want to build your player so that makes it fun for sure!

My approach to building Grogu's player at each stage is going to be a little more planned out. The rookie season in juniors is all about getting to that 350 cap as fast you can. Interestingly, for players who reach the 350 TPE limit before their second season - they are looking at doing literally one update over three seasons: unbanking to 425 after Season 2, then coasting on that build for your two more seasons of eligibility in the juniors. So you have to be a little more certain in how you apply that, unless you want to keep spending money redistributing things.

So anyway, my approach was to look to be minimum 9s in all the stats. Then, because I want to be a more defensive-minded counterattacking forward, I put the defensive attributes like checking, positioning, and defensive read a notch higher than the more offensive skills. As a center, I do also have some TPE applied into Faceoffs which otherwise might have been able to boost some of that offense, but that's ok. When I get to spend +75 on next season's build, I will look to have some more offense going.

So after that, assuming things go to plan, I have 2 seasons to gather up as much TPE as possible before hitting the SHL. That initial unbanking is going to be hugely important because you might be talking about 400 TPE or more, based on the TPE levels of players a couple seasons ahead of me. I will probably continue to put more focus on defense in the first few seasons so as not to be a liability, but by season 6-7 I intend to shift the areas where I put the bulk of my updates (more towards the speedy forward archetype) and really drive those key offensive stats up to 19s at least! From there ... ah I will worry about regression when I get there!!

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Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway


Prompt 2: I have always imagined Ryosuke Sato as a mobile defenseman. Someone who is quick on the skates and can change direction quickly to backcheck, forecheck, paycheck baby. With this, I really want to train Sato's skating abilities, focusing on speed and acceleration primarily to be one of the fastest, if not the fastest skater in the league. With that, I would also like for his agility to go up... but I have heard mixed reviews on the effectiveness of agility on the ice. However, although I want to build towards this, of course there are the struggles and challenges with building the player I want Sato to be, and building a player that would best help the team. Right now, I would say I am focusing on the team aspect, but later down the road I am for sure going to have speed and acceleration to at least 19. I have to be a little selfish to have Sato become the player I imagined.

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

Coming into the SHL I had no idea what to pick for roles or attributes. But in every sports game I've played, there's a one thing I've always values, Speed. It's essential. A fast forward always needs to be respected. The ability to beat the defense to a loose puck and then put in past the goalie is exactly what I picture for Conner Snooks. I don't want the typical tough, big Power Forward/Garbage Collector, sitting in front of the net screening and hoping to deflect a shot. I want to be buzzing around the net and faceoff circles. Make the defense chase me. Pair it with unnatural Shooting Accuracy, so that the defense can't afford to leave me open unless they want to be scored against. But even for defense I would value Speed and Acceleration almost over anything else. I don't want some lumbering old-school defensemen. I need them to be able to cover anyone else on the other team. As the philosopher Soniciphus once said "Gotta go fast!!"

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Bjorn Viggosson is an “in your face” type player. I value the attributes that assist with that, strength, balance, agility, aggression, checking, hitting. He is going to be the perfect mix of clearing out space in front of the net and in the corners, baiting opponents into fights, tipping pucks and opening up room for his linemates. The render I chose for Bjorn was Patric Hornqvist, which is a perfect representation of who I want Bjorn to be. I want him parked in front of the net with his ass right in the goalie’s face, pissing off the competition.
Over the course of Bjorn’s career, I want him to shift away from the agitation stuff and more into the power-forward role, collecting a ton of hits, as I want to go after Izzy’s hit record with Bjorn. That will be a daunting task as Izzy was a beast, but I am confident that the chips could fall in a fortunate position to allow Bjorn to have a run at Izzy’s record.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

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