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S61 PT#4- Attributes

When I first joined, I had a rough template that I wanted to emulate. My player on NHL 21 was a small and agile puck moving defensemen. I wanted to be super annoying to play against. As I got some more experience, I quickly realized that lacking in physical attributes while playing on the back end is a pretty big disadvantage. Losing 50/50 puck battles, unable to control the puck, and playing the body to try and win possession would be pretty hard if I was in the dirty areas. This season I've made sure to allocate some juicy points into my physical statistics, and while my stat line isn't super impressive, I feel like I'm doing a bit more of the little things for my team. Once I feel comfortable with my physical stats, I'm going to move back to the quick and agile side of the fence. I want be to defensively responsible but still score goals!

I want Valdis to be a quick and mobile D man. I want him to be fast and have really supurb puck handling. Then I want to be a great passer, from there I can be a really strong offensive d man and still be able to play defense relying on my speed to make the difference. I am already small for a d man so I do not think I will have to spend to much time on being a hard hitter. Depending on what my shl team needs though this can all change. The biggest thing that I want from my build is to be flexible and be able to have a role at the next level. The last thing I would want is to make a build that my team can't use well. Hopefully once I have a lot of tpe I can be the player I invison but untill then it is mainly about fitting in to my teams system and contributing starting next season

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I would do task one, but my player would be ridiculously mediocre, and also I don’t understanding in any confident degree, so task number two is a go!

Because of my sloppy start in the league, I have had to try and minimum/maximum what little tpe I can gather. What I ended up valuing the most is the physical stats. Without having decent physical stats it doesn’t matter how good your other stats are. If you are too slow, or your stamina is too low, you are just going to get destroyed in the ice. If you do not have balance you are going to get knocked off the puck with incredible ease. Strength is needed everywhere on the ice whether it be battling along the boards, hitting, or staying in front of the net. Acceleration is also important for you speedsters because it does not matter how fast you are if it takes you an entire shift to get the legs moving. Agility is also useful for people trying to exit defensive zone without getting creamed.

This is just my two-cents. I would probably think differently if I had started my career on a decent footing.

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I'm going with prompt number 2 this week. I decided when creating Marco Barengrub I would go for a depth role player. I thought I would earn TPE at a pretty good pace but with my low activity on forums/discord I didn't think a superstar forward would fit with me. I'm never gonna help a team to attract free agents so a defensive minded center is what I'm aiming for. The attributes I will be focusing on are checking, positioning, defensive read, speed and acceleration. I don't know if it's possible but I'd like at my peak for all these to be at 20. I see myself most of my career playing on the 3rd line, hopefully helping the team I'm with to win multiple cups. I don't believe there is an award for the best defensive forward so the ultimate dream on an individual level would be a trophy named after my player.

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Prompt 2:

I would have done prompt 1 but after a minute I realized that it wouldn't change much in the ways of disadvantages and advantages for my player relative to other players around the league, except that we would all be super players. And those with 20 in a skill would immediately have that supreme strength turn into an extreme weakness.

So prompt 2, I think the attributes that I value the most in offence would be off read, passing and puck handling. These are important attributes for an offensive quarterback dman in my opinion as the they all work to improve playmaking and puck distribution ability. On defence I like def read, checking and stickchecking the most as a good combo of those help with stopping the opposing team from making pays. and then I think all the physical attributes are important and it is also important that they are balanced. My favourite would probably be agility.

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Sig by @Ragnar

When it comes to the attributes I currently have, I think having a more balanced approach is the key to prolonging a career well into regression. In my prime, I was a top passer who could get the puck to the key goal scorers on my team. My faceoff prowess was something I took pride in because I knew it was important to have possession as much as possible. My skating and speed on the ice were always helped me to keep up with the true superstars in the SHL. Lastly I always tried to keep my stamina at a supreme level to provide my best effort in the final key moments of a game, especially during overtimes in the playoffs. If I could change one thing about my career, it would be to have delayed the switch to FHM until my regression really set in. My best season took play in one of the final seasons before the switch, and perhaps I could have had an even better career had the change occurred later than it did.

I am writing about Prompt 2

Rikard growing up and learning the game had always been someone that favored offense. Growing up he was good at it and was always placed into a capacity to succeed offensively. While that may have worked in his younger years, he was given a rude awakening upon being drafted into the SMJHL. With the speed of the game and the tight checking at the pro level, Rikard’s offense dried up. Without offense and without much of a defensive game to speak of, Rikard had no identity in his game. That was when the coaches of the SHL team that drafted him, the Hamilton Steelhawks, urged Rikard to start focusing on his defensive game. Rikard couldn’t score or set up plays if his team does not have the puck. Rikard spent the next few years shoring up his defensive game. His checking has started becoming more and more proficient and Rikard’s two-way game has become something he is proud of. The offense will come, built on the foundations of good defensive play. If Rikard is to be known for something in his game and in his legacy, it is that he is someone that was dependable on both sides of the ice.

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It's hard to imagine what kind of advantage I'll have if everyone else flips too. I'd probably be in the same tier of players that I am already in (shit), but I would be that much better than the players with less leveled attributes. My player has a heavy influence in offense, but can hold his own defensively. With a now 91 in strength and puckhandling, good luck getting the puck off my stick. I still wont be the fastest with 51 in the skating attributes but that's fine, I'm cool with a north south style of play. I'll be launching piss missiles from anywhere on the ice with incredible accuracy. I will also turn into an elite center who knows how to block shots, with a 90 in  both faceoffs and shot blocks. All of this probably wouldn't matter though because with a 1 in bravery I'd just be  too afraid to go on the ice.

[Image: CrazyMojitoSHL.gif]
Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 

Prompt 2- the attributes I value most on my simulation hockey league player, Joseph Fantobens, are hitting, checking, and stick checking. Checking because it’s fun. And I like take aways. And there is no easier way to take away the puck than to remove the player from said puck. I also like hitting. Hitting is fun. I like to hit people. Sometimes the referee does not like my hit. And he gives me a penalty. It’s ok. I can usually use the time alone. No one talking to me. No one bothering me. I can use all my brain power for checking and hitting. And I pretend I’m on the ice and I’m hitting people. I also like stick checking because it has the word checking in it. It is fun to skate around and smack the other teams stick. It’s a fun noise and they get really annoyed.

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Well, the time to really grow attributes for me has come and gone. I'm at 1700 TPE, and I'm near my peak in terms of my attributes. I've built myself as an almost completely balanced player, leaning a bit to the offensive side of the puck. Thats kind of the way I'd like to be remembered. A really excellent forward who puts up a ton of points, but also a respectable defensive game with some back checks mixed in. Not a Patrice Bergeron, more like a Brad Marchand. I'm kind of an annoying prick sometimes too so the Marchand angle kind of works double here. I'd say for the rest of my career I'd like to start scoring more goals, maybe a few more takeaways every season even though those are hard to come by on Hamilton. That'd give me a good shot at the hall of fame. I've had a good career start so I have to do well you know.

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The FHM attributes I really value for Tomas, is his screening, balance and strength. The current build has more focus on the offensive aspects of his game, for example his shot, but during the off-season my hope is to be able to train more of the aspects that create a strong and sturdy player in front of the opposition's net. I hope that Tomas will be remembered as a tough and skilled player, ready to stand up to the tougher defensemen of the other team, and not a stranger to putting in pucks. I originally intended to create Lind as an homage to Tomas Holmström, but as time has passed it has proven difficult to not become a more offensively minded power forward instead. If Lind can continue on in his career on the same path as he is currently, around 0.5 points per game, I would be very happy.

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Kenneth Lind (S78-)

Tomas Lind (S57-S78)

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@sköldpaddor @High Stick King @Ragnar

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Mikael Choybuk just woke up and he feels very strange. Immediately he felt a sense of anger within himself, and a will to fight someone, or anything. Those 5 Aggression and Fighting attributes have flipped to 50! No matter what, this is going to greatly affect his mentality, and I don't care where his other attributes lie. It's hard to focus on anything on the ice rink when you have superhuman aggression and fighting skills.

Other than that, Choybuk's hockey skills have become insane. His Offensive Read, Strength, and Balance are 71. Good luck knocking this dude off the puck, unless you're a guy who just woke up with 81's or 91's in those categories.

Then you come to the more offensive side of the game, where his skills have gotten ridiculous. Although, they've mostly flipped to 61. When you look at the rest of the star forwards in the league, they've likely flipped to 81 or 91's in those attributes, so Choybuk might have a hard time dealing with them.

Overall, I don't expect him to do much, hockey-wise. He'll be so aggressive and pissed off that I imagine he'll be thrown out of games early, or just not even show up to the arena because he'll be in jail.

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I started my career as a center in the STHS era and I wanted to build my player as a playmaker, a passer, a player that sets his teammates up to score lots of goals. So that's what I did. I invested in passing, skating and also in face offs. Soon this system seemed broken and scoring was valued much higher than passing and it kind of broke the sim completely. In the switch to FHM we got a lot more attributes to chose from to develop and build our players. Obviously I want with passing, puck handling, face offs, speed and agility. I wanted to be a fast playmaker. After having achieved that I went to a more hybrid build of passer/sniper and increased my scoring attributes significantly. Which paid of a lot as I started scoring a lot of goals. Now I've become more of a two-way player with increased defensive attributes.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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Offensive Ratings
Screening: 51
Getting Open: 91
Passing: 91
Puckhandling: 91
Shooting Accuracy: 71
Shooting Range: 80
Offensive Read: 91

Defensive Ratings
Checking: 81
Hitting: 51
Positioning: 61
Stickchecking: 71
Shot Blocking: 01
Faceoffs: 70
Defensive Read: 81

Physical Ratings
Acceleration: 71
Agility: 51
Balance: 81
Speed: 61
Stamina: 71
Strength: 91
Fighting: 50

Looking at my new build, It will not much change my offensive output. I still will be a deadly offensive weapon, will be extreme hard to take away the puck from my stick and don’t let me near the net, because then I will score a goal for sure. But on defense it could hurt me a little. Why I am not shy of using my body to block a shot, I am now totally afraid that the puck could hit me in any way. So I would never try to block a shot or so. I will be a much better guy on the dot and maybe start winning some face offs too and could help my team in that way more. On the physical side I will be a solid player nothing great but still a little bit above average. All in all I would be happy with that change.

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Alexander Wachter, RW, S51
Carolina Kraken - Texas Renegades - Winnipeg Aurora 
Player Page // Update Page

Prompt 2:

What I value in Jonathan Granström is first of all a very healthy mix of all the attributes. But a big focus has so far been on the physical attributes because I find them to be incredibly versatile. However, I am finally starting to get into a spot where I am quite happy with them and can start looking otherwhere. For now, I am trying to do something about my TA/GA because that is mainly the area where I feel like I lack the correct skill right now. This does mean I head back into the state of looking into strength and balance again so it seems I have a bit of a problem escaping the TPE into physicals. At the peak of my career, I would like to be a PPG player, I have no idea how difficult this is going to be, especially as the build I want to go for is mostly some kind of grinder which means quite a lot of my TPE will be invested into the more defensive attributes.

(175 words)

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