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S61 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2021, 11:59 PM by ProjectSaint.)

Task 1:

Task 2:
Easily, I would point to the sim engine change from SimonT to FHM, but to do so, I would also need to bring up the Hamilton sim engine glitch, wher estacking on one aspect neutralised all other aspects and made the whole sim engine a one build meta. Fixing that glitch would be the moment in SHL history that I would change. For one example of its consequences, I believe that the playoffs would be much more of a roulette. Right now, we can safely bet on Chicago, Hamilton, Buffalo or Texas to be contending for the Challenger Cup, and whilst that is a testiment to the absolute hard work that the FO has put in to their efforts, the league could more likely see underdogs making and potentially winning finals off of odd strategies. Case and point, Sweeden vs GB in the final ever IIHF on SimonT: The dark horse vs the complete nobody playing two defensemen as forwards. And no Canada or USA in sight. What a way to send off the madness known as SimonT.

Task 6:
It is a dream for a GM to complete a rebuild, to make a team in their own image and in their ideal state, but to keep that dominance for a long time is the mark of a true genius. As much as I don't want to admit it, I do think that Hamilton has made a more impressive statement.
A Renegade is a man who is fighting against the law, looking to make his name on the outback, desert or wherever he roams. A Steelhawk is a hawk made of the purest of fine stainless steal, hard to take care, dan well lethal and very capable to be made into legend. I have no idea who Victor Helstrom is.

Task 13:
If I am to be totally blunt and honest, it is quite a major problem. As noted in one of my earlier tasks, I yearn for the times of SimonT chaos, when there was unsung players scoring points at a fervoured pace, along with the random teams making the finals. Those were some very interesting days, and yet it was so early in my time here, so I find it rather sad to know that there is a lack of parity in the league, and frankly, it somewhat dissuades me from continuing or holding interest int he league. That combines with how hard it is to hold entertaining and intriguing streams that the PBE holds, but that's honestly harder to manage. I don't know if the parity situation can be easily fixed with the current sim engine, and I don't know if there are any sim engines that can provide more variables than there is provided, but the current situation is not exactly one I can say that I enjoy, I'm afraid.

PBE Affiliate

[Image: ProjectSaint.gif]
Sig Credit: Flappy (EVO) and Skolpaddor (RESO)


First SMJHL Goal: Colorado Raptors, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Mikelis Ozoliņš 4, Loki Odinsson 3) at 3:12, 2nd Period (GWG) / SMJHL S47 Game 47 Day 12: Colorado Raptors vs Detroit Falcons
First SHL Goal: Texas Renegades, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Josef Kubinec 5, Ricky Spanish 4) at 16:23, 2nd Period / SHL S51 Game 71 Day 16: Edmonton Blizzard vs Texas Renegades

Eternal RaptorsRaptors Old, onwards we roll Rage

And Let's Retire at the Pinnacle

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

2. Written, 3 TPE, What if...? (150 words min.)
Pick a moment in SHL history to change. It could be something large, an expansion draft, sim engine change, or something smaller, like a trade or team punishment. Change something about this moment in the SHL and explain the impact the difference would make in how the league developed since that moment. (think Butterfly Effect)

Let’s go back to the sim engine switch. The end of the glory days before we moved on to an actual competent and complete hockey engine with actual variation and logic. If the switch to FHM had been put off, I wonder how much damage would have been done by the full team build cheese. Maxing shooting with no passing. The ultimate play. Would it have even made it more than one season? Just an undefeated team, followed by everyone redistributing into the same player. I wonder what the rule changes would have looked like without switching to FHM. The stats would have been absolutely bananas for the duration. The rules would probably say your team’s passing and shooting stats have to be split 50/50. If someone has 99 shooting and 0 passing, someone else needs 99 passing and 0 shooting to balance it. Crazy to think about. We’d probably still be on the crappy old forum too. It certainly would have been terrible for the league and everyone in it.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Biopic (150 words min.)
You've been contacted by a big film studio who wants to center the next big hockey movie around your career so far! All you need to do is supply a 150+ word explanation about what will be key scenes of moments or games in your career, the cast, and a general timeline of the film as it follows you from team to team, junior to pro. This one is open ended so how you approach it is up to you!

It opens up on the cheers of the arena before an alumni game. All the old players are looking around wondering where I am. The agent tells them that I’m just getting ready to go out there. I’m leaning against the wall in the shadows, remembering how it all began. Cut back to Delver Fudgeson, drafted by the Lethbridge Lions in the 2nd round. His team didn’t have a first, and had a lot of players leaving to join the big league. Also there was some management turmoil and the front office who had drafted him turned over pretty quickly afterwards. But, he managed to exceed expectations and have a monstrous rookie season. He found himself named team captain in his second season. It was this event that made Delver realize that he wanted to become more than just a blue chip prospect, unlikely to succeed and have a meaningful hockey career. It could probably use a little movie magic right in this part and have him jump straight to his time with Baltimore when he was a full time starter, and was doing a pretty good job. The final scene could be him lifting the cup with Hamilton in this most recent season. Not that it takes a lot of skill to win the cup as a bottom pairing dman on Hamilton.

[Image: Flusso.png]
Sig by @Evil_AllBran

[Image: YztPk3T.png] [Image: 6by0kBi.png]

Task 1:
Verification word: Albania
Task 2:
The switch from STHS to FHM was supposed to be one that would affect the league overall in terms of parity as well as making it so that the same team wasn’t winning every year the way people thought would happen with Hamilton. So that didn’t happen at all. In fact, I would argue that the switch to FHM has actually lowered the amount of parity in this league and damaged the overall health of the league even further than staying with STHS would have. The same teams win every year, there is a lack of parity in the league on a whole and low and behold, Hamilton wins every year anyways. The league health overall is down because of this situation and one can only hope that people have any ideas for how to fix this situation as it isn’t going away anytime soon. So all in all, the switch from STHS to FHM would be my change.
WC: 159 Words
Task 3:
S43 is probably one of the most successful and impactful draft classes in SHL history in terms of the impact that they had and the amount of jobs and positions that they have held. I think we’ve held several GM roles at both the SMJHL and the SHL levels, HO positions, and commissioners as well. This was a relatively small Reddit class by the size standards that some of the future classes, but we had a pretty strong group of players and members, especially new members, who would have an impact on the league as whole as well as how it is governed and ran. There are a lot of members, even beyond the usual strong first round newgen draft prospects, that would have long term affects on the league and the people that are still around. Not all of our class is still alive, but those of us that are, are pretty influential and successful.
WC: 156 Words
Task 13:
Yes this is absolutely a problem. The only people that would see this as not being an issue long term are the teams that are sitting in those positions. The downside for the league is that because of this lack of parity, the teams that are outside of this small group that seems to make the finals every year suffer from less activity and people being around which makes it seem like everyone that is active on the site doesn’t have a problem with this for the league. There is an echo chamber in terms of who is around and it makes it seem like there is no problem. This is a massive problem in the league and any kind of situation that could make this better would be welcomed by a large majority of the actual members of the league. There is a lot of room for improvement and I hope that someone will come up with a good solution for how to improve the parity problem the SHL has.
WC: 171 Words
Task 18:
I miss Pris. Pris is one of the best people that I have met in the SHL and I think she was a really positive impact on the people she was around and the locker rooms that she was in. She would be the person that I would bring back to the SHL as I think that she would be a person that would help out a lot with the overall mood around the site as well. All in all, Pris would be the person that I would bring back to the SHL out of everyone that I know that has left the SHL and never came back as of now.
WC: 111 Words
Task 21:
I’m gonna be honest that I don’t know how I feel about a lot of the PTs from this season. Some of them were pretty good and I think that others were pretty horrible. One of the worst ones for me this season was Offseason Funtime 2. The idea of people’s TPE being tied to random things like who selects the most number of people select things or someone getting more TPE because they break a tie? Yeah that’s not okay to me. I know that it was an attempt to be creative and try to do something different, but it doesn’t work for me and I know a lot of other people that feel that same way.
WC: 118 Words

Total TPE: 16/16

Alex Winters (retired)
Matej Winters (retired)
Dominik Winters
S45 Jesster Trophy Winner
Challenge Cup Winning Goal Club: S52
(This post was last modified: 10-18-2021, 12:31 AM by goldenglutes.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

victor helstrom

2. Written, 3 TPE, What if...? (150 words min.)
Pick a moment in SHL history to change. It could be something large, an expansion draft, sim engine change, or something smaller, like a trade or team punishment. Change something about this moment in the SHL and explain the impact the difference would make in how the league developed since that moment. (think Butterfly Effect)

ok so i think that let us say that there is a situation right like hear me out first before you say anything or judge me for anything that i am about to say, alright man? ok so let me say this, let us say that if instead of gabriel wod johnson (@Gwdjohnson) and the bear wearer having their punishments ultimately reversed by the head office of the simulation hockey league (not to be confused with the head office of the simulation major junior hockey league which is actually a different set of people running a separate head office that oversee a different league), they actually had their punishments upheld. i think that would be a pretty crazy and wacky and weird alternate universe if that piece of simulation hockey league history were to be changed in my opinion at least. however i am sure other people have their own opinions that they are entitled to but they are ultimately wrong.

161 words

3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Kings (150 words min.)
Pick a draft class in the SHL that you believe had the most impact on the SHL. It can be a consensus pick, like S36, 31, or 53, or an off-the-board one (S41?). Explain your reasoning to why this draft class impacted the league; Could be in a good way, or a bad way.

ok so mister slash acm (actually what does acm stand for? i am not sure for which it stands to be quite honest but it sounds pretty cool you seem cool slash if you're reading this) i love this prompt here because i bet you are just thinking of the season 46 draft class like we are the most incredible draft class we literally broke records for number of actives and number of draftees and we had to have an emergency expansion in the simulation major junior hockey league like tell me how our season 46 draft class can be anything but the most impactful draft class in the entire simulation hockey league like please tell me i will wait and i will listen to you make your arguments but ultimately your arguments are incorrect i am sorry to inform you about that. however i would say that season 48 is pretty cool too i guess they did have mr aqueduct cheese @Briedaqueduc himself however season 46 had mr explosion so it evens out @micool132

175 words

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Link +3

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!

ok i am going to be really bold and make a really bold prediction is everyone ready for my prediction? yeah? everyone good to hear what i have to say? not yet? that is ok i will wait for you to be ready. please sit take a seat first and you can hear what i have to say. i think that canada are going to win GOLD. wow everyone isn't that the most shocking and bold prediction you have ever heard? personally i think team canada are in an even better position to win the gold medal this season than ever before in the IIHF because i believe mr awils will pull out all the stops and make sure his team is unstoppable with great lines and strategies and tactics.

130 words

21. Written, 2 TPE, Feed my back (its hungry) 100 words min
It's been 2 seasons now and I can always use constructive criticism. What have I done right regarding PTs? What have I done wrong? Was I doing something the wrong way and fixed it? Was I doing something the right way and fuck it up? Do I even deserve 8 mil a season? Any and all thoughts are welcome EXCEPT malicious posts. Do not attack me, or my work. If you have a problem with it, explain why. Don't just say it sucks and its stupid.

slash i think you are doing an absolutely wonderful bang up job honestly these PTs are such a breath of fresh air with how unique they are. i like that you give two options for PTs whenever things are a little weird because that satisfies both sides of people wanting more interesting PTs and those who just want to write about hockey. for constructive criticism i would say that you need to rule your PT team with more of an iron fist and get them to grade stuff in a more timely manner, we've had a few grumbly people in the LR who are upset about this sometimes. but honestly that is my only complaint.

115 words

[Image: glutes2.gif]
Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
[Image: 9vAsr7c.png]
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] [Image: tdKmZA0.png]

(This post was last modified: 10-18-2021, 12:44 AM by Your Mothers Favorite Goalie.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Victor Helstrom

4. Written, 3 TPE, Biopic (150 words min.)
You've been contacted by a big film studio who wants to center the next big hockey movie around your career so far! All you need to do is supply a 150+ word explanation about what will be key scenes of moments or games in your career, the cast, and a general timeline of the film as it follows you from team to team, junior to pro. This one is open ended so how you approach it is up to you!

Wow, a big movie studio wants to write a story about my career? thats incredible! I dont really know why, but I wont complain about the change to collect a few royalties off my image and likeness. My career is a long and winding one, and it starts in the GOMHL. I came into the league with the Spartans in one of the greatest draft classes in league history. I had a relatively quiet career until i changed to defenseman. Then I broke multiple records and basically became the most decorated tough guy in league history. The playoff series where I got 80 penalty minutes in just a 5 game series to tie the playoff record will definitely be a highlight to use. Then, I went to the VHL, which I did win a championship in, but really that time will probably be remembered as, well, forgettable haha. Now I came here, and started in the SMJHL. I was not very liked, and didnt do much. But then the league switched to FHM, and I was able to develop into an enforcer that was STILL useful! It was a miracle. I went to Chicago, but was not a fan, and left in free agency to collect a big payday from BAP. There I found great friends who were awesome, and spent many years there, even winning two straight turd fergusons. However, later on the team could no longer afford to keep me on given my advanced age. Now here I am in Hamilton, lifting the Challenge Cup!

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Hamilton was not taken to 7 games, Texas enjoyed two series sweeps, which team had the harder path to the final in your opinion?
b. Almost ten seasons ago, in S53, Hamilton enjoyed a 40 win season while Texas mustered a measly 9 wins. Now these two teams sit atop the season standings, and the playoff standings. Which is more impressive, to stay good for a decade, or to complete the rebuild and finally achieve greatness?
c. What is a renegade? What is a steelhawk? Who is Victor Helstrom from the CW trivia?
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

a. I think Texas had the harder path to the finals. They may have gotten two series sweeps, so no doubt they are a very talented team. But to put it simply, Hamilton is just that good. everything is easy to us because we have been blessed by the hand of god, so you cant say any playoff series is a challenge for us

b. I think its more impressive to stay good for a decade. Many teams rebuild and bounce back. the SHL seems to be the hardest team to rebuild in, but still it has been done. staying good for a decade takes a lot of skill as a GM. its even more impressive because I know that Hamilton built up a rather rough reputation since then, but are still able to stay atop the game

c. A renegade is a bad guy. its like a cowboy, but someone said mammas dont let your babies grow up to be cowboys, so they grew up to be renegades instead. A steelhawk is obviously a hawk made of steel, its pretty self explanatory bro, idk why you had to ask. Victor Helstrom is obviously eggy's real name, and now he has been exposed

11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

Hey look, I finally get to write this PT when my team wins it. Of course, since im a selfish prick, im going to say that I deserve it! thats right, Luc-Pierre Lespineau-Lebrunette was the MVP of the playoffs. sure, i only scored 5 assists in 19 games. hell, i didnt even average 20 minutes a night on the ice. My game rating was an atrocious 64, and the only stat I finished top 10 in was plus minus. But that doesnt matter. What matters is that I like shiny things! therefore I should get the playoff MVP trophy so I could stare at it for hours on end in my little apartment

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

21. Written, 2 TPE, Feed my back (its hungry) 100 words min
It's been 2 seasons now and I can always use constructive criticism. What have I done right regarding PTs? What have I done wrong? Was I doing something the wrong way and fixed it? Was I doing something the right way and fuck it up? Do I even deserve 8 mil a season? Any and all thoughts are welcome EXCEPT malicious posts. Do not attack me, or my work. If you have a problem with it, explain why. Don't just say it sucks and its stupid.

Hello, mister PT grader man. Please dont hate my criticism and give me a good grade. I tried hard on this champions week I swear, im just a bad writer and a procrastinator, and spent all sunday stressing about fantasy football. Anyways, I think you are doing an okay job as PT head, and of course I greatly value your commitment. I have held big league jobs before and I know how hard they are and how much work you put into them. However, I do think some improvements could be made. I think a lot of your PTs are too silly. I like silly, but i do feel like theres a line to be crossed. I will used the example of the bean picking PT, i forget which number that was. It felt just a little TOO silly, like a shitpost. I can make a shitpost for a PT, but when the PT is a shitpost it feels a little absurd. But also on that, it just felt hard to even type 150 words on that topic without just clearly padding the word count. I get that we dont want to make this all about writing, and i am not exactly wordy as you can see by my above posts hehe. But I do feel like the beauty of silly PTs are that you can write a TON about them, and really get into the silly details of it if you want to be a tryhard. however, that particular PT just felt like it was very shallow in what I could write about. I feel like PTs nowadays can be like that too often. That is my criticism for you. It is all in good faith my friending, so keep up the hard work and know we appreciate you

[Image: Dwy-Sig_copy.gif]
[Image: DzzMoaP.png]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Tex Tex Tex

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Hamilton was not taken to 7 games, Texas enjoyed two series sweeps, which team had the harder path to the final in your opinion?
b. Almost ten seasons ago, in S53, Hamilton enjoyed a 40 win season while Texas mustered a measly 9 wins. Now these two teams sit atop the season standings, and the playoff standings. Which is more impressive, to stay good for a decade, or to complete the rebuild and finally achieve greatness?
c. What is a renegade? What is a steelhawk? Who is Victor Helstrom from the CW trivia?
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

A. i think both teams had a difficult path to the finals, Texas had to go through the juggernaut that is Chicago who they beat in 7 games, where as Hamilton had to go through both Buffalo and Baltimore who is an upcoming team. in terms of the harder path i dont think you can give it to one over the other
B. In a completely unbiased opinion i think Texas going through a full rebuild is easily the more impressive feat. Currently the hardest part of getting a team full of high TPE players is getting people to stay with the team during the hard times, once a team is at the top they have the luxury of not necessarily needing all their draft picks so they can use them to keep their roster full, as well as having an easier time getting FA's who want to chase Cups
C. By definition a Renegade is "a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles." and a Steelhawk is an amusement park ride in at the Worlds of Fun in Kansas City. Kinda funny how by definition a Renegade betrays someone, but like i said in my previous statement one of the main reason our team got so good was that we had loyal players who stayed with us through the rough seasons
D. There have been alot of good players to go through both teams, in terms of previous players i only really know the previous Texas players like Jack Durden who holds most the Texas records, but there is also the argument for Andreas Kvalheim, the current captain of Texas who is catching Durden in most of these stats. The Steelhawks have great players like current player Aaron Wilson, and recently retired player Roberty Phelps and Flacko Lagerfield

3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Kings (150 words min.)
Pick a draft class in the SHL that you believe had the most impact on the SHL. It can be a consensus pick, like S36, 31, or 53, or an off-the-board one (S41?). Explain your reasoning to why this draft class impacted the league; Could be in a good way, or a bad way.

Obviously Season 52 is the best and most impactful season in the history of the Simulation Hockey League. Currently there are 6 S52 users who are GMs in either the SHL, SMJHL or IIHF which at this point is exactly half of the draft class left in the league. And the yare as follows.Kenvald is the Head GM of the New England Wolfpack, TheDangaZone is the Co GM of the Los Angeles Panthers, I and the Co-GM of the Texas Renegades and the Fed Head of Team Norway, Takethehorizon is the Co GM of the Anaheim Outlaws,  Mutedfaith is the GM of the Detroit Falcons, Geekusoid is the GM of the Great Falls Grizzlies. Also I think it would be unfair to say one of the reddit draft classes as they have so many more users, but i would love to see the stats oh the percentage of a draft class in management roles 

14. Written, 3 TPE, Upswing (150 words min.)
What team on the outside looking in do you believe will be the next to break into the playoffs? What team will be the next new team to break into the finals (other than the core 4 listed in the above task)? Who seems to be building and earning at a rate that they will be a scary team in the future? We have already seen some successful rebuilds in Texas, Toronto, and Tampa, and some unsuccessful ones as well. Who is on the right track?

Like the question states i think that there are a few teams close to cracking the original Great Lakes + Texas chokehold on the playoffs finals. Going in alphabetical i think that the Baltimore Platoon have a decent shot at it, they have a few good and almost peaking players in Ethan Duncan and Valentin Kalashnikov as well as players on either side of their peaks in Elijah Jones, Luca Del Vecchio and Karl Krashwagen in their earlier seasons of regression, and players like Daniil Nikiforov , Lord Raiden, and Teddy Murphy with a few season till peak. Other notable teams are the Tampa Bay Barracuda who are in a similar place to Baltimore with Vorian Atredes, Tom Fiddler, Michael Fitted, and Strom Chamberlain in early regression, and Zoltan Topalo, Dwight Knight, Magnus Liljestrom, and Colin Lambert close to their peaks. Other teams who are looking good, but likely wont be ther in the next few seasons are the New Orleans Specters, and San Francisco Pride

[Image: 60133_s.gif]
[Image: W3cWGCN.png][Image: 3XEVZeB.png]
 Timber Steelhawks Norway Norway Steelhawks Timber  
Knights  Renegades Norway   Norway Renegades Knights
(This post was last modified: 10-18-2021, 12:55 AM by jtam.)

3 TPE + 3 TPE + 2 TPE + 3 TPE + 3 TPE + 2 TPE = 16 TPE
1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post. (3 TPE)

Victor Helstrom

4. Written, 3 TPE, Biopic (150 words min.) (3 TPE)
You've been contacted by a big film studio who wants to center the next big hockey movie around your career so far! All you need to do is supply a 150+ word explanation about what will be key scenes of moments or games in your career, the cast, and a general timeline of the film as it follows you from team to team, junior to pro. This one is open ended so how you approach it is up to you!

Scene 1 – Draft Pedigree - Hammarberg has been quite lucky in his career in the SMJHL and SHL. Rikard Hammarberg came into the SMJHL and SHL with very little fanfare. A relative unknown on and off the ice, Hammarberg was not selected in both his drafts until late (Round 5 – SMJHL) and (Round 2 – SHL). It was no surprise as it was perhaps one of the deepest drafts in the league in a while. Regardless of draft position, Hammarberg has no doubt been a massive contributor on the ice.
Scene 2 – Junior Career – Hammarberg tasted glory in his rookie season, winning the 4 Stars Cup his first year in the league and was a consistent fixture in the 4 Stars Cup finals as he played in the final every single year except 1 in his 4 year career in the SMJHL.
Scene 3 – The Big Leagues – Hammarberg once again tasted glory in his rookie season, winning the Challenge Cup in his first year in the big leagues. He has consistently grown this every season culminating with securing a tie for the goal scoring title alongside Cal Labovitch and winning the Challenge Cup for the third time in his 6 year career in the SHL.

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words. (2 TPE)
a. Hamilton was not taken to 7 games, Texas enjoyed two series sweeps, which team had the harder path to the final in your opinion?
b. Almost ten seasons ago, in S53, Hamilton enjoyed a 40 win season while Texas mustered a measly 9 wins. Now these two teams sit atop the season standings, and the playoff standings. Which is more impressive, to stay good for a decade, or to complete the rebuild and finally achieve greatness?
c. What is a renegade? What is a steelhawk? Who is Victor Helstrom from the CW trivia?
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

a. Both sides had a difficult road to the finals, regardless of the series outcomes. Hamilton may have had a slightly more difficult road as they had to go up against the best the East had to offer, having gone through both the 3rd and 4th ranked team in the whole league to get to the Finals.
b. I think both approaches deserve massive praise. Building a contender to a juggernaut is not an easy task and takes lots of patience and lots of careful maneuvering. I am partial, as I am part of the Hamilton side, but watching teams rise and fall from their peak, the tweaking from Hamilton’s side in trades as well as being able to entice free agents to play for the team is definitely a feat in itself. Players are fighting regression mightily and hitting on players in drafts and trades that have become daily contributors have created a dynasty, staying a top team for a decade.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE (3 TPE)
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

19. Written, 3 TPE, Pills 150 words min (3 TPE)
Love it or hate it, that Pill PT (PT 2) was wild and may I say, genius. You've partnered up with the weird trench coat pill guy to design your own pills, with powers and drawbacks to sell to your fellow SHLers! How do you go about this, do you make really good pills to help your team? Trick Hamilton into taking some really shitty pills with the promise of incredible powers? Or do what I did and make a bunch of insane pills and watch the league go absolutely crazy trying to make sense of what the fuck I'm even talking about? Or just make a bunch of jelly beans?

Partnering with the pill guy has brought quite a bit of fun to the league. We were able to completely revamp our dressing room and we all gained a bunch of very weird powers en route to winning the Challenge Cup. Do they count as performance enhancement drugs? Did we all fail our Drug Tests? I don’t know, but with the weird trench coat pill guy approaching Rikard Hammarberg for more pills, he knew he had to jump on that opportunity to bring on more wacky fun for the SHL. Except this time, Rikard Hammarberg had better plans. With the pill pusher guy, Hammarberg created pills that neutralized all of the powers, good or bad. Hamilton as a team didn’t need any of these extra powers. The GMs have created a team of superstars that bought into the system that the coaches have laid out in front of them. Leveling out the playing field with the pills detracted from the amazing work that has been performed in the Front Office to the Coaches. Its time to continue to shine, without the usage of these PEDs.

21. Written, 2 TPE, Feed my back (its hungry) 100 words min (2 TPE)
It's been 2 seasons now and I can always use constructive criticism. What have I done right regarding PTs? What have I done wrong? Was I doing something the wrong way and fixed it? Was I doing something the right way and fuck it up? Do I even deserve 8 mil a season? Any and all thoughts are welcome EXCEPT malicious posts. Do not attack me, or my work. If you have a problem with it, explain why. Don't just say it sucks and its stupid.

All in all, I have had quite a lot of fun with the PTs. Sure, some of them are completely weird and are sometimes quite hard to write about. I get it though, sometimes you hit and sometimes you don’t hit. I like the way that you have provided two prompts this season to help balance that out. You now have a fun one and one that is a bit more easier to write about and I think this is a great balance. I especially like how some of the PTs flow into each other and you can generate a narrative out of multiple PTs, making them easier to write. Keep it up! I appreciate the work you do and making things fun.

[Image: 15Ng51w.png] [Image: S56Banner.png]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, 3 TPE, What if...? (150 words min.)
Pick a moment in SHL history to change. It could be something large, an expansion draft, sim engine change, or something smaller, like a trade or team punishment. Change something about this moment in the SHL and explain the impact the difference would make in how the league developed since that moment. (think Butterfly Effect)

The season is S28 and the Portland Admirals aren't the greatest team in the league, but they have a good set of young prospects in the system. Maxmillian Wachter, Sven Karlsson, Nikalaus Scholz, Patrick Brumm, Buster KIllington. They had an offseason up their sleeves that was going to destroy the league bringing in a 1oa pick, Christoffer Bjornsson, and Henrik Svensson seasons later to bring the team together and turn them into a contender. A fateful night GM JP sat at a D&D table and received a text from Teztify that changed the future of the team forever. A tampering charged handed down after a discussion with a player. I would go back and make that never happen, I would love to see what happens to the Admirals if that doesn't happen. I faltered in S30 and I would have no matter what but I would have handed off an amazing roster

3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Kings (150 words min.)
Pick a draft class in the SHL that you believe had the most impact on the SHL. It can be a consensus pick, like S36, 31, or 53, or an off-the-board one (S41?). Explain your reasoning to why this draft class impacted the league; Could be in a good way, or a bad way.

Season 5 entry draft is like no other and had the biggest effect on the SHL of all time. If it never occurs I don't know if the SHL pushes past its 8 season mark and becomes as successful as it is today. I think without it, it spells greater user interaction with the VHL or other sim leagues and SHL goes by the wayside. In season 5 we had Hoggie, Witz, Wilson, Seth, Fisch, Dpark, Ace, Fisher, Mac (RIP), Turksa, Fever, etc. Guys that became serious recruiters for the league, that became serious contributers to bringing out regimes of commissioner and of junior commissioner and truly helped build the size and strength of a young league at the time. I think if that massive recruit doesn't happen we don't have just as big drafts up to season 10 and the foundation of the league isn't built. Some of these people are still here today that's how influential this time and size of this draft class is. I'll never not look back at it and go "wow", because it was truly an amazing feat at a time when the league didn't have the resources to recruit like this. It made the league and molded it.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

[Image: 8PlNwDd.png]

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