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This was my toughest season - post-season interview with Janis Lux
(This post was last modified: 10-19-2021, 04:34 AM by Lukstins88.)

In many ways SMJHL season 61 was historical. All seasons are historical, but this one was much more historical than others. Not only it opened leagues seventh decade, not only Vancouver Whalers equalized their trophy number count with Kelowna (now both teams have SMJHL record 12 Four Star Cups), but also season 61 saw two new teams Regina Elk and Great Falls Grizzlies. Overall this was great season for SMJHL. Here in great state of Montana all hockey fans have dreamed about having professional team at any level and now they have their own SMJHL team. Grizzlies had pretty bumpy season but overall they declared themselves in this league pretty loud. After season had ended on interview we have invited one of the teams leaders, this seasons teams MVP Janis Lux.

Jean-Pierre Bear: Welcome Janis.

Janis Lux: Thanks for having me.

Jean-Pierre Bear: How does "teams MVP Janis Lux" sounds?

Janis Lux: It sounds nice, but still kinda weird. I have not use to that ever. And if you achieve something new in your life, no matter what it is, it will feel weird for some time.

Jean-Pierre Bear: We will talk about Grizzlies season and awards little bit later. First I wanna ask about World Junior Championship. For the third straight season team UCORCAL loses to Sweden. For second straight season it happens in tournament semis. Why is that?

Janis Lux: Why we can not beat them? What can I say. Sweden is very strong team and in my opinion they will win the cup. They play very good hockey and it is our mistakes that they capitalize on. We just have to work more as a team and result will come.

Jean-Pierre Bear: How this tournament was for you?

Janis Lux: It was ok. I had some good games, but overall pain will stay because we could be in finals, but we are not there. It is tough to swallow.

Jean-Pierre Bear: And if you need to predict the final?

Janis Lux: I am no gambler but I will say that both teams are pretty equal and this tournament shows it. Both teams avoided each other in group stage, but both had pretty equal stats going into play-off stage. And road to finals for both teams was pretty similar too. So it is way too close to call who will win. But if I need to choose, I pick Sweden more stabile line-ups.

Jean-Pierre Bear: Lets talk about Grizzlies. When we first met, after expansion draft, you said and I quote "We want to debut with a bang". Was this a bang?

Janis Lux: And how you think?

Jean-Pierre Bear: Not only me but other journalists think that Grizzlies debuted pretty loud.

Janis Lux: You just answered to your own question. But if I am serious, I think we made a massive statement that we are no pushovers and will fight in every game and we did exactly that. We fought every game and we proved to this league, to our critics, to our fans that Grizzlies belong to this league and they will not go anywhere.

Jean-Pierre Bear: Team made their SMJHL debut in their home. Tell me little bit about that day. How you felt? What happened in locker room before game?

Janis Lux: It was mad day. I went into my fourth season and I thought I will just relax day before and go to arena like I always do in game-day, but this was something else. All pre-season long we felt support from fans, their energy. Even on streets you see fans in teams jersey or in jersey with your name on it and they recognize you.

Jean-Pierre Bear: I think it happened to you in Anchorage too. Jerseys with your name and all that.

Janis Lux: Yes in that way it was the same but Anchorage has established their name in SMJHL, they have massive fan base, so it was expected to happen there. Here in Great Falls it was something new to all of this organization and to see that peoples here in Great Falls support you from day one was amazing. 

Jean-Pierre Bear: Yes fans here are amazing. But what about game-day? How it was for you and guys?

Janis Lux: Personally I could not sleep night before game. Of course in locker room we all were pumped, we fired each other up. But when I stepped on ice and saw crowd it was emotional. And I think that was the reason we lost our debut game. We burned emotionally. And after the game we understood that but it was hard to control our emotions on ice.

Jean-Pierre Bear: In teams debut season team went on to the play-offs. How was that journey?

Janis Lux: Even before the start of the season we knew that we will be in play-offs, because of the leagues regulation. So all what we did in pre-season and regular season was done to prepare ourselves for play-offs. Play-offs always are a different game, it is a different mind-set. And I think fans saw that in series against St. Louis. Both teams were pretty equal, so it was even playing field.

Jean-Pierre Bear: And Vancouver?

Janis Lux: Vancouver was a totally different story. In regular season they showed why they were the best team last season and in play-offs it was no different. They showed how to be a champions and I think series against Vancouver showed us where Grizzlies belong ... at least for now.

Jean-Pierre Bear: You said that even before season team knew they will be in play-offs, because of the system.

Janis Lux: The problem is that teams get in play-off based on results in their divisions not in conference. And top three teams from all divisions went in to play-offs, so for two divisions teams regular season was just extended pre-season. If you look at results, teams who did not made play-offs Maine and Nevada were fifth in both conferences. But it is my opinion.

Jean-Pierre Bear: After the season it was teams award ceremony. Congratulation on winning two awards. How it feels to win first ever Grizzlies teams MVP award?

Janis Lux: Thanks. Too bad I was not at the ceremony because after season I went straight to UCORCAL camp, to get ready for World Juniors Championship. About MVP and Best forward award. Winning both awards was a big surprise for sure. I think there are other guys who could won that award too.

Jean-Pierre Bear: You say that there were other guys who could won both award. So you say you did not deserve those awards?

Janis Lux: I do not say I did not deserve both awards. I worked very hard this season, but then again I must give credit to other guys, without them both awards wont be mine. So it is a massive thanks to teammates, Grizzlies organisation, to Geekusoid, to Calgary Dragons organisation and Mike Izzy as well, they pushing me to be better every time. I am thankful to both of these organisations. And of course massive thanks to the fans, they pushed us every game.

Jean-Pierre Bear: I am asking that because in social media there have been discussion that it was mistake to give you these awards, especially teams MVP award.

Janis Lux: You know what, social media is a weird place, there you can meet some weird people. Of course there will always be peoples who criticise your work no matter how good you do it. Yes I agree with them in some level, but then again I worked very hard every season to improve my game and I think my stats and my game showed that I deserved these awards. Some will say that some other person deserved it more and he wont be wrong. We are team and if fans think I did deserve this award then I am happy to accept both of these awards, if MVP award went to different player I wont be sad too, because that other person deserved it more at that time. But for now that award is mine and no one can take this moment away from me. And to critics out there I can say just one thing "deal with it".

Jean-Pierre Bear: That was pretty hard statement from guy who criticised a lot his old team on social media.

Janis Lux: That is true, but as you saw this season I tryed to avoid social media and stayed focused. Did it worked? I think it did because my game got better and I did not p**s off many peoples.

Jean-Pierre Bear: Again, congratulation on winning Grizzlies first ever "Season MVP" award and "Best forward" award. Lets talk about Great Falls. How was moving in, adapting to new city.

Janis Lux: Thanks, thanks. Overall I did not have any problems with moving. It was tough to leave Anchorage. It was my home for last three seasons, but like I said last off-season I was ready for new challenge and I really enjoy Great Falls.

Jean-Pierre Bear: What you like to do in your free time here in Great Falls?

Janis Lux: Since I like going for walks, to clear my mind and prepare myself for games I have walked around the city a lot, went to woods to be alone with myself. I also like give back to community. Helped establish hockey teams for kids here in Great Falls.

Jean-Pierre Bear: After you moved to Great Falls you not only established hockey team for kids but helped establish charity organisation to support kids with oncological problems. That was very generous thing to do. Why exactly that organisation?

Janis Lux: I think it is weird to see, guy who like yesterday was kid himself supports that serious organisation. But there is emotional story behind all that.

Jean-Pierre Bear: Can you share it with us? I think many our readers would like to know, what made you choose to support that.

Janis Lux: It all happened few days after I moved to Great Falls. Like I said before, all fans straight away were crazy when they met players, asked for autographs, selfies and all that. And all were young age, but there was one older guy who just waited patiently for his opportunity to get his autograph. When it was his turn, he just said "Can you sign this for my grandson he is huge your fan" and when I asked where is his grandson, I would like to meet him, because I liked to meet my fans, he said "he can not be here today". He looked sad. All around him were cheering fans, and he was so sad. I had a little talk with him and he said that his grandson have a cancer and he is in hospital and it would make him happy to get at least my shirt with autograph.

Jean-Pierre Bear: Oh, that really was very emotional story.

Janis Lux: It really was. After we talked little bit I just went straight to hospital to meet that young boy. He looked so ruined but he still tryed to show his positive emotions. And I was like "He was big fan of mine, but there is a big possibility that he wont make it to see me, hell he wont even make it to see the next day I can not let that happen"

Jean-Pierre Bear: What we know that kid survived. Am I right?

Janis Lux: Yes, he is a strong guy. But at that day I decided to do something good not only to this city, but to whole medical system. Few weeks later charity organisation was established to help kids with all kind oncological problems.

Jean-Pierre Bear: That was very generous. Lets return to hockey. This was your fourth season in SMJHL. Was this your best season in your SMJHL career?

Janis Lux: It is very hard to describe "best season". Stats wise yes I had the best season, but it was expected since I was one of the experienced guys in the team. Then again I approached this season differently, like you pointed out I stayed away from social media, I just focused on my game. So it is very hard to say "this was my best season" if I have approached it much differently than previous three seasons.

Jean-Pierre Bear: If we look stats wise, your game improved, but then again your +/- was -3 which was second worst in your career.

Janis Lux: If you play in the first line, you need to be reckoned with playing against best players from other teams and overall it is not easy to do but for brand new team it was much harder. But I think overall as a team we did pretty good job.

Jean-Pierre Bear: Why it was much harder?

Janis Lux: If you come in to a team then you expect that team have its own chemistry and you just need to adapt, but here in Grizzlies we all came in from different teams, with our own playing style, with our own expectations so it was managers job to see who can play with who. If in already established team manager needs to put 1-2 new players in the roster. I here it was 18 new guys and manager had to put them all in line-up to see what is working and what is not working. So I give big props to our manager Geekusoid, he did one hell of a job to get best out of this roster. For all that he deserves to be named "Manager of the season".

Jean-Pierre Bear: This was your fourth season in SMJHL, for many guys this is the time to step up to SHL. I know that Grizzlies fans do not wanna see you go just yet. How you feel, do you feel ready for SHL?

Janis Lux: Yes and no. I think last season showed that I am ready for this big step, but then again I know it will be big step in my career. There is always that little voice that tells you "you do not deserve this, yet" and sometimes that voice is right.

Jean-Pierre Bear: So you wont be sad if you stayed here for one more season?

Janis Lux: It would be great if I will go up to SHL, it would be new challenge. It would be equally great to stay here in Great Falls for one more season and maybe help them achieve something more than just second round in play-offs.

Jean-Pierre Bear: The fans would love to see you back for one more season. So the off-season is here. What is your plan for it?

Janis Lux: I wanna go home to my family and just forget about hockey. This was my toughest season in my career. I just wanna re-charge my batteries and get ready for the new challenges no matter if it is here in Great Falls or in Calgary.

Jean-Pierre Bear: No matter if you will stay or if you will go, what is one thing you will take from last season.

Janis Lux: If I go I would like to take all my team-mates with me. That atmosphere in locker-room was fantastic, I love them all. 

Jean-Pierre Bear: Well, thank you for your time to do this interview. It was pleasure to talk to you again.

Janis Lux: Thank you for inviting me. It is always nice to talk to media.

This was post-season interview with Great Falls Grizzlies teams MVP Janis Lux. It is hard to tell what this coming off-season holds for Grizzlies. It will be tough to replace guys like Atrick and Rose. If team also loses guys like Lux, Sotakov, Wollker, Tumovs it will be tough season for them. We just need to wait and see how teams GMs will work this all out.

Jean-Pierre Bear, "Sports Life in Montana"

Grizzlies Grizzlies Grizzlies

**2729 words**

Drafted 59th Overall in SMJHL S58 draft by Anchorage Armada
Drafted 9th in SMJHL S60 expansion draft by Great Falls Grizzlies
Drafted 36th Overall in SHL S59 draft by Calgary Dragons

[Image: lux2.png]

Awesome article!!!! Love the update on the great Lux!

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Love it!

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