I have recurring dreams (AKA nightmares) about Zombies. Sometimes I win, sometimes I don't but I remember one terrifying dream a few weeks ago where the zombies had learned how to ride bikes. It made running away even more scary... I did not win in that dream.
JKortesi81 SHL GM
S32, S40, S42, S45 Challenge Cup Champion
Every now and then i get a dream where if i push a button, i can go back X amount of years in my life. The issue is that i don't get to choose the years, and i don't retain any of the memories or knowledge that i gained during my life. I never push it, despite how much i'd enjoy a re-do sometimes.
I dreamed a dream in times gone by when hope was high and life worth living I dreamed, that love would never die I dreamed that God would be forgiving then I was young and unafraid And dreams were made and used and wasted There was no ransom to be paid No song unsung, no wine untasted
I'm trans, so dreams are a frequent feature of my life, though I don't remember most of them. Imagining detailed alternate scenarios in which I'm assigned the proper sex at birth or transition earlier than I started in real life are frequent appearances, and it's easy to dwell on those alternate histories a lot of the time.
I once dreamt I was being chased by a demonic hell hound. He got very close to me, and seemed rabid. I was not as fast as him, but somehow could still outrun him. That was an odd night.
When I was younger I could remember dreams like a mother fucker. But recently as I’ve gotten older I don’t remember many of them, if I do they’re usually not very spectacular. Oh to be young again.
JNH Registered
S35 Challenge Cup Champion || Still Drunk
I once had a dream that I was playing rocket leeg with juke and ham and Patty and I was carrying, then I woke up and j choke. Reality is often disappointing.
I have one dream in my life that I vividly remember and it may have always been one of the oddest.
In short, I found a guy driving down the highway towing a boat, inside the boat was a monkey without a seatbelt, when I asked the man why he said because he felt like it. I then went to school to become a lawyer and ended up fighting for monkey civil rights in court and winning.
I had a dream where instead of regression we had something that felt like your player was retiring in a way similar to real life where it meant you got to spend more time with family and enjoy the massive amount of money you've accumulated but in reality I'm still broke.
Shane Duffy Jr. has a dream, that one day his Winnipeg Aurora can win a ‘ship, and therefore his user would completely the rings in Hockey, Baseball, Football trifecta
I don't know why I have these dreams, but I do have a recurring one where all I remember is falling, then I wake up in a shock hyperventilating. Why can't I ever remember the good dreams?
I find I always have either weird dreams of interactions that are so mundane idk why my brain thought it up, or I have horrific nightmares that feel like I came up with a full length horror movie in my sleep. It's weird
I once had a nightmare that, despite being the coolest and most chad of all SMJHL teams, the Colorado Raptors team that I was on went through a whole 4 seasons and never won a cup. Imagine that lol.