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S62 PT#2: Hit the Ice

Prompt 2

If I am being honest, I am kinda bummed at how I am playing this season. I tried to create a sniper and I seem to be developing once again into a two way forward. I get it though, that's what teams want to ice. Someone who has a strong offensive and defensive game but I was really hoping that I could be more of a pure goal scorer than a Max Talbot. No offense to Talbot, I loved him when he played in Philadelphia. A week in, I've only got about 10 points. I am negative in plus/minus and I am once again hovering on the fringes and I don't know how to fix it or even if I want to anymore. I know this is a little off topic for the prompt and I apologize for whoever has to read it but I am just sad and down over how my player turned out and I don't know why I even keep trying.

[Image: YQkXo45.png]

Prompt 1:

Every team is stack but no team is as stacked as the god damn SUPERSTARS. Its our name, we are the best of the best, as a wise man named Mr. Savage once said; “the Cream of the crop rises to the top”. And we are those creamy boys. Floating above the rest on a lipid bi-layer of TPE gained over the past 2 years. Up-and-comers are cool but they are just that up-and-coming. “Where are they up and coming to?” one might ask. Well to the superstar level of course. We swiftly remind the likes of Dwight Knight, Theo Kondos, Daniil Nikiforov (but hese on BAP so we dont hit him as hard), Rikard Bjerg, and Tanjiro Kamado (also BAP) who the hell runs this league. US the SUPERSTARS! Its a decent game and we even let them get the first goal in on the second shot of the night. Then we proceed to metaphorically give them an atomic wedgie and super swirly at the same time decimating them on the ice leading to a 9-1 victory for the SUPERSTARS. This tournament isn’t ready because it was scheduled at the peak of S53s era, so these supers stars are SUPERSTARS 2. SUPER DUPER STARS. SUPER SAIYAN STARS. unbeatable in short. 

[Image: 81ImQYu.png][Image: suavemente.gif][Image: QD85cmZ.png]
     Platoon    Timber

Prompt 2

The first week of the SHL season has been relatively uneventful in my eyes. Chicago sits atop of our division and we would have been expected to be in the top two likely by most of the league's pundits. However, I am a little bit disappointed in my performance on the ice to this point. After a fairly successful rookie campaign and a move back to the wing, I was really thrilled to be part of the Jesster nominees and have an opportunity to come back and really prove myself as a strong two-way forward. However, the beginning of this season hasn't really gone to plan. My defensive numbers have not been nearly as successful, I'm giving the puck up a lot more than I would have hoped and not forcing as many turnovers as I did playing nearly identical minutes last year. I am looking forward to an opportunity to carve out more time on the penalty kill and starting to play a more complete game. It's nice to be a part of the offense, but to make a real impact come playoff time, it's going to be really important to play a 200 foot game.

[Image: ho-lee-smokes-iihf.png]
Thanks Jove for my sig

Overall this season I am quite happy with how my player, Nicholas Owens, has been playing. I was a bit sad to see how far my player dipped in performance from S60 to S61, at least offensively. He only was able to put up 38 points, and on a very bad 3.5% shooting percentage which paled in comparison to my Scott Steven's season of 66 points. Now with just a little less than half the season played, my player already has 25 points, 34 shots blocked, 37 hits, and a plus minus of 31. To go along with that, I've been really happy with how my team has been performing in those 30 games. Currently the Buffalo Stampede sit in at 2nd in the league with a record of 23-7-0 which is on pace for a season of around 47 or 48 wins if we were to keep up this pace. 

WC: 151

Prompt 2

It all started out so well for Robert Black in his opening few games in the SHL. As a rookie on a rebuilding team, expectations were low coming out of preseason, however 6 points in the opening 6 games was a great return. If only we could have just forecast the rest of the season from there instead of playing it out for real. Now 29 games into the regular season, the Rage sit with a 5-22-2 record and Black has found out the hard way just how good the competition in the SHL is. Black has 5 goals and 6 assists for 11 points on the year so far, and at the pace he's played recently he'll be lucky to break 20 by the end of the season. Black is a miserable -18 on the year however at least he has more takeaways than giveaways and has only taken one minor penalty. Rookie growing pains on a young team but at least things can only get better. He hopes.

170 words

Prompt 2
I am quite pleased with how I have performed for this season! I think from start to now I've been waiting to provide a lot for my team, and this season I feel I am doing just that. I mean I managed a hat trick in today's game. How cool is that? It will be a tight race to the top of our divisions as every season tends to be with the Buffalo Stampede in our current North Eastern Division and previously being in a group with the Texas Renegades in past seasons. As a team, I think the Steelhawks are used to the pressure and how close games end up. I hope for the rest of the season I continue to put up more points for the team and snag some more wins to put us higher up on the board and continue the momentum into the playoffs. Very exciting stuff!

[Image: VGl3CB4.png]

Prompt 1:

Hammarberg prides himself in his defensive play, while contributing points wherever he can. He had a great season last season but has not played up to his peak this season. While the points and goals have not been there for Hammerberg this season, he has been somewhat decently proficient in defense this season. This dip in production could be attributed to being played up the lineup this season against the top lines last season, as opposed to playing 2nd or 3rd lines, usually full of up and comers last season. With this in mind, Hammarberg would likely play in the 2nd or 3rd line for his team, lined up against some amazing up and comers. With this scenario, Hammarberg’s breakout goal scoring season from last season would likely be replicated. In this game against the up-and-comers, Hammarberg would pot 2 goals, scoring in the 2nd period and 3rd period, both at even strength. Hammarberg’s deployment would like to be on the penalty kill, rather than on the powerplay, and thus most if not all of Hammarberg’s points would come from even strength.

[Image: 15Ng51w.png] [Image: S56Banner.png]



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peepee poopoo

[Image: Cody-Rhodes-American-pro-wrestler-2022.jpg]

After one week, it seems Grape Fruit has regressed a bit from his 57 point performance last season. This was somewhat expected when Los Angeles added several top end players to the roster, leading to a more even distribution in ice time. The team has also performed slightly under expectations. There were high hopes that the division was there for the taking and it has unfortunately not materialized into a lead. I specifically remember one instance where Los Angeles started the sim day first in the division and ended the day last. I suppose this is simply the nature of the division and the even matched teams within. Going forward, hopefully some attribute updates will lead to some more individual and team success. I am not too concerned about the end point total for Grape Fruit, as long as we are able to find team success. Here's to hoping the second half of the season is an improvement over the first.


It's been a rough start to Jaeger Jones’ second season. After entering the year easily hitting the 350 TPE cap, Jones was looked upon to lead the Regina Elk into their second year of existence. So far that hasn't been the case. While he is tied for the team lead at 19 points, His -22 is not showcasing the strong two-way play he showcased last season. As of writing Jones is only on pace to hit 36 points this season. A drop off from the 39 he had last year, in a year where he and the team should be on the upswing. With Regina sitting second last in the league at 9-24-1 and outside of the playoffs, Jones needs to turn it around quickly. If he and Regina leadership don't rally the troops soon, this season could become a drop off very quickly and the team will have to take a hard look in the mirror this offseason.

Quote:159 Words

Germany Elk Aurora [Image: vKrOFwy.png] [Image: VbtOVyg.png] Aurora Elk Germany

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Looking at Mikhail Noivkov 34 games into the season, he is heading back to a return to form from the statistics he put up last season. With 30 points (10 goals / 20 assists) through 34 games, Novikov is almost at a point per game pace. Offensively, he is doing well. Novikov is also playing extremely well on even strength hockey, as he is tied for the lead in plus minus on his team with a +18. With his high even strength playing time and high average power play time, Novikov is relied on heavily by his teammates and coaches in an offensive and defensive role. Novikov hasn't really playing on the penalty kill as it looks like Anchorage Management much prefers him being out there for offensive chances and scoring goals. The only statistic that I'm kind of disappointed with Novikov in is shooting percentage, but that's something that is just up to the sim and completely out of my hands.


[Image: g7VtVXX.png?1]

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[Image: crutchfield.gif]

Prompt 2 

Jimmy Wagner's start to the season has been hit or miss, but the highs have been incredibly high. Four point games and hat tricks are flowing, though dry spells for both Wagner and the entire Los Angeles roster have set the team back from their lofty goals this season. Wagner's line in particular has been one of the most unlucky of the league, with the elite talent and two new additions in Sarah Burke and Rock Strongo struggling to find goals sometimes. The line has routinely floated around a PDO of 90 despite Wagner leading the league in shots. Overall, its clear that Los Angeles has a bit of growth remaining before being a true contender, but Jimmy's line is clearly closing in on elite and his ceiling is a top 5 scorer, it's just a matter of not getting unlucky at this point - something that has plagued the Panthers for seasons now.

157 words

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Prompt #2:

I feel really good about Tomas Zadina's play. Last season he was the lowest point scoring forward on the Specters and was heavily in the minus. Now this season I think his offseason training regime has paid off huge! He's tied for 3rd in goals on the team and is 5th on the team in points. He's not even minus this season he's actually +1 right now! The crazy thing is that he isn't doing this while being propped up by teammates. On the season he's averaging 3 seconds of power play time per game and has the lowest ice time on the team at 13:23 on average. His secondary stats aren't quite there (shot blocks, giveaways and takeaways) but the advanced stats show off what makes him such a good player this season. He's 2nd on the team in corsi percentage and his relative corsi is tied for 3rd on the team. He leads the entire team in fenwick.

All in all a really good start to the season with a lot of hope for the future!

[Image: 5PYmCAe.png]
[Image: doubtfulalpha.gif]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]
(This post was last modified: 11-21-2021, 10:48 PM by RedCapeDiver.)

Graphic prompt 2
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