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S62 PT #3- Hold this L

P1- this L was hard to take but everything that could’ve went wrong did go wrong. Our team was outgunned, outmanned and we straight up got embarrassed. There was optimistic that we had a chance to get this W but that wasn’t the case. I got walked like 3 times and I couldn’t hold the puck to save my life. We got beat 11-0 and it wasn’t even close. I didn’t even wanna think about this game again but I guess PT is making me relive all the pain. Now that we’re talking about it, the hall of gamers seemed to be playing a different sport that us. Like we didn’t even belong on the same ice, that doesn’t mean we suck thoogh, it was just a combination of events. It didn’t help we went out the night beofre and the boys had a few to drink. But we will bounce back and this game was just a 1 off

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For me, I'm not the most active on the forums, but I did enjoy the site. The biggest “L” I consider for myself has been going inactive during my prime with my last player and not being able to come back. The team was finally making me into the number one goaltender, unfortunately I would leave and not comeback until almost 2 years later. I felt pretty bad about it at the time, and I knew I would come back eventually, just not knowing when. But now I am back and ready for my revenge tour. I’m coming back to the point I left, it is feeling a little crazy in my head. I was a starter for LAP and had over 1000 TPE, now I’m back in SHL, backing up for Calgary and climbing pretty close to 1000. I’m coming for that best goaltender award, I’ll switch that L to W.

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PROMPT 2- If you don't understand the previous prompt or that one doesn't sound fun to write about, try this prompt.

Written Task: We've all taken Ls on this site (L<----- this one's mine), feel free to reminisce about any particularly bad ones. Playoff and medal round losses always sting, but talk about some bad losses that really molded your player or you as a user. Have you recovered?

When I joined the site before the S49 draft and created my player I was met with my first L right away. After watching the youtube guide (narrated by lovely Flareon), and reading through the rookie guide I had created a power forward! Unfortunately my build was pretty bad, and Power Forwards were no good so I worked with my mentor and got it changed up. Onto the next thing, draft! Being drafted by the Halifax Raiders was not an L like most people would believe. It was a friendly Locker Room, full of experience, and my activity took a little bit to get going. They were helpful and an overall good team. We lost the first season in round 1, but I think we made 3rd overall in the league or something like that. My rookie season was notoriously poor showing, only 4 points with the first coming over half way into the season. They made me like the site enough to get a job so the thought of max earning was an actual possibility, and while I realize most of this chat has been about an anti L, it's worked, and I'll give another for good measure.

We were on a Cinderella run in the playoffs. No one believed we had a good team and knocking off Anchorage after coming from behind 3-1 in the series was beautiful. Then Kelowna, behind 3-2 this time we managed to rally back.
Then our division rival Newfoundland took the finals in 6 games from us. My best season as a GM ended here, 2 wins short. Western Conference Champions Maine Timber.

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Prompt #2

Taking the loss is not a common theme for us in Newfoundland.  Though it does happen occasionally, there are very few instances where the losses are strung together.  But thanks to FHM, this wound is very fresh for me.  These past two sim days have not been kind to us.  Previous, we were sitting top of the league, blessed with an abundance of goal differential.  And though we really haven't dropped, sitting in second with a game in hand, we have had to watch ourselves be painfully defeated in five of the last six games during the sims.  Not only that, but we also lost games to teams that we should not be losing to, at least not in a string like this.

Outside of this sim week, I am reminded of the finals in S61 against Vancouver.  After a thrilling matchup against QCC, we proceeded to lose 4 straight to the hands of the evil Whalers.  Though never blown out, it was not a pretty sight to see.


ISFL Affiliate

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Prompt 2Written Task: We've all taken Ls on this site (L<----- this one's mine), feel free to reminisce about any particularly bad ones. Playoff and medal round losses always sting, but talk about some bad losses that really molded your player or you as a user. Have you recovered?

Probably the biggest L i've taken on the site was the SHL draft to be honest.  After winning the Juniors Rookie of the Year award as well as being on the all rookie team, I felt pretty strongly I was gonna go kindof early in the draft.  Not only was my player a really solid one statistically in a position and archetype that a lot of people need, but I felt like my personality and especially my render would shoot me up the draft boards.  During scouting I had a ton of really good conversations with some really cool teams and I definitely thought they'd be interested in adding me to their team.. but when the day came, all sorts of teams I had been talking to just passed me by. I know I was a little behind on TPE but tha was only because I didn't start at the right time... Eventually I almost fell out of the first round altogether. Luckily I was saved by the very guy who invited me to join the league in the first place.  But yeah. Definitely hurt. I'm definitely happy with where I ended up and think it'll be for the best, but it was a good lesson to not think too highly of yourself in these things cause pride comes before a fall (down the draft board...)

WC: 226

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Unfortunately my team, team hall of fame took a fat L to the superstars. Unacceptable play from Aleister Cain in net in that one. @SlashACM Don’t know how this sieve got into the hall of fame I would never EVER vote for him in the hall of fame committee !! This man let up 7 goals on 11 shots and we lost the game 7-6. Now I understand why we call this man Swiss Cheese goddamn that was a-ridiculous showing of leakage by Cainer. We were playing shut out defense out there. The superstars didnt get a shot until there was 3 minutes left in the first. Tom Fiddler took an absolute muffin of a shot which went off of Cains chest, then right off of Michael Fitted’s ass and in the net. Unbelievable. That shot was so soft how did he not control that rebound? Cain went on to let in the next 4 shots he saw en route to a 7-6 L. Teddy Cuddles had 6 Goals and 18 hits.

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Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM


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With regards to taking L’s I can’t really say that I have had a successful player thus far, when it comes to winning titles, awards or championships. The most I can say on my previous player is that my team won the presidents trophy 2x but had nothing to show for it when it came down to playoffs. Was that an L? Probably noting I was a career backup.
As for my current player, I have been carving out a decent career thus far, however nothing too spectacular. The most I have won is a silver with Team Canada in the IIHF, however I have no individual awards or cups to show for it. I don’t really have on specific game in mind, noting that we have been bounced in the first round of the playoffs in 4-5 games, and I have something stupid like 0 points in 5 games last playoffs, so really the playoffs are a big L that I seem to take every season, hoping to change things this season. Only time will tell.

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ISFL Welfare

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It seems like I take L’s constantly, whether it be about my individual performance or the Buffalo Stampede in general. Sure, we’ve won a cup or two here and there (one since I’ve been on the team), but it seems like we will absolutely dominate the regular season and look unstoppable, and then we end up losing to Hamilton every year no matter what round we meet them in. And it doesn’t ever seem to be close. The series’s are always 4-1 or 4-2 at best.

Now let’s talk about the fact that I’m 1400 TPE and just can’t seem to maintain a PPG pace, while my team mates are either very close, right on it, or well over PPG. I have the lowest points of any forward on the team, and only have more points than three defensemen, two of which are inactive. My two line mates are Kanoff and Hernadivic, who have 46 points and 43 points in 40 games respectively. Meanwhile there’s me… with 31 points in 40 games. They’re both around 2,000 TPE, so obviously they’re going to perform better than me… but you’d think their outstanding play would at least make me look a little better. Kind of like when Justin Abdelkader played with Pavel Datsyuk for two seasons and ended up having a couple good performances and cashed out on them with a big contract. Then guess what happened when Datsyuk left? Abdelkader became the Bain of the red wings existence. Same thing I thought would happen here, but Kanoff and Hernadivic basically pass it back and forth between the two of them while I use the boards to stop because I don’t know how to use my edges.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
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Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

Written Task: We've all taken Ls on this site (L<----- this one's mine), feel free to reminisce about any particularly bad ones. Playoff and medal round losses always sting, but talk about some bad losses that really molded your player or you as a user. Have you recovered?

The only loss I can really remember or care about would be when Nevada was playing against someone (I honestly don't know who but they were one of the top ranked teams while we were the bottom), during playoffs, back when everyone made playoffs, and we had actually won a game. It wasn't like, glorious, and we were still going to lose, but we had won a game. So we started chanting RAMS IN 5. In rookie chat, in the locker room, tweeting it out, everywhere.

Well, that's also the season where they didn't update us for the file, and we were all at crappier builds than we should have been, so they restarted all of the playoffs.  And we lost. Got Swept. But, what stands out to me is that the whole team became RAMS IN 4. then RAMS IN 5. then RAMS IN 6. then RAMS IN 7. And even after we lost the series, we still kept going 'RAMS IN 8' and memeing it up, because that's the culture and type of place we are in Nevada. The losses didn't matter but us joking about reverse sweeping was the most fun we had.

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I've definitely taken some L's on this site.

Having Durden tied to team UK and hating every minute of it sucked. Feeling lost and angsty in NEW was unfortunate and made everything less fun on the site.

Being on an amazing team but failing to win championships hurt. Texas was a goldmine for users that took care of one another, but only getting one cup in my tenure there sucked. I am glad that in the one cup I won there, I was playoff MVP. That really helped me out.

And as a user, it hurt to see people dislike me as a person for things said. I try not to put too much stock in what randoms on the internet think, but I always try to be a good person, and it stings to hear people think otherwise. At least for me, it's been a time to reflect and grow. All L's don't have to end there.

Update PageWhalers | Monarchs | Player Page

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Jack Durden:

Season 24 - *4 Star Cup Champions - Vancouver Whalers*
Season 36 - *Challenge Cup Champions - Texas Renegades*
Season 36 - *Anton Razov Trophy Winner - Playoff MVP - Texas Renegades*
Season 41 - *IIHF Gold Medalist - Team United Kingdom*
Season 41 - *Triple Gold Member*
**Vancouver Whalers Hall of Fame**
**Texas Renegades Hall of Fame**
**Hall of Fame Member**

Prompt #1:
All my career I've only played with players in the minors, which means that I've seen a lot of the new school tricks and moves; this left me massive unprepared and prime for embarrassment for when we went up against the Superstars. They had a new move for every situation, a quick move to get the puck off the board, a head fake before their dangle, or a subtle defensive positioning to strip the puck off of me. These are all moves and abilities which I've never encountered before, obviously very old school, and they had multiple for every situation. These are only skills and experience which someone accrues over a long long career, but playing these tough games are how we learn them. My team is extremely understandable of course, as only experience can get us to that next higher superstar level, and throughout the season we plan to learn all of these tricks. 

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