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An Apology

01-23-2022, 11:27 PMGCool Wrote:
01-23-2022, 10:22 PMBuster Wrote: @Talls I heard you deleted the Anaheim political channel or at least made it private. Heard it kind of made your apology not an apology. You should tell us about it.

I’m not sure what you mean. I’m in the ANA LR and the politics channel is still there. Doesn’t look like permissions have changed, either, since I can see it. Haha

Weird. Seems like Talls might have pulled certain people out. Because I’m hearing and seeing conflicting things

[Image: theziegs.gif]
[Image: buster.gif]


01-23-2022, 11:27 PMGCool Wrote:
01-23-2022, 10:22 PMBuster Wrote: @Talls I heard you deleted the Anaheim political channel or at least made it private. Heard it kind of made your apology not an apology. You should tell us about it.

I’m not sure what you mean. I’m in the ANA LR and the politics channel is still there. Doesn’t look like permissions have changed, either, since I can see it. Haha

I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, speculating on what it is or isn't like in the Anaheim LR, but do yourself and everyone else a favour and keep your opinion on things you obviously don't know shit about to yourself next time.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
[Image: 64012_s.gif]
Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

01-24-2022, 12:15 AMRagnar Wrote:
01-23-2022, 11:27 PMGCool Wrote: I’m not sure what you mean. I’m in the ANA LR and the politics channel is still there. Doesn’t look like permissions have changed, either, since I can see it. Haha

I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, speculating on what it is or isn't like in the Anaheim LR, but do yourself and everyone else a favour and keep your opinion on things you obviously don't know shit about to yourself next time.

Time to explain because you people are being ignorant as hell about my side of the story on my rant, treating it as if it were something truly horrible while ignoring what meow said that sent me into a rage that I truly have not experienced for at least 4 years.

My entire life has been surrounded by failure by my favorite teams in the two biggest sports of my area: football and baseball. I am finally at 19 years of age able to be proud of my baseball team. I am finally about to say that something good has happened.

It's for a moment like this that I dedicated my life to sports. I saw failure after failure and I spent my life watching multiple sports and trying to find ways to improve it until finally I could set out to fix everything. My whole life is spent to find a glorious proud moment in my teams, in all of sports all around.

Finally, meow comes in to my thread with the most disrespectful comment I have ever experienced implying that I have no reason for hope what-so-ever. With me having spent my entire life dedicated to the idea that it will get better and I will be a part of that, it is in essence telling me that my life is hollow and worthless. It is telling me that I have no reason to hope and no reason to cheer. That I should be ashamed for simply being myself.

People are arguing right now about the word '*****' and how it's derogatory and shouldn't be used. It makes someone feel like they're being told that they are less of a person. Yet when I was told that I am less of a person for cheering for my Pirates, for finally having a payoff for all my years of suffering through losing, and that I shouldn't have hope I was told that I was in the wrong for being upset. I'm in the wrong for getting hurt by someone elses comment that implies that my life is worthless.

I feel all of you need to stop for a moment and think about respect and what it truly means. You do not know the people on these boards. Meow came in and made a disrespectful comment to me without knowing me personally and not knowing what the comment truly meant. If I hadn't spent my life wishing for this kind of moment and thinking I would someday be one of those guys writing about it and finding ways to fix it and making some kind of difference, I would have shrugged it off. Instead, I could not.

I was offended beyond reparation. That was a demeaning comment that ultimately makes me feel as if I'm considered a joke because I live my life in pursuit of what ultimately makes me happy. I love sports and live my life through them by reporting on them daily. What drives me is the ultimate payoff of one day seeing my team win it all, or at least seeing the happiness in someone's face when they win it.

I am not looking for an apology, and I refuse to apologize. I have no reason for being diminished in that way. I have no reason to be treated like I'm less of a human for my fanhood. I have no reason to be told I cannot hope. I hope you all understand, I have a right to my happiness just as you do. If you want to step on my toes, I will fight back.

Side note: I grew up in West Virginia. I have said a comment that was disrespectful like meow... in my town, I went to my family and was pushed back and told now I have to fight. Now it's my problem, because I made a mistake. I was beat up. I was hit with whatever people could get their hands on. Disrespect gets you fucking hurt. So yes, I actually went easy on meow based on my life experiences. Do not try to act like you know me and that I was so far in the wrong, you do not know my story and you do not understand my pain from that comment.

[Image: theziegs.gif]
[Image: buster.gif]


So many pastas I have no idea if ^ is an actual post

[Image: YQkXo45.png]

Copy pastas are the lowest form of comedy

[Image: blurrybad.jpg] [Image: zomboy3.png]
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[Image: Pw202QP.jpeg]

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01-24-2022, 12:14 AMBuster Wrote:
01-23-2022, 11:27 PMGCool Wrote: I’m not sure what you mean. I’m in the ANA LR and the politics channel is still there. Doesn’t look like permissions have changed, either, since I can see it. Haha

Weird. Seems like Talls might have pulled certain people out. Because I’m hearing and seeing conflicting things

This is blatant favoritism and it is absolutely disgusting to me. There has NEVER been something so cut and dry. The rules say this isn't allowed, any time this has happened before and gotten approved, the teams were forced to renegotiate. Yet now this time because it's a new guy in Toronto that you guys like, oh well let's not make it their fault. Let's reframe it to fuck over the new guy in Winnipeg, but ignore the new guy in Toronto's culpability.

This is the most ridiculous decision that could have been made. This ignores all precedent because you like one person more. What do I have to do to be allowed to make illegal trades? Make you cookies? Be shit at my job and go "i made a fucky wucky?" Horseshit. Absolute fucking horseshit.

I get it, Luke was the backbone of the HO and you'rea fucking coward who doesn't want people mad at you. But you've been in this role long enough to be able to fucking enforce the rules, and if you refuse to do so based on the very clear precedent, then you're failing at your job and spitting in our fucking faces.

[Image: x7WZYBT.gif]
[Image: hTAHbeC.png][Image: OaCJVMI.png] | [Image: pMYriGC.png]

01-24-2022, 02:02 AMSkeleton Party Wrote:
01-24-2022, 12:14 AMBuster Wrote: Weird. Seems like Talls might have pulled certain people out. Because I’m hearing and seeing conflicting things

This is blatant favoritism and it is absolutely disgusting to me. There has NEVER been something so cut and dry. The rules say this isn't allowed, any time this has happened before and gotten approved, the teams were forced to renegotiate. Yet now this time because it's a new guy in Toronto that you guys like, oh well let's not make it their fault. Let's reframe it to fuck over the new guy in Winnipeg, but ignore the new guy in Toronto's culpability.

This is the most ridiculous decision that could have been made. This ignores all precedent because you like one person more. What do I have to do to be allowed to make illegal trades? Make you cookies? Be shit at my job and go "i made a fucky wucky?" Horseshit. Absolute fucking horseshit.

I get it, Luke was the backbone of the HO and you'rea fucking coward who doesn't want people mad at you. But you've been in this role long enough to be able to fucking enforce the rules, and if you refuse to do so based on the very clear precedent, then you're failing at your job and spitting in our fucking faces.

I don't know if this is pasta but man it's great.

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[Image: a5C9JXf.png]


01-23-2022, 05:45 PMPremierBromanov Wrote: this only proves my theory that im the only real one here and the rest of you are played by one guy in new jersey
Well this or the SHL is our eternal punishment

[Image: spartangibbles.gif]
Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  

01-23-2022, 07:58 PMDELIRIVM Wrote:
01-23-2022, 01:42 PMplatanocat Wrote: As a japanese american this whole thread was an excellent morning read. 
Dude  mistakenly assumed an offensive caricature. He apologized. Get over yourselves. Hot damn.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. This whole thread is reeks of what I like to call Twitter Activism. I've talked about it candidly before but goddamn does it get tiring. I get it, offensive stereotypes suck. We should all aspire to be better people and understand the plight of others. But this is a lot of people getting whipped up over something just to be angry. Publicly crucifying someone and showing off their level of morals is fucking dumb. Accept the apology and do something that really helps fix these injustices. Talls probably should have went to each person that was upset and apologized to them candidly. Because this whole multipage thread of condemning someone for a drunken mistake seems like a waste of time.

If you really want to make a difference, pick one of these, throw them some money, sign a petition, and save hate for people really holding people down.

Legit the only reason I ever think about just retiring/going IA. So many people acting as if they care and then just bullying the person that made a mistake.
Literally every time this happens, people just start mass harrassing the person.

No bullying? Accepting everyone? Mental health awareness? My fucking ass.
I don't care what his apology seems like. Just think about Talls as a person, think about his character and what he's been like on the site and community in general. The guy is probably the furthest from being racist against Japanese people/culture. He made a mistake, it happens. Just let it be water under the bridge.

I also noticed someone bringing up him make Lesgo Brandon a captain. To me instead of that being some sort of political take or buddy-buddy kind of thing, it's the exact opposite. He took someone that had people throwing the typical bullying shit at him and was willing to look past the political name. Got to know him and maybe he turned out to not be one of those Facebook nutjobs and was a decent person. To me the fact that he made him a captain just says that he's a good GM. He's willing to look past a silly name, pressure of some in the community to just ignore him and instead take that person for their word and character that they've been.
I think at this point names, renders and memes like these should just be banned, because it always seems to cause an unneeded ruccus.

I also mentioned mental health awareness for a reason, because what you all do when you spam dumb shit in these kind of threads, copy the person initial post and responses, what do you think that feels like to that person?
Especially a person that has invested alot of time to the site and has become a part of it? I really want y'all to understand that this is bullying, even if you think it's just jokes. I wish there was more of a stance on this, instead of people from the current and past HO just jumping in on it everytime and the only stance that comes is just being "Okey, y'all had your fun, I'll lock the thread".

[Image: 64377_v.gif]
Whalers Whalers Whalers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack
Finland / Germany  
Big thanks to Pythonic(first sig evah), Sloth(first LAP sig<3) and Ragnar for their sigs<3
Three time playoffs MVP and two time nominee
Triple gold club
Discord: asska

where the fuck is the recipe

[Image: ImShiny.gif]

01-24-2022, 09:10 AMAccka Wrote:
01-23-2022, 07:58 PMDELIRIVM Wrote: I agree with you wholeheartedly. This whole thread is reeks of what I like to call Twitter Activism. I've talked about it candidly before but goddamn does it get tiring. I get it, offensive stereotypes suck. We should all aspire to be better people and understand the plight of others. But this is a lot of people getting whipped up over something just to be angry. Publicly crucifying someone and showing off their level of morals is fucking dumb. Accept the apology and do something that really helps fix these injustices. Talls probably should have went to each person that was upset and apologized to them candidly. Because this whole multipage thread of condemning someone for a drunken mistake seems like a waste of time.

If you really want to make a difference, pick one of these, throw them some money, sign a petition, and save hate for people really holding people down.

Legit the only reason I ever think about just retiring/going IA. So many people acting as if they care and then just bullying the person that made a mistake.
Literally every time this happens, people just start mass harrassing the person.

No bullying? Accepting everyone? Mental health awareness? My fucking ass.
I don't care what his apology seems like. Just think about Talls as a person, think about his character and what he's been like on the site and community in general. The guy is probably the furthest from being racist against Japanese people/culture. He made a mistake, it happens. Just let it be water under the bridge.

I also noticed someone bringing up him make Lesgo Brandon a captain. To me instead of that being some sort of political take or buddy-buddy kind of thing, it's the exact opposite. He took someone that had people throwing the typical bullying shit at him and was willing to look past the political name. Got to know him and maybe he turned out to not be one of those Facebook nutjobs and was a decent person. To me the fact that he made him a captain just says that he's a good GM. He's willing to look past a silly name, pressure of some in the community to just ignore him and instead take that person for their word and character that they've been.
I think at this point names, renders and memes like these should just be banned, because it always seems to cause an unneeded ruccus.

I also mentioned mental health awareness for a reason, because what you all do when you spam dumb shit in these kind of threads, copy the person initial post and responses, what do you think that feels like to that person?
Especially a person that has invested alot of time to the site and has become a part of it? I really want y'all to understand that this is bullying, even if you think it's just jokes. I wish there was more of a stance on this, instead of people from the current and past HO just jumping in on it everytime and the only stance that comes is just being "Okey, y'all had your fun, I'll lock the thread".
Here’s what it looks like from the outside.

Before the draft, Brandon did the presser and just flipped out when people pressed him about the name, and that was the image of him that’s stuck in people’s minds. We don’t know what he’s like in the LR, but it’s not like what he did in public just means nothing. So to see him voted by the team as captain after what we saw is going to give a certain impression - that this is who the team wants to represent them.

Giving users with red flags chances is fine, but you still have to be willing to have the hard conversations when needed to ensure accountability and I’m not sure that’s happening.

With regard to the memes, people didn’t really know what to make of the situation - understandable, since it was a private event that it happened at. So they defaulted to joking.

[Image: vd5hdkM.png][Image: 8cjeXrB.png]
[Image: XigYVPM.png]
[Image: umZ0HLG.png][Image: VGl3CB4.png]

01-24-2022, 10:36 AMImShiny Wrote: where the fuck is the recipe
page 5

01-24-2022, 10:39 AMboom Wrote:
01-24-2022, 09:10 AMAccka Wrote: Legit the only reason I ever think about just retiring/going IA. So many people acting as if they care and then just bullying the person that made a mistake.
Literally every time this happens, people just start mass harrassing the person.

No bullying? Accepting everyone? Mental health awareness? My fucking ass.
I don't care what his apology seems like. Just think about Talls as a person, think about his character and what he's been like on the site and community in general. The guy is probably the furthest from being racist against Japanese people/culture. He made a mistake, it happens. Just let it be water under the bridge.

I also noticed someone bringing up him make Lesgo Brandon a captain. To me instead of that being some sort of political take or buddy-buddy kind of thing, it's the exact opposite. He took someone that had people throwing the typical bullying shit at him and was willing to look past the political name. Got to know him and maybe he turned out to not be one of those Facebook nutjobs and was a decent person. To me the fact that he made him a captain just says that he's a good GM. He's willing to look past a silly name, pressure of some in the community to just ignore him and instead take that person for their word and character that they've been.
I think at this point names, renders and memes like these should just be banned, because it always seems to cause an unneeded ruccus.

I also mentioned mental health awareness for a reason, because what you all do when you spam dumb shit in these kind of threads, copy the person initial post and responses, what do you think that feels like to that person?
Especially a person that has invested alot of time to the site and has become a part of it? I really want y'all to understand that this is bullying, even if you think it's just jokes. I wish there was more of a stance on this, instead of people from the current and past HO just jumping in on it everytime and the only stance that comes is just being "Okey, y'all had your fun, I'll lock the thread".
Here’s what it looks like from the outside.

Before the draft, Brandon did the presser and just flipped out when people pressed him about the name, and that was the image of him that’s stuck in people’s minds. We don’t know what he’s like in the LR, but it’s not like what he did in public just means nothing. So to see him voted by the team as captain after what we saw is going to give a certain impression - that this is who the team wants to represent them.

Giving users with red flags chances is fine, but you still have to be willing to have the hard conversations when needed to ensure accountability and I’m not sure that’s happening.

With regard to the memes, people didn’t really know what to make of the situation - understandable, since it was a private event that it happened at. So they defaulted to joking.

He really didn’t flip out in the slightest. He made one maybe two respectful responses to people that started dogpiling on him over a meme name. If anyone was flipping out, it was you and everyone else raking him over the coals over a name


[Image: CampinKiller.gif]


01-24-2022, 10:39 AMboom Wrote:
01-24-2022, 09:10 AMAccka Wrote: Legit the only reason I ever think about just retiring/going IA. So many people acting as if they care and then just bullying the person that made a mistake.
Literally every time this happens, people just start mass harrassing the person.

No bullying? Accepting everyone? Mental health awareness? My fucking ass.
I don't care what his apology seems like. Just think about Talls as a person, think about his character and what he's been like on the site and community in general. The guy is probably the furthest from being racist against Japanese people/culture. He made a mistake, it happens. Just let it be water under the bridge.

I also noticed someone bringing up him make Lesgo Brandon a captain. To me instead of that being some sort of political take or buddy-buddy kind of thing, it's the exact opposite. He took someone that had people throwing the typical bullying shit at him and was willing to look past the political name. Got to know him and maybe he turned out to not be one of those Facebook nutjobs and was a decent person. To me the fact that he made him a captain just says that he's a good GM. He's willing to look past a silly name, pressure of some in the community to just ignore him and instead take that person for their word and character that they've been.
I think at this point names, renders and memes like these should just be banned, because it always seems to cause an unneeded ruccus.

I also mentioned mental health awareness for a reason, because what you all do when you spam dumb shit in these kind of threads, copy the person initial post and responses, what do you think that feels like to that person?
Especially a person that has invested alot of time to the site and has become a part of it? I really want y'all to understand that this is bullying, even if you think it's just jokes. I wish there was more of a stance on this, instead of people from the current and past HO just jumping in on it everytime and the only stance that comes is just being "Okey, y'all had your fun, I'll lock the thread".
Here’s what it looks like from the outside.

Before the draft, Brandon did the presser and just flipped out when people pressed him about the name,

boom i have to push back on this. I realize I'm biased here, so there's a boulder of salt with your name on it.

How exactly did dhoop flip out? Here's the thread, you can skim through and see one response

apart from doubling down on something he's obviously ignorant of, dhoop is far from "flipping out" and the negative PR he sustained from this event is entirely inflated by the crowd. Because apart from his one response, almost the entire 6 pages are devoted to harassing him. Not one ounce of grace in there apart from jess.

Don't you see the irony in responding to what accka said with a hyperbolic description of dhoop's events? Are we just going to sprinkle a little spice into the recount every time we talk about the presser? Next time, what will the adjectives be?

And, the irony in (correctly) taking issue with talls' apology only to turn around and offer the same explanations and justifications? "hey, here's a problem" "Well here are the reasons i contributed to the problem"

[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]

Comedy is the lowest form of copypasta.

[Image: kBkNrmu.png]
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