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S64 PT#0: Read the Room

Quote:Tell me what you enjoy from PTs and the PT department! (150 words minimum) What kind of prompts do you love? What do you want to see more of? Are PTs a chore that you won't find fun or engaging no matter what they are? I think getting a vibe from all of you will help me settle in and plot my course forward, so why not award a little TPE for it.

I also think you should thank Slash for his work over the last few seasons. I've now seen first hand how much work this position takes, and he did it excellently. Thank you Slash

Regardless of the prompt, I would like to thank Slash for his hard work in doing the PT's since I joined the site (I'm sure they were great before that too). I don't have the experience to know what jobs require the most work but I do know that it isn't something I would want to do myself so I am definitely thankful to Slash, and now lev for taking over. Very much appreciated.

What kind of prompts do you love: It is definitely nice having a dual one that you can choose between. I'm maybe in the minority but I don't mind wacky or fantasy type. In a strange way I find them easier to write about.

What do you want to see more of: As I mentioned above, dual prompts for sure. It was also kind of fun to do the music lists or movie lists that your player would watch/listen to. Those are fun to see what other people choose.

Are PTs a chore: For myself I don't think the word "chore" really describes it. I guess it feels pointless at times because there is very little interaction involved. If someone writes something funny about me, my team, or my player, I can't really respond other than +rep. This prevents any kind of chain interaction and dulls the experience. I think maybe that attributes to some people feeling like it being a chore because there is little upside if you put extra effort into it. Sort of why I rarely respond in graphic form because that can take a lot more time than just writing 150 words. If I spend the 30+ minutes to create a graphic I don't really even know if people see it in the end unless I also post it on Discord.

I don't really have a solution to that though so I'm not sure how helpful this is. That is just where my interest loses its focus because it feels a bit like posting into a void (which, lets be honest, this whole experience is, but this especially feels like it at times).

[ 363 words ]

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Oh boy oh boy, are you ready for another tirade about Championship Week? No? Well too bad, you're gonna get it anyway :D . In my opinion we should consider getting rid of CW altogether and replace it with something new, fresh and fun. I just don't get what CW adds to the league at this point, it's so stale and repetitive no matter how much work the person in charge puts into the specific tasks, especially for those members who have been here for a while. Nobody reads the contributions anyway nd in a world where its often the same teams in the finals, nobody really cares about the "honoring the finalists" part anymore.
I also think it's a bit strange how we have been looking to make things more fun and accessible and give people options to skip tasks through PT passes or affiliations with other leagues, but then we have this massive PT dump once every season that everyone just grinds out without actually enjoying it. People only tolerate it because it pays out a lot of TPE, not because they actually enjoy it. Which is why I think we should be giving out those same TPE through other means. We currently seem to live in a landscape where we are kind of stingy in terms of TPE handed out to not let inflation creep up - which makes it a bit of a headscratcher for me why we have so many of our precious available seasonal TPE tied up in such a joyless task. Just get rid of it and pay out those TPE through other means, be it new and fresh tasks, or add them on to the activity check or something if you want to make things easier for lower activity members.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
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[Image: winter-500.png]

I like Point Tasks that let me go off the rails, that don't require me to go to the index and actually use my brain to force some mumbo jumbo about amazing training session and what I've overcome or what ever. Just let me babble my brain matter onto the keyboard and be off for the week. But since alot of the PT's seem to be just like that, I tend to do the graphics option quite often, even though I think making a picture takes a couple minutes longer that it would for me to actually write for a bit, but it's all about pleasure for me. You shouldn't force yourself to do stuff, especially if it's often, because then you'll burn out and lose interest, which ofcourse isn't good at all. Like, ask me what I did today in real life, I can write long enough about making a bread I bet.

[Image: 64377_v.gif]
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Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


First off I would like to thank Slash for all his fine work in the PT area.  

I usually do the written PT's as graphic skill level isn't very high.  I try to select a PT in which I can engage. For me, anyway, this certainly takes the drudgery out of these small articles and tends to get my very few creative juices flowing.  I mostly like to write about my player, Rinky McDangle, to make him more of a 3 dimensional character.  Otherwise I like to write about places I have been, or would like to go.  As well, I enjoy sharing "slightly embellished" true stories that have happened to me or that I have witnessed.  I also like to include a graphic in my short articles.   However, the forum sometimes seems to limit the number of characters I can use, so that doesn't happen.  The use of a graphic, to me, kind of brings the whole thing to life.

[Image: Rinky-sig.jpg]

The point tasks I enjoy the most are the player driven ones. Despite the SHL being my main sim league at the moment, I don't know a ton about hockey. I've never really gotten into the sport and I've never paid it much attention. I'm mostly here for the community, which has left me finding some difficult in writing tasks that are specifically about the hockey side of things. Players skate around, the smack the puck with big sticks. I can only repeat that so many times. That said I love getting creative and writing about my player. I love talkng about what he likes to eat, where he likes to go, and who his favorite people are on his team. I enjoy writing about his adventures and his life and about who he is outside of the world of hockey. Those tasks are more of a joy to do than a chore and I would love to see more of them.


for me personally, i prefer the fun and chaotic PTs. as someone who hilariously knows absolutely nothing about hockey, I have a hard time with the written pts that are only about hockey. sometimes I can get away with doing a graphic or two to make up for it, since I've got plenty of renders kicking around. I'm on the shl because of a friend I made at college, and just hung out in their discord until one day I made a player! PTs that focus on my player as well I can get away with writing about. The past season I had a lot of trouble keeping up with PTs since they were so sport knowledge heavy. this made them feel very much like a chore. thanks slash for your work over the past few seasons and welcome leviadan into your new PT director role :D have so much fun and good luck!

[Image: VGl3CB4.png]

ISFL affiliate

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Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

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Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

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I typically really enjoy the prompts that are silly and weird scenarios. Its fun to write about my player from such a weird perspective. With that said though, I find that if all of the PTs are tied together throughout the season, then it makes it a chore if you miss a week. I found that when the PTs dont correlate with other weeks then its much easier to write one offs. And I can quickly lose interest if I accidentally miss a week. Then its like I have to almost write 2 different ones to catch up to make the narrative fit. So I guess what im trying to say is, I love silly player fiction scenarios for my PTs, but I dont like when the PTs for the whole season are all linked together. This isn't to say that if they are linked together I will bitch and complain about it, your job is hard and I wont have a problem with whatever you choose to do.

   [Image: d2EaZfr.png]
Former Player

One of the things that I enjoy most about PTs is that it gives me a chance to expand on the lore of my player a little bit. Sure, media and graphics are a way to dig into that too, but since PTs are such an integral part of player progression, I get more opportunities to flex those creative muscles and dig into what it means to be a simulated hockey player. Any prompt that makes me think more about what my player is doing outside of collecting stats on the ice is probably one that I'll enjoy. I really love when a prompt makes me think about how my player might feel or respond mentally or emotionally. It's not that I dislike the prediction-style PTs, it's just a less engaging way to participate (for my tastes). I think mostly it ends up being a "copy the smartest guy in the room" situation. Regardless of my personal tastes, I think a good mix of different prompt styles through the season keep things from feeling stale. Variety is the spice of life.

(185 words)

My favorite part about PTs is seeing everyone whine about how much they hated Slash's ideas lol. I didn't mind the initiative at all - I like that we are trying something new. Sometimes I wouldn't follow his creative prompts, but that's just because I'm lazy sometimes. If I could have anything in the world it would probably be a two prompt system like you have. That gives flexibility for sure. In terms of what I like to write about - usually I live to write about how my player performed. I am someone who is very watchful over stats and I like to brag about my player when the opportunity arises. I don't think this could be an every week thing, but something like "narrate your players week in how they performed." Then I could actually go off the stats in the box scores and flesh out a story instead of coming up with something out of the blue. Honestly, idk. I have no problem with he current PT setup. And thank you so much Slash!!

(WC: 175)

[Image: DqlVneu.png][Image: FVlMRDN.png][Image: q30YniK.png][Image: augr5GV.jpeg]

Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs


As long as the ideas are fresh, PT's aren't a bother or a chore...especially if you are someone who wants to make their player the best that they can be.  Probably my favorite part of PT's regardless if they are the mPT or a full on three-pointer is being able to read through them and see the perspective of other users in the league.  Some are hilarious, some actually take time to write serious prose.  Then there's the select few that I think would rather write a solid cooking recipe just to fulfill the 150 word requirement.  In the overall scheme of things I really enjoy what the PT staff has done and there isn't a regular style of PT that I prefer over another.  I will say though, that the alternate timeline PT's that Slash had last season were pretty neat, and it was fun to read a bunch of the "what if" possibilities that could, or could not have happened.

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[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

As asked in the PT description, I want to take a few words to thank Slash for his role in the PT department for the last few seasons. I'm not someone who really enjoys doing PTs, but the double prompts you proposed are helpful in a week where you're not interested in the non-hockey related prompt, so thanks for that! As for the PT themselves, I mostly enjoy everything, but if i'm not inspired by the first prompt, I can always fall back on the more boring one, although it didn't happen much in S63. The only PTs I really hate and never do are the ones asking us about past events of the SHL. I wasn't around back then, and I haven't seen enough or know enough about SHL history to know who were the best players, so these are always a struggle for me in PTs and during CW. I want to end by wishing you the best of luck in this position that is often criticized, but I'll know you'll do your best!

176 words

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