In recognition of the massive amount of effort put in by some of the dev team, head office has decided to reward some of the key members with PT passes for Season 64 and 65.
You were the driving force behind the new index and you built the vast majority of it yourself, you even continued to help while being inactive on the site. I know I've personally learned a ton from you and I think the rest of the dev team would say the same. We all greatly appreciate your work!
From the index db, to the csv import procedure, to the card site you've worked hard to make sure we are building solid database backends for all our projects and you've been a huge huge help, without you we would likely be stuck trying to figure out so many database issues. Thank you!
The card site is your baby and it is soon to go live, this is mostly in recognition of that, but you've also been involved in the other projects around the site and have helped troubleshoot a bunch of issues. Keep up the good work!
We have a project getting near launch and a couple projects starting, so if anyone else wants to get involved and they have experience with nodejs, typescript, mysql, php, css, or anything similar please let me know.
03-10-2022, 01:17 PMDrunkenTeddy Wrote: We have a project getting near launch and a couple projects starting, so if anyone else wants to get involved and they have experience with nodejs, typescript, mysql, php, css, or anything similar please let me know.
03-10-2022, 01:17 PMDrunkenTeddy Wrote: We have a project getting near launch and a couple projects starting, so if anyone else wants to get involved and they have experience with nodejs, typescript, mysql, php, css, or anything similar please let me know.