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S64 PT #2: Deficit

Player prompt

Taking a paycut is always hard in the world of hockey, but there are special ocassions when it is alright and even better to do so, and thats the case for the Philadelphia Forge. For this team id pay for free without hesitation. I have enough money amassed from my inheritance, so I will be able to stay afloat without the contract money. The only issue I could see coming up is that, with the cards being implemented, I now have an extra expense that will make my bank account hurt a little. Also I will expect some kind of compensation later on as to recoup my losses from my low pay period. Hopefully this shouldnt be a problem as by the end of my career I hope to be a franchise legend in Philadelphia and the league, so it will make it easier to justify a higher paygrade for my last years of my contract, enjoying my final years.

Raptors Raptors  Raptors Raptors Raptors Raptors

Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge 

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany 

[Image: drokeep.gif]

Simmer Pass

Classic Ham, he spent all the budget on Cheerios this year again. A delicious healthy breakfast and a good snack, the man is simply obsessed with this product beyond any reasonable means. However, that is not the issue anymore, what is, is figuring out our budget issue. First, we have to start marketing our relationship to Liam Slate. A popular and well loved player for his humble post game casts of ketchup noodles, sad and too hard, too expensive, he will bring people back to the stands during our ticket raising we have to do to cover the ridiculous cheerios budget blunder of s64. Following that, wooden or aluminum sticks will be used via our sponsorship of Defunct Hockey Sticks Company Limited Inc who are paying 1k per goal to the team using these metal bars and wooden twigs. Beyond that, the team will be strictly moving to the Kraft Dinner and Ketchup diet made famous by Liam Slate, ketchup noods as its' called.

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

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Creative Prompt

With ways to look to save money for the team, the Minnesota Monarchs have decided that all equipment (jerseys, pads, gloves, sticks, helmets..) will be bought from the second-hand store. If a player needs new equipment that will come out of their own pocket. Not only that but the Monarchs have also signed a long-term broadcasting deal with 104.5 KMRP Minnesota's Top sports broadcasting on long range FM  In another new change coming to the SHL as a whole, betting on games and players will now be legal, except players cannot bet on themselves, teammates, the team they play for or against, we at least have that self-respect. These are just some changes coming to the league and to the Monarchs

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[Image: mcalister.png]

So somebody in upper management screws up and loses a bunch of money, and instead of the owner taking the loss he tries to get me to take a pay cut out of my negotiated legally binding contract? That ain't gonna fly with me chief. How the heck am I supposed to buy shl trading card packs if I'm taking a big pay cut? I can barely afford em as is, and I just spent about 8 season side hustling as an updater to earn cash! I still need to pull my own Noel Blanchet card, and I hear there's a Jon Toner card floating around out there I need to get my hands on. And not only that, but I'm also already paying for my training and coaching out of my own pocket! What kind of backwards org makes their professional players pay for their own facilities? So no! I will not be taking a pay cut, thank you very much.

[Image: jjfrankiejj.gif]
Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

Player Profile | Update Page

Mr. Selich asked me if I would be okay playing for a minimal salary for several seasons. I had to think about it, because I like money. I can always use more money. Money can be used for a lot of good things, like financing my training. I can use money to pay for coaching sessions in the offseason. I am also a trading card addict so the more of those I can buy the better. Apparently the guy before Mr. Selich lost some funds. That's not good. Someone isn't going to be able to buy their kids trading cards for Christmas now. Anyways, after thinking about it for a while I decided to accept Mr. Selich's offer. I like money, but I love Buffalo. Buffalo is worth more to me than all the trading cards. Maybe that will change in the future. We will see what else I spend money on.

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pt pass

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UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

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PBE Affiliation

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Prompt 2

Not sure why Jaska Seppala of the buffalo stampede would negotiate for less money than he is worth. Why would anybody ever want to go for that? A hockey career or even a sports career is a short term gig so you should go for as much money as you possibly can. Jaska Seppala of the buffalo stampede has no obligations like a mortgage, a charitable foundation, any gambling debts but that does not mean he does not want to earn his money. If the buffalo stampede is seeing money problems he will simply jump to another team because that is what any sensible person would do if he was in Jaska Seppala of the Buffalo Stampede's shoes. I think any pro hockey player plays because they love the game. They would not be the best if they did not love the game but at the same time that does not mean they have to be loyal to a team with no money

[Image: blurrybad.jpg] [Image: zomboy3.png]
Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
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Player Page || Update page

Creative Prompt

I am a professional at making money. Always have been, always will be. Just look at my career as a mediocre simmer to see how great I was at making money. It's only natural that the New Orleans ownership looks to me to help spare them from their financial grave. Well, that, and I'm the co-GM. The first order of business: stop our players from spending all of their money on Ice Level trading cards. Once that is done, we then start collecting the money they'd use to spend on trading cards to put into my own bank ac- I mean, into the team's bank account, similar to the NHL's escrow system. From there, we raise the prices of the food options in the Specters arena. Who gives a shit about the fans? We're getting good now anyway, they'll come flocking no matter what. On top of both of these very necessary measures, we'll have Joe donate from his personal bank account into the team's funds. What a generous man.

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[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] [Image: QtEp67y.png] [Image: 2sRs0Cq.png]

ISFL Affiliate

Steve Harrington would always take the minimum amount of money to help his team. The Hair makes plenty of money from acting which was his occupation before joining the SHL on a whim. Harrington is determined to be the greatest athlete/actor dual threat the world has ever seen. Winning a few more cups would keep him in the spotlight so that nobody thinks his skills as a hockey player were merely an act. Harrington regularly takes the team out for fun events because between the acting royalties and top level SHL contracts he has a shit load of money. Secretly Harrington wishes he could ask for more though as the looming reality of bankruptcy is in play now that he has gotten deep into the trading card bug. Heres to hoping the next season of stranger things pays handsomely. At least it being a two parter will help with the revenue. Lord have kercy if more expensive card packs show up though.

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Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
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(This post was last modified: 04-03-2022, 11:45 PM by Zomp.)

Written Task: This season you have to save money and quick! How do you do it? The only rule is that nobody loses their job! The SHL puts workers first, so you gotta get creative! Does the whole team go back to wooden sticks? Do you take a lucrative dairy sponsorship and skate on frozen milk instead of ice? Or do you go absolutely bonkers and do something like raise ticket prices? (150+ words)

The Anchorage Armada have decided that in order to save money, they're going to make the arena as bare as possible to cut down on all unnecessary bills.
This entails that all fans are required to bring their own flashlights to the game to be able and light up the ice so that the players can see to even play. To cut back on expenses, fans will be required to bring the food that they want to eat and pay the concession stands to cook it.
On top of that, they'll be selling all of the seats in the arena to try and make some money back to pay their players contracts. This means that fans will also need to bring lawn chairs with them and set them up if they wish to sit, otherwise it's standing room only for the entirety of the season. We definitely believe that within no time we'll be back in the black and be able to get all caught up on our finances.

ISFL affiliate

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