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S64 PT #3: Trick Play

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I call it the serpentine!

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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

Hockey Prompt

I think the lack of trick plays in the NHL boils down to two things: the amount that's on the line literally every game, it seems, with parity always being pretty good especially in the playoffs; and the skill floor of an NHL player being too high to reliably fall for such things. For the most part, if you get in the playoffs you at least have a measurable chance of going all the way. I think recent data science projects around the NHL and win probability have shown that a LOT of the predictors associated with success have a healthy amount of random effect. It makes sense that a team wouldn't want to squander their only attempt(s) at more wins than expected by running trick plays that could get them out of position in an instant. Although nobody is, therefore, preparing for such trick plays, they don't have to; very rarely would an NHL player who would be unable to sense something was coming even be on the ice. I suppose you could argue "well, GCool, surely the side executing the trick play knows this as well and it's always the perfect time" and you'd be right pragmatically. I just think the preparation for every opponent in the NHL is already taxing enough, and the risk is entirely too high for a reward that can be attained by playing to one's non-tricky strengths at all times.

Prompt 2

Hockey is kind of a strange sport, when it comes to so called ‘trick plays’. As a Brit, my initial sporting introduction was soccer (football here, but don’t want to confuse anyone). As a sport, the players deemed the ‘best’, certainly in my lifetime, have usually been the flashier, more skilful players. Your Messi’s, Ronaldinho’s, etc. Hell, even shinty, which is a sort-of aggressive field hockey type sport we play in the north of Scotland, has a respect for players finding new, inventive ways to score. And shinty is as old school a sport as you could find, in almost every other way.
Hockey, on the other hand, looks down on showmanship, flashy goals, new ideas. As a Flyers fan, the immense frustration when someone like Ristolainen is signed, because he’s a big guy and can hit people, because ‘that’s how a Philadelphia team should play’ shows the kind of outdated thinking in the NHL. It was brought home by the Beagle/Zegras/Terry incident a few nights ago, where Zegras tried something ‘fancy’, got a cross-check from Beagle for it, who then proceeded to batter Zegras’ teammate who stood up for him. The commentary team explained it away as, if you’re going to show off and make someone look stupid, expect a punch in the mouth. The league have played down to this level as well, by putting no further sanctions on Beagle. It’s a problem from the top down and I have no idea how it is ever going to be changed.

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Hockey Prompt: Yes, "trick" plays are vital to hockey. The game is stale. Boring. I barely watch the NHL anymore because there is nothing there to draw me in. You see people try something different in the sport or slightly step outside the super rigid box that the Neanderthals of the Old Boys Club have decreed as sacred and people get lit up by commentators. It is time for these old clowns to go and a new generation of experimentation to begin. Lacross goals, YES! A goal that everyone looks at each other and asks, wait, can he/she/they do that? No? Yes? Someone get a rule book!

I am a big F1 fan and that sport is all about finding loopholes and innovating. Maybe part of the problem with hockey is the rulebook is ignored randomly on the ice in the name of "game management" and presented to the fans as a good thing. It is tough to find loopholes when the rules are inconsistent at best and a call will be made another way later in the same game, let alone across different games.

Anyways, more fun in hockey please.

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Aurora Winnipeg Aurora Aurora

Okay coach so I'm on the same level as you right now. You got me pumped up. Gonna change the world, or just hockey, together. What if... We added the sick jumps those guys do in figure skating to hockey? Wouldn't that be sick as hell? And like, add music. Be in symbiosis with the guy at the music console? Ooooh and add colour lights! And instead of not calling penalties, the refs could be giving points to teams or even individual players based on the sickness of their moves. So like basically figure skating but you know, cool? I mean, goals would obviously still give points but being stylish and making shots that don't go in would finally give me something. You don't look too excited anymore coach, don't you like my ideas? Oh they're a bit much? Well I'm sorry for wanting what's best for this team and for this league!

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The trick play I am suggesting requires a bit of practice, but mostly it is a challenge for the front office. The trick would be to acquire four players, who are extremely strong. So strong, that it would be nearly impossible to hit them, or at least hitting them so that it has any impact. So big players, very big.

The key would be then to practice a few set plays, where the team first gathers together behind our own net, and then enters the offensive zone in a certain formation, where the four strong players do everything they can to protect the puck carrier. Once the formation reaches the front of opposite net, they move aside to allow the puck carrier to shoot. This will lead to tons of unobstructed scoring chances from amazing spots.

I think the best way to execute this would be to protect the puck carrier in a diamond shaped formation. One in front, one in the back and one on each side. This way there aren't big enough gaps for the opposite team to ever reach the puck.

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Edmonton's go-to trick play is easy. We're in the unique situation where we have a fucking turtle on our team, so not using his shell seems like a huge wasted opportunity. Basically we hide the puck in Pasta's shell and escort him down the length of the ice, revealing the puck at the last second. Goalies can't possibly stop what they can't see, and it's basically just super advanced screening so I'm sure it's perfectly legal. If all else fails, we just bully Pasta until he fully retreats into his shell, then push him into the goal with the puck. He's had some complaints about that one, but you can't really argue with results and right now we need all the goals we can get. If it's good enough for the coaches, it's good enough for the team. I'm sure we'll have to improvise more once these plays stop working, but the possibilities are damn near endless.

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My Amazing pitch to the coach that would revolutionize the sport we love forever, now... hear me out. what if at the end of each period the puck got switched to the item of a different sport and its spun on a wheel on the screens around the stadium for all to see, 1st period you could be playing normal hockey then BOOM all of a sudden you have to play with an golf ball or a tennis ball! ... okay now that i think about it that pushes the boundaries a bit too far, okay hear me out, before the game a random wheel spins and it sets an amount of subs you need to make by the end of the game or else you get a goal added on for the other team? if that sounds a bit too wild aswell then i dont know what to say because that is complete and utter genius, we could also pitch the idea of one sub that is made per period needs to be of a fan from the crowd selected pre game  Kraken

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idk what im doing here but lets go!

ISFL Affidavit

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To spice up hockey and get trick plays involved we must start from the ground up. In my eyes, to start from the ground up and make some trick plays exciting we must include the hockey version of the dunk contest, known as Trick Shot Contest. Think about all the theatrics from the dunk contest, teammates throwing lobs to the contestant, jumping over cars, mascots etc. Now bring that to hockey. Imagine seeing a player five hole Griddy spin around him, Datsyuk deke for a goal. That's the perfect example of what would be an attempt in the "SHL Trick Contest" Let's take it up a level, said participant leaves the ice JUMPS over his teammate his teammate passes it to the contestant through his legs and the contestant scores between his legs, and five holes the goalie. How about that for a 50/50 attempt? Hockey takes so much skill and creativity as it is, there could definitely be a contest to take the skills competition to a whole new level.

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Firstly, trick plays should always be considered whenever you're talking about a game of skill. Some might view this as 'showing off', but what's wrong with doing that especially when it probably took that person dozens, if not hundreds, of hours to practice this move to the point where it can be put into a practical application? If anything, you could argue that in today's world of ADHD humans, there NEEDS to be something to spice the game up and draw people in. Make them 'ooh' and 'aah' in wondering how the heck something like that just happened. Great examples of this are Ovi's 'Michigan' or some of the stuff that Trevor Zegras has put on display.
Traditionalists are the only ones who may disapprove of trick plays, but overall they can help the sport grow so much faster by appealing to a much larger audience by saying, 'Hey look what we can do that no one else can!'

Word count: 163

So first prompt and I really doubt that the Calgary Dragons are going to simply walk up to Jon Forty One, a well known miserable bastard, to ask to revolutionise the system cause the first thing he would do is ban journalists cause he just does not like talking to interviewers or even fans.

I would make the highlights more than just a fancy goal horn and maybe try to get the fans of the teams more involved. Hell I would take a page out of other leagues to see what they were doing to make the sport they are in to make that more exciting.

The other thing I guess they could do is just change the rules of the sport to make it more exciting. Like maybe double points int he last 30 seconds if 5v5 is still going. Could make it way more interesting for fans or for more comebacks to happen. Maybe a mix of both? On and off the field changes could work.

[168 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

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Pt pss

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