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S64 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 05-07-2022, 11:29 AM by DrunkenTeddy. Edited 1 time in total.)

Task 5
The shl definitely has the more prestigious cup of the two leagues, it's hard to compare them since they are really targeted at such different players, but the four star cup's only advantage in this comparison is that it has a more limited runway to win it in. A player will only play 4-5 seasons in the J but could play many more in the shl. That being said the challenge cup seems way more difficult to attain today than it has ever been in the past. Parity in this league is not what it was when we had sths and player builds that capped out at 1200 ish tpe. Now we need to build a ton of players up to 1800 tpe and it takes forever to get there and your runway at the top is not what it used to be. A team really has to come together at the right time and a whole lot of things need to go right for it to happen. There are teams that

Task 7
+1 Milestone

[Image: DrunkenTeddy.gif]

[Image: Tqabyfh.png]  |  [Image: sXDU6JX.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-03-2022, 03:53 PM by ctots. Edited 1 time in total.)

3 TPE - ISFL Affiliate PT
3 TPE - Trivia (verification word: donuts)
3 TPE - Milestones
2 TPE - 16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)

Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

My player’s home country is Finland. I’m not from there, I’ve never been, and in fact I really don’t know all that much about the country. I chose Finland primarily because I’m a fan of the Columbus Blue Jackets, and they’re quite popular in Finland. The GM is a Finn, and so is long-term goalie Joonas Korpisalo and the recent acquisition Patrik Laine. Outside the connection to my favorite NHL team, Finland has always been a place of interest to me. I've had the chance to meet a few Finns online, and the things that they have shared about their life and culture just thoroughly delight me. Finland loves a good sauna, a good beer, and a good landscape. What more could you really ask for in life, if not those three things? Choosing Finland as my home country gave me a great opportunity to do a little more independent research and learn about a country I've always had fondness for.

2 TPE - 17. Written, 2 TPE, Substitute Teacher (100 words min.)

Hello! I am 11 years old, and as a part of the SHL Community Outreach Program– you, a famous hockey player, have to teach my Geography class in 15 minutes! You have to tell me and my classmates a couple of fun facts about your player’s IIHF country! Jump on Wikipedia or whatever and search up something weird or fun about where your player is from that I wouldn’t know! Get wacky, or get scholarly for all I care! Maybe you’ll actually learn something cool!

Hey kids, thanks for learning about Finland with me! Did you know that the people of Finland are ranked the happiest in the world? It’s true! Maybe it’s because they’re all fueled up with caffeine - Finns drink more coffee per capita than any other country in the entire world! In a weird twist that seems to indicate Finns consume a lot of liquids in general, Finland is also the world's top consumer per capita of milk by frankly, an absurd margin. (430kg milk consumed per person per year, compared to Montenegro at #2 with 349kg milk consumed per person per year) Finland is known for its beautiful landscapes, but did you know that there are over 187 THOUSAND lakes across the country? Long, cold winters and a lot of lakes is a perfect recipe for high quality hockey talent!

3 TPE - 20. Written, 3 TPE, Ruthless Capitalist (150 words min.)

Someone that looks like the Monopoly guy just gave you two million dollars and a two year deadline to make the SHL a growing and profitable business. What do you do with that seed money to make this an online platform that facilitates you milking as much money as possible from the users? ALTERNATIVELY, if you don’t want to be malicious, what would you do with 2 million dollars to improve the site and make it the best sim league in the world?

Introducing: the SHL mobile app experience. Completing point tasks and earning sim money can be difficult for people, and this new business proposal for the league will throw all of those worries out the window. Players can now earn TPE by watching ads directly in the app, no effort required! As further incentive, TPE earned by watching ads is unlimited! Watch the level of play and competitiveness in the league skyrocket as players watch ads continuously, rewarding the league with incredible wealth without directly charging the players a dime. If they'd like to spend money on their experience though, we won't stop them: players can now purchase SHL dollars right from the website or app to pay for things like weekly training. Everything that isn't integral to the function of the league is now up for sale in some form or another. GMs can purchase additional draft picks. Teams can pay to be relocated or rebranded. Especially ambitious teams in the J could pay to be bumped up to the majors, sending one of the SHL teams down to take their place. Chaos will reign supreme in this new era, and we'll all be filthy rich as a result.
16 TPE Earned Total
(This post was last modified: 05-03-2022, 05:39 PM by zaynzk. Edited 1 time in total.)

+2 TPE - Milestone

1. 1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Atlanta is a recent expansion team reaching it's first finals appearance. Chicago has been a dominant force in the league for a long time now, with their last cup win only seven seasons ago in Season 57. If you're betting on these finals, do you go for the experienced vets in Chicago, or the hungry Atlanta first-timers?

If i was a betting man i would bet on atlanta mostly since i have always been a fan on how atlanta has been run as a team over the years as they have always been a team that is something that would be awesome to see and think they win

b. Chicago's lineup much more active with their sticks than Atlanta's, racking up 97 takeaways to Atlanta's 79. This late in the playoffs, how do you adjust to a team that's so adept at picking your pocket?

How does one deal with a team that is so good at stealing the puck from i think that the best way to do this is to keep the puck away from the other team through short passes and taking shots early but it is something that will be interesting to watch

c. Atlanta has only 32 penalty minutes in these playoffs compared to Chicago's 45. With emotions high and the Challenge Cup on the line, do you think discipline will play a big role in this series?

Yes i think taht the one thing that would be the most important thing to win is to say on the ice, Atlanta is one of those teams that knows when to stay on the ice and when to commit fouls and i think that it would be that thing so that will be cool

d. Similar to last season's finals, we see Chicago running a balanced ice-time attack against Atlanta's targeted approach that has some players seeing sheltered minutes. Last season the more balanced attack won out. Do you think we'll see the same again? Why or why not?

Yes i think that the finals will play out in a similar way to the series but this is something that i am sure they will attempt howeve rboth gm are willing to fight dirty and play with different strats and win with a someone will be cool to see the mental chess games

16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
I choose my home country for a couple reasons but mostly since when i looked up who had the least people Latvia had this on lock. They had the least active players which meant more time for me to play at a early level and be able ot become a hero for the people of latvia with a chance of maybe winning something or atleast winning a few iconic games and maybe win some stuff as it is omething i wish that all and could maybe have some huge success in the future long term and i think it would be alot of fun which is why i picked them

22. Written, 2 TPE, Be Nice (100 words min.)

I believe that one thing to notice is that alot of great users are on this site, one person i have met here that i like that is mostly in this league is Dex my old GM who is awesome and has recently stepped down from GMing the whalers he was a big part of me being active early on and helped turn me into a first round prospect in this draft he is a awesome user and i hope he is around in the SHL for a long time and where ever his SHL journey takes him will be fun and awesome

[Image: zayn.png?ex=65e9b101&is=65d73c01&hm=c0f0...y=lossless]
Kyle Sux Lmap

1. moose (3 TPE)
7. milestones 1 TPE 
6. The most beautiful dream team that could possibly be is that of Adelie de Pengu and Melvin Majestik-Moose. While the two may not always be the best at hockeying, their chemistry is off the charts. They have been best friends at this point for about 10 years, and have stuck together through thick and thin. There are very few times where they have not been on the same team, and even on the field at the same time. For awhile, they were linebacker brothers for the Colorado Yeti, and Adelie de Pengu was able to make sure that Melvin had one heck of a time on the ice. In the future, as they moved their sport focus to more of a hockey arena, Melvin found himself realizing that he wasn't going to be the star, and instead worked to give Adelie all of the fame and glory. While there may have been shots that Melvin could have blocked, he would just shove Adelie forward so he would get the credit instead. (3 TPE)
18. I'll be honest, I waited to do CW this year because one two people I adore were playing against each other. I didn't really know who was the better team, but knowing that it was Atlanta vs Chicago was definitely a much more fun adventure than previous season finales that I didn't watch either. I had no idea who won until I saw it posted somewhere, I think someone congratulated Corey. Then I congratulated Corey and I think it was really great that he was able to win a championship at both the SHL level and the SMJHL level this season. It's something that makes this whole series very special. (2 TPE)
22. I really need to go out of my way to thank Jess @sköldpaddor for everything that she has done for me personally, as well as the league as a whole. Sometimes it's hard to remember all of the places that she is running because she just always wants to be involved and friendly, but she's an SMJHL GM, a rookie mentor, an IIHF Fed Head, and a member of Head Office. She cares so deeply for the SHL and wants it to be a community that is just loving and caring and wants to have fun and do the hockey things without the you're a shitty person things. I'm so thankful that I got to know her as a rookie mentor, that she was my GM and I really trust the league in her hands. (2 TPE)
20. I think some of the biggest improvements that the SHL could use with $2,000,000 is just the ability to hire full time personnel for some of the sim league day to day stuff. Having someone who isn't trying to sim test and balance in their free time, manage the league, Management, and site issues, etc. $2,000,000 allows for an okayish salary for a few years for a few people. Imagine if you were having a full time job which allowed you to recruit, make improvements, etc, and didn't have to worry about actually doing something else for money while you spend all of your free time for the fake internet hockey. It would be really nice to be able to provide a financial component to those who make the league work. (3 TPE)
2a. If I was gambling for these finals, I would have put it on Chicago. While I know that Hotdog has built an incredible team, and I remember being around when he first shared he got the expansion team, I know Corey better and trust his ability to put together and remain competitive. Luck eventually would turn his way, and if I was going to win money betting on the game, I'd want it to be with one of my best friends. (1 TPE)
3d. I think if I'm on Newfoundland, I can't let myself feel like it's a guaranteed win. Everything eventually comes down to sim luck. Additionally, if I was on QCC, I couldn't let myself get down if I were to lose, because it's so very important that you recognize you're not always going to have the right luck, and Newfoundland has been so dominant lately. (1 TPE)

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[Image: lUeg4KM.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-04-2022, 08:36 PM by tweedledunn. Edited 4 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
claim 3

8. Graphic, 3 TPE, Recovery
Whether you’re in the playoffs or not, you’ve gotta' find time to heal up some of the injuries you’ve earned over the season. Show me your player doing their favourite relaxation or resting routine, whether it’s for physical wear-and-tear or mental exhaustion, how do you fix yourself up?
[Image: mZzsy9W.png]

9. Graphic, 3 TPE, Cup Runneth Over
You won the cup! Or maybe you didn’t! Either way you somehow got your hands on the cup for a day, and you can’t wait to show it off at a big party. But what’s this? Every pot, pan, bowl, and serving dish has gone missing? Guess you have to cook your victory meal in the cup! Show me your player making a big meal in the challenge cup. What are you cooking? Does the cup actually work surprisingly well for it, or is it a big disaster?
[Image: emeF3Pa.png]

13. Graphic, 2 TPE, Put a Ring On It
No, this task isn’t going away yet. I’ve decided it can stay… for now. Design a championship ring for either team, you may use the fancy ring site. Here's a link:
[Image: LDDlxbp.png]

19. Graphic, 3 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Congratulations, graphic loving procrastinator! Much like the written word loving procrastinator, you too have a special task just for you! Create a post-series splash screen detailing the outcome of the series, or highlighting the player that you think should be playoff MVP. Include at least 3 stats no matter which way you go with it!
[Image: bnr4uEk.png]

[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
[Image: 47986_s.gif]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


4. Written, 3 TPE, Origin Story (150 words min.)
Everyone wants the Challenge cup… but how did it get here? Tell me the origin story of the Challenge Cup! Where did it come from? Who paid for it? Who forged it? What did it look like in Season 1 vs. now in Season 64? Has it changed a lot? Maybe it has been damaged?

The Challenge Cup, which is the biggest trophy you can earn while playing in the Simulation Hockey League, was forged out of pure excellence and an opportunity for all to compete for it's glory. It was created by none other than Norman O'Ree for the original tourney. Norman saw this tournament happening year after year and all that was given to the victors was a pint of ale and some congratulations. After the 3rd year of the tourney happening Norman had to do something to make it a bit more exciting for all involved. The Challenge Cup was born. It's since been awarded to every Simulation Hockey League team winner since that tourney. It has seen it's ups and downs over the years. It's seen the insides of mansions, private jets, bottoms of swimming pools, taken onto boats in champions home towns. It's made out of a secret material that doesn't allow any dings, dents, or microbes to live on it.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check (150 words min.)
Which league has the more prestigious cup in your opinion, the SHL or the SMJHL? Which cup is harder to win? A lot is said about the different skill sets required to GM in each league, so which do you personally think is tougher to manage? Is a trophy case with three Four Star Cups as cool as a trophy case with three Challenge Cups? Maybe you think it’s even cooler. Why?

This question all depends on who you ask as to what they will believe. You see, the Simulation Hockey League has the Challenge Cup while the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League has the Four Star Cup. What is harder to earn? It's pretty simple and straight forward, isn't it? The Challenge Cup is by and far the harder cup to win. These are teams that have to play together for season after season, with the right drafting abilities and knowledge of the game by the coaches and general managers. The Four Star cup is based off of teams that stay together at the most four seasons. With new players being added and supplemented all the time. It's very easy for Simulation Major Junior Hockey League Teams to revamp and restart themselves and be competitive again in a few seasons. The players skill levels also all max out very quickly and put everyone on a level playing field.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Atlanta is a recent expansion team reaching it's first finals appearance. Chicago has been a dominant force in the league for a long time now, with their last cup win only seven seasons ago in Season 57. If you're betting on these finals, do you go for the experienced vets in Chicago, or the hungry Atlanta first-timers?
b. Chicago's lineup much more active with their sticks than Atlanta's, racking up 97 takeaways to Atlanta's 79. This late in the playoffs, how do you adjust to a team that's so adept at picking your pocket?
c. Atlanta has only 32 penalty minutes in these playoffs compared to Chicago's 45. With emotions high and the Challenge Cup on the line, do you think discipline will play a big role in this series?
d. Similar to last season's finals, we see Chicago running a balanced ice-time attack against Atlanta's targeted approach that has some players seeing sheltered minutes. Last season the more balanced attack won out. Do you think we'll see the same again? Why or why not?

A. As a betting man I would have to go for the Chicago Syndacite to beat the Atlanta Inferno. They have a bit more experience coming into this series and are not viewed as a team who just lucked out and beat the league "favorite". Atlanta Inferno have a wonderful team and a strong sense of loyalty to the team, however they may not have what it takes to beat out those favorites.

B. While the Chicago Syndicate may have the ability to pick the Atlanta Inferno's pockets more, the Atlanta Inferno need to be stingier with their possessions and have a better passing game that is deadly accurate. You can't have one team taking the puck every time your out there. So back to basics it is for the Atlanta Inferno.

C. I think discipline on both teams parts will help play a factor in these finals. However, I don't believe it will be the deciding factor for either team. Both teams are exemplary examples of how to adapt to the team they are playing and yet stay true to the identity they have created for themselves.

D. I think having depth on your team is the way that people are going to win in any playoff setting. If one player gets injured, an accomplished, worthy, and hungry player is right behind them who knows the systems and knows how to win when called upon. It's the depth that matters most in these situations.

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: wearingabear.gif]
render cred: @rum_ham, @Rangerjase @Ragnar @supertardis101 @Jogurtaa @Drokeep @evilallbran @Carpy48 @enigmatic
Player Page | Update Page
Armada  Forge  Finland

Task 1


Task 2

a. Atlanta had a very good playoff run to get themselves in the Challenge Cup finals, but if I had to bet on the series before it started, I would have put my money on Chicago. I think they have the better team and they’ve been there before, they know what it takes to win.
b. It’ll be cliché to say, but you have to just play simple hockey. Don’t force a play that’s not there and you won’t get the puck turned over. If you are able to make the simple play, it’ll usually result in a positive outcome, and if it doesn’t the damage is significantly reduced since there are no risky plays being tried to get something going.
c. Discipline is a huge part of the playoffs. At a time when goals are at a premium, you do not want to be giving your opponents any opportunity to score. Reducing the number of penalties you take not only allows for your opponent to have less powerplays, but it also allows your team to get into a rhythm 5 on 5 and not constantly having to shuffle things up to kill penalties.
d. I don’t know much about FHM and how the tactics work, but I would assume that balanced might be the way to go. It’ll probably allow the players to have an overall better approach to the game. However, this probably works best with their deeper lineup. If Atlanta has players who aren’t as good, the sheltered minutes could have their better players on the ice more often. Just have to hope fatigue doesn’t impact their play.

Task 3

a. This is a tricky thing to plan for, because you want to defend well but knowing guys can jump in at any time makes it tricky. Quebec likely has to take a more man on man defensive approach to make sure these guys are constantly being watched. If you start to collapse in the zone these guys will jump in and could hurt you back door or make plays.
b. You can’t really do anything about this besides play good defense. Really high shooting percentage are generally not sustainable, so taking away high danger areas of the ice will be your best bet. If you don’t give them any good looks and they still manage to score, well then that’s a good shot, but you don’t want to give them easy chances to bury goals, because they’ll make you pay.
c. Going into the playoffs sometimes its better to be the hot team than the better team. We’ve seen a lot of runs where the team that gets hot at the right moment can easily make a deep run and even win. That being said, the finals is a different game, there are more nerves, the consequences are magnified and everybody plays tighter. Both teams are good and can make their own luck, will be an interesting one to see.
d. If you’re Newfoundland the most important thing is probably not to get too comfortable and complacent. Even though there’s a ton of recent success, you have to go in there with the mentality of wanting to win it all as if it was your first. For Quebec, you just need to think you’re the underdog, you’ve got nothing to lose, and you go out for the kill. They’ve been a top team, so there’s no reason they can’t win it either.

Task 5

This is an interesting question, and honestly pretty difficult to answer. I think a lot of people will argue that the Challenge Cup is harder to win than the 4 Star Cup, however I don’t really know if that’s the case. The SMJHL is unique in how it is run and the rules around players. Having a TPE cap means most of the discrepancies between players is very small, and that makes it even harder to win a cup. Not to mention, the lifetime of players playing in the SMJHL is very short, so higher turnover means a lot more difficulty to build a quality team in a shorter period of time.

Perhaps the way to see it is building a team capable of winning the 4 Star Cup is easier than building a Challenge Cup contender, but to actually win the 4 Star Cup is harder due to the lower discrepancy in talent amongst players.

Task 7

+2 Milestones

Task 18

The playoffs were quite a surprise this season actually, mainly because I was not expecting the Steelhawks to make as deep a run as we did. We were one of the bottom playoff teams and we managed to make it to the Eastern Conference Finals, beating an incredible Buffalo team which we probably should have lost to. On top of that, it was nice to see some new teams make a deep run and have a playoff impact, like the San Francisco Pride and the Atlanta Inferno. Having more diversity is showing us that there is more parity coming into the league, which should give everyone a breath of fresh air and be hopeful that their team could make a run and possibly win a cup.

[Image: Otrebor13.gif]

[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]  [Image: gdppv5N.png]

(This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 05:29 PM by kenvald. Edited 10 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Atlanta is a recent expansion team reaching it's first finals appearance. Chicago has been a dominant force in the league for a long time now, with their last cup win only seven seasons ago in Season 57. If you're betting on these finals, do you go for the experienced vets in Chicago, or the hungry Atlanta first-timers?
Looking back, statistically and historically speaking Chicago will take home the cup. In the last two decades experience has always beaten the newcomers. And Chicago has shown consistency for years. Not only counting the one cup win in S57. Atlanta is looking strong and beat some big names on their way to the championship finals, but they're gonna need another season or two before the cup will be theirs.

b. Chicago's lineup much more active with their sticks than Atlanta's, racking up 97 takeaways to Atlanta's 79. This late in the playoffs, how do you adjust to a team that's so adept at picking your pocket?
No matter which round you're in the playoffs you have to consider and adjust for your opponent's playstyle. This is no different. And when it comes to a team that's strong on blocking passing lanes and having seemingly too long sticks, then you simply have to slow down your play a bit. Make sure each pass and advance up the ice is calculated. Because if not, then it's not your puck anymore.

c. Atlanta has only 32 penalty minutes in these playoffs compared to Chicago's 45. With emotions high and the Challenge Cup on the line, do you think discipline will play a big role in this series?
Yes, as always the special teams will play a huge role in every game. Discipline is extremely important. You can't let your opponent get one up on you at any time. They will play harder than ever before to take advantage of any powerplay. Both teams are extremely dangerous on the man advantage.

d. Similar to last season's finals, we see Chicago running a balanced ice-time attack against Atlanta's targeted approach that has some players seeing sheltered minutes. Last season the more balanced attack won out. Do you think we'll see the same again? Why or why not?
If you have strong and fit enough players to handle a balanced approach then I believe that will win every time. Giving your best players 25-30 minutes a games looks good in the first period but with limited rest they're not gonna be able to put up as strong of a fight through the entire game. Especially if it ends up going to overtime.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Origin Story (150 words min.)
Everyone wants the Challenge cup… but how did it get here? Tell me the origin story of the Challenge Cup! Where did it come from? Who paid for it? Who forged it? What did it look like in Season 1 vs. now in Season 64? Has it changed a lot? Maybe it has been damaged?
The Challenge Cup was forged in the fires of the Yellowstone super volcano in 1477. Using the rarest metal on earth: Simulationite. Initially it wasn't used for hockey, but instead passed between nations as they defeated each other on the battle field. The cup had been lost for over 400 years until it was unearthed, practically unharmed, 64 years ago by a man known as D. Teddy.

As there were no more wars, people first wanted to put it in a museum. But no one could agree on which museum would get the honor of hosting the cup. Instead the idea was brought up to keep the cup's tradition alive. To pass it on to those who beat another in battle. Not war, but a kind of battle that was slightly less bloody: Ice hockey. A new league was formed, the Simulation Hockey League. And ever since then the Challenge Cup has been giving to the team that bests all other teams each season.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check (150 words min.)
Which league has the more prestigious cup in your opinion, the SHL or the SMJHL? Which cup is harder to win? A lot is said about the different skill sets required to GM in each league, so which do you personally think is tougher to manage? Is a trophy case with three Four Star Cups as cool as a trophy case with three Challenge Cups? Maybe you think it’s even cooler. Why?
This is a question that's quite hard to answer. I've only been a GM for an SHL team and don't really have an insight into everything that goes into managing a SMJHL team. My answer will therfore not really be based in facts, more opinions.

I belive the SHL Challenge Cup is the more prestigious trophy. For three main reasons. (a) There are more teams you have to beat to get your hands on the cup. (b) There's no bye week in the SHL playoffs. While in the J if you're doing well in the regular season you're given a free pass past round 1. © The short lifetime of players in the J forces teams to rebuild a lot more often. If your big rival wins three years in a row after a great draft, you know their players will be called up very soon and open up the window for yourself. While in the SHL this is evidently the case.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

[Image: sBUQCq8.png]

Past Players

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

verification word : tocaps

One (1) affiliate claim from either PBE, WSBL or the ISFL will be accepted for 3 TPE! *if you’re claiming this and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.* Please feel free to PM with any questions or concerns.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


20. Written, 3 TPE, Ruthless Capitalist (150 words min.)
Someone that looks like the Monopoly guy just gave you two million dollars and a two year deadline to make the SHL a growing and profitable business. What do you do with that seed money to make this an online platform that facilitates you milking as much money as possible from the users? ALTERNATIVELY, if you don’t want to be malicious, what would you do with 2 million dollars to improve the site and make it the best sim league in the world?

With all this money available I would try to invest to make the sim engine a better engine. These days it feels the hockey sims games are done with low effort and focuses on emulating a realistic NHL season instead of being a pure engine where if you stray away from the creator's standards of what should work or not you get similar results still. I've heard many engines are built to emulate a NHL season without much care to palyer's diversity. I'd like to pay people to develop something were more variables would be taken into account, where getting a NHL similar result is dependent on palyer's attribute and not the sim forcing it to happen. I would like it to allow easier and better exports of statistics and results but also make it able to pull in player's attribute easily. I would like for all the hidden attributes or morale or anything to be exposed and make sure it doesnt impact the league negatively. A pure sim engine, still with randomness to it, but where good earners and good tacticians are rewarded and also that we are sure there aren't hidden factors interfering in our simulations.

22. Written, 2 TPE, Be Nice (100 words min.)
I’ve seen this prompt used from time to time and I think the end of my first full season as PT director is as good of a time as any. Use this 100 words to give a compliment to someone in the community that you appreciate! Whether it’s a friend, a GM, a PT director, or one of those amazing folks that designed the card website– try to make someone smile with some kind words!

I want to first thank all my Colorado Raptors mentors/teamates/locker room sharers but especially @Ruggsy @LordBirdman @Jumbobone19 @hhh81 @Drokeep @jay2233 that helped me get involved more in the league on my 3rd SHL stint, I think I like the whole experience a lot more thanks to them and they helped me directly or indirectly get more fun from it. I always felt respected by them and it was somehow a valuable ego boost for me in some way. I am grateful to know them and I try my best to give back in the Colorado LR in hopes to have a positive impacts on users that pass by there.

I want to thank all my Atlanta Inferno teamates from the past and future. I really feel at home in the locker room, we can go crazy on memes but when it's time to be serious we can also do it. I don't recall one bad interaction from my 2 years in there, always positive or snarky in a friendly way. here are some pings sorry if I forgor some @hotdog @goldenglutes @mrfinland @Leppish @Briedaqueduc @Gwdjohnson @5ympathies @duff @Jepox @gordon bombay @RenoJacksonHS @CaptainCamel @sakrosankt @leviadan

16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

Angus McFife XVII was actually born in England, in Dundee. However, the kingdom got nuked in an apocalypse in 1992, which opened the torrorvortex, leading him to destroy the chaos wizard in that dimension and then transporting Angus back to another reality, similar to his but where the SHL exists. When back, he was somehow still prince in England but fell in love with a princess from Czechia, which made him switch allegiance to his beloved country. The new Kingdom of Czechia welcomed Angus to with open arms and he was happy to play hockey and hopefully bring back a medal in the near future.

Character Page RD- Quarterback
[Image: micool132.gif]

Retired players:
-Toki Wartooth
-Nathan Explosion btw
-Angus McFife XVIII

[Image: lUeg4KM.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-04-2022, 05:05 PM by CementHands. Edited 3 times in total.)

ISFL Task Cross Claim


1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


Verification: List


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Atlanta is a recent expansion team reaching it's first finals appearance. Chicago has been a dominant force in the league for a long time now, with their last cup win only seven seasons ago in Season 57. If you're betting on these finals, do you go for the experienced vets in Chicago, or the hungry Atlanta first-timers?

You bet on Chicago, but I think you cheer for Atlanta. What a run they had, it was awesome to watch, even being on the losing side to them. A team that truly no one expected to get there made a magical run, that ultimately, unfortunately ended without the glory that they, and I think most of the league were hoping for.  64 Words

b. Chicago's lineup much more active with their sticks than Atlanta's, racking up 97 takeaways to Atlanta's 79. This late in the playoffs, how do you adjust to a team that's so adept at picking your pocket?

Well, you get most of the takeaways from the middle of the rink, in between blue lines. So you stretch the ice. You carry the puck and dump and chase. Boring hockey it may be, this is what you get forced into against a team that stacks the middle of the ice. 52 Words

c. Atlanta has only 32 penalty minutes in these playoffs compared to Chicago's 45. With emotions high and the Challenge Cup on the line, do you think discipline will play a big role in this series? 

Yes, and I think it usually does. It depends on how the refs and league decide to call the games. If they go like NHL reffing then discipline doesn't really matter because they won't call discipline related penalties because they "don't want to influence the outcome" - even though not calling penalties is influencing the outcome. 56 Words

d. Similar to last season's finals, we see Chicago running a balanced ice-time attack against Atlanta's targeted approach that has some players seeing sheltered minutes. Last season the more balanced attack won out. Do you think we'll see the same again? Why or why not?

Yes. I think the balanced approach simply means depth. The deeper team will be able to go hard because their top players are playing fewer minutes, getting more rest. Over the course of a series this should be a huge advantage to the team with depth. Especially talking this late in playoffs you have been through a tough, grueling 3 rounds already, you need to keep it going for another. 70 Words

5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check (150 words min.)
Which league has the more prestigious cup in your opinion, the SHL or the SMJHL? Which cup is harder to win? A lot is said about the different skill sets required to GM in each league, so which do you personally think is tougher to manage? Is a trophy case with three Four Star Cups as cool as a trophy case with three Challenge Cups? Maybe you think it’s even cooler. Why?

SHL is by far the more prestigious cup. Additionally people chasing SMJHL glory can actually be seen as detrimental for the league. First of all SHL is clearely harder to capture because short of breaking the sim engine, there is no hard cap to players so every aspect of building your own player, managing teams over years drafting for longevity are all important. In the SMJHL there is a benefit to draft players who will go inactive after a few seasons because then you keep their corpse as a high or capped player for longer. An argument can be made the best smjhl team would have all gone inactive by the time they win the cup. This is an overall detriment for the league because we want to have active players.
It's much easier to rebuild an smjhl team because it can be done in 1-2 seasons, a complete overhaul. Scouting is important due to the quantity, but less important to get activity. If you miss with a top round pick in the SHL you can feel that for many seasons to come.

183 Words



6. Written, 3 TPE, Dream Team 150 words min
You have to create the perfect SHL or SMJHL line for your player to be on. Who do you put on your line and why? Is it something about their style of play that compliments yours? Does it only include players from the present, or do you dip into the past to find an incredible D pair? Or are you just choosing your friends ‘cause they’d be fun to win the cup with?

W - Daniil Nikiforov.  Platoon  I wondered about the other wing. Who do I want. I looked through history and I looked at the current rosters. Nikiforov is the trigger man on this line. Krash is not, He's the screener / grinder, that's how he has always been and high goal totals occasionally were not expected from his play style
C - Ethan Duncan.  Platoon  Only able to play together for a few seasons on the same line, but Duncan is one of if not the highest TPE in history, especially after the change to bump up regression one season earlier

D - Adam Barron.  Aurora  Stars  Platoon My opinion the best D to grace the league. I don't care if he's 60 years old, he's probably better than the alternate choice.
D - Magnus Liljestrom.  Aurora  Barracuda A teammate from Sweden, Liljestrom is one of the better D in the league constantly and an absolute force in the backfield. Also maybe they could speak some secret Swedish together.

G - Harry Carpet Stars You have the best goalie ever available you have to pick them. The only thing I think can be argued against Carpet is the unfortunate lack of a cup, but I don't think anyone holds that against Carpet as it is widely recognised that is more due to the quality of teams than the player (not to mention the "FHM allows player build agency" era that was unfortunately ruthless to teams that let their players build however they wanted)


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


Milestone Link


19/16 TPE

[Image: krash.gif]

[Image: kLRJavo.png][Image: ZjgHcNL.png]

[Image: s9JOf1N.png][Image: wW0VNnL.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-04-2022, 04:30 PM by charlieconway. Edited 2 times in total.)

Quote:1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

verification: vixen

Quote:5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check (150 words min.)
Which league has the more prestigious cup in your opinion, the SHL or the SMJHL? Which cup is harder to win? A lot is said about the different skill sets required to GM in each league, so which do you personally think is tougher to manage? Is a trophy case with three Four Star Cups as cool as a trophy case with three Challenge Cups? Maybe you think it’s even cooler. Why?

I think there's honestly an argument to be made for both. That is to say, there's not a clear winner in this debate.
For the Challenge Cup, it's the highest level of our league. The teams are big, the egos are bigger, and you're dealing with a host of teams all trying to make good on their promises to their users to achieve success. I know the job of an SHL GM is tough: you do what you can, but there's no way to guarantee that you'll win the top prize. You have to manage the salary cap, TPE windows, and every decision is under the microscope of your fellow GMs and HO.
The Four Star Cup is a little different, as the teams aren't such a long term project. But that also comes with its own challenges: scouting is of the utmost importance, and you have such an incredible duty to these new users (mostly) to make their introduction to the league as good as possible. There are fewer teams, but you could argue there's less maneuverability when it comes to rosters.

I'd say any GM or player that wins either trophy has done supremely well.

Quote:6. Written, 3 TPE, Dream Team 150 words min
You have to create the perfect SHL or SMJHL line for your player to be on. Who do you put on your line and why? Is it something about their style of play that compliments yours? Does it only include players from the present, or do you dip into the past to find an incredible D pair? Or are you just choosing your friends ‘cause they’d be fun to win the cup with?

I think I’d stick with current players, and try and pick the best possible line with chemistry and ability taken into account.

Center: Aaron Wilson Steelhawks
This may be a weird pick given that Wilson is way on the bad side of regression, but I think he’s been one of the best centers of the last ten seasons and always seems to have a great statistical season. He is a wizard with the puck, and especially if I can use these players at their peak, then I don’t think there’s anyone else that can match his puckhandling and offensive mind. Oh yeah… Wilson and Barron have been teammates on Team Canada for 12 seasons now.

Left Wing: Ryu Jones Platoon
Jones is someone that’s been Adam Barron’s teammate for the last two seasons in Baltimore and the six seasons on Toronto before that. One of the best players in the league right now, AND has undoubted chemistry with my player? Yes please.

Right Wing: Karl Krashwagen Platoon
Big, physical winger that can create space for Jones and Wilson, and chip in with goals. Barron and Krashwagen’s time together goes all the way back to juniors: they were drafted the same year to the Halifax Raiders. Like Wilson, he’s deep in regression, but peak Krashwagen is a monster and asset to any line.

Defensive Partner: Jonas Kahnwald Panthers
I don’t have much personal connection to Jonas Kahnwald, but I think he’s a stud defenseman at his peak and can play on both sides of the ice, with a physical presence as well.

Goalie: Elizabeth Doyle Stampede
One of the best goalies to play the game. It was a tossup between Doyle and Carpet, with whom Adam played for six seasons in Toronto.

Quote:7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Link to the thread. Claiming +3

Quote:16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

I grew up watching Team Canada play at the world juniors every winter. When you're a kid, and especially when you get closer to the age of the players that play in the tournament, you start to think about an alternate reality where you get the chance to put on your country's jersey and represent the nation at what I consider one of the best hockey tournaments in the year. I'm glad now to have chosen Canada, as it has a lot of really great people in the LR... and there's the bonus of having a subchannel for discussion the Montreal Canadiens, my favorite hockey team. If and when I recreate there's no doubt in my mind that I'll be choosing Canada again.

Quote:22. Written, 2 TPE, Be Nice (100 words min.)
I’ve seen this prompt used from time to time and I think the end of my first full season as PT director is as good of a time as any. Use this 100 words to give a compliment to someone in the community that you appreciate! Whether it’s a friend, a GM, a PT director, or one of those amazing folks that designed the card website– try to make someone smile with some kind words!

It's an appropriate time to say it since he's stepping down now as Co-GM of Baltimore: I think mastersheep is a great user and asset to the entire site, as well as the Baltimore Platoon. Sheep is always ready and willing to help with player builds, has been nothing but friendly with me in our interactions, and I genuinely think he has a great mind for sim hockey. I don't really have a viewpoint beyond the looking glass in terms of management for the platoon, but my understanding is that Sheep helps with tactics and testing and that doesn't surprise me at all for someone that seems to have a great understanding of FHM.

[Image: 9ZNnX19.png]

Canada | Player Page | Grizzlies | Player Updates | Inferno

1. CW Trivia
3/16 TPE

2. Grab bag
a. At this point I would never bet against Chicago up against any none dominate team. While Atlanta has had a few good seasons recently I don’t think they have much of a chance. Chicago being one of the original great lakes teams seems to only fail against other great lakes teams.
b. While I am not a gm and have no idea what to do I will pretend. If Chicago is going to take the puck away then Atlanta needs to get rid of the puck. Do not give Chicago the chance to take advantage of them. Atlanta needs to pass frequently and shoot any shots they get.
c. While Chicago does have 13 more penalty minutes than Atlanta I don’t think that is going to play a big factor. Neither team has a large number of penalty minutes already but I would expect Chicago to pull themselves together and lower that number in the finals. I am unsure about how Atlanta will handle the pressure.
d. I think both strategies are valid and have their benefits. Splitting ice time evenly or balanced works well when you have depth in your roster. Chicago has that depth so running a balanced lineup is a good strategy for them. Keep everyone fresh. Atlanta needs to rely on their top line to do a lot of work. This strategy can work but I don’t think it will work.

Sketchy rich monopoly guy gives me a chunk of cash. Time to make the site the best. First things first I cut IIHF. While money wasn’t really needed to make this choice I know have the power to do it. Next we hire some full time coders, I know we have some pretty smart shl users we might be able to pickup full time, to give the site a couple of overhauls. Make updates an automatic process similar to banking. Next ill use some money influence to talk with out of the park studios about ways to improve FHM releases to promote both better control and parity. Of course making a better fhm would be pointless if I didn’t buy copies for the entire league. Now everyone gets a copy of the new FHM complete with signed copy of a Makrus card and Makrus on the front of the game. Money really does buy happiness.

Epic equipment for sale? Hell ya, Makrus about to hit the ice like we raiding Onyxia’s Lair. First thing Makrus needs is an epic helmet. Lets call it helm of the faceless man. This helmet does everything a normal helmet does but it obscures Makrus’s face. Think Vivi from Final Fantasy but without the eyes or cool magic. Just darkness under a helmet. Not that his identity is safe Makrus needs a weapon. Makrus wields The Faceoffer. A stick that complies with all hockey rules except the end is a shadow flame sickle blade. The blade fits all the requirements of the end of a regular hockey stick but looks super cool and can phase in and out. Giving Makrus the edge in all faceoffs and impromptu death battles. Lastly Makrus needs skates, Skates of the Trailblazer to be exact. These skates create a small current on the ice allow for Makrus’s teammates to gain speed boots when skating in his trail. This lets allies get into shooting lanes faster than ever. After all Makrus is all about the assist.

7. Milstones

[Image: qm0v49d.png]

1: up to 3 TPE 
CW trivia - verification word: moist

5: 3 TPE
It is very difficult to give a definitive answer to which is ‘better’, it’s a purely subjective thing. As a winner of neither cup, I am maybe not the best places to answer it, but hell, I’m going to anyway! As mentioned, the skill sets are very different. For the Four Star, you need to be able to identify early promise, help out your players and keep them engaged and earning, guide them in the best way to improve their player. You have to be a mentor as much as a manager. It’s also difficult to commit to ‘long term’ projects, as your players will last a maximum of 4 years with your team, less if you’re really good at your job. Now the Challenge Cup. This is a whole different kettle of fish. Whereas in the J, teams ebb and flow, get better then worse etc, at the moment, the SHL is pretty stagnant. This season and last have thrown up surprise cup contenders, but the general way to get there is find away past Hamilton, Chicago, Texas and Buffalo. LA and Atlanta have bucked the trend, hopefully this is a way forward.

7: 3 TPE

15: 3 TPE 
This will be my second IIHF with the UK team, having missed out on my first couple of SHL seasons. One really exciting thing, for me personally, is how Argonaut heavy the UK team is. Along with myself, Rhys Pritchard and Liam Slate, this season we’ve added the amazing Daud Ramza and Landon Fischermann, my line mate for this tournament I think, to the side. This is an exciting SHL/IIHF crossover for me. I also think that the team is looking really good this season and we can put the disappointment of last season behind us and challenge for a medal. Aside from the UK/Seattle crossover, Sweden look dangerous, Canada as always look good in the lead up. I’m not too sure about the USA this season, they’ve certainly had a rough start to the tournament! And of course Latvia, who continue to punch well above their weight, and size! Led by one of my favourite players in the league, and former teammate, Darzins.

16: 2 TPE 
So, I chose the UK for a really boring reason, it’s where I’m from! Now, when I joined SHL, it was my first foray into Sim Leagues, so I went very vanilla and made a player with a background I know and can relate to. Although, in ISFL, I also created a British player, but with a bit of a different background and very different name, I don’t tend to carry things across leagues. SSL I made a foreign player finally, an Italian, due to my love of Italian football (yes it’s football, not soccer, fight me if you disagree). So I guess I chose the UK both for simplicity of my first player being more relatable, but I have shown I’m not stuck on it elsewhere.

18: 2 TPE 
Well, I’d just like to say that I’ve enjoyed a bit of variety in the finals, this season and last. Los Angeles last season and Atlanta this season have breathed some new life into the finals, and made it more compelling than any other time since I joined the league. A change from the Hamilton/Buffalo/Chicago/ Texas round robin that was occurring before has really piqued my interest again. I’ve found it difficult to get excited for the same handful of teams to be facing off in the conference championships and Finals, so seeing these 2 other teams get there has definitely made this a good period, maybe the transition away from the domination we’ve had. I know they both lost in the finals, and welll done to Chicago, but you have to hand it to Atlanta especially, as a recent expansion team. I was obviously hoping Seattle would beat them to a cup final, but it’s coming, I can feel it in my jellies!

[Image: A3AlstA.png]

Milestones +3
CW TRIVIA - Verification word: Bear +3

[Image: gaWPJhU.gif]
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 11:13 PM by LordBirdman. Edited 1 time in total.)

Sim Soccer Affiliate +3 TPE (Birdman)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


4. Written, 3 TPE, Origin Story (150 words min.)
Everyone wants the Challenge cup… but how did it get here? Tell me the origin story of the Challenge Cup! Where did it come from? Who paid for it? Who forged it? What did it look like in Season 1 vs. now in Season 64? Has it changed a lot? Maybe it has been damaged?

The Challenge Cup looks like the championship from a far away alternate universe where the hockey league is called the NHL. It has name plates with each players name from the winning team chiseled into it, however these are changed out by necessity with new winners every few seasons. It was actually discovered in a meteor strike which is suspected to have come from a wormhole that leads to an alternate universe. When the meteor struck SHL headquarters, it was initially believed to be a disaster. Many of HO’s lackeys were injured or worse in the strike and the building nearly burned to the ground, but in the cleanup they discovered the cup sticking out the side of the meteor. The SHL intern that was ordered to pry the cup from the meteor immediately turned to dust, his account deleted. After learning to handle it with clean white gloves, they were able to harness its inter-dimensional powers.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

I chose Sven Svenson to be a Swede because I lived in Sweden and really enjoyed the country. I know they really love the sport of hockey and are incredibly skilled at it, consistently outperforming other much larger countries on the national stage despite having a much smaller population. I knew when I first found the SHL that I needed to make Sven Svenson, big goal scoring Swedish man with a big golden beard. One of Sven’s true disappointments in his career is his inability to bring home the gold medal for his beloved King Carl. Sven has been on some stacked Sweden teams and been unable to close out the deal, he is very hopeful that changes soon.

18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series?

The huge surprise this year has to be the San Francisco Pride. After a decent regular season, San Francisco had a deep Cinderella run that saw them lose to the eventual cup champion Chicago Syndicate in Game 7 of the Western Conference Finals. No one expected San Francisco to be competitive in the second round of the playoffs and they shocked the world by playing such strong playoff hockey. San Francisco started the playoffs off with a comeback series win against division rival Seattle. They won back to back games in Game 6 and 7 to advance to another hated rival, the Los Angeles Panthers. SFP has been eliminated by LAP a number of times in recent memory but SFP managed to take them down in 6 games.

[Image: BirdmanSHL.gif]

Jean-François Bokassa

Proud Father of Johnny Wagner-Svenson

[Image: unknown.png]
Sven Svenson Career Stats

Sweden Raptors pride

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.