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S64 Championship Week

gm pass

[Image: Pythonic.gif] [Image: Championship_Sig.png]

[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] [Image: QtEp67y.png] [Image: 2sRs0Cq.png]

(This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 10:17 PM by MamaB. Edited 3 times in total.)

1) Thanks! 3 TPE

7) Milestones [b]3 TPE[/b]
Goals: 20 or more
Assists: 44 or more
Plus/Minus (+/-): 23 or higher
Penalty Minutes (PIM): 14 or fewer
Fights: 1 or more
Hits: 113 or more
Special Points (Powerplay + Shorthanded): 9 or more
Faceoff %: 54.16% or more
Game Winning Goals (GWG): 3 or more (check the link above)
Give Aways (GvA): 32 or fewer
Take Aways (TkA): 30 or more

17) 2TPE
DID YOU KNOW: In the United States, most farm animals are fed with corn products? In Canada, where I am from, most farm animals are fed with wheat products.  I have lived in both places, and interestingly enough, you can actually see the difference in the food (meat and eggs) you may consume from those animals.  For example, the eggs in the United States are a very bright yellow color.  In Canada, the egg yolk is a more pale yellow color.  Just a simple difference in how the animals are raised, can really make you think about what you are consuming!

20) 3TPE
If I had been given 2 million dollars to make this the most hype league, I would create many different opportunities for people to enhance game day suspense and excitement.  I would work with different users to make a game day banter video where users who know and respect each other could roast each other and their respective teams.  This would hopefully entice people to watch the games live.  I would also work to create a league wide betting pool where people could place real money down.  A portion of those winnings would be donated back into the site so that the site would be able to continue to amp up the excitement and fun.  And lastly, I would offer everyone-all site users, a league hosted brunch in a couple different locations around the world to give users the opportunity to meet each other in person if they wanted to!

21) 3 TPE 
I find that no matter where I am, my mind is wandering to where and when I will be consuming my next snack, meal, or treat.  The hockey gear that I have been gifted will end this intrusive thought, and will give me exactly what I am desiring at the moment! My new and fancy gloves will have a built in app that allows me to order ubereats on the ice, from the bench, in the locker room, on a bus, etc.  AND! I can order from anywhere in the world, and at any time of day, and get whatever food I want because…YA GIRL SIGNED A CONTRACT AS THE NEWEST SPOKESPERSON FOR UBEREATS! Wherever, whenever, whatever I want, ubereats will find my location, and send me exactly what I am desiring! I am pumped for this new opportunity and responsibility, but also just thrilled that I have been chosen based on my wild idea and love for food!

22) 2 TPE 
Today I would like to make @Tesla and @thevoicelesscreator smile.  Both of these people have continuously been in the locker rooms, on twitter, or in many different chat rooms with positive vibes and joy.  Both continue to see the positive side of any negativity and work to make people feel heard in any given situation.  The thing that I find most endearing about these two creators is their desire to keep the peace with their humor and their wit.  Both creators bring a quiet, but helpful energy to each of the spaces that they occupy, and I appreciate both of them greatly.

[Image: 65157_s.gif]

J GM CW pass

[Image: AKkkxoP.png] [Image: U0nD2Rt.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 09:36 PM by supertardis101. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. done

7. MIlestones

17. Ireland is a nation that has some of the best literature ever to come out of it. The works of James Joyce are absolutely loving and extremely telling of the human condition. He is an aboluslte gem to what this world means and what being human should mean. Billy absolutely admires the work of Ulyssses and Potrait of an Artist as a young man. I am not personally a huge fan of these novels but Billy loves them. People often thing of Ireland as a country of brutes without much culture or anything to offer but they are much more that! I would encourage anyone who would think of Ireland in this way to do some research on the works of Irelands great writers and I would hope that you would be pleasently suprised! There is some very very intresting stuff. 

20. I would make the SHL virtual reality compatable. The way this would would basically be that all the games were transferred into 3 D oculus rift virtual technology or something llike that. With this you would be able to plug in your headset and you could control and play as your character from the first person perspective. It would be super fun and it would provide something really cool to bring you closer to your player while also using that 2 million dollars very very well. I think it could be a really cool addition to the sales pitch for the league and could hopefully drive membership through the roof becuase we could hopefully get a taste of all that virtual reality money and moolah. We could even maybe monetizie the league with ads or something on the headsets. That could be really cool. 

22. I would love to compliment the entire Buffalo Stampede locker room. There are so many cool guys in there who deserve so much recongition for what they do for this league. That place is literally always hoping and is always moving with people. It is amazing to be honest on what they do and I am so happy that I can be a part of it. I am not the most active guy in there but I appreciate them mantaining me and keeping up with me. Those guys are great the leadership is top notch. I am very satisfied with Buffalo. I hope to remain a stampede buffalo type person for many seasons and many years to come!


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[Image: psdforbrookssiganimatedwhitetext.gif]

GM CW Pass

(This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 10:47 PM by dogwoodmaple. Edited 4 times in total.)


7. Milestones
+3 TPE

15. Written, 3 TPE, IIHF Hype (150 words min.) +3 TPE
Call it bias, but I'm predicting a Sweden gold medal this year.  We have a bad taste in our mouth from last season and I just know that our players, coaches, and fans are ready to see Sweden atop the medal podium this year.  We had a bit of a rough start to round robin play, but we kept our heads down and persevered.  We're through to the quarterfinals and take on Austria for a chance at the semis.  Henrik Lekberg Osterman and Calvin Hobbes are the two straws that are stirring the proverbial drink on our offense and I foresee both of them playing a huge role in the knockout round. I think Osterman will end up as the most valuable player of the entire tournament with his prolific goal scoring and overall clutch ability.  In the other group, the clear frontrunner has to be Canada.  They have an absolutely loaded squad and performed well in the round-robin stage. They're probably our stiffest competition going forward, but no matter who we play it will be an all-out war.
(179 words)

16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.) +2 TPE
I'm an American by birth, but I don't think I ever got much interest from Team USA when it came time for my first WJC tournament.  I remember that a representative of Team Sweden reached out to me as a potential new Swede and I jumped at the chance.  First, I was thankful for the interest, especially being a new create.  And second, I played with numerous current Swedes in Maine and shared the locker room with even more.  It honestly just seemed like a perfect fit for my player at the time and I'm so glad things worked out the way they did. I've been able to meet users who I otherwise don't get to interact with and we have the best locker room in all the IIHF.  Hopefully we can bring home the gold this year
(139 words)

20. Written, 3 TPE, Ruthless Capitalist (150 words min.) +3 TPE
With the $2 million, I would hire a full time staff of head office representatives and various other employees around the site.  We would create an update database like they use in SCFSL, EFL, or VHL to make updating infinitely easier and less messy. It would also remove the need for the level of auditing that we currently have, which will save money.  The one thing that I would do that isn't super popular would be to implement advertising before, during, and after the sims.  That would help create consistent cashflow to pay for the administrative positions and make sure all of the employees are well-compensated.  We would also try to create strategic alliances with current prominent NHL players to help with advertising and league growth.  Between the ads and the continued growth, we'd have perhaps the most popular and most successful simulation league currently on the market.  Plus, with the extra money left over we could improve our stream quality, stream frequency, and overall stat keeping within the league.  As they say, you have to spend money to make money and I would dole out every penny of the initial $2 million as well as every advertising cent we could spare once our people are paid.
(207 words)

22. Written, 2 TPE, Be Nice (100 words min.) +2 TPE
Shoutout to Wally!  When I was traded to Toronto, I barely knew a soul.  I had spent every second of my SHL career in Hamilton and made some close friends there and until the trade, planned to spend my entire career as a Steelhawk. But the moment I was traded to Toronto, Wally welcomed me in with open arms in the locker room and made me feel right at home.  Whether it was discussing free agents, getting my own personal take on my player's goals, or just talking shop about the sim, he never hesitated to make sure I was involved at every step of the way.  He's truly made me feel like a lifelong North Star and I'm so thankful for him being such a gracious host.  I'm excited for some big things in Toronto this year!
(138 words)

[Image: pkHEmu9.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 11:28 PM by GoonerBear. Edited 6 times in total.)

PBE claim - 3 TPE

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word: bunt

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

2 TPE claimed here

16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

There were two reasons I chose the United Kingdom for my player's home country. One, I wanted to make a new player in the UK. Two, I wanted to make a JoJo reference. Both of these were accomplished in making Robert E. O. Speedwagon, Best Girl of the series. I'd made some good mates there in my first career and I felt particularly lazy at the time. I was already making one JJBA reference in PBE by playing as Hol Horse, so I figured I'd go ham with it and make another so I could have two at the same time (Horse has since retired). Plus, for roleplay articles and comments, I have built-in source material.


17. Written, 2 TPE, Substitute Teacher (100 words min.)
Hello! I am 11 years old, and as a part of the SHL Community Outreach Program– you, a famous hockey player, have to teach my Geography class in 15 minutes! You have to tell me and my classmates a couple of fun facts about your player’s IIHF country! Jump on Wikipedia or whatever and search up something weird or fun about where your player is from that I wouldn’t know! Get wacky, or get scholarly for all I care! Maybe you’ll actually learn something cool!

Alright, children, here are a couple quick facts about the United Kingdom off the cuff.

The United Kingdom is actually made up of four constituent countries - England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. All four of them are treated similar to how states are in the United States, though they each have more sovereignty as constituent states. Typically in sports, these four nations compete separately, as is the case in soccer. The old saying "the sun never sets on the British Empire" was from a time when the UK had controlled enough colonies so as to always have one where it was daylight, such as India, Australia, Kenya, etc. That empire has since gone with independence movements breaking those former Empire nations away to form their own governments.


18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! Chicago has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series?

On the whole, the postseason was a little bit of a surprise. Atlanta making it as an expansion only a few seasons after they came into existence was a pleasant surprise. The San Francisco Pride getting to the Western Conference Finals was also a nice upset, and it was certainly thrilling to see them take the Syndicate to the brink. The finals were a bit of a letdown, both to see it end in 5 games and for one of the standbys to hoist the Cup yet again. On the whole, it did give me a bit of hope that there will be some turnover in the power players in the league. Someone could bust into the upper echelon, given another season or two.


20. Written, 3 TPE, Ruthless Capitalist (150 words min.)
Someone that looks like the Monopoly guy just gave you two million dollars and a two year deadline to make the SHL a growing and profitable business. What do you do with that seed money to make this an online platform that facilitates you milking as much money as possible from the users? ALTERNATIVELY, if you don’t want to be malicious, what would you do with 2 million dollars to improve the site and make it the best sim league in the world?

Well, I'd use that money to pay some key people who make it all possible. Enough that they could make it a full-time job? Probably not, as the money would quickly run out and we would need to then come up with more. Plus, there's the problem of who to give it to and how much, especially if it could encourage people to take their work a bit more seriously. Maybe we invest it in getting people enough copies of the latest and greatest and get them to test it to see what works, what doesn't, and how to try to balance the league. Pay for research and development of the SHL, pay for development and creation of truly unique graphics/rebrands, maybe even have some left over to pay for a full-blown coverage site and social media presence. Anything to get the word out, get people working on it, and developing the product into something better and making it worth people's time to upkeep and maintain it.


Speedwagon Player Page | Speedwagon Updates Page 

[Image: speedwagongifsig.gif]

[Image: GoonerBear.gif]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Origin Story (150 words min.)
Everyone wants the Challenge cup… but how did it get here? Tell me the origin story of the Challenge Cup! Where did it come from? Who paid for it? Who forged it? What did it look like in Season 1 vs. now in Season 64? Has it changed a lot? Maybe it has been damaged?
The Challenge Cup has been a trophy passed down for thousands of years, going back all the way to King Arthur. He hosted tournaments following the end of massive wars. Whoever won the jousting tournament was crowed the Challenge Cup champion. Although, some odd years later it somehow managed to find its way into the Simulation Hockey League. How this came to be, no one knows. The one thing that we do know is that it's a priceless piece of a metal that few know the real history behind. There's no wonder why so many people want to win it these days. Even not knowing the history behind the trophy, there's a certain aura that surrounds it whenever it goes. Although over the last few years, it's been getting dinged up from numerous drunk players dropping it on their way to all sorts of events to show it off as much as they can.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check (150 words min.)
Which league has the more prestigious cup in your opinion, the SHL or the SMJHL? Which cup is harder to win? A lot is said about the different skill sets required to GM in each league, so which do you personally think is tougher to manage? Is a trophy case with three Four Star Cups as cool as a trophy case with three Challenge Cups? Maybe you think it’s even cooler. Why?
I don't think think there's any question that the Challenge Cup is much more prestigious. You really have to build a team over multiple seasons to makes sure that they're able to compete against everyone else. The amount of teams is quite bonkers as well. The playoffs are not an easy feat to be able to compete in, the amount of testing and adjustments that each GM does makes it even more difficult. Meanwhile the SMJHL has a much easier life and a whole lot more luck. You have a player on your team for four seasons max, there's no telling whether or not someone will stay active that early on in their career. As long as luck is on your side and players end up building their player quickly in the start of their career, odds are you'll win a four star cup if you stick with it long enough.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

13. Graphic, 2 TPE, Put a Ring On It
No, this task isn’t going away yet. I’ve decided it can stay… for now. Design a championship ring for either team, you may use the fancy ring site. Here's a link:
[Image: Untitled-1.png]

16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!
There's a couple of reasons why Lord Zomp had decided to play for the United States as his IIHF country. The first reason for this decision was the fact that Lord Zomp is from the United States. It's hard to find a better reason to want to play for a certain country than having been born there. The second reason why Lord Zomp had decided to join the United States IIHF team was due to the success that he knew that the team had had over recent years. The man simply wants to win some trophies, hard to argue with that.

Total: 16 TPE

1. Trivia (3 TPE)

verification word: apples

4. Origin Story 3 TPE

Much of the Challenge Cup history has been foretold through the legends for years. Passed down through ancient jock rituals and post-game beers. The whispers of the new hockey league springing up across North America had reached the rich and elite, prompting them to buy in and help fund the league that means so much today. As the season begun, they realized that without an impressive trophy, they won't be able to adequately award the winning team. They reached out to the most expensive designers and threw design after design away until they settled in on the design they would use for the league. With a quick commission, they were able to get what is now a piece of history commissioned just in time for the first challenge cup playoffs. The teams were and quickly, new traditions began to be made. The lifting of the cup by the captain, the showmanship, taking turns getting a day with the cup in the summer. These traditions would come on to define the legend of the cup, that came from a rush job by a trophy maker, to being the symbol of excellence in the league that is is today.

5. Cup Check 3 TPE

I think that the Challenge Cup will always have to remain as the most prestigious team award to win on this site. We have come along way from the small league we started as, and now there are more teams than ever fighting for the glory to lift that cup at the end of the season. Each team is stacking the best the sport has to offer in players, and pitting them against each other game after game. As Ric Flair has put it in the past, "To be the best, you gotta beat the best", and that resonates here with the caliber and the style of play players need to adapt to when be ing called up to the SHL.

That isn't to say there aren't unique challenges in the SMJHL. Coaches and Owners there only have a few short years out of their players, and have to work on developping them from 0 to hero at that league. Roster building has to be thought of on a shorter timeline, and is a constant concern for the GMs.

6. Dream Team 3 TPE

I'll be having to dip a bit into the past for the ideal partner, but not too far. I think the ideal defensive partner for Chad is going to be a long time veteran who can share his experience and pass on any tips and tricks. Someone who has a nice scoring mind but can really lock it down when the time comes. I think that FR Finn-Rhys is going to be the guy to play the top line with Nickelback. The dynamics between the two would be an all gas approach for a high octane offensively minded pairing. While it may not be conventional in terms of being two strong offensively minded players, I think that they'll be able to have the other side on the backfoot the whole time with the speed and aggression.

FR was a name that seemed to always come across the table early in fantasy drafts, or in all-star voting. It's the type of player that any defenseman would want to share the line with and do their best to grow and learn with.

7. Milestones (3 TPE)

16. IIHF Country 2 TPE

I picked Canada to be my IIHF country for this character, mostly because it's where I'm from. Yes, I understand that it is super basic, but like many young Canadians, I grew up watching the World Juniors, and the Olympics and dream of someday putting that jersey on. I like to think that my characters think the same, and that they want to get the prestige that is playing for team Canada. It leads to probably less years and seasons playing for the national team, but that you are truly at the peak and have really made it when you're selected to Canada with all the talent they have available.

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

[Image: ecaJZ6D.jpg]
[Image: flowseidon.gif]
[Image: PRedauw.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 10:39 PM by Redderder15. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. CW Trivia (3 TPE)

Verification word: yikes

2. Grab Bag 1 (4 TPE)

a) I'd have to go with the veteran forces in CHI. They've proven time and time again that they are a force in this league, and it would be foolish to bet against them. While ATL was able to take down veteran juggernauts in HAM and BAP on the road to the finals, they simply don't have the firepower to take down a team firing on all cylinders like Chicago. (69 words)

b) You absolutely have to think before you move the puck in this league, especially against a skilled defensive team in Chicago. It's not news to Atlanta that they'll have to be careful, but I think they'll be caught off guard by how skilled Chicago is with their sticks. Atlanta needs to keep the puck moving and make sure they have their guard up at all times in this series. (69 words)

c) No. Chicago is too smart to let their emotions get the best of them, and at this point every aggressive play they make will likely be intentional to keep Atlanta on their toes and down to earth. Atlanta will need to learn to play rougher and keep up, but if they keep out of the box and can convert on the powerplay they may have Chicago looking for answers. (69 words)

d) Yes, but not really because of the approach. While Chicago's strategy has ups and downs, the problem is that Atlanta's plan will make their top guys tired pretty quickly, so if they ever need to get back into a game you can't play your top guys even more than they're playing already, and Chicago can always start double shifting their top guys in case of an emergency or comeback. (69 words)

3. Grab Bag 2 (4 TPE)

a) It wouldn't be Newfoundland without strong and capable guys on the backend, in this case captain Mikko Rashford and the younger Rand Al' Thor. If I'm Quebec, I'm telling my guys to forecheck and stay on their guys whether they're D or not. Newfoundland is a Swiss army knife in that if you focus too much on one thing, they'll bite you everywhere else. Focus on aggressive checking throughout. (69 words)

b) Shooting percentage doesn't tell you the full story. What it tells be is that these "snipers" aren't shooting if it isn't a favorable chance, so I'm doing everything possible to keep them to the outside. Force them to make quick decisions, force their hand and get them taking bad perimeter shots that will sink that inflated percentage. If you can make them make quick decisions, they will shoot badly. (69 words)

c) Getting hot at the right time is essential for a good run, but there's other ways to track how hot a team is other than PDO. In this case, Newfoundland is shooting below average in terms of %, but this just means they're getting more chances and converting slightly less per chance, but they're still generating chances and scoring more than the other team, and that's enough to win games. (69 words)

d) If I'm Newfoundland, this is the last dance. GM and coach Nhamlet is going, the large S62 core is going, and they're going to go out with a bang. Quebec is trying to get on the board for the first time in 5 years, and will use all the gas in their tanks as they attempt to take down the juggernaut of the J in the last few years. (69 words)

4. Origin Story (3 TPE)

The origin story of the prestigious Challenge Cup is a good one, one that stretches back to pre-SHL days. Back in S5 BCE, the league at the time was a barren 8 team league called the Simulation Hockey Association (SHA) that had an 8 team playoff bracket after a 50 game season. Problem is, when they won all they got was some "gold" medals that were just painted steel. This made the current league juggernauts and 5-time champions Greece Giants upset, and when they won their 6th championship in S1 BCE they proclaimed that they were the best team in the league, but that upset the Persia Painters who felt that they were the better team. The Greece Giants (GG for short) challenged the Persia Painters to a duel, the winner receiving a trophy. After thinking for a season, Aristotle would name the cup "The Challenge Cup", which was globally accepted. The Greece Giants would win the match played in S0, the last season of the SHA. The SHL would form in the SHA's demise, and the rest is history. (180 words)

7. Milestones (3 TPE)

[/url][url=]Link to my milestones post

Total TPE Earned: 16 (17/16)

   Links: Updates | Player Page | Bank

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word - Sunday


5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check (150 words min.)
Which league has the more prestigious cup in your opinion, the SHL or the SMJHL? Which cup is harder to win? A lot is said about the different skill sets required to GM in each league, so which do you personally think is tougher to manage? Is a trophy case with three Four Star Cups as cool as a trophy case with three Challenge Cups? Maybe you think it’s even cooler. Why?

This one hits close to home for me.  I was lucky enough in Lyle Odelein III win a gold medal in WJC with Team Canada, a few gold with the IIHF team as well, and on top of that a Challenge Cup with the New Orleans Specters in S54.  The only major competition Lyle didn't not win was the Four Star Cup in the SMJHL.  Joining the St. Louis Scarecrows after their third Four Star Cup in a row, I had hoped Lyle would get an early introduction to winning, but that wasn't in the cards. Just having created a new player and getting re-drafted by St. Louis, the drive to get that Four Star is even stronger now.  I'm going to do everything I can bring that Four Star back to St. Louis, for the Scarecrows, and for Lyle.  Will it be easy, no frickin way.  We just had an amazing draft, and these rookies are ready to join the great core already set up in St. Louis.  Let's go Crows!!!

6. Written, 3 TPE, Dream Team 150 words min
You have to create the perfect SHL or SMJHL line for your player to be on. Who do you put on your line and why? Is it something about their style of play that compliments yours? Does it only include players from the present, or do you dip into the past to find an incredible D pair? Or are you just choosing your friends ‘cause they’d be fun to win the cup with?

Oh, I like this one.  I'd go with 2 players off my top forward line many seasons ago in St. Louis. Nicolaj Mueller and Mika Kandinsky.  Mueller was dominate in the SMJHL for the Crows, leading the league multiple times, setting records along the way.  Kandinsky lit up the SHL in his rookie year, and if I'm not mistaken, he still holds the record for the most points for a rookie.  These guys were amazing to play with, great in the locker room and killers on the ice.  To round out the forward line, I'd go with DeMariicus Smyth, Lyle's teammate with the New Orleans Specters.  He and Lyle played together closer to Smyth's career, but the player is a legend, and would make any line dominate.  For Lyle's defensive partner, I'm going with Gabriel Johnson, Lyle's fellow Canadian and teammate from the WJC and IIHF.  Sharing draft years, Lyle and Gabriel played a lot of hockey together and they always did well.  For a goalie, it's a no brainer, Cain is the goalie Lyle had the most success in front of and would round out this stellar line up perfectly.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


Milestones - +3


16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

I chose my own home country of Canada.  I also choose my player, Lyle Odelein III, to be out of Montreal, Quebec, since that is were the real Lyle Odelein was drafted and played several seasons at.  I figured if I was going to make a player, I wanted to make one somewhat familiar to me.  I just recently retired my Canadian born Lyle Odelein III and created anew player, Bavel Pure, I chose him to be from Prague and in turn eligible for Team Czechia.  I chose this since I joined the league, I heard Czechia is the Bestia, I wanted to find out if that was true.  I'll report back. 

17. Written, 2 TPE, Substitute Teacher (100 words min.)
Hello! I am 11 years old, and as a part of the SHL Community Outreach Program– you, a famous hockey player, have to teach my Geography class in 15 minutes! You have to tell me and my classmates a couple of fun facts about your player’s IIHF country! Jump on Wikipedia or whatever and search up something weird or fun about where your player is from that I wouldn’t know! Get wacky, or get scholarly for all I care! Maybe you’ll actually learn something cool!

Beyond Prompts

22. Written, 2 TPE, Be Nice (100 words min.)
I’ve seen this prompt used from time to time and I think the end of my first full season as PT director is as good of a time as any. Use this 100 words to give a compliment to someone in the community that you appreciate! Whether it’s a friend, a GM, a PT director, or one of those amazing folks that designed the card website– try to make someone smile with some kind words!

I've got to go with the card website and card creators. I gotta say, I didn't know what to expect, I knew that in the ISFL cards were a big thing, I saw some for sure, and they looked amazing, but I was new to the league and didn't know much about it.  So, when I heard they were coming to the SHL I was intrigued.  I know more about the SHL and have been here for 3 years, so I was excited to see the cards of players I've known or heard a lot about.  And I have to admit, when one of my teammates pulled my players card, it was pretty wild seeing it.  I think everyone involved needs to be recognized for the hard and quality work they put in.

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
Scarecrows   Specters   Canada 

(This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 11:11 PM by Finch. Edited 3 times in total.)

1: McDaddy - 1TPE
2: -4 TPE

a) Atlanta lost. But I actually thought Atlanta would win. I love them. Think they have the best manamgent in the league. I'd expect them to come way ahead next season.

b) Outwork and out chance. Get pucks deep don't worry about skating the puck up, quick touches gain the red line and dump n chase. Wear them down behind the net and get pucks to the slot.

c) Grind them down. Force Chicago to take penalties. Discipline is always a factor in the play offs, keep your feet moving at all times.

d) Balance because they will stick with what works. Can't be testing out new theories in the play offs no time to perfect it. Go with what you know so everything comes naturally. Don't mess around.

5: - 3TPE
Prestigous is SHL, top league, tenure etc. However I think SJHML is the harder to win, shorter time to win, great managers, and lots of re-creates with knowledge. If players get too good they get called up and you lose them. Any trophy case is a cool trophy case in my honest opinion. Every bit adds to it.

7. Milestones:

+1 TPE - Milestones

16. - 2 TPE

I chose Canada as it's the hockey hot bed, Marty Sanderson is your generic canadian farm boy from Grand Forks. Grew up outdoors, hard nosed rugged. Think sutters, but with more style. Obviously I'm biased. I am canadian. But it adds to Marty, he's kind, he's funny, he's apologetic, he'll kick your ass.

15. - 3 TPE

Honestly I Marty Sanderson am expecting huge things from Canada as I will continue to progress and ideally become Captain Canada and less us to the next ten gold medals. I'd expect Marty Sanderson the Third to become the greatest canadian athelete of all time. As far as top teams, I think teams will remain nearly the same for awhile. This is just a gut feeling as I do not know much about the rankings at the moment but things aren't likely to change super soon.

20. - 3 TPE

First and foremost we're going marketing. HF boards, team boards, reddit. Next we're investing that 2mil and trying to get a residual income. This will become the winning pool which will give more incentive to get people to sign up and care. Even if it's $25 a head. Obviously as traffic flows in we bring in advertisers and start generating income from site traffic. SHL can start hosting real written work for aspiring journalists, pay them and gain more income from site traffic. SHL turns into a more HFboards style sub forum with heavy traffic, great conversation and constant income.

tryna make a change



4. Written, 3 TPE, Origin Story (150 words min.)
Everyone wants the Challenge cup… but how did it get here? Tell me the origin story of the Challenge Cup! Where did it come from? Who paid for it? Who forged it? What did it look like in Season 1 vs. now in Season 64? Has it changed a lot? Maybe it has been damaged?

The challenge cup was actually found at the bottom of the great lakes which explains the something in the water for that division.  Every time it was won back into the region, the power dwindled a little bit.  It is kind of like Kryptonians and the yellow sun of Earth.  Superman is just a normal Kryptonian but outside of Krypton he is empowered by the yellow sun.  Back in the home turf of Krypton, he is just a normal nobody.  With the recent string of wins for Buffalo and Hamilton, the cup has been hanging out in Krypton.

What can we expect going forward?  The cup is going to hang out in upstart divions while the great lakes gather their power.  The cup will start to glow yellow again and the rest of the league will go into hibernation.  The barnacles of power will grow and the great lakes division will regain their glow.  Also the cup has a lot of talon marks on it for some reason.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check (150 words min.)
Which league has the more prestigious cup in your opinion, the SHL or the SMJHL? Which cup is harder to win? A lot is said about the different skill sets required to GM in each league, so which do you personally think is tougher to manage? Is a trophy case with three Four Star Cups as cool as a trophy case with three Challenge Cups? Maybe you think it’s even cooler. Why?

As an individual with three Four Star Cups, I have to say that the Challenge Cup is more elusive.  I have played a metric ton of seasons in the SHL and haven't taken one home, yet I've won a Four Star Cup in every single SMJHL season that I've played.

In a more serious answer, I think it is the Challenge Cup because mobility is much harder.  Teams in the J naturally turn over entirely at least every five seasons.  If you aren't good now, you can be a dynasty in a couple seasons.  Good talent can be harder to hang on to if they are ready to play in the SHL.  Bad teams can blow up easily and send their expiring veterans to contenders. 

Rosters in the SHL are a lot more stable.  I was a max TPE player on a team for like 15 seasons.  A GM can keep a dynasty going for long enough that they can replace the parts on the plane while it is still in the air.  To build an SHL dynasty, you need full team buy in AND the coaching skills to utilize your roster.

6. Written, 3 TPE, Dream Team 150 words min
You have to create the perfect SHL or SMJHL line for your player to be on. Who do you put on your line and why? Is it something about their style of play that compliments yours? Does it only include players from the present, or do you dip into the past to find an incredible D pair? Or are you just choosing your friends ‘cause they’d be fun to win the cup with?

My perfect D partner is Adam Barron.  We played together for the beginning of his career where I could pick up the defensive responsibilities and he could bring the heat offensively.  In fact, after 8 seasons of being on apart, we are getting the band back together for his third season in Baltimore, my first.  His build still has the same focus with a high degree of offensive upside while I have most of my remaining points still focused on defense.

Unfortunately, he still has the TPE to be a top 4 defender while I am just eating the bottom of the barrel minutes.  I trust my new coach to not reunite the dream team, but maybe we'll get a few minutes together in off minutes of broken plays.  Alternatively, if I had a time machine, I could either bring myself back to my prime or age him up to meet me and coach could pair us again.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Claim 1


16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

I chose my IIHF country because it is where I'm actually from.  I made Slip McScruff from Boston because my real hometown in the burbs is not that notable.  I ended up becoming the longest tenured federation head for the USA before stepping away.  Now that I'm not a first generation, I would likely pick a federation based on who is playing there, looking for a familiar crowd and also the pipeline of the specific position I want to play.  I think that my next player (eventually) will be a center, so it's more exclusive than my current D or either side wing.  Luckily, I am not masochistic enough to play Goalie. 

Second to those concerns would be the Federation Head themself because that can change a few times in the course of a career.

17. Written, 2 TPE, Substitute Teacher (100 words min.)
Hello! I am 11 years old, and as a part of the SHL Community Outreach Program– you, a famous hockey player, have to teach my Geography class in 15 minutes! You have to tell me and my classmates a couple of fun facts about your player’s IIHF country! Jump on Wikipedia or whatever and search up something weird or fun about where your player is from that I wouldn’t know! Get wacky, or get scholarly for all I care! Maybe you’ll actually learn something cool!

The United States of America is a very historic nation.  In fact, the history of the whole world started in 1776.  Other nations did exist already at that time, but their history was just waiting to start until we got on the board.

Most importantly, the United States invented the Chocolate Chip Cookie.  I may have said my hometown was not that notable, but actually the inventor of the chocolate chip cookie grew up in my home town and went to my high school.

Second most importantly, the United States invented Dental Floss.  You may think that Dental Floss was invented to combat tooth decay after the invention of chocolate chip cookies, but actually dental floss was invented about 115 years earlier.  We learned how to protect the teeth just so we could fuck them up, and that is the story of America.

Beyond Prompts

22. Written, 2 TPE, Be Nice (100 words min.)
I’ve seen this prompt used from time to time and I think the end of my first full season as PT director is as good of a time as any. Use this 100 words to give a compliment to someone in the community that you appreciate! Whether it’s a friend, a GM, a PT director, or one of those amazing folks that designed the card website– try to make someone smile with some kind words!

I will use my platform to shoutout Fuzz which should come as no surprise.  After a long history of working together on Team USA, I finally got to play for him as an SHL GM.  In my tour of Free Agency, he picked up my bag of bones and gave me a legitimate shot at the post season.  Even though I played a career low in minutes (to be expected), his team had me contributing at career best levels.  I was not blocking or hitting like I have been, but I was scoring back like my top pair days.  Unfortunately, now that I'm over in the east for the first time in my career, I will have to use this new found youth to beat him in the finals.

[Image: scrufdaddy2.gif]
credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Platoon Steelhawks Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

[Image: Tqabyfh.png][Image: UDyqktK.png][Image: 1DL5JDX.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 11:42 PM by JumpierPegasus. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. CW Trivia 3 TPE:

2. 2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Experienced vets with Chicago unfortunately, experience will always trump newness or rawness when it really comes to the nitty gritty of winning a championship. People who have been there before and know what they are doing, with executives and coaches who have done it, will handle the pressure cooker that is the playoffs.

b. You can't get fancy or try and play keepaway, it's obvious they get sticks in the lane and that's how they are successful. If they can break up the play in the offensive zone, you can't get set up and get pucks on net. You need to learn how not to force passes. Make them come to you, don't get pucks through into space because they will end up tipped into the corner. Wait, let them come and apply pressure rather than focusing on using their big sticks.

c. No, normally doesn't. Refs can put whistles away outside of applying fighting and misconduct penalties. Normally teams that have high PIMS can get under other teams skins in the finals and use that to their advantage when the refs call the game differently. It's ridiculous, but chicago will benefit from their style of play.

d. Balanced time of attack appears to be the game plan under FHM rules in the new league. I rpefer it, back in the day the crazy high times for McZerhl's was silly. But balanced will win, keeps guys more fresh and up to the task of taking the fight on when they can keep fresh on the bench until needed. In a hard fought series, sheltered minutes are tough to win with.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check (150 words min.)
Which league has the more prestigious cup in your opinion, the SHL or the SMJHL? Which cup is harder to win? A lot is said about the different skill sets required to GM in each league, so which do you personally think is tougher to manage? Is a trophy case with three Four Star Cups as cool as a trophy case with three Challenge Cups? Maybe you think it’s even cooler. Why?

I've played in and GM'd both. SMJHL Four Star Cup is harder to win for an individual player simply because you have less time to complete it. An SMJHL career now is 4 seasons, back in the day it was only 1 or 2 even. It was way harder to pull out that Four Star win as a player when you only had a few seasons to do it, while you have as many as you can muster in the SHL. As for GM'ing a team, SHL challenge cup is harder. SMJHL Four Star is super neat to manage, since you have to rotate out and bring in new sets of players every 4 seasons to keep fresh. Some guys go up earlier. It's way more interesting and drafting is so important but it can turn around so fast it isn't as hard. SHL management is harder, you have to draft teams up, build them, keep guys happy and on the team, build an active LR, etc. It's way harder to build an SHL champion than SMJHL and takes more patience. I have GMOTY awards in both leagues and I liked SMJHL better.

6. Written, 3 TPE, Dream Team 150 words min
You have to create the perfect SHL or SMJHL line for your player to be on. Who do you put on your line and why? Is it something about their style of play that compliments yours? Does it only include players from the present, or do you dip into the past to find an incredible D pair? Or are you just choosing your friends ‘cause they’d be fun to win the cup with?

Okok, so this one is easy. Tommy Westbrook (but this time i upd is our star quarterback, guy grew up in a rich family, he upd, he has all the tools to be a true field general. B Jobin is our running back, guy is built like a tank. Currently his job is to let pucks in the net in Vancouver, but I think with that dodging skill he has going on (4.00 GAA lol) he should be great at dodging tackles as our star rb. Wide Peepo Happy 3 Koivu is our lineback ROLB for sure on the team. Guy has the widest shoulders, and can pivot off of tackles on a dime. Love that guy, huge on the line. I'm right winger of course since I'm a huge right winger with all the qualities of a great right winger. Ricky Koivu is centre back. Tig is keeper he's good at goalie.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

+3 TPE - Milestones

[Image: 8PlNwDd.png]

(This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 11:57 PM by Exilate. Edited 1 time in total.)


Task 1 Trivia +3
Codeword: yeet

Task 7 Milestones +3

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