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S65 SMJHL PT #2 - Tactical Meeting

You've settled in into your lockerroom and gotten to know all your new teammates. The preseason went well, and your GMs want to talk to you before the upcoming regular season games. They're trying to pieve together your line and would like your input on the tactics and strategy they have in mind.
Written option: What kind of tactics is your line going to deploy? How does your player fit into these tactics? Can be 5-on-5 tactics, special teams, defensive tactics, offensive tactics, surprise us. Must include 150 words.
Graphic option: Show your player in his/her tactical role. Must include the role and player name.
Reward: 3 TPE for doing the thing. (Just one of the things, not both.)
Only S65 SMJHL Rookies and Undrafted Free Agents (S66 SHL Draftees) are eligible for this PT.
Link PBE, WSBL or ISFL submissions here to get credit for affiliate claims.
Do not claim this TPE until a post is made in the claim thread.
Deadline: Sunday, May 22nd @ 11:59pm PST

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Thanks to @Ragnar, @High Stick King and @Maxy for the sigs!

Raptors Argonauts 
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WSBL Affiliate PT

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Tactics are not a big part of a goalie game, but we need to know what our team is doing on the ice. We see them play in front of us every game so can see some flaws and some adjustment that can be done to make us better.
In our first meeting, I tried to analyse the system and look at the new elements to be prepared for my first game.
It's not me who will have to play with this system, but I need to know what are they suppose to do. That way I can talk to them on the ice and help my fellow rookie to make to right play. Hockey is a sport of mistake and the less we make, the better we have a chance of winning.
In this meeting I had the chance to talk to my defensemen and try to learn a little bit about how they play and what we do when certain play happen.

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(This post was last modified: 05-17-2022, 05:04 AM by Nitro. Edited 1 time in total.)

You can't.

You just can't score while I'm on the ice. At least that's my mentality. It was drilled into me from an early age that if the other team can't score, they can't win. So the other team just can't be allowed to score. Period.

Maybe that's why I've been well sought out as a middle six to bottom six defensive specialist since peewee. My advanced stats and +/- have traditionally been solid.

What's that? You don't believe in +/- anymore? It's a worthless stat? Someone like me lives and dies based on it. That's what puts food on my table and a roof over my head. That's my report card on the year and I plan to pass.

Oh, and speaking of passing? The offensive pressure's not off just because I don't usually bulge the twine. I can possess and dish the puck as well as I can stop them from doing the same. They'd better hope that I don't have a sniper with me and that we're only there to stop them. They're a sniper? They'd better hope I don't draw them as an assignment. It'll be a long night for them.

They won't be allowed to score while I'm on the ice. That's my modus operandi. I can't let them score.

I just can't.


The line to be in Vancouver: Benny Fiorentini - Matty McGarry - Pyotr Gallen.

So far? Yeah, I'm not gonna lie to you. It's been tough. We're still trying to figure out our chemistry in time for the regular season. Me and Petey, we go back a little ways. My Auntie Bella, my dad's sister, she meets this guy from the Czech Republic she met while he was on a tripper in Manhattan, leaves the fuckin' country and marries him. Honest to god, they tell me she nailed the language so quick, she's tricking locals into thinking she's a native. Anyway, Petey, he's my cousin, and McGarry, I mean, we met at training camp, he's a good guy. They're standup men, we're just trying to get it to click.

Anyway, Aleksandrov, the GM, he comes into the locker room before a practice and he says, "I'm trying to get a feel for how you guys feel like you should be being deployed. I like to hear from my players about their tactical thoughts.'

Fuckin' a rights, boss, I says to him. We think about it through the drills and shit, we're thinking about it during media, and finally we're like, "well how about we put Petey on as our goal-getter, Matty in as our setup guy, and we'll put ol' Benny Fiat in as our defensively responsible forward?"

(I gotta be honest, I prefer being the guy sitting in Ovi's office ready to rip a one-tee off the barski and in, but hey, I'm here to please.)

Bossman says, "That's good. We'll try that sort of deployment in our next preseason match."


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sigs by me bitch


ISFL Affiliate

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The preseason went very well and we all definetely know it. Smiles and grins all over the place as we get on with our weekly tactical meeting. Not a single game was dropped and we did score a whole damn lot. Yet I am not completely satisfied with myself. Why? Because neither score was mine. In general most of the scores came from the 1st line, from our superstars.
My GM acknowledged this as well. We start the meeting by discussing our glorious victories but quickly transition to an in-depth discussion about the line management.
When it is our lines turn, line 3 I immediately raise my hand to give some tactical input. Overall I think we did not play to our strengths. We tried to ply Speedster Hockey like line 1 and 2 do, but we actually lack the speed to support this playstyle. My forte is to be at the right place at the right time and snipe goals from every angle that I am offered with deadly precision, not to rush a puck into enemy territory.

I point this out to my GM, who just smiles at me. "You see Dominik, who said that you have to be a sniper to be successful?" I raise an eyebrow to this comment. "Huh?"
Well. look at this statistic, my GM says and points a finger to my Asssist quota. It is way higher than average. "I actually utilized you the right way for your line to work. Your ability to appear where you are needed opens up passing lanes for the speedier Right Wing on your line. I watched you. You always hit him in stride. It was perfect. Regarding potential goals of yours, I believe that they will come by themselves when you get more accustomed to the SMJHL very week. Just have some patience. Maybe time to work on your skating, no?" A smile appears on my GM's face.

And I have to smile back. Suddenly, not scoring a goal doesn't feel so bad anymore.


Hi all, hope you have a good day. Alright, tactical meetings. First of all i think this is a little strange point task for goalies. Here, in Great Falls, goalies are not obligated to be present at the tactical meetings that occur on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays after the morning practices. The coaches here do not believe goalies have much influence in the game except for stopping the pucks and having a good locker room presence. But i think it can be very usefull so i am always present. We, goalies, can read the game the best. We have a good overview and thus can predict better when things go wrong. As a goalie it helps knowing what tactics the current line is deploying, because you can help direct your teammates to stick with the plan. If the line is deploying an offensive tactic, you know you need to stay focused for a possible counter-attack. If the line is deploying a defensive tactic you need to be prepared for the long shots. If the line is deploying a counter-attack you need to pass the puck to the right player. Lastly, if the team needs an empty net goal you need to know when you have to leave the ice. The tactical meetings are usefull, but my most important task is to stop the pucks from going into the net.

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we are going to use exclusively Bad tactics courtesy of a tactician named gabriel johnson @Gwdjohnson. We have a wide range of subpar strategies lined up to carry us to another weak season. These strategies include playing @Acsolap as a power forward instead of a dangler, playing an Eel too many minutes because eels probably can't even skate very well, playing a bunch of inactives because the J still has 14 teams and 4 forward lines for some reason, electing richard dickbutt mcfudderdudder as captain @Weretarantula, and playing Ricky koivu at all. We will try to lean on the strong play of Lord Zomp and Leon Lokitonov to help counteract all of gabe's piss poor tactics. We drafted a goalie this season to try and shore things up on that end - he is an anime guy named Edward and he should contribute really nicely on the back end for us and help us play a strong defensive game @jeffie43 by stopping a lot of shots and not letting them go in.

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thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

As a goalkeeper, it is difficult to plan a line to be on as I am my own line in a sense. The last line of defense on the ice that demands the difference between a goal for the opponents and a clean save to allow my men an opportunity to do something with the puck at the opposite end of the ice. However, as a goalkeeper, I think it is equally as important for me to know and understand each of the lines. A skater must know the role they are expected to play at any given moment, and not only am I expected to know that skater's role as well, I'm expected to know the role, secondary role, tertiary role, and emergency role of not only every skater on the ice, but every skater that could be on the ice, and i need to be familiarized with the tactics for every single line and every single possible line, as well as overall be cognizant of the puck placement at any given moment. Overall, I don't have a super high amount of input into what the lines will look like, but I do need to understand each of them, so I am at the very least working closely with the coaches to be sure that I am prepared as possible.

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Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!
(This post was last modified: 05-16-2022, 10:50 PM by Edgerocks1.)

If I'm being completely honest, Vancouver is in the midst of a rebuild. We have a lot of promise, but we have a long way to go before being the Cup contenders that we know we can be. The top line in the preseason was Benjamin Surkhi-Ze'ev - Aleksandr Iskandrov - Edge Rocks. As the top offensive line, we did excel compared to the rest of the team, racking up 15 points between us over the 7 preseason games. The GM wanted to hear thoughts from all of his lines on how we think we can get the best out of the young team before the regular season gets underway. Based on what we had all seen during the preseason, we decided that I would be the setup guy for the line. I racked up a nice 4 assists over the preseason but no goals, so it seemed right. We're gonna ride the hot hand as the goal getter, and Iskandrov earned that responsibility in the preseason. We have no real defensive-minded defender, but with the way the team as a whole is set up right now we're all prepared to work hard in our own end, and have the ability to do so. Hopefully with some tweaks here or there this top line will start making a difference sooner rather than later, and the rest of the team will follow suit.

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(This post was last modified: 05-17-2022, 02:57 AM by Katth. Edited 1 time in total.)

I don't know if it's much use to talk to @trashae and @artermis about tactics, to me it sounds like a waste of time. I'm not sure if they would understand what I'll be trying to tell them. But here goes...

I think the best tactic would be for every player on the ice to just pass the puck to me and I'll McJesus my way to the net and score 100 goals in the season, but as my teammates are probably also selfish pricks like me this won't work. So we just fight eachother for the puck and shoot it at the opponents net and see where we go. If any opponent gets in the way we instigate a fight with them and intimidate them into submission.

In all seriousness, I think the tactic is to play our strengths and beat the Whalers by 5 goal margin every game.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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As it stands right now, I am set to play on the fourth line in Regina alongside Michael Myers and Jeremy Hall. The coach has put me on my off-wing for now, which has been a bit tough to adjust to, though I have noticed it's a lot easier to shoot from here (and I guess that paid off, since I've already scored a goal and we're only a couple of games in). I feel like I'm the kind of player that can really drive the offense if I'm given the chance to, so ideally my linemates would help create space for me to work with, fight for control of the slot so I could potentially set them up to score, screen the goalie, etc. I'm not a particularly physical player so I think I would mesh very well with players who can cover that weakness of mine. Admittedly, I'm also not very strong on defense, so having my line be on the ice together with a skilled defensive defenseman seems like the perfect solution to that.

Mister Gm I would like to suggest a rare strategy. I've seen it work at least once. The main problem with playing hockey is the opponent team. We want to score goals but they don't want to. So the solution is simple, get rid of the other team. No, hear me out. I want to suggest my line eat a big serving of spicy pork and broccoli before the game. Or maybe some mexican food, or chinese. Whatever, the exact cuisine doesn't matter. What matters is that we fart a lot. Think of it. It makes the most sense defensively in that our opponents will clear the d-zone very quickly. And if we can time it right, we could clear the o-zone crease area with a skate by shooting if you get my meaning. It is a perfectly legal strategy. At least there are no rules against it that I know of. He shoots, he scores? More like: he toots: he scores amirite?

05-16-2022, 05:41 PMhotdog Wrote: we are going to use exclusively Bad tactics courtesy of a tactician named gabriel johnson @Gwdjohnson. We have a wide range of subpar strategies lined up to carry us to another weak season. These strategies include playing @Acsolap as a power forward instead of a dangler, playing an Eel too many minutes because eels probably can't even skate very well, playing a bunch of inactives because the J still has 14 teams and 4 forward lines for some reason, electing richard dickbutt mcfudderdudder as captain @Weretarantula, and playing Ricky koivu at all. We will try to lean on the strong play of Lord Zomp and Leon Lokitonov to help counteract all of gabe's piss poor tactics. We drafted a goalie this season to try and shore things up on that end - he is an anime guy named Edward and he should contribute really nicely on the back end for us and help us play a strong defensive game @jeffie43 by stopping a lot of shots and not letting them go in.
Gabe sucks

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Maxime Bouchard
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