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S66 PT #0: Passion Project

If you know Rebecca Montagne, you know she isn't just a goaltender, but currently she is also playing in a different league as a starting quarterback. For the Huntington Beach Voyagers she currently is the most skilled quarterback in the league, so naturally most of the time off of the SHL is spent on the football field.

Even during her stint at the IIHF tournament, she travels between games (long live being a backup goalie for Switzerland so we have the travel time available).

In this league she has won trophy's with her current team, but also in the inaugural season with the Tacoma Eruption. Furthermore she has multiple pro bowl nods, multiple quarterback of the year trophies and also some MVP trophies behind her name.

While it is just a side hobby, its a pretty succesfull one and Montagne will be happy if her award cabinet will get just a fraction of her QB one, but she is longing for some hockey hardware too, so that remains her main focus.

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Update Thread - Player Page
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Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


Hockey task:

If William Salming would be have eight weeks of time to develop some areas in his game, he would develop mostly his braveness and aggressiveness. There are moments when Salming is still little bit shy to battle about the puck and he could sacrifice his body more in some situations. Mostly those problems come from his identity which is calm and peaceful but in the rink he always fires up when puck is dropped but outside of rink he is calm. But there is always a room for improvement in braveness. Salming could develop that "skill" by going to fight club and take boxing lessons or lessons about taekwondo. I am sure those lessons would help him to battle harder next season. To improve his braveness he could also go to fun park and ride with a rollercoaster three hours in a row without closing his eyes. That would for sure help him to be more brave in the future, I assume and think. After those exercises Salming would be ready for next SHL season as a better player.

[Image: salming.png]

player prompt

Lias has a couple of different projects he's been working on this summer. The first is that he's gone back to Sweden to help his parents open a new location of their sandwich shop on the mainland. This is a huge step for them because they have only had the one shop in Visby for as long as Lias has been alive, but business has been very good and with some help from Lias's hockey career they were able to expand and open a new location in Stockholm. Lias helped them out with getting that set up and with staffing it and all that so they could get it running. The other project he had this summer was getting his new condo in Winnipeg set up to his liking. He was determined to not have his place look like a frat boy lived there (that's what his mothers kept telling him about his place in Las Vegas), so he spent a lot of time this summer making sure everything in Winnipeg was nice and looked like an adult professional lives there.

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. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .
(This post was last modified: 07-11-2022, 08:32 AM by Matty86.)

Player Prompt:

Another offseason is upon us and with this time of rest and relaxation, Matthew Mayhem will get back to his circus roots. Every off-season Mayhem uses his free time to work on juggling various objects, to feel a connection with his childhood, where his parents were circus performers. Mayhem was once a child prodigy in the circus world, a master juggler for his age and surely had a future traveling the world juggling. This off-season Mayhem wants to work on a new trick, juggling flaming ice skates. Each morning he’ll start his day by sharpening his skates and filling a gas can. The first part of the training will be to master juggling flaming ice skates on solid ground, before he moves on to the more difficult task of juggling the skates while he skates himself. Each skate will be covered in gasoline and lit on fire before Mayhem tosses them into the air and begins his trick of juggling 3 flaming skates at once. Once Mayhem masters the dangerous art of juggling flaming ice skates, playing a simple game of hockey will seem easy.

185 Words

Marcel Beck's non-hockey passion is jigsaw puzzles. Not just the small 100 piece ones, but the big, three or four thousand piece ones. He has a room dedicated in hi house as his "Puzzle room." In this puzzle room, you will find a large wooden table in the center of the room with longer tables on the sides of the room. On this room's walls are puzzles that's for sure - why glue together a magnificent puzzle? When Beck starts a puzzle, his process is: turn over all the pieces first and lay them out over the entirety of the table, separating the corner pieces from the interior pieces. He then puts all the edges together first (his favorite part). Working systematically, he puts together easier color sections and ending on the hardest blocs. Once he finishes a puzzle, which could take a few days or weeks, he admires it for an hour or two, shows all his friends, then tears it up and puts it back in the box. 

(WC 170)

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Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs



Well for Sir Devoir, usually being a hockey goalie and meditation is his life. But if he had 8 weeks to himself, he would embrace his fighting type legacy and join his Machoke friend in trying to get a black belt in a jujitsu gym. Those would lead him into getting a brand new hobby of Pokémon fighting type mma. His half psychic typing does not actually give him much if an advantage since he actually prevented himself from being able to read any of the fighters minds. He would turn this into a way to earn some extra money by getting into local mma events, and would have a record of 5-2 with all of the wins being by submission.

After all of that, he would actually finally earn his black belt in jujitsu by submitting his sensei in an exhibition match that turned into an advancement match on the fly when the sensei gave him the black belt because he felt like Sir Devoir deserved it.

168 words

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PT Pass

Pass Forfeit (D) ● Player Profile
Kraken Rage Panthers

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Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3

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PT Pass

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We all know that Sean Gatez has a passion for many things in life. Food being one of them. His best friend from DU that never played hockey after college has started his own food truck that serves all the major breweries in the city. He hit up Sean when he saw the Panthers win the cup to congratulate him and to plan some dinner and drinks when he gets back to Denver. Well, over the course of the meal and drinks, Sean asked Tyrel if he could help out with the food truck. "You dont want to just relax all summer? Why do you want to work the food truck when you should be golfing and being on vacation" asked Tyrel. "Well I dont want to get complacent and lazy in the 2 months of downtime. I want to keep up a schedule even if it isn't fitness related at all. Also I want to see what its like, as maybe I will enjoy it for my retirement."

Well thats all he had to say. With no further ado, Tyrel got Sean acquainted with the truck and the team. The rest of the summer Sean and Tyrel were slinging dumplings at breweries. Sean also boosted sales significantly when he brought the cup to the truck on a Saturday and brought in a crowd new to the truck that just wanted to see the Cup and a star. They made poutine dumplings for the occasion. Little dumplings stuffed with potato and cheese curds, topped with a gravy.

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Former Player

Written Task: What's your player's non-hockey passion? What kind of project would they take on with 8 weeks off and nothing else to do? Is it something related to another sport, like trying to golf under par on 18 holes for the first time? Something with your hands, like building a whole dining set from scratch? Maybe you want to catalogue every bird in McMillan Marsh, WI? Heck if I know! You tell me! (150+ words)

As far as Rinky is concerned, the first part of the off-season is time to unwind from the stressors of playing professional hockey.  It is time to get away from media scrutiny and the pressure of trying to perform at his absolute best day after day.  Shortly after having cleaned out his locker, Rinky escaped to a semi-remote area of Northern Ontario where he spends his days fishing, catching up on his reading and healing from all those nagging injuries.  During this time Rinky eats and drinks very well, with no dietary considerations. This idyllic period is, unfortunately, very short-lived.  Three weeks flashes by and then Rinky must begin to consider next season.  He has to hit the gym and get on the ice on a regular basis to maintain his skill and fitness levels.  The 8 week off-season goes by very quickly and anticipation builds for the upcoming season with the Monarchs.

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PT Pass

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06-11-2021, 05:33 PMKenitohMenara Wrote: [Image: BLUE.jpeg]
Welcome to the hall, Ben!

(This post was last modified: 07-11-2022, 10:25 AM by TheGreatToeJam.)

The summer for most of us signals a time to be outside, to enjoy and make the most of the fleeting summer months and to spend time with out families. For SHL players it is a little different, offseason is the time to put in hard work, to train for the upcoming season and to better ourselves in any way possible, to help our teams get better as a whole and further our progression toward our ultimate goal - to win championships. 

Egli was highly touted for his offensive play coming into the SMJHL draft last season, he was a well rounded two way defenceman who could contribute on both sides of the puck. His arrival to the J was a bit of a shock to him, as he found himself struggling defensively. Throughout the season Egli spent every second of ice time that he could improving that facet of his game, and the well rounded two way defender found his offensive game begin to slip. So this offseason will be spent addressing this - working on his offensive positioning, passing, shooting and most importantly his skating. It's hard for a defender to do it all, but that is Egli's main goal and he will stop at nothing to achieve it.

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Nathan being home loves to continue to work on his skills and stay in the best shape possible now that he is getting older that is. But in order to cut loose and have some fun Nathan plays some competitive Slo-Pitch. You wouldn’t believe how much fun it can be to be crushing a beer in the field while playing a sport. Mostly that make Nathan play short stop because of his quick feet. Growing up he played ball as well so he still has the arm to make some plays happen. It is also great for the hand why and quick hands when it comes to hitting. Yes the ball is being lobbed in but Nathan makes it a challenge to place the ball somewhere different every hit. On top of this if is fun to just kick back and be part of the guys. On top of ball you will find Nathan relaxing at the movie theatre checking out the latest summer blockbusters. He is also a huge movie buff and cant get enough of the new Top Gun Movie.


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[Image: kalesaladshl.gif]
some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

Player Prompt

Harry Carpet usually doesn't have any huge projects during the off-season. The off-season is there for two or three things. First: Relax. The hockey season is very stressful on both mind and body so what you want to do during your time off is try to relax as much as you possibly can. Then spend time with family because you see them so little during your time away, especially if they live in a different country (or continent even); probably even take a vacation trip with them. And then it's already time to prepare for the next season - or for IIHF in between - because unfortunately that's necessary for every pro athlete. The older you get, the more important it is to really take a break from everything, because it's not only a mental break, but also a physical break. If Harry Carpet has any projects going on, they're most likely secret and he wouldn't tell anyone anyway, so how could we possibly know? He might be working on some new recipes to try out for his teammates when he’s back in Toronto.

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
[Image: p1gG0LD.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: ctsxTFg.png]
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[Image: AfpXX8l.png]

Player Prompt

After moving from the cold steppes and forests of Russia and Kazakhstan, Munko Aitmukhambetov quickly adjusted to life in the big city. Brown bears require a significant amount of food, and so scavenging for food occupies much of his free time. In the warm Atlanta climate, there was no need for torpor and the abundant unsecured trash bins provided a wealth of food. Despite being known as carnivores, Brown Bears are actually generalist omnivores and are known to eat just about everything they can, deriving much of their nutrition from fruits, vegetables and fungi. The abundant insect population in the south provides Munko with enough protein. Bears in Yellowstone are known to be moth eaters, and with the palm-sized moths that inhabit the American southeast Samat has no problem. He also regularly patrols the arena and team facilities searching for rats and other small pests to supplement his diet. Otherwise, Munko spends much of his time training or sleeping, as a brown bear he has little interest in anything else.

[Image: Duff101.gif]
Credit to Geck, Ragnar and Juni for sigs

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