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S66 PT #2: Freaky Friday

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Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
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Long before hockey seemed to be a viable career choice for the young Swiss defender it was presumed that Egli would take over his family's small sheep farm on the foot hills of the Alps. This was all well and good for Emil's parents who wanted nothing more, but it was a tough pill to swallow for a kid who hates those fucking sheep. 

When Egli awoke from taking a puck to the head he wasn't quite sure where he was, but his herding instincts took over - deep in the forests of Maine Emil has gathered fifty head of moose and cleared fifty acres of land for them to pasture, creating the world's first and only moose farm. 

Luckily for the Timber Egli's delirium was short lived and he snapped out of it, but at this point nobody is quite sure what to do with all these fucking moose.  Anyone hungry?

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Answering for the player prompt:

Vaseline Podcalzone, in another life, would probably end up with some job related to the sea. His hometown of Vladivostok is a cold, port city in Russia, where the ocean is an all too familiar site. Who knows what Podcalzone would have been. A sailor? Maybe on a cruise liner? A fisherman hauling in some delicious fish to sell at the harbour?

Maybe at some point, Vaseline Podcalzone would have gotten fed up with constantly being out at sea, and chosen to settle down for some occupation on land. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he carried on with his passion for the ocean and became some chef at a seafood restaurant. A poissonier, as they would call it in cuisine lingo.

Granted, that is assuming Podz didn't have any natural athletic aptitude. Otherwise, he would absolutely be an athlete in some other olympic sport. A speed skater, probably.

So, to summarize: Vaseline Podcalzone, if he were not a hockey player, would either be a fisherman, a fish chef, or a speed skater. But Podcalzone is neither of those. For he is a hockey player.

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Written Task: If your player could choose any job outside of being an SHL player, what would it be and why? Simulated doctor? Simulated European truck driver? What other talents or passions does your player have that they want to explore? What does this life look like? Is it super different? Or do you end up rich and famous anyway? (150+ words)

I wake up and I am in a dark, egg-shaped cocoon. Everything is quiet for a while, then I hear some muffled screaming and explosions. Things settle down again - until the egg pops open and standing in front of me is a humanoid dressed all in Beskar armor who takes me away. He seems nice so I help him against a mudhorn so he can give the egg to some jawas. We fly back to a planet called Tattoine, where sadly he leaves me and leaves me with some idiot stormtroopers and Imperial scientists. I am sad. But he comes back to rescue me and now we travel around the galaxy having adventures and bringing justice to people who have been suffering for years now under Imperial rule. He is a Mandalorian looking for meaning in his life and I am just a 50 year old baby alien with big ears and a huge appetite! He beats a lot of people up but also makes some new friends who are my friends now too! He tells me he is searching for something called a Jedi so that I can be with my own people, but even after we find some, and they are very powerful and all that, they aren't really my buddies like this Mandolorian in a helmet is. I feel like we are good buddies but then some Dark Troopers steal me away and they put me in prison! How sad! But Mando and his friends come and rescue me as does this great hero named Luke Skywalker! He trains me more in the way of the force, but I come to learn that the real treasure was the friends we made along the way, so I go back to hang out with him again! I wonder what adventures are in store for us!

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Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway


Sven has spent a lot of effort trying to block more shots this season, but that all turned out incredibly bad when he stepped in the way of a slapper from the blue line that rose a bit and caught him directly in the head. He only remembered seeing the puck come toward his face before turning away, then he woke up in a completely different environment than he was used to. He thought he would be waking up in the hospital, instead he was greeted by an old guy yelling at him for sleeping on the job *AGAIN* and telling him to get back to work. He walked out and found himself on a construction site and was shocked to find that he was already wearing a hard hat and safety vest. No matter, when you're trying to be the best Sven that means you're going to be the best at everything, so he got to work until he took a stray brick to the dome and found himself waking up in the hospital back in his own body.

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A stray puck takes a weird bounce in practice after a shot by Bean Beanman and knocks Zayne Dangle out cold. Upon waking up he finds himself in a weird apartment he has never seen before. Upon walking to the bathroom and looking in the mirror he looks an awful lot like actor Hayden Christenson when he played Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars. How strange. Then he walks downstairs to see the living room adorned with football accolades. On the back of the jerseys still reads Dangle. As does the trophies and plaques. He never remembered playing football though. He flips the television on to check the news. When it clicks on though he sees ISFL highlights on the sports channel. There he is. "Berlin WR star as Fire Salamanders win championship". In a weird turn of events Zayne Dangle has gone from hockey star to football star after a puck to the head. And he got much better looking to go with it.

164 Words

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     Sig Credit: Ragnar
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Sig Credit: Moosey

Falcons  |  Raptors | Stampede |  Patriotes |  Czechia
[Image: vokU6Ra.png]     [Image: 0ioPVRj.png]

PLAYER PROMPT: My player finally wakes up and after assessing that he was still in a hospital, he realized he was in standing in the middle of a halfway and he was dressed as a nurse holding a list of patients he needed to check on. When I went on to check on the next patient, I was able to do everything I needed to in the way it was supposed to be done even without remembering that I went through nursing training. Then I went home, which was weirdly identical and in the same location as my current home and found out that I had a wife and two kids, a complete change from my previous single life. I was in a hurry, because I quickly found out that I needed to get my little boys to his baseball game and that I had to put my kit on, because I was also one of the team coaches finding out that my new passion was helping and supporting my kids in their respective sports.

173 words

Nor Ge
norway Citadelles

Salzberger Lillehammersson
norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
[Image: inferno.png] [Image: dragons.png] [Image: wolfpack2.png] [Image: stars.png] [Image: Dxdffra.png] [Image: hGKuRrv.png] [Image: sAx3Llh.jpg] [Image: firebirds.png]


The job outside of being a hockey player, I would have been a doctor. This job required dexterity, patience, good eyes and control over our emotions. All of those are essential to be also a professionnal goalie. 
You need to be quick and be precise with both hands to block or catch the puck. Being patient help you not make mistake and move too quickly and give a good scoring opportinity to the other team. A goalie need to be in control of his emotion to keep his game at a high level and keep is focus on the game and not what he's gonna eat for diner.
With that, he will still be able to live a life he want with all the money he gets by being a doctor.
He's life is not super different because his job paid well and need some aptitudes that are the same than playing hockey.

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Credit to @Symmetrik
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Simulated developer lol. Luc Blouin wakes up to an alarm going off at 7 am, time to get ready for work. He then realizes that he can work from home and sleeps for another 30 minutes. Then he gets up and makes some coffee, eats a bagel and sits down at the computer for another day of work as a developer. Luc often throws comedy tv shows on in the background while he codes, something funny but not requiring his full attention. He often dreams of what would have happened if he hadn't been injured playing hockey as a young teenager, he was a pretty good hockey player after all, maybe he could have even made it to the SHL and played with the best of the best. After some day dreaming Luc gets back to work coding away some random new useless feature for FHM9, while ignoring all the glaring problems that carried over from the previous year's release. Just another day...

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[Image: Tqabyfh.png]  |  [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

PT Pass

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06-11-2021, 05:33 PMKenitohMenara Wrote: [Image: BLUE.jpeg]
Welcome to the hall, Ben!


PBE PT - Laser

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[Image: Virrok.png]
Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

PLAYER PROMPT - A stray puck takes a weird bounce in practice and-- oops! You got bonked on the noggin! To your surprise, you wake up as yourself, but with a different life!

Written Task: If your player could choose any job outside of being an SHL player, what would it be and why? Simulated doctor? Simulated European truck driver? What other talents or passions does your player have that they want to explore? What does this life look like? Is it super different? Or do you end up rich and famous anyway? (150+ words)

If BASE PACK could choose any job outside of being an SHL player he would be a simulated food truck owner and operator. You could say that he is really hungry to test his cooking chops in a simulated food truck league, pun intended. It would be super different from his current simulated life, and not because he is really famous now or anything like that. He probably wouldn't be super well known because the food truck industry is really tough to get into, but he really would enjoy cooking he thinks. It may be tough to operate a food truck as a pack of cards, but hey if he is playing ice hockey right now then theoretically he would be able to at least drive the truck and then cook up some dishes. He would probably serve his food on sports cards to really lean into his gimmick and hope that it helps him in the simulation food truck league. It certainly would be a spicy career turn for BASE PACK but I think he will probably stick with hockey for now.

183 words

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[Image: kyamprac1.gif]
thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

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