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S66 PT #2: Freaky Friday

Written Task: If your player could choose any job outside of being an SHL player, what would it be and why? Simulated doctor? Simulated European truck driver? What other talents or passions does your player have that they want to explore? What does this life look like? Is it super different? Or do you end up rich and famous anyway? (150+ words)

I don't know how I got stuck running one of the fanciest restaurants in Manhattan, but I tell you one thing--no one expects this kitchen to look like this. Out there, it's celebrities. It's athletes. It's the wealthy who've heard of our small little restaurant in the middle of the city and booked this table six months ago just to be able to tell people they ate here. Comfort food meets haute cuisine.

It's fancy and free.

But back here? It's t-shirts, aprons, and high-tension camaraderie. No white coats, no sparkling clean counters, no brigade de cuisine. I run this place like it's the line at a sandwich shop. I just never had it in me to put on the fancy coat and make everyone think I'm better than them just because I'm the head chef. Would never have done it for me. The number of times I've had folks walk back here and be shocked that the place is as chaotic and humble as it is makes the whole god damn job worth it.

"Okay Chefs, one hour to open, I'm coming around to check on prep!"

I'm Benny Fiorentini. Welcome to Forge.

WC: 194

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sigs by me bitch


ISFL Affiliate

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Player Prompt:

When I woke up this morning, something It's difficult to explain, but I didn't really feel like myself. I looked in the mirror and everything looked normal so I just shrugged it off. I went down to the kitchen for some breakfast and that's when things went off the rails. I whipped up the best breakfast I've ever had. It was like I was in a trance, I was like a magician in the kitchen, using techniques and ingredients I've never seen before. Now I knew something was up.

I drove to the rink and went to get dressed for practice, but unfortunately I had no idea what I was doing. It's like I'd never seen the equipment before. Just then, something clicked in my head. Quickly, I ran to the kitchen in the locker room and asked one of my teammates what they wanted for lunch, and to be as complicated as possible. They were confused, but I told them to humour me. They asked for a protein heavy quiche. From there, I went into that trance again and made the best quiche a hockey player ever made.

I thought back and remembered something from last game. I was skating off the ice at the end of the game and I saw an ad for my favourite restaurant. I remember thinking I wish I knew how to cook so I could make my favourite dish at home. Right then and there, I got hit in the head with a puck. Did that really completely change me from player to chef? What the hell is going on?

(268 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

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Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
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PBE Affiliate

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With Boots in a freaky Friday situation as the Coach, he is willing to try some things to see if the team is able to suceed under the new Coach Boots strategy! So long as there's no big effects to line chemistry, Boots will be changing up the lines a bit. The top two lines will hold most of the goal scorers and hockey IQ guys. Anyone who has strong puck possession and the ability to make passes and score goals, we want those guys out on offensive shifts making the most of every opportunity. Whenever we get a defensive faceoff or outside the offensive zone, we'll have our 3rd and 4th line skaters on the ice. The 3rd and 4th line will be strong on faceoffs and will skate on the rush and just shoot on net. We're aiming high shots and probably low scoring. They may score on a good chance but the goal is to win an offensive faceoff where we put our goal scorers and passers on the ice to whip it around and score without having to worry as much responsibility in the defensive zone.

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After waking up from his puck induced concussion, Slavakov finds himself inside of a racecar. He looks down and sees himself wearing a race suit before someone comes and hands him a helmet. Before even getting a chance to say anything, they tell him to go line up. He sees all kinds of different cars drive past. Audi’s, Mercedes’, Lamborghini’s, and he can’t even tell what hes driving, however he’s doing a decent job handling it. Eventually he looks down and sees a horse logo, and he now knows he’s driving a Ferrari, which was always a dream of his. Now he has to figure out where he is, maybe it’s a track he’s seen before. As he follows the other cars, he looks around and sees a lot of Dutch flags, meaning he’s at Zandvoort, thankfully a track he knows a decent bit about. Slavakov takes his Ferrari to it’s starting location, reluctantly crouched at the starting line, engines pumping, thumping in time….

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Thank you @xjoverax and @phoenix for the sigs!

When Ricky Koivu woke up after a freak puck accident knocked him out cold, he was absolutely shocked to find he was no longer Ricky Koivu the hockey player, he was Ricky Koivu the school janitor. He didn't know what was going on, last he remembered he was holding a hockey stick, but now instead, the wooden handle he's holding is that of a mop. He was extremely confused by this development, but before doing anything he figured he might as well finish the job he alternate self had started for this school. Translating over from how effectively he used his stick in the SHL, Ricky did an immaculate job handling the mop for cleaning, managing to cover every inch of the floor with the soap, and promptly being able to sweep it clean with the mop. Also like his SHL defensive work, he was always getting himself in the perfect positions to get at as many dirty areas as possible. (162 words)

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I think that if Jonathan Mercer had any job outside of being a SHL player, who would be a golfer. Still an athlete, but with a much more "relaxed" schedule and not nearly as physical. Golfing is one of Mercer's favorite things to do in his off-season, as it is relaxing and challenging both at the same time. His favorite golfer is Tiger Woods (who's favorite player isn't Tiger?), and he loves a good approach shot followed by a nice chip real close to the green in order to save a par or birdie.

Even though Mercer probably wouldn't go pro or make it super far into the sport of Golf (Definitely more of a hockey player, through and through), but Mercer would probably be decent enough to make it to the point where he could be a pro at a golf course and help other people learn the great sport of Golf.


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(181 words)

After getting bonked in the head by a puck out of play, Gallen suddenly wakes up to find himself in the basement of his home, guitar slung around his neck. To his left, his current Whalers teammate and family member Benny Fioretini fiddling with a drum set and a microphone.

"Benny, where am I?"

"Where do you think? Our basement? Practicing? For our show? Have you been getting enough sleep?"

"Yeah, I just... must've passed out for a hot minute."

If Pyotr wasn't going to be pursuing his hockey dreams, he would love to become a traveling musician. As a fan of rhythm games since his youth, Gallen took up playing the guitar at around the same time he started to learn how to skate. He would perform at small concerts, talent shows, and other venues but never really took up playing full time in lieu of becoming a professional hockey player. During the offseason, he and Fioretini get together multiple times a week to practice and perform covers of songs all around Vancouver, just to give them something to do.

[Image: leblaVa.gif]
Shoutout to @adamantium for the sig! <3


Oh god, waking up in the body of my coach would pretty much be a nightmare for me because of all the jobs you can have in hockey, I think this is the one that I would least like to have. Getting a front office job after my playing career and working towards a GM position? Sure, that sounds interesting! Appearing on TV, working as an analyst, interviewing players, writing about the sport or just talking about my experiences? I would love that? But coaching? Ugh, not my cup of tea... Too many divas to deal with, too much risk of becoming the scapegoat for things that are largely out of your control. One thing I would do very much as a coach however is to put the team and team spirit above anything else and that doesn't just include making sure that they become a close-knit group but also that they treat each other and also everyone around them respectfully, especially in light of recent events and revelations. No more hazing, no more toxic bro-culture, no more infamous group "sessions" in hotel rooms.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-26-2022, 03:36 PM by Vulfzilla.)

Written Task: If your player could choose any job outside of being an SHL player, what would it be and why? Simulated doctor? Simulated European truck driver? What other talents or passions does your player have that they want to explore? What does this life look like? Is it super different? Or do you end up rich and famous anyway? (150+ words)

After what seems like an eternity of sleep, I open my blurry eyes to see that my entire hockey career was just a dream. A phantom. A whisper in the night.  Instead of skating around and awooing with my wolfpack homies, I'm actually standing behind the counter of a local coffee shop with a can of whipped cream in my right hand, and some sort of frappuccino concoction in my left.  I shake out the cobwebs in my mind, and finish the order before calling out the name on the order sticker, "SPACK! SPACK JARROW, YOUR ORDERS READY AT THE BAR!". Up to the counter walks a dude with a braided beard, a pirate hat, and a ridiculous walk as he waves his arms all around  like he's pulling at invisible threads hanging from the ceiling.  We look at each other for a second, before he grabs his drink and walks out the door. Before I can say anything, I pick up the next cup coming down the line. The order slip calls for a small milk with sugar and mint syrup, "sweetened mint milk".  I call out the name, "RAGNAR! RAGNAR YOUR MINT MILK IS READY AT THE BAR!"  As he walks up to grab his drink, we lock eyes for a second and I'm sure I know him from somewhere, maybe I've been on a boat with him before... but before I can say anything he walks out the door. 
After that its my lunch break, and I go back to the back to heat up my lunch.  I grab the styrofoam cup and peel the lid back so i can pour in the hot water to heat up the ramen.  I look at the label on the front, and realize it says, "CUP NOODLE". 



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ISFL affiliate

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Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

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Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

Petr is a coach? But Petr is destined to be a player. This certainly complicates things, but Petr must contribute to the glory that is the eventual Czech triumph in any way possible. Petr will join Marek Vyskoc's hockey school in Prague and bestow upon the hockey players of Czechia the knowledge he's been fortunate enough to have been implanted with. Petr, robbed of his opportunity to scor gols, will aid in the journey of thousands of others on their way to raise Czechia to new heights and into the future. Czechia will win gold after all, it is destiny. It is Petr's purpose to ensure this outcome no matter what, so while this might be a gross inconvenience preventing Petr from having a direct impact in the gold-medal games himself, he can and must give all that he has in pursuit of this goal. One way or another, we will have our gold.

MWHazard Wrote:i'll playwith anyone
playing with my teammates is part of the intangibles I bring to the table
i play with them a lot.
they didn't like it at first
but after a while, it just felt normal
Justice,Sep 18 2016, 02:09 PM Wrote:4-0 and 0-4 aren't that different tbh
McJesus - Today at 10:38 PM Wrote:FIRE EGGY
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