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S66 PT #2: Freaky Friday

I think if Connor o Byrne couldn’t be an shl player he’d definitely be involved in the medical world somehow. While he likely wouldn’t want to be a doctor helping people with their problems has always appealed to him. Perhaps a pharmacist, working with medications could be an interesting line of work. Or maybe he’d live a lot simpler of a life, as a farmer out on a ranch. Having grown up in the countryside it would a return to his roots and he could continue the family business, farming stuff. It’d be a simple but fulfilling life for Connor O’Byrne as he could spend his days farming and not worrying about all the stuff that comes with being a rich and famous athlete in a sports league. He could live out his ultimate dream of being out of the shl spotlight and out of the public eye, living life as he pleased.

I think if steve harrington could start all over he would love to be a teacher. Harrington has taught many over the years, from his adopted children to his teammates. Harrington would be a middle school teacher at Hawkins Middle School where he grew up. Perhaps a gym teacher? He isn't sure why, but he seems to be really good at hockey. Maybe there is a local ice rink that he can teach some youngsters how to play, I heard there is a local kid named [RECREATE NAME REDACTED] that seems to be really good. Harrington could be good as an english teacher. He always seems to have a way with words. Hey in fact, maybe he could be an author... Although he doesn't really like to write... Wow finding a job is hard these days. All I know is that Harrington's video store days are over. Probably ice cream shops too considering what happened.

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Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
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If Teodors wasn't a hockey player, he would probably be a professional baker. He has had a dream since he was a child of opening his own bakery, in the center of Riga. His parents taught him to bake, and he often surprises his teammates with freshly made baked goods (to the dismay of the team's nutritionists). The bakery would serve pastries from all around Europe - of course, there would be latvian classics like the kafijas maizīte (small mini-pizza-shaped pastry with custard in the middle) and speķa pīrādziņi (crescent shaped buns with a smoked pork and onion filling), as well as stuff like swedish style kanelbullar (cinnamon buns in a kind of fancy twisty shape that are topped with pearl sugar) and kardemummabullar (basically the same thing but with cardamom as the primary flavor instead), french croissants, pain au chocolat and eclairs, italian cannoli and bomboloni (filled doughnuts), english sausage rolls (laugh at english food all you want but those things genuinely fucking slap), baklava (not naming a country for this one because I don't want to start a war) and many others. In fact, after he retires, Teodors might just go and use his hard earned SHL money to go and chase that dream of having his own bakery.

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Ralph loves the games of hockey and he would want to be a simulated Zamboni driver. Ralph would probably die without hockey in his life. He would start in the lower leagues developing his skills in maintaining his machine and learning the tricks of the trade to keep the ice perfect for the players. Eventually he would find himself driving for the biggest teams in the league. The ice would be so good teams would fight over him like a star player. He would develop new techniques and make unique modifications to his machine making it the best in world. Even if his planned pro hockey career doesn't pan out he would love just ride around the rink every game. At least he knows how much ice time he'll get every year. Besides being close to the team maybe he'd get a chance to play one day and maybe get a chance at the Stanley Cup or at least keep the ice smooth for it.

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When Lemo got clocked in the head and woke up in a life of sheet metal works:
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Forge  S69 Challenge Cup Champion - Philadelphia Forge   Forge
Renegades Renegades  S59 & S62 Challenge Cup Champion - Texas Renegades  Renegades  Renegades 
 Armada  S57 Four Star Cup Champion - Anchorage Armada  Armada 
Finland  Finland  S57 & S58 WJC / S62, S64 & S66 IIHF Gold Medalist - Team Finland   Finland  Finland
[Image: kLRJavo.png]       [Image: ZjgHcNL.png]
After 69 shots on net with still no SHL goals to show for it, even the opposition started to feel so sorry for Lemo, that they decided to help him out :D
- Bad pass by Jack Klompus, he gave it right to Lemo Pihl.
- Lemo Pihl rips it to the net...
- Lemo Pihl will find the empty net, that should do it!
TEX @ MAN, S59 game 31

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oh man the thing about tommy westbrook (but this time i upd is that he is a multi talented level human. he has so many tasks and being good at them that if he was not a hockey player he would have the pick of the litter at other job oppurtunities. the main one that stands out in my mind for tommy westbrook (but this time i upd would probably a barista at like a small little coffee shop maybe like somwhere in his home town. he has always had an affinity for making a good coffee bean and then putting it nicely into a cup mixing it with other flavours like nuts. people would flock to his coffee shop and buy his yummy coffee with secret sauce. he would hire a good crew and it would sell like hot cakes. what cant tommy westbrook but this time i upd do? exciting

[Image: TommyWestbrook.jpg]
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Slip McScruff wakes up to find himself as a simulated urban planner.  He is incredibly famous on a very niche corner of twitter for his hot takes on bike lane infrastructure.  One time, his tweet criticizing Meelon Dusk's single car catapult / parachute system went viral and he got 150 whole likes on it.  He isn't actually paid to do urban planning, but he simulates it and posts his video essays on youtube to a mostly positive response.  He earns maybe 25% of his income through the ads on his channel, which are ironically mostly for cars, and the rest he gets from being a bus driver.  One day, he hopes to muster up the courage to attend a community feedback meeting for new transportation infrastructure so he can turn his simulation experience into moderate social impact.

When he wakes up from his dream, he feels the urge to sell his car and buy an ebike and a bus pass.  The feeling fades when he finds his bike lanes are only painted and his bus has 45 minute headways plus 20 minute walks to the stop on either end.

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credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

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If Edward Elric could choose any job outside of being an SHL player, he would probably choose to be a data analyst.

This is becausehe has the passion and the talent to help others by visualizing and helping them understand data easily. He knows it is not always the easiest to go through data and understand what each number represents or how it affects their life, but being a data analyst himself, he would be able to make this info easy to understand for others, and he would be able to make a lot of money doing so. There are many reasons why someone might choose to be a data analyst. Perhaps they enjoy working with numbers and analyzing data. Maybe they want to work in a field where they can help organizations make better decisions. Whatever the reason, it would likely be a very deliberate choice for someone like Edward Elric. However, he might choose to be European truck drivers because they enjoy the freedom and the adventure that would come with the job.

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Nour is pretty hot ngl

yep you see if i had to pick any job to be outside of being a dump truck of a hockey player it would absolutely be joining the good ol boys in the united states military in any capacity cause you see i am an absolute genetic freak as a result of the multiple hundreds of years of genetic perfecting the hawk family has done over the years and while i was created to be the perfect single eyed hockey player with astronaut level 10 10 vision these traits would absolutely benefit me as it has during my special training courses with the boys that we do on weekends practicing military drills and training to shove the shit in of all those whining babies on the other teams anyways yeah id want to shoot guns and fly planes and stuff cause america is the best i can also imagine myself being a cop for some reason i dunno thatd be ok i guess

It's not really a 'what would he do in a different profession' situation, since he actually already sort of does it, but Noel would own and operate his brewery full time if he were not a professional hockey player. He currently is half owner of a brewery with his brother back in France called Blanchet Brewery. He only is really there during his offseason in the summer time and outside of his training he works there full time during that period. His brother runs the place as a full time gig and handles most of the operations when Noel is in Winnipeg playing hockey. But if Noel were not playing hockey for a living he would definitely be over there full time with his brother. He loves coming up with interesting new flavours and loves the process of brewing beer. He's a pretty social person too so he can often be found in the front taproom working the bar, chatting with customers, and taking pictures with the occasional fan who actually knows about hockey over there.

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Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

Player Profile | Update Page

Quote:PLAYER PROMPT - A stray puck takes a weird bounce in practice and-- oops! You got bonked on the noggin! To your surprise, you wake up as yourself, but with a different life!

Written Task: If your player could choose any job outside of being an SHL player, what would it be and why? Simulated doctor? Simulated European truck driver? What other talents or passions does your player have that they want to explore? What does this life look like? Is it super different? Or do you end up rich and famous anyway? (150+ words)

Uh oh! Adam has woken up as a K-Drama actor. Fitting, since his wife is Korean anyway.
At first, he's just another shmuck in the background of some ludicrous scene played straight. Maybe the two protagonists are professing their love to each other at a bowling alley and Adam's the guy in the background guttering.
But he works his way up the industry and eventually finds himself getting speaking parts. Finally, those Korean lessons are coming in handy. He plays the token foreigner there to either serve as an obstacle for the main characters to overcome, or to step in and offer some expository dialogue.
Eventually, his hard work pays off. He becomes the next hottest star, getting offered movie roles left and right, some of them even major worldwide motion pictures. His salary starts to dwarf even his SHL salary, and he can’t step out of his Seoul apartment without being swarmed by papparazzi. He gets into an altercation with one, and it comes to blows. He’s knocked out and after hitting his head on the pavement he wakes up in full hockey gear with concerned teammates crowding around.
But which is the real Adam? Was that a dream, or is he dreaming now?

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Canada | Player Page | Grizzlies | Player Updates | Inferno

After being hit in the head, the team trainers and doctors all told him he should avoid sleeping for a few hours. Unfortunately, he was too concussed to listen to them, and took a nap on the trainer's massage table. When he woke up he was a hazy mess, and came to in a bed he did not recognize. Next to him slept a small figure underneath the duvet, and upon closer inspection, seemed to be a pig with blonde hair and flesh made of felt, not unlike himself. Alarm bells started going off in his head when she rolled over and said "hello Kermy," the very nickname only his mother had called him before. Who was this pig, and where was he? At this moment, a blue creature with a bizarre hook nose poked his head in the room to say "Animal just dropped another deuce on the lawn." Kermit is now freaking out, as he spends an entire day being prepped for an impending taping of a TV show, being told only that it was "time to get things started." It was at this point that he woke up again on the team charter flight back to Seattle and realized it had all been a hallucination compliments of the finest painkillers the doctors could legally give him. Still though, the moment stuck with him as it felt like more than just a dream.

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Boom Stick has always enjoyed the woods and isolation from the world, so he could be a fire-watcher. Living in those massive towers, far away from the woods, with limited connection to the outside world and a massive trail park to enjoy, while also helping out the occasional trapped individual or stopping any troublemakers. So that sort of isolation would be enjoyable for him, though it would need to be in a colder climate because Boom Stick is a little bit of a baby when it comes to warm temperatures: so he'd like to serve as a fire watch worker in a temperate or boreal forests. Boom Stick also wouldn't mind being a soldier, and living in the strict organization of a armed forces, where he gets to work with guns and tactics. He's a gun nut, as is typical for a Finnish man, so he would relish the opportunity to serve his country in the armed forces. Not much of a war going on in Finland, right now, though, so nothing much to shoot at. He'd probably get bored.

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