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S66 PT #2: Freaky Friday

If Simulation Hockey League team Hamilton Steelhawks prospect and current right wing for the Colorado Raptors of the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League had to pick a different profession that isn't being a professional ice hockey player he would probably choose something that is related to the arts or culture. If Jolmi Koivu had a gun to his head and was forced to decide what his profession would be within the arts and or culture field he would probably choose being an interpretive dancer. If you think about it the two professions, interpretive dancer and ice hockey player, actually have a lot of overlap in them. For starters both jobs rely very heavily on your body, so since Jolmi is already in shape in makes sense. Another reason is that both professions have a ton to do with the emotions of the people perceiving what is going on. If you think about it ice hockey is really just a form of interpretive dance.
(164 words)

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(Sig Credit: toedragon84)

Prompt 1

In a different life, Minamino finds himself enjoying the challenge and battles in a different venue. Specifically the wedding industry, as a wedding planner and coordinator.

Rising to the challenge of trying to plan together his clients ideal days, he imposes his size on the industry in ensuring that perfection is the sheer minimum in what he expects out of himself and his team.
In particular, his eye for is what gets him into the scene in the first place, splitting his early time between decor and photography and putting a foot in all the while developing connections and the other skills for the all around ability necessary to rise as an elite talent.

The greatest challenge would be the time management aspect as even delegating some of the more consuming tasks still requires management and oversight. Yet it's still the one on one connection he holds with his clients that results overwhelming positive feedback.

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Prompt 1: If Esa Parmborg could wake up and have another life besides being an SHL superstar, he would easily choose to be a competitive eater. Watch out Joey Chestnut because Parmborg is coming for your hotdog record. Not only hot dogs though, Esa Parmborg would dominate the competitive eating circuit. Mashed potatoes, chicken wings, dumplings, tacos, pies, steak by the ounce, ice cream, etc. You name it Parmborg would dominate it. He would quickly become a star not only because of his skill in eating mass quantities of food in short periods of time, but also is charismatic personality. Parmborg is a born star no matter what he does, everyone is drawn to him and he commands the room. He would gain super stardom from the competitive eating ring and then have multiple wives, one in each of the major cities in US and Canada.

---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
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#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite

Hockey prompt

As I stumbled back to my feet I realized I wasn’t sitting on the bench I was the one standing giving the orders, once I started to take in the fact I’m not a head coach with the blink of an eye it was a huge adaptation that had to be made quick as we trail in the game I sent my top line out there with just 2 minutes left on the clock as they worked hard to bring the game back there was still no give in the game, we finally got a whistle and the goalie looked over and waved him to the bench but who do I send on, I scanned the bench and found the biggest player we got and grab his jersey and said “you have one job, DO NOT LET THAT GOALIE SEE” as he mumbled yes and skated to the ice I knew it was a long shot but they just had to take shots and hope, as the clock ran down in the last 10 seconds it was a shot from the point that managed just to roll in as the goalie didn’t see it. We tied the game but my head coaching didn’t, I carried on doing this same strategy in my career and got the same outcomes each time, I guess I’m just a one trick pony

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If Zoltan was going to work as anything outside of being a player in the simulation hockey league, I think that he would be working as one of those cool street artists thats walks the streets of the major cities. By artist, i mean living statues, peddling for tips and doing cool random stuff on the street. Zoltan has never been able to hold down a real job outside of hockey and odd jobs that the lord of Zoltan cult required of him. Its one of those things where he was never really trained or educated to work a job in a regular society. Zoltan takes to the streets, earning his tips and also trying or recruit more followers. Moving between different cities trying to find new members is also a way to earn money with the lord zoltan. They work on a referral system, the more people you refer and recruit, the more money the lord zoltan will provide you.

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Prompt 1

If Mat Smith woke up tomorrow morning with his dream job, he'd definitely be promoting the legendary DJ Ben Jammin's music. That's a job that basically does itself with how awesome he is, but to have the opportunity to plan publicity stunts, create concerts, tour around with, spend late nights messaging, and snuggle alongside this incredibly talented musician would just be a dream come true. Smith can definitely see himself using some of the skills he's gathered from SHL recruitment to help establish a strong social media presence for Ben Jammin, as well as be one of those guys in the headset that you see just to the side of the stage at a concert. And as a bonus, Smith would still be able to hang out with his friends and teammates in Chicago since Ben Jammin would have to spend lots of his time with them as well. Thinking about this has made Smith seriously consider retiring from hockey since it honestly sounds like the life.

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If Oles wasn’t playing hockey, he would probably be an electrician. Good Tradesmen are very hard to come by and Oles knows what he’s paying the construction crews to build his new house in Edmonton (let’s just say the 100 million dollar bank account is about to become a lot smaller…). Oles was raised in a blue collar family where his father was an electrician and his mother was a welder in Ukraine. Oles never liked the idea of being in such a hot environment like welding, not to mention you have so much protective gear on that it can be very annoying at times.

Oles’ father worked for the hydro company of Ukraine and for a non-athlete, he made some pretty decent money along with making many connections. It would only be fitting for Oles to follow in the foot steps of his father and continue the legacy of brightening up peoples words (literally!)

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First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

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PBE Affiliate

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Sig Credit: Flappy (EVO) and Skolpaddor (RESO)


First SMJHL Goal: Colorado Raptors, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Mikelis Ozoliņš 4, Loki Odinsson 3) at 3:12, 2nd Period (GWG) / SMJHL S47 Game 47 Day 12: Colorado Raptors vs Detroit Falcons
First SHL Goal: Texas Renegades, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Josef Kubinec 5, Ricky Spanish 4) at 16:23, 2nd Period / SHL S51 Game 71 Day 16: Edmonton Blizzard vs Texas Renegades

Eternal RaptorsRaptors Old, onwards we roll Rage

And Let's Retire at the Pinnacle

If Rylie Versi wasn't a hockey player, he would have been a Veterinarian. He has an affinity for animals and has kept the likes of dogs, cats, rodents, snakes, lizards, and even a raccoon as pets. The Texas native even had a one eyed southern toad named Buddy at one point. In fact, before discovering hockey, Rylie always told anyone who asked, he wanted to help animals when he was older. Rylie always hated the cost of vet bills his mother was having to endure to keep his pets healthy, so he would volunteer at the local animal shelter to earn vouchers for vet visits to offset the costs. After hockey Versi's life direction changed drastically but he never stopped loving animals and the will to continue helping them in his spare time is still present today. Rylie often helps families in need pay for their vet bills, and has vowed to use his hockey money to one day offer a service that helps cover vet costs entirely.

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Professional frogposter
Electric lettuce enthusiast


Angus McFife gets bonked on the noggin. or so he tought. Turns out it was just a dream he was living of a hockey player. He wakes up as a public servant, middle aged man, not able to sing, play guitar and also not able to slay goblins with a mighty hammer.

Micool is his name. He works hard for money, unlike in the SHL where he only has to paly hockey to make millions. He has friends, but only online. Turns out Guy Zheng, Eko van Otter, Pavel Jizziak and many others also exists outside the hockey dream life, but they also dont play hockey for real. They like to ask "Jim wen", i have no idea what that means.

Life is much different outside the virtual world, turns out we have to eat, drink, and poop. We also have to work much harder to become better persons, writing 150 words essaye every week doesnt cut it, we have to actually do stuff to improve like running, reading and self-reflection. Turns out its not all bad. Then I get boinked on the head again. I am now Angus Mcfife, noble and true with an heart of steel. I am back to the virtual world yay!

Character Page RD- Quarterback
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Retired players:
-Toki Wartooth
-Nathan Explosion btw
-Angus McFife XVIII

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ISFL Affilliate: Sebster

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Coach was on the bench when I come over to the bench and tripped on one of their own players and took out the other team's star player. He knew what it meant this game thatI was suspended for two games. This could be the lost opportunity he needed to make it big in the league, but two players were down so they couldn't continue playing. He sent out his best player Ivan Maximus who has never been on the ice before with just five minutes left on the clock. Ivan made some pretty amazing moves and headed for the net, but missed. As soon as he missed, Coach could feel his staff shake with disappointment and worry, but Ivan made the game! coming in with only a couple of seconds left on the clock, he charged up the ice, with Sven on his rear, brought the defenseman down and made a sick move to pass it to sven who took a big slapper and scored to tie the game

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Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
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In an alternate world, the real world according to some, but a fantasy world according to several and or many others, Rand al'Thor is a terrifying hero. A hero known as The Dragon. The Dragon was sent to destroy humanity but also save it, take upon it's ultimate burden of promising his life and going mad in the process to save humanity from the greatest evil. Now, this may seem a far cry from hockey, but given the terrible things the sport of hockey has done to many people especially minorities within the game itself, there did need to be a great equalizer. For every Patrick Kane there's a Johnathon Toews, for every SDCore, there's a Juke and for every Vic, there's an HFFO. If it wasn't obvious, Vic is the embodiment of the dark one in our plane and defeating him should ultimately be our purpose, but I digress. In this alternate reality, Rand is, as many people know him to be, The Dragon, the saviour and breaker of humanity.

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

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Bas O'Bigbers gets hit in the head with a stray puck and wakes up in Gamehenge as a brewer of beer. When Bas is helping the lizards form a rebellion against The Evil King Wilson by trying to acquire the famous friendly helping book, Bas is brewing beer for all the lizards. Bas' favorite kind of beer is Guinness so of course Bas brings the power of stout beer to the magical land of Gamehenge. All the lizards rejoice at being able to drink the fine black liquid and all of its glory. Bas does love hockey but arguably the only thing he could possibly love more is beer. And boy does Bas love beer. The brewery also serves as the social glue that binds all the lizards in gamehenge. In fact it was his brewery which the famous Colonel Forbin arrived at when he stepped into yesterday and emerged in gamehenge.

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Jones wakes up in a world that is new to him. He is no longer a defender for the Winnipeg Aurora, but is he unemployed? No. He seems to have carved himself a career as a freelance Graphic Designer. He creates brands and uniforms for some of the top leagues in sports. He gets the joy of working from home, setting his own hours and spending time with his family instead of being on the road for 33 games a season. On top of his new Graphic Designer career, it seems he spent some of his time DJing more often. Always a hobby, but never something he did seriously, He now has a consistent set time at two bars on the weekend and gets to enjoy his nightlife blasting beats for all the patrons. At the end of the day this new life is fun but i dont think he would trade in his career in the SHL for the world.

Germany Elk Aurora [Image: vKrOFwy.png] [Image: VbtOVyg.png] Aurora Elk Germany

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