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S66 PT #3: Breakaway Challenge

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[S78] #14 C | Jon Garfield
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[S58] #72 LD | Shion Okamoto
[SMJHL] Newfoundland Berserkers | Former Captain | S60, S62 Four Star Cup
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Okay so... I'm a soccer fan (and player and coach, but that's not important). I am also a notorious hater of penalty shootouts (even though I myself am actually a penalty expert). Shootouts in hockey are, I think, less problematic in terms of the skills required to score them (they're actually similar to the method I would like to see in soccer, funnily enough) so I think I'm less anti-shootout here... however... I still have problems with the concept of a high pressure event which only tests a limited subset of the relevant skills for the sport while putting undue psychological pressure on the players.

Ties are apparently something north americans are allergic to, though, so you still need some way to break the tie. Infinite 3v3 sounds cool, but realistically would just increase the incidence rate of injuries -- especially given how many games are in a season -- so that's maybe not the best approach either. I think there's a compromise here though. What if, before each game, the opposition ranks your players in the shootout order they prefer? And then, a shootout takes place before the start of overtime if scores are level.

This has two advantages, I think:
Firstly, it takes some of the pressure off. This makes it more likely that players will be able to perform to their full ability in a shootout.
Secondly, it introduces chaos -- i.e. a factor that you cannot control -- as well as strategy.

If the game is then still level after two periods of overtime, the team that won the earlier shootout gets the win.

The downside here is that winning the pre-overtime shootout could encourage a team to just play defensively, so you also need to introduce new rules to limit that possibility I guess... but I'm not knowledgeable enough about the sport to know how that would work.

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I know people always call shootouts the “dice roll”, but I still think they should stay. I’m not a huge fan of ending games in ties outside of soccer because it just feels incomplete. I want there to be a final resolution when the game is done. However, endless overtime is a terrible idea. Games could double in length, and if a team has a back-to-back, they are screwed since they will be way more winded than their opponent. The bigger issue people seem to have is the loser point, however if you have a format involving the shootout you need to have the loser point since the shootout is so random. I think the only options moving forward would be to keep things the way it is (and 3 on 3 overtime has helped a lot with reducing the number of shootouts in my opinion), or you do one overtime, give the loser 0 points if they lose in OT, and if it’s still tied after OT call it a tie and give both teams 1 point.

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Thank you @xjoverax and @phoenix for the sigs!

Hockey Prompt
I actually think the shootout is a good thing for the NHL. This might end up sounding controversial but I have good reasoning to my thoughts and opinions. Some might compare the shootout to penalties at the end of a football match. I think they are very different in scenario regarding the team and their schedule. A football team only plays likely once a week. They are not immediately hopping on a plane or whatever they take for transport immediately after a game. The player have ample time to rest and recover and thus penalties should not be a thing in that sport. In hockey however, you will find your team constantly moving about because you have to fit 82 games into a span of 6 months. There are back to back games that take a toll on the players and reduce recovery. The shoutout is a way to end the game with a reasonable time to recover, and get where you need to go. If it was just overtime all the time the players would likely suffer more injuries and play poorly the next game. You all saw what happened after the 5 OT game in the NHL playoffs a couple seasons ago. We do not need that happening in a regular season game.

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(This post was last modified: 08-05-2022, 11:54 AM by Ace.)

Hockey Prompt, Written Task (182 words)
I honestly can not stand the shootout. It’s a gimmick and a really cheap way of ending an actual hockey game. I understand the need of doing away with the tie as fans leave the arena without a sense of conclusion. I grew up playing goaltender, and while a penalty shot is edge of your seat stuff, a shootout just diminishes that feeling exponentially. In my opinion, OT should start out 5 on 5 for 5 minutes, then go to 4 on 4 for 5 minutes, and then 3 on 3, and so on, until there is a goal scored. A hockey game should be finished off of a hockey play, and some of the cheeky shit that players pull in a shootout would never be possible in a real hockey setting. Another gripe I have is now teams aren’t even going for the win in the 3 on 3 overtime, they are just clogging up the zone and playing keep away with the puck to get it to the shootout, especially if they feel like they have an advantage in net.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

Task 1 - 183 words

First thing first, the lights dim so you can’t see the ice. The music starts, it’s Grieg’s “In The Hall Of The Mountain King.” As the crescendo starts the lights come back on. Evgeni is standing there wearing a bunch of animal pelts that he clearly hasn’t cleaned as everyone gives him a wide birth. Not for any reasons related to the shootout, he just smells terrible and is has a weird fungus on half of the pelts. Evgeni grabs his stick which just appears to be a spear with a beaver still on it and starts skating towards the opposing goalie. The opposing goalie, probably shitting themselves, skates away to the bench where the mandated “Evgeni Petrov Therapist” is standing by. As Evgeni gets to the net he unleashes a primal howl that scares even those with the strongest spirits. He fires in the spear into the net where if the goalie was there it clearly would have gone into them. He skates off happy with himself as the judges sit there in shock, too afraid to judge what they just saw.

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Hockey prompt / written task

I think the shootouts are a wonderful way to end hockey games (in the regular season). Even thought a lot of people consider them to be gimmicky, I personally think they are wonderful for the fans and a way to end hockey games without having to resort to longer games for the players or letting the games end in a tie.

For the fans, I think shootouts are amazing since they let the best players in the world show their skills to the fullest and raise the stakes of the games dramatically. In the shootouts, one centimeter can mean either winning it all or losing it all (kinda like when Gretzky hit the post in the Olympic games). Plus, every time, we, as fans get to see a game go to over time then to shootouts, I get the feeling we get more bang for our bucks.

To finish, I just want to say that I don’t think it would be wise to include shootouts in playoff games since they rely more on chance than regular 5 on 5 hockey. I would prefer to keep the actual playoff format.

Getting ready because there is only 364 days before the next hockey team selection   Renegades

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I would bring back the tie. The loser point is already bad enough, since it's conjured out of thin air, but I say after 60 minutes + the 3v3 5 minute overtime, if the teams are tied, the game should end as a tie. Both teams get one point, and everyone moves on. I think there's nothing wrong with having teams tie, there doesn't have to be a winner. I don't mean that to say I dislike the shootout either, because the shootout can be pretty entertaining, but I do believe it's a pretty dumb way to determine the winner of a hockey game at the professional level. A tie works out better in that, with no winner, now you have both teams getting a point, instead of a magic 3rd point being conjured up and fucking with standings, and you don't have to worry about the ROW column in standings ever again!


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Hockey Prompt - I think the shootouts are fine. When you have such a full schedule that you are playing many back-to-backs, you can't have a game go on forever. It's a better OT than American Football. And I think hockey shootouts are more skill oriented and better than soccer penalties that are really all luck. Especially after a 3v3 OT. 3v3 OT has really made the difference I think. What does drive me mad is that its 2 points for a win and 1 point for OTL/SOL. You're just pulling points out of thin air. It should be 3 points for a win. 2 points for OTW/SOW and 1 point for OTL/SOL. Winning is regulation needs to be rewarded more. And really I get needing to end the game. At most maybe add one more 5 minute 3v3 OT. But hockey shootouts are better than many other sports overtimes.

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It's one of the fans most favorite times of the season - the skills competition. This season, St. Louis Scarecrows winger, Mikael Jakobsen, was selected to take part in the Break Away Competition where only the most gifted with their hands gets to showcase their skills. Each year we find some very cool moves, talents and entertainment and we're excited to see what Jakobsen has in store for us.

Skip forward a tiny bit, okay?

The lights dim and a spotlight comes on the ice. Johnny Knoxville comes to the center and says "Hello, I'm Johnny Knoxville and this is the SMJHL Breakaway Challenge. Today, we're gonna to get a little icy. Clinch those cheeks and grabbed your loved ones, here's Mikael".

Steve-O and Chris Pontius come out wearing nothing but cheetah printed thongs. They're pushing a ramp. All of a sudden you hear revs of an engine. A man comes out wearing a gladiator suit with a minotaur head... IT'S JAKOBSEN! He flies down on the ATV and does a back flip in the air with the quad... he pulls out a sword which is designed as a gladiator sword and drops a puck.. swings the sword.. er stick.. SCORES! and then drives through the goalie with the ATV.. NO GOALIE INTERFERENCE!

I absolutely hate shootouts. I thought it was an interesting, but hopefully niche thing when they were brought in, but honestly a tie is better. I think the absolutely best solution is a change of the point system, with a regulation win being worth 3 points, and an overtime win 2, overtime loss 1, regulation loss 0. This has a lot of ability to have tweaks as well, you could remove the shootout and bring back ties, 3v3 forever until a goal happens (honestly, how long would the longest 3v3 last, 15 minutes? I think that's worth it), or hell even keep the shootout, but don't make it worth the same as a regulation win. I think it would be really beneficial to stop awarding shootout victories the same as being able to push and close out a game in regulation. One final tweak perhaps could be extending that 5 minute overtime period - make it so if you win it's the full 3 points, and losing is nothing. that way you might get players and teams pushing for that goal, as opposed to waiting for the stupid shootout.

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Kyle Sux Lmap

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Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
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Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

Prompt 2

I absolutely do not like the NHL ending games on a penalty shootout. It basically ends up being a coin toss to end games and whether your team wins or loses I always feel disappointed because it is the least fun way to win a game. The NHL did the right thing when they made overtime 3 on 3 but they should have gone further. I personally think NHL overtime games should have an extended 3 on 3 for a full 20 minutes. If no one can score on 3 on 3 for 20 minutes than the game should be decided by a giant brawl. Whom ever comes out on top when the brawl is over wins the game. I feel like that is the only way to top 3 on 3 in the intensity department. I would make games a lot more exciting that a lame penalty shootout that leaves everything to chance. 3 on 3 and a giant brawl is a lot more skill based.

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Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
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