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S66 PT #4: Just Wanna Have Fun

Written Task:  So what does your player do to remind themselves to have fun or to enjoy the experience of being a professional hockey player? Does your player wear something special, or maybe draw something special somewhere on their gear? Tell me what they do and why! What message does your player enjoy having a reminder of during every game?  (150+ words)

Being a bear, Munko requires significant modifications to his uniform in order to even get on the ice. For example brown bears have claws that are minimum 2 inches long and can grow as large as 4 inches with the thickness of a cigar. While these claws may seem formidable weapons at first, bears instead mostly use them to dig for roots and burrowing animals, as well as to excavate dens in order to overwinter. In order to not accidentally gore members of his or the opposing team with his claws, Munko wears special gloves that accommodate and pad his claws. In addition to this, Munko's large head and the fact that he is not human make it very difficult to find an appropriate helmet, so he has special permission to not wear one. While the average human skull is usually around a quarter of an inch thick, bear skulls can be up to 4 inches thick and capable of stopping pistol and even some rifle bullets, meaning a puck most likely won't do any damage.

[Image: Duff101.gif]
Credit to Geck, Ragnar and Juni for sigs

PT Pass

Pass Forfeit (D) ● Player Profile
Kraken Rage Panthers

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Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3

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Player Prompt Written Task: Being a professional hockey player in the SHL a fun job, but it's still a job. Making a living off of playing a sport Mats Marner loves is a rewarding dream come true, yet also frustrating, exhausting, and demanding at times. Having thousands of people cheer for you is very humbling. The same can be said about thousands booing at you! Another amazing perk is that players like Mats Marner get all sorts of special treatment like free lease on cars like for example just take a picture with a new Porsche and then get to lease it for free. SHL teams generally treat their players well with help from everything to where to buy a house if you arrive new to a team to dietitians to sports psychologists to sleep and rest experts so its ice to have everything covered. The one special thing Marner does to have fun before games is throwing a football around with his teammates which reminds him of his fun times playing football in high school.

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[Image: leafsftw1967.gif] 

Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

Hockey Prompt

It's no real secret that Quebec City's season didn't start the way they'd planned. As the preseason favorites after a tough exit in last season's playoffs, the Citadelles found themselves frustrated and disheartened as loss after loss piled up during what was supposed to be their best season yet. Shots weren't finding their mark, passes were going astray, and the defense found themselves in each other's way as often as their opponents'. Every practice things got a little tougher, as the staff and team leadership tried everything to right the ship and turn the season around. Then, after another disheartening loss, the coaching staff decided to give the team a free day in the hopes that the players could find some rhythm themselves. They went through a few drills, led mostly by the team captains, but after a while everyone came together at center ice and just started to talk. One by one, they opened up about the frustration of the season until, by the end, they were laughing. Sometimes, things just don't go the way you plan, and the only way forward is to roll with the punches. From that moment on, they decided to live the rest of the season on their own terms, as a team, and let whatever happens next happen. One by one they tossed their sticks to the center of the rink, and goalies Hayden and Time picked them out at random until two teams were formed. They didn't keep score, and they didn't work hard, but the team finally found a way to have fun just playing the game.

And just like magic, the next week the wins came back.

[Image: RAmenAmen.gif]
sig credit: Ragnar, Sulovilen, Enigmatic, Bayley
[Image: kcP9WEd.png] [Image: DNLeeu0.png] [Image: DKMMlC3.png]
[Image: RAmenAmenPride.gif]

Player Prompt:
Dirty Boots always remembers where he came from and is a proud Newfoundlander (even though he left Team Canada to join Austria by being recruited by former teammates). With that in mind you, Boots always has a sticker of his home province of Newfoundland stuck on his helmet. Newfoundlanders carry so much pride in anyone who makes it big off the island whether they're famous or a pro athlete or anything that would put them in the spotlight. Boots also keeps a literal bag of dirt in the locker room. This dirt he bagged up and keeps topped up whenever he makes trips back to his hometown where he played ball hockey in the field. If Boots get a new stick or skates, he's sure to rub in some of that dirt from home as you couldn't have a game of hockey back at home without getting your Boots dirty.

[Image: 3WSeHAA.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2022, 11:32 AM by adamantium. Edited 1 time in total.)

Written Task:  So what does your player do to remind themselves to have fun or to enjoy the experience of being a professional hockey player? Does your player wear something special, or maybe draw something special somewhere on their gear? Tell me what they do and why! What message does your player enjoy having a reminder of during every game?  (150+ words)

"I've always worn my father's cross around, but wearing jewelry on the ice is an absolute no-no, so instead I like to keep around a few little written reminders on my gear of where I came from and where I'm going.

First and foremost, I've got my dad's Strikeout to Walk ratio from his very short stint playing for the Mets written down on the tongue of my left skate, just as a reminder that he made the most of the very minimal time he got playing in the big show--so I should too.

I have my own point totals from my time playing in New Jersey in the NAHL on the tongue of my right skate to remind myself of where I personally came from--I'm not really living up to my potential yet, I think, and being able to see that every night when I lace up gives me a little bit of drive to try and be the best hockey player I can be.

And then, last is something that I've gotten questions about from fans on twitter before, and it's that I have the year '1982' written on the corner of my stick tape on some nights but not every one. And that's the year that my grandfather won the World Cup with the Italian National Team--I only ever put it on the tape when we're playing a big game, so rivalries or through the entirety of playoffs and it's there for one reason: to remind me that there's greatness in my family and that I have the capability for greatness too."

- Benson Fiorentini, Sportsnet 650 Vancouver

WC: 270

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sigs by me bitch


Player Prompt

Hi all, back for another point task. I finally get a chance to showcase, uh correction, describe how my beautiful goalie mask looks like. I assume any goalie in the SHL has a personalized goalie mask. I am no different. I do have several symbols on my mask. First of all, the biggest part of my mask consist of a picture of me with a big smile. For anyone who is curious, the picture is the same as my player render on my player profile. This reminds me of just have fun while playing. Secondly i do have several pictures of nuts on my mask. This reminds me about my ancestry, the Squirrel family. Finally i do have a four-leaf clover on my mask as a lucky charm. I hope it brings me luck. What about gloves and stick you might wonder? Well i like to keep those clean to avoid distracting me while trying to make a save.

Stars | Player | Update Thread | Gordie#6746 | Manual Lineup Sheet | HockeyNation | Grizzlies

Two words: Zamboni Jousting. It's been on my mind for weeks now and it is about time that the coaches let us blow off some steam. There is only so much 2 a days and 3 a days that we can do. As we are gearing up for playoffs, the coaches have been having us do more physical skating drills over skills and the team is getting tired. Being first in the league definitely has its drawbacks with the overwhelming need to keep winning. So it makes sense that our mental as been a bit low. We are eating, drinking, and sleeping hockey. So to blow off steam we got out the zambonis and put 3-4 players on them. We charge the zambonis at each other and the goal is to knock off as many players until only one remains. The rules are as followed: Unlimited passes until one team is out of jousters on their zamboni. If the driver manages to be dislodged, then the entire team loses immediately for failing to protect the driver.

[Image: seamsu_500.png?ex=66b438d3&is=66b2e753&h...96a382d50&]

Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
[Image: gXlAFBa.png]|| [Image: 8CbZQAJ.png]

Player prompt

Mat Smith has always been a little bit frugal, so when he showed up to his first day of practice in Quebec City with his skates that weren't even goalie skates, and way outdated pads, it surprised him that the team had a brand new set waiting for him. For the rest of his juniors career no matter how hard the team tried, he kept wearing all the same equipment, same skates, pads, everything. When he got called up to Chicago there was a bit of a battle since he fought to keep wearing the same pads, but the team wouldn't let him since the blues wouldn't match the Chicago yellow and black. As a compromise though, they let him keep wearing the same old pair of worn out skates that he was handed on his first day of practice over ten seasons ago, and though the blades have been changed countless times, every time Smith laces em up he remembers where he came from and all the people who have helped him along the way.

[Image: Mat10Man.gif]

player prompt: Lias, like a lot of professional athletes, has plenty of little rituals when it comes to his equipment. He has a necklace he always wears, a simple dogtag-type pendant with the names of his moms and his sister on it, but he really never takes that off except to clean it, so it doesn't require any adjusting for individual games. He does have one other thing that's unique to him, though - he has a piece of tape on the inside of both gloves. On each piece of tape is written a word. One piece has a word that his sister Freja texts him before she goes to bed over in Sweden, a new word every day that she just chooses at random, and it makes him feel connected to his family back at home even though he is far away. On the other piece of tape Lias writes the name of the team they're playing that night, as a reminder to himself that his focus has to be on this one game, taking things one game at a time and not getting in his own head about anything else.

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

Answering for the creative prompt:

You know, a lot of players don't really like the shootout. It does not feel like the right way to win a hockey game. Anyhow, the only way to cope with the existence of the shootout is to practice the shootout? Except nobody does that since it's really a last resort sort of thing.

Anyhow, once the coaches leave, the Seattle Argonauts decide to be productive by working on their shootout skills in order to better their odds of taking home that extra point from an actual shootout. The shootout drill would start out as serious as you can imagine, before eventually descending further and further into bedlam, as players begin to get flashier and flashier before it just turns into the all star breakaway challenge. I'm talking spin-o-ramas, Michigan goals, and numerous attempts at pulling the Forsberg. Basically, by the end of it, the Seattle Argonauts will have made little progress on truly improving their shootout skills. That being said, bonus marks for style points!

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[Image: beegbeegyoshi.gif]

Written Task:  So what does your player do to remind themselves to have fun or to enjoy the experience of being a professional hockey player? Does your player wear something special, or maybe draw something special somewhere on their gear? Tell me what they do and why! What message does your player enjoy having a reminder of during every game?  (150+ words)

Kawashima realizes how fortunate he is to be in the position he is. That he had the opportunities growing up to get on the ice and learn the game of ice hockey. The people responsible for this are his parents, they gave him the all these opportunies as well as being his biggest supporter. Kawashima also has an older sister and a younger brother who support him to the end. So for every match, he will make a special made tshirt he owns that has a family picture printed on it. That way he can always keep him family close to him even when they are not around to cheer him on during a game.

Kawashima is already a very family oriented person, so with the shirt he also hopes to just honour them. He hopes to win a cup one day, just so he can hold that cup and skate around with his tshirt out and claim it is all thanks to the endless support given to him.

[169 words]

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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

Affiliate - Laser

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[Image: Virrok.png]
Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

Karl being somewhat of a grizzled vet on the team has gained some respect and listening from the younger guys. The last 20 minutes he calls "free form" where he encourages players to drop their sticks and participate in a ice dancing routine. At first this was a laughable mess on the ice. Players falling all over, grown men flaring their arms and attempting jumps and failing.
Insisting on it improving flexibility and movement though, Karl kept pushing it on the team. Eventually they started even getting good. Still in full equipment because you play the game with the equipment, so you need to learn to move in it. The sitting president even said that if Baltimore wins the cup this season that he would invite the team to his private ice rink and have them put on a private show for him. A little weird, but that's probably a long shot at this time. The team has bought in and are having fun. #TeamBuilding

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PBE affiliate

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Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

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Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

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