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S66 PT #4: Just Wanna Have Fun

Evil AllBran has had a game tradition since the 22nd of April 2001. That's the date the first episode of Trailer Park Boys aired on the Canadian TV network Showcase. When AllBran saw the high jinks of Julian, Ricky and Bubbles and the inspiring resilience the boys showed in the face of repeated failure he knew that he wanted to take that same energy onto the ice with him every shift. So from that date on, before any game AllBran was going to play he would watch an episode of the Trailer Park Boys and then when the episode was over he would take a quote that stood out to him and write it down the shaft of his stick. From the short sharp "Worst case Ontario" to the thought provoking "One man's garbage is another man person's good un-garbage", every single quote has inspired AllBran to give all he has each shift.

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Special thanks to Carpy48, Ragnar, Merica, High Stick King, Sulovilen, sothfacekilla, enigmatic and LeSizz for the signatures!

At the end of the day despite ice hockey being a game that is to be played, making it not a conventional job, it is still a job at the end of the day so B Jobin does do his best to ensure that he remembers his love for the game when he is out there every day and every night. But how does he do this? Well I'll tell you! Before every single game he takes some time to mentally reflect on where his career started, just playing pickup hockey with his friends, where he first found his love of the game, and after he does that he writes down the name of everyone who helped him get where he is today, especially the members of the Jobin family (A, C and D). As well, he makes sure to play local pickup games back home in Sweden at least a couple of times a year just to play some low stakes, for fun type of games.

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**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**

What Jayson Aittoklaio knows best is to how to have fun while playing the SHL hockey game. Especially being a rookie on a big team, he felt kind of lonely, so he choose to get invovled with charities. First he brings first responders to the game each game in the teams clubbox. Secondly he wears the breast cancer ribbon on the back of his stick in order to remember his mom, who died while fighting breast cancer, ver sad. And then, you are going into the deeper end of things. He then goes and walks around the rink 5 times ina row in order to get physical. He knows that he is lucky to play the game of hockey everyday, and he isnt going to let a loss here or there stop him. And he is determined to make the best of his experience in the simulation hockey league. And he will cherish each second of it

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Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
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(This post was last modified: 08-13-2022, 09:15 PM by Toivo.)

We take our sport very seriously; we are paid quite well to do so. With so much on the line, we have to act this way. Yet, it is important for us to take a step back and examine our situation. We are playing the game we fell in love with at a young age. During the game, my player likes to have little mini games with teammates during the dead time. When there are commercial time outs, look for my player to be playing “don’t let the puck touch the ice because the ice isn’t actually ice but rather it is lava.” This is a classic game we would play down in peewee. This helps with the stress of all that is on the line in this profession. There is always someone gunning for your job, so make sure you take some time to look around and appreciate that you are in the good old days currently. It would stink to wrap up a career and not remember any of the fun little things. (175 words.... Kahn on PBE)

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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So, if the Syndicate coaches somehow decide that we have not practiced enough, the drill that I would suggest everyone to do would be a hockey version of jousting. Potentially, you could have two players start at opposite ends of the ice. To begin with, they would have to be standing in the goalie crease. Then, the players would skate as fast as they can to the centre of the ice with their sticks pointing towards the other player, as if they were in some sort of medieval joust. Whoever comes out on top after the collision and makes it to the other end of the ice wins. If you wanted it to be more similar to jousting, you could have the team goalies carry the players on their backs to the centre of the ice, while the players take care of handling the stick. We would definitely have no uninjured players left after this drill was over though.

[Image: Rg2aCpa.png]

[S78] #14 C | Jon Garfield
[SMJHL] Regina Elk / Thunder Bay Walleye

[SHL] Buffalo Stampede | Prospect

[S58] #72 LD | Shion Okamoto
[SMJHL] Newfoundland Berserkers | Former Captain | S60, S62 Four Star Cup
[SHL] Chicago Syndicate | S64 Challenge Cup
[IIHF] Team Japan | S60 Gold

Creative Prompt:
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Credit to @Symmetrik
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Zayne is just like other players when it comes to customizing his gear, wearing things a certain way or even not washing his jersey until they lose. He believes in all the typical things. His jersey isn't washed until he loses a game. He never washes his equipment bag. One of the crazier ones though is his stick is always taped on the third Monday of the month at exactly 11:37pm. It doesn't matter where he is or what he is doing he will wrap any sticks he could use that need it. Most people would have a reason or an event that caused them to do these things though. The strange part about Zayne is he doesn't. He just did it once and has been doing it ever since. He is having a pretty good career so far, so why change anything that he has been doing? He even once was at a wedding reception and had to stop and wrap a couple sticks. People gave him weird looks, but who could argue with his logic.

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     Sig Credit: Ragnar
[Image: vaxlare.png]
Sig Credit: Moosey

Falcons  |  Raptors | Stampede |  Patriotes |  Czechia
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I think this can be lumped into a pre-game ritual sort of writing, just because it's what reminds me of playing when I was a child. I was always the superstitious type, so I always kept my jersey on a pink hangar in between games for good luck. On game days, I would always listen to the same soundtrack before each game (Linkin Park was real popular at the time, so Meteora was the choice for me). Honestly I still do that to this day, it was and still is such a great album to listen to. Also, just playing pass with myself off the boards during warmups was my favorite thing to do; it always helped me zero-in and help focus on the game. Even during pickup or charity games, I always like to do this to remind myself of playing when younger. Going to games I really enjoyed when players would acknowledge me on the side, so I like to make eye-contact and get the fans involved a bit too.

Words: 150+

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player prompt

I guess I'll be one of those boring tipples who's not really from those who play after the show. I have an important performance of my own and the way I motivate myself is not etched into my outfit. Sure, my outfit fits the colors of the particular team, but there are no special inscriptions or signs on it that can be motivated. The only thing I have that I want to do before every game is read a motivational sign written for myself. It's in my outfit bag and reminds me of times when it's been hard for me and I didn't get very far. Times when I was in poverty are past, but yet all those events motivate me to operate even more and beyond. This letter is personal, it includes various facts from the past, as well as motivational words usually expressed by relatives. Words like that can inspire. More than anything, Latvian motivates the team's dressing room, which is rare in these circumstances.

Toms Zīle - young talanted latvian goalie

Boom Stick is really into "gone fishing", where you cut giant holes into the ice rink and see if you can catch anyone. This is obviously dangerous and fifteen players have encountered serious health and safety incidents from this. The SHLPA has made multiple petitions to stop Gone Fishing. CAN ANYONE STOP THIS MAN????

Also a big fan of ice limbo, where you form limbo with hockey sticks and try to get below or above the sticks in as athletic ways as possible. Doubles as a very interesting and competitive ice skating competition, because when the team is really into it, it's very easy to begin a "show off" competition of how you skate to the sticks themselves before you either do a jump or go below depending on the height of the two sticks. One time a player went below one foot in the sticks, it was very impressive and everyone clapped. Coach even let him get out of next week's practice for his heroics in stick-dancing arts.

plyr prmpt

Cheering me on isn't that easy at all, and self-motivated texts aren't necessarily the ones who can cheer. So every one of my hockey sticks has its own slogan on it. And these slogans are not made up by me, but the bequests of my family to me in the curves of my career. I also wanted to put encouraging phrases on my helmet, but it certainly wouldn't be handy and would get in the way of me as a hockey player over time. I'm a very superstitious person and all the nuances are important. This season proved that the ability to play in good quality and age is just a number. The plan in the near future is to tattoo the symbolism of Latvia on its back. It would certainly forgive me as a Latvian professional ice hockey player. Realistically, those years run for wind wings. I'm ready to play long, even though I know I'm staying older. In such cases, motivational texts will be needed.

Creative Prompt: Makrus works hard and plays hard. Sometimes he can do both at the same time. After a hard day of practice the team likes to unwind with a fun game of puck ball. What is puck ball you ask. Well it’s a game with a puck and no one knows why ball is in the name at all. The basic rules of puck ball are kinda like baseball if baseball was nothing like baseball. Each team in puck ball has 5 players. 4 players line up on the blue line for each side and 1 player plays in the center. The pitcher passes the puck to the pucker. The pucker then strikes the puck trying to get it passed the defenders on the blue line. The puck cannot reach the goal line though. It’s a mix of power and skill. If you hit the puck hard and fast the defense might miss it but then it might go too far. To little power means its not moving fast enough to get by the defenders. Teams take turns until we get bored, which usually happens after the first to get hit with a puck is done.

[Image: qm0v49d.png]

Jamal, being Jamaican, has green, gold, and black tape on his stick. Naturally. It's not just a reminder of home, or representation of his pride in his heritage, though. The tape has the same three messages scribbled on it that he received from the most important influences on his career. The first, from Uncle Mo, just says "fall seven times, stand up eight" -- a reminder that you can never give up. The second is from Aunt Lucy, "yuh cyaa wuk pon ice if yuh nuh av fiyah inna yuh heart" -- for those who don't speak Jamaican Patois, that's "you can't work on ice if you don't have fire in your heart"; she herself was a bobsledder, and her words remind Jamal that his chosen career is unconventional, and so he has to really have a passion for it, has to really commit to it.

The final message is from his mother, a simple "mash it up". You see, "good luck" is both too bland and too false for a Jamaican mother. Is it really luck, when your son, who you raised to work hard and give everything his all, achieves his dreams? Of course not! You raised that boy to make waves. You raised that boy to make an impact. You raised him to, as it were, "mash it up". Empty words like "good luck", "do your best", and "have a good game" are for unseasoned foreigners. You and your boy are Jamaican. Make sure everyone else knows it.

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The Journey

6,000 mile road#DidItForDildo1,700 miles more
A Silver Road

Drought Ender, Curse Breaker, Firebird

Creative Prompt:

The fun and creative practice event in Winnipeg is capture the flag. Each of the four circles on the ice acts as a home base. There are four teams, and each team is given a dodgeball to protect. Using only their bodies, hands, and feet (no sticks), the players try to simultaneously defend their own ball and capture the other team's balls. If you enter an opposing team's circle and are tagged by a defending player, you must sit one minute in the penalty box. If a team's ball is successfully captured, that team is out. Likewise, if a team fails to capture a ball in a given time period, that team is also out. Similar to quidditch, there is a special ping-pong ball that is floating around the ice. if a team manages to grab that ball, they get to make one player from an opposing team sit in the penalty box for one minute. Keeps things pretty frenetic.

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Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs

Well first of all, @Zombiewolf and I are going to get real freaky and make the rest of the team watch. On top of that, we are going to play duck duck goose at center ice. After that we are going to play heads up seven up, then we are going to watch the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy. I know it said 20 minutes, but here at the Buffalo Stampede we go that extra mile to ensure our players are satisfied and ready to take on whatever the world throws at us. After the movies, we are all going to be pretty sleepy so we are going to cap it off with nap time on the ice, then have snacks afterwards. Lee’s mom brought in orange slices for everybody and she’s a nice lady and we all appreciate it. After that, players are free to leave and continue on their day, though it will be well past midnight by then.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
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Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

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