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S67 PT #3: It Wasn't Me Due: October 9th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Jay Cue fights everyone on the ice. He does not care. Teammate speaking too loud? Skate to the face. A general manager telling him what to do? Helmet to the groin. A ref giving him penalties? Gloves come off and here we go, fighting ensues.
You might think this distracts Cue from the team strategy, but it really does not. Because the Atlanta Inferno practices are exactly like this, a big part of their game is based on this.
The only problem that might occur with this is that the refs really do not like Cue, so they try to destabilize him, so that he has bad games... but obviously it does not work, as Cue is still one of the best and richest player in the league, while refs are just frustrated nobodies that try to forget about their sad lives going to the ice and do a shitty job. And what does that get them? A punch to the face.

(162 words)

This ones oddly specific and highly questionable but in the end I would fight the ref to go for the video replay. Thats why they exist in hockey so that missed calls can be made into correct ones. Considering you do want that wrongful call to get checked out, you might wanna be a little more respectful than disrespectful and hateful if I ever want them to go and see the replay. Despite Lilja being past his prime and having multiple seasons behind him, he still does not cope with the referees fully, thats why he still needs to be on his toes to not get more penalty minutes from their wrongful calls - but still, he has never been the type of person to let stupid stuff like this go by unnoticed. If Lilja would have been more friendlier during his rookie years instead of just being in every referees face all the time with next to no experience in the league, he may have had a better shot during his veteran years.

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Boots gets ready to block a shot and gets down low. It bounces off of him and end up off the boards and in the neutral zone. His team is deep in their own end and Boots sees an opportunity. With fresh legs after just having starting his shift, Boots accelerates quickly and dashes towards the puck and gets it on his stick. He looks back to see the previous shooter on his tail but trips over the blue line while trying to scramble himself to chase Boots. This was it, the rare Defender on a breakaway, Boots was already thinking about what corner to pick and sizing up the goalie before PWEEEEET. 

Dirty Boots; Two minutes for Tripping!


Boots skates over to the Ref making the call. "Gordo that call is bullshit and you know it! How am i able to trip a guy who's five feet behind me!"

Boots has had a beer or two with Gordo before. Off ice their kids have played together and Boots knows he's a right on guy but on the ice he takes things very seriously. As Boots heads to the box he yells at the ref to check the video footage or something, that was a clear goal just waiting to happen.
"You owe me a beer Gordo! And a goal! I'm not happy!"
After two minutes passes, the ref makes his way over to Boots and tells him it was too late to take it back, the call was made and from his angle it looked like a trip. Boots taps him on the shins with his stick and nods. "You're lucky we didn't get scored on. Call one on them now so we can get that opportunity back. I'll see you outside after the game."

Boots would see Gordo outside after the game. At the bar. He would get his beer he was owed.

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Update Thread - Player Page
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Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


Hockey Prompt:

I think there's a place for video review, but there needs to be a happy medium found. I'm not in the camp that if you have video review, everything should be reviewed. That's nonsense. I think it should be made for plays that DIRECTLY affect the result of the game. Like in the NFL, review every goal scored. Don't have the on-ice refs do it from the box and take 10 minutes. Have a team of people in the background that quickly review the goal, relay to the refs on the ice and go. Penalties, and missed penalties, are part of the game and human error is something we need to live by. You can probably call a penalty on almost every play. Let the refs handle that part and take the good with the bad.

There is a place for video review in hockey, but it needs to be more consolidated and quicker. Have a team of people review goal scoring plays to find any infraction like off-sides or interference and let refs handle penalties and in-game management.

(179 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

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PT pass because I did trip the guy.

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Hockey Prompt:

I generally like the way reviews are done now except for two big exceptions: goalie interference and non-automation. You touched on this in the intro: I have no idea why hockey can't implement the technology used in soccer. It seems so simple for goals, maybe less so for offsides, but basically the same. I'm sure there are AIs out there that can see with much more precision and accuracy what the correct call would be. 

For Goalie interference, I just don't know. I hate that they even review it. Just make a call and stick with it. When they start looking at it in the video, ghosts seem to pop out and change their mind on things that shouldn't matter. Do I think goalie interference will ever be perfect? No. Do I expect some consistency? Mostly. 

To me, its dumb that they would call an over-the-glass delay of game penalty but then take 7 minutes to review if it touched the top of the glass. Like, sure it was a delay 100 years ago when they had one puck and someone had to go get it, but now its just a moot point.

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Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs


HOCKEY PROMPT: Currently, I kind of like where we are in terms of video review in the sports of hockey. I think we are in a good spot between too much time spending reviewing questionable call and some missed calls are simply part of the game. Personally, I think missing penalties is something we need to live with, it’s simply impossible to get everyone to agree on some penalty calls. In these kinds of situations, even if you had two bird eyes’ view referee, they both might have a different opinion on whether a penalty should be called. I think the only call that needs to be as accurate as possible is if a goal has been scored or not, and by that, I mean we need to make sure the puck has crossed the goal line. I think we could expand the coach challenge, to some more obvious penalties like high sticking, with the same consequence as they have for offside if their challenge is wrong.

165 words

Nor Ge
norway Citadelles

Salzberger Lillehammersson
norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
[Image: inferno.png] [Image: dragons.png] [Image: wolfpack2.png] [Image: stars.png] [Image: Dxdffra.png] [Image: hGKuRrv.png] [Image: sAx3Llh.jpg] [Image: firebirds.png]

PLAYER PROMPT - As you skillfully block a shot, the puck takes a lucky bounce and ends up behind the defender that shot it, giving you a perfect opening for a breakaway. As you take off to get past them, the defender turns to chase you but trips on their own feet and goes down in a heap. You get a brief moment of excitement as you realize you're on a clean break when suddenly-- the whistle blows. You're called for tripping. From the ref's angle it looked like you knocked their feet out.

Graphic Task: Show me your player talking to the ref about what happened. Include some speech bubbles!

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While Miguel Hefeweizen is generally calm and composed, he does, at times, possibly, have a bit of a temper. While there are certainly more hot-headed players in the league, Miguel often is toward the top of the disciplined San Francisco Pride team in time in the box, as coach Toast frowns upon poor behavior. In this case, though, the ref would likely get to see a bit of a rant about their eyesight, ability to judge the game of hockey, and if Miguel was having a particularly bad day, a thorough discussion of the possibility of illegitimacy in the referee's family tree. If Miguel is going to spend time in the box, then he's going to make it count. But, as quick as Miguel gets hot, he cools off again, and by the time he exits the box back onto the ice he's back in control of his emotions again. Plus, that bit of a breather did him good. Take that ref!
166 words

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Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

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Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

Written Task: Are you going to fight with the ref? Or do you resign yourself to taking an undeserved penalty? Write some dialogue!
Are you hot-headed or respectful? Is your player a veteran that has a long relationship with some of the leagues refs?
Are they a young player that's not afraid to tell it like it is?

oh boy oh boy it's time for me to do a shl prompt because this is a great time for me to get some lore in

toxic neutrality is one hell of a girlboss. extremely girlboss. the one thing is that toxic is swiss hence, by law and by birth, you are not allowed to have any significant opinions.

instead, what toxic neutrality does on the ice is to go full on gaslighting mode on the refs.

first thing toxic does is tell the refs that they made such a great call and that they should love how good their decision making skills

afterwards, once they're confused, you tell the refs how thankful you are that the opposing player, who you supposedly tripped, is getting the penalty they deserve, and how awful of a person they are

after the gaslighting the refs will then send the opposing player into the penalty box and you get away completely scot free.

both extremely positive and negative at the same time. this is the toxic yet neutral way.

175 words
(This post was last modified: 10-04-2022, 07:18 PM by roastpuff. Edited 1 time in total.)

Sung to the tune of Shaggy's It Wasn't Me

Referee came in and he caught me red-handed
Tripping down the player back there
Picture this, we were both mad-angry
Wrestling on the icy floor
How could I forget that I had
Given him an extra knee
All this time ref was standing there
Ref never took his eyes off me

But ref caught me in the corner (It wasn't me)
Saw me bangin' on the dasher (It wasn't me)
I even had him in the blue line(It wasn't me)
He even caught me on camera (It wasn't me)
He saw the marks on my shoulder (It wasn't me)
Heard the words that I told him(It wasn't me)
Heard the yells get louder (It wasn't me)
He stayed until it was over

If this argument from me doesn't sway the referee I am not sure what argument I could pull out will. I even put it in music!

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Player Prompt

Nothing gets me going like a bad call against me, I have no idea what the ref saw that made them think I should go to the sin bin for any reason at all. Thankfully I have enough self control to keep my feelings and inner thoughts to me, myself, and I. Usually I would just give them a little bit of lip on the way to box, nothing crazy, just a little bit of " you will want that one back when you see it after the game" or something. I am a pretty respectful player after all, but you can't just say nothing in those situations really?

All you have to do when something like that happens is try to move on, so once I am in the box, the only thing I am thinking about is what I can do to help out the rest of the game, and hopefully get a win. Even if the team gives up a short handed goal on the call, you got to just keep you head up and work hard. Being focused on something in the past is just going to make things worse, no reason to self sabotage like that.

Hockey Prompt

I do believe that video review has a place in most sports, specifically hockey.  But I feel the way that it is currently used definitely brings down the fan experience a little bit.  I feel there are certain moments in the game that shouldnt be able to be reviewed.  Such as a missed offside call that happened two minutes prior where the play ended in a goal, but after about 20 seconds the team on the bench has decided to challenge it.  If an NHL team was able to determine that it was offside in less than 20s, why isnt the NHL able to do the same thing and potentially stop the play and reset before that goal is scored? Why are we waiting for a team to challenge it.

I am a big fan of the game being easy to understand, and video review shouldn't require the announcer to take 3 minutes attempting to explain tiny nuances that make sense to almost no one.


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