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S67 PT #3: It Wasn't Me Due: October 9th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Player Prompt – Written task

I could already see it see it. I fake taking a slap shot and, when the tendy drop into butterfly, I take a sharp left before shooting the puck right where momma hides the cookies and the whole stadium erupt into cheers! But, suddenly… the whistle blow!

I come back to the game and look at the ref who just blew my chance to score the game winning goal in an awesome way. “Did a fight broke up and stopped the play?” I think to myself.

When I see him making the signal for tripping and then pointing at me, I look him in the eye before dropping the biggest of F bombs. “Are you shitting me!” I shout at the top off my lungs while skating toward the ref. “He tripped by himself. Are you too blind to see that!” I argue with him.

“Calm down before I give you a game misconduct!” answer the ref. “Come on, it isn’t worth it.” says DAD (my captain) to me as he slowly pushes me toward the penalty box. I clinch my teeth together as I turn away from the ref and head into the box. I don’t want my whole team to pay even more for that ref mistake.

Once in the box, I break my stick before throwing the water bottle into the wall. I’m gonna make sure we win this game no matter what I think to myself as I slowly watch my penalty goes by.

Getting ready because there is only 364 days before the next hockey team selection   Renegades

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Player prompt

Evgeni personally cannot stand the referees as is as he thinks they are all weak willed sea urchins, so when the opposing team refuses to stop hacking at him he takes matters into his own hands. First he pretends to be civil with the ref, he calls them over and has a polite conversation with the ref calmly explaining the situation and asking them politely to watch out for the tripping. The ref checks his “How to deal with Evgeni Petrov” handbook and immediately becomes hyper suspicious as this is his most common trick in the book. Surely enough, after the faceoff in the opposing zone, the lights in the stadium go out and play is whistled dead. When the lights come back on, the opposing player and Evgeni are nowhere to be found. This sends the stadium into a panic before the opposing player is found tied up in an abandoned broom closet unharmed, but scared. The game continues as Petrov winks at the player, knowing his vengeance is won.

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Hockey Prompt:

I feel like video review is a whole mixed bag in hockey. I can understand the desire not to let teams purposely slow down the game or to make games take a considerable extra amount of time. But I also feel that the current system is also flawed. Not being able to challenge due to a previous challenge or lack of timeouts feels wrong to me. Honestly I believe that when any penalty is called, the refs should be required to do video review and not on the small tablet currently used. I think with today's technology they should have a dedicated TV either behind the benches or in the penalty box where they can see multiple camera angles. It's not like we don't have full video teams with 10's of angles to look at the play. That way all penalties are reviewed and corrected if wrong. I also think the idea that an incorrect call by a ref should stand  just to appease refs is dumb. Use the tools and technology available and accept that people can make a wrong call, but we can alter that in less than a minute with the information we seemingly withhold. I definitely do not want automated penalties because a single view of an action can miss details or have a bad view that causes a false flag. I think it should still be the refs calling it, just make review a standard practice. It's also not like the league is hurting for money.

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Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  

Player prompt:

Vaseline Podcalzone would immediately go to the ref and object to the call. "No! No penalty! No no no!" Podcalzone would say. Evidently, the ref, having to commit to the call, will obviously bite back with some remark along the lines of "Yes! Yes penalty! Yes yes yes!"

And then they'll bicker on and on, about how the stick wasn't in the skates, or whatever else the ref is alleging is happening. Podz is probably going to refuse to go to the bench, since he knows as well as anyone else on the ice (except for the ref, evidently) that there was no penalty on that play whatsoever. Eventually realizing that his defense is falling on deaf ears, Vaseline Podcalzone will regrettably have to accept the fact that you can't really challenge a tripping call, and have to sit in the penalty bin. After the ref announces the penalty, Podz will give him another ear-ful, where the ref will probably retort back angrily Somewhere along the lines of this video.

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Hockey Prompt:

The use of video is a blessing and a curse.  One thing hockey has going for it is that it's a fast paced game.  The use of video review could potentially slow the game down too much to where it is just not that enjoyable anymore.  That being said, with video review you would have the better team winning the game more often.  Slower teams couldn't cheat as much, more penalties would be called accurately, the game would be a cleaner game.  But it would also be a lot slower.  Who gives a fuck if you're 2 inches offsides?  Is it within the sprit of the rule when it is that negligible of a distance?  But if you let that slide, then where do you draw the line?  3 inches? four inches? five inches? six inches? seven inches? eight inches? nine inches? ten inches?  I could go on and on.  At some point you have to put your foot down and accept that the rules are rules and that theyre in place for a reason.

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Are you going to fight with the ref? Or do you resign yourself to taking an undeserved penalty? Write some dialogue! Are you hot-headed or respectful? Is your player a veteran that has a long relationship with some of the leagues refs? Are they a young player that's not afraid to tell it like it is? IF YOU'RE A GOALIE: same question but different scenario: how do you talk to the ref about players hacking at you after the whistle? (150+ words)

*skates hitting the ice* *a long whistle*
"What do you think you're doing!?" Shouted the referee towards the Los Angeles Panthers goalie Olof Karsikko.
"What do you mean what am I doing? I'm making a damn play over here bucko, why'd you whistle it down!?" Said Olof in response to the heated looking referee.
Ref: "You've got no right to skate that far away from the net "pal".. "
Olof: "Who says so? I've never heard of a rule like that. Make it up yourself, did ya?"
Ref: "Okey pal you're going to the box, no one disrespects me like that"
Olof: "Oh yeah? Well I saw what you were wearing before you got suited up and I gotta say, you've got no style old man."
*a quick sudden whistle*
Ref: "Game misconduct! You're out the game!"
Hearing those words come out the refs mouth made Olof absolutely seethe with rage. He jumped towards the ref and cut his throat with his blade that he detached from his skate.
The referee started twitch around, but couldn't move because Olof was laying on top of him. He bled to death right there and then, with the whole world watching.
Scruffy the LAP mascot ran to the ice with a gun and shot Olof and that's when our hero woke up from his deep slumber and realized this was all a dream.

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Whalers Whalers Whalers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack
Finland / Germany  
Big thanks to Pythonic(first sig evah), Sloth(first LAP sig<3) and Ragnar for their sigs<3
Three time playoffs MVP and two time nominee
Triple gold club
Discord: asska

Oh man, video reviews are the absolute worst and they for sure need to be taken back out of the game. The review I have the biggest complaint about is offsides, those reviews seem to take the longest to figure out and the level of accuracy needed is just so absurd. Hockey is a fast paced game and there has to be some acceptance for human error on part of the linesmen. I think the more egregious offsides should be reviewed by the video goal judge and they should be allowed to rule a goal was offside but it shouldn't be a coaches challenge where the officials need to decide if a players skate is a fraction over the line or not.

These long stoppages just suck the wind out of the game and I've seem them take up to 10 minutes to figure out. Goalie interference is the most inconsistent call that even after watching video review, you as a fan are thinking for sure one way and then the ref gets on his mic and decides the other and there is no rhyme or reason to their decision. The only review I am okay with is whether the puck crossed the line or not.

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Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 

For a player who plays a rough and tumble type of game, Duncan Mackenzie prides himself on playing clean as well. His hits climb, he sacrifices the body in front of the net, but at the end of the day, he is able to avoid the box better than most. DMack would be furious with the ref internally, but would speak with control, although his cutting sarcasm would definitely come out. He would certainly point out how badly the ref blew the call and point out some options for further refining the occular skills of the ref. Dmack has been around the league for several seasons now and would not have an issue telling the ref to watch the damn replay and feel shame. Maybe say something like if I blew a play that badly, I'd be stapled to the bench. DMack would say all this while skating to the box, cause he certainly knows the zebra isnt gonna change his mind. For the next two minutes all Mackenzie would think about would be jumping out of the box and getting a hit or a goal. Either would be fine.

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Aurora Winnipeg Aurora Aurora
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2022, 11:09 AM by WithTheMoose. Edited 1 time in total.)


Adelie isn't known to be quiet. In fact it's quite the opposite as you can often hear the little penguin squawking away loudly in practices when even his teammates get in the way. He is angry and aggressive at all times because that just how Adelie penguins work. As such, he would have no issues going in on a ref who is calling him for false penalties. He would make it loud and public as possible as he absolutely berated the ref for being blind and being unfair to him just because he's a penguin. Luckily no one would really understand him as his series of gakkers and angry squawks typically can only be deciphered by Melvin. Who is a moose. This little loophole has often gotten Adelie out of trouble because it's hard to punish him for saying things you don't understand, but despite that he still often ends up with extended durations in the penalty box. In fact he gained a reputation for it in Nevada and it hasn't changed on Chicago! He's a mouthy little bird.

ISFL: IsaStarcrossed


Opinion Prompt:

I think video review is fine for sports in general. I think the technology is necessary for sports because no one wants sports to be decided off errors in referee decisions. Refs are only human and are bound to make mistakes in their calls in real time. It's a thankless job that is extremely difficult, so the presence of video review is great to improve on the margins and be sure to reach an improved number of correct decisions. The main problem in my eyes is that refs tend to become over reliant on the technology and break up the pace of the game as a result. If a ref second guesses their initial call while watching the review, they can tend to take several minutes mulling over their decision, and I don't think anyone wants that. Improving on the timeliness and fluidity of technology in the game is what is needed to make it a flawless and necessary part of the game, if it isn't already. (168 words)

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As you skillfully block a shot, the puck takes a lucky bounce and ends up behind the defender that shot it, giving you a perfect opening for a breakaway. As you take off to get past them, the defender turns to chase you but trips on their own feet and goes down in a heap. You get a brief moment of excitement as you realize you're on a clean break when suddenly-- the whistle blows. You're called for tripping. From the ref's angle it looked like you knocked their feet out.

Written Task: Are you going to fight with the ref? Or do you resign yourself to taking an undeserved penalty? Write some dialogue! Are you hot-headed or respectful? Is your player a veteran that has a long relationship with some of the leagues refs? Are they a young player that's not afraid to tell it like it is? IF YOU'RE A GOALIE: same question but different scenario: how do you talk to the ref about players hacking at you after the whistle? (150+ words)

Munko Aitmukhambetov expects to take some level of penalties at his size playing for the Kelowna Knights of the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League. While capable of imposing speed outstripping that of most humans on land, he is unwieldy and clumsy on ice. Munko instead has taken to building up considerable speed and throwing his massive frame at opponents. Thus it was with some surprise that munko found himself on a breakaway before a phantom penalty was called.

REFEREE: That's 2 minutes for tripping

Munko absentmindedly bats the puck around the ice, watching it slide around.

The referee attempts to escort Munko to the box, but he continues to be uninterested, rolling around on the ice. Finally, he is coaxed by the promise of a whole salmon, a rare treat.

Nobody gives him a game misconduct because I mean would you want to make a brown bear really angry?

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Credit to Geck, Ragnar and Juni for sigs

HOCKEY PROMPT Written Task: In my opinion the NHL and other hockey leagues should remove coach's challenges and move to a soccer style VAR (Video Assistant Referee) for reviews to limit reviews that slow down the game but still catching egregious misses. VAR is an officiating system that employs video review to help match officials enforce the rules of the game and think it could be effectively transferred over from FIA soccer to ice hockey. There are video reviews, but they not initiated by a coaches challenge. Instead there is an extra official who is on the sidelines who can ask the refs to come and review a play at the next stoppage. This can only be used in certain situations. In hockey this would stop all reviews that are too close to call. With VAR, the extra official is only allowed to call the refs over for clear and obvious missed calls. It would still achieve the original intent of coach's challenges, which was to catch the obvious missed calls. This would eliminate lengthy reviews on 50/50 plays and keep the judgement mostly in the hands of on ice officials, while still catching clear misses by the officials.

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Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

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Me: Referee! what is your problem! you are an idiot and an estupido dumbfuck! how can i trip! Watch the stick dimbohead!

Ref: Woah ben. lets watch the language please. it is not cool to call me a dimbohead. I saw the play differently, sadly. Sometimes we make mistakes.

Yo: ref you are one stupid moron. Your mistake cost me a certain goal! I have the skills to pay the bills and now i cant pay the bils and my metaphorical water will be shut off leading my entire family to die of dehydration, metaphorically speaking!

Referias: ok dude. That metaphor is stupid and has nothing to do with what happened on the ice just now. You need to get your metaphors straight because i am the metaphor police and you will be going to metaphor jail if you don't stop it.

Moi: That's my bad Referick. I will work on my metaphors for next time.

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I think video reviews are fine as long as it is not a part of the game that wouldn't have changed anything anyways. I get the offsides review but when it's off by a millimeter it's ridiculous to think that the play would have changed because of it, so it's one review I wouldn't mind seeing be removed. I think penalties being reviewed is a pretty good one though as it's unfair for a team to go a man down in a critical situation because a ref either missed something or because they potentially have a grudge, or want to do a makeup call. Just have 1 video review guy for every game ready to go and auto reviewing every penalty and scoring play similar to how the NFL does it but with a little more to potentially review. I also think missed calls should be able to be reviewed if it was a potential major penalty, refs miss things and thats ok but we should still be striving to get it right in the end.

176 words

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