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S67 PT #3: It Wasn't Me Due: October 9th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

We have an actual recording of what happened the last time Jamal was on the receiving end of an incorrect call. Coincidentally, it was a very similar situation...

"Ayo pussyhole yuh yeye dem nuh work? If yuh feel seh mi did touch my man, mek mi tell yuh if mi did touch di man yuh woulda know seh mi did touch di man, seen? Yuh feel seh yuh a bad man cah yuh tek razor blade an put it pan yuh foot bottom dem, mi know man back a yaad who tek razor fi clean dem fingernail tuh bumboclaat. Yuh ni impress me, yuh a eedyat. A wha yuh mean gwaan guh siddung inna penalty box? Tek weh yuhself fram ya before me give you one penalty box inna yuh pussyclaat face, a nuh tess mi today bredrin cah yuh nuh know seh mi a jamaican an mi nuh really nice, seen? Mi wi tek yuh by yuh neck an bruk up yuh bumboclaat if yuh nuh- ay! ay! leggo me yuh bumboclaat mi nuh care if yuh wear same colour mi will shot yuh two magnum tump if you nuh leggo mi to bumboclaat an-"

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6,000 mile road#DidItForDildo1,700 miles more
A Silver Road

Drought Ender, Curse Breaker, Firebird

Player Prompt
Viktor Krunk would not take such a call well. And by "not well" I mean that he would approach the official in question, drop his stick, shake off his glove and hit the guy square in the jaw. A mass brawl would break out, between both teams, the referees and maybe even some fans on the ice.
Except he wouldn't do that. Viktor Krunk would briefly fantasise about doing the above, then realise he couldn't afford the financial hit from a punishment that - at minimum - would be a lengthy suspension. So he would say nothing and carry on in silence. In the showers after the game, he would be thinking about how he missed the opportunity to hit that guy in the mouth. He would go back to his apartment, put on some emo music, and drink vodka. This would help numb the pain of not having thrown hands at someone he really wanted to. A little cry while sat in the shower would probably be the climax of the night.
The next day, he would wake up with a sore head, and everything would be OK again.

[Image: crunksig2.png]

As the whistle blew Spam whirled around flabbergasted and immediately skates over to the ref. This is how that conversation went.
“Sir, sir, sir, sir sir, why, on god’s green earth did you blow that whistle”?
“You took him down as you went past, clear as day.”
“You’ve gotta be f$%#&ing kidding me. You’re obviously trying to make a joke because there is no reality in the multiverse where that is tripping call. You clearly are a failed comedian who is trying to revive their career through reffing I guess? “
Potential then skates over to the bench to grab a phone and returns to the ref with their house pulled up on google maps.
“This is you right? I’ll show you some real tripping”
Spam then proceeded to leave dog turds and other obstacles outside the door of the refs house for three months and was obviously ejected from the game.
No evidence linked to turds back to him so there were no other disciplinary measures taken.

Prompt 1
Jaska Seppala of the Buffalo Stampede is not afraid to go after the ref when he feels wronged. He is for sure a hot headed player who is not afraid to voice his frustration. When he saw that he had a breakaway Jaska Seppala saw nothing but the net and knew he was going to score but then the referee blew his whistle and gave Jaska Seppala a tripping penalty. Jaska got pissed and started screaming at the referee cursing him out in Finnish. He got right up to his face and told him how wrong he was. A teammate had to pull him off it was that bad. Jaska Seppala never touched the referee but it was enough to give Jaska Seppala an additional penalty for abusing the referee. He spent a long time in the penalty box but eventually cooled off. His coach was not happy with him for causing an additional penalty.

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Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
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Player Prompt:

There is not a world where Bobby does not get into the refs face, because that ref is being paid at a high level to make the right calls, and anyone with a pair of working eyes could see I was out in front of him, how the hell would I have tripped him unless I was swinging my stick behind me like some sort of animal. That was a goal right there, guaranteed, no goalie is gonna stop the top cheddar on a breakaway. I honestly think I would not be able to mentally recover from such a blown call, I think I play with more anger, because if that was a penalty, I may as well make it worth it. I will start full on boarding people and slashing hands, because the ref just lost control of the game, I’m taking this into my own hands. Sorry boys, it;s gotta be done, watch your fingers.
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Signature by @enigmatic

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Hockey Prompt – Written Task – 186 words
Video review in the NHL is in a much better place than it was ten years ago. They can now analyze situations to validate if specific infractions occurred. It was infuriating when you were watching your favorite team and a phantom penalty occurred, and your team got scored on when shorthanded as a result. A perfect example is when some contact on the boards and the sticks went up. Many times, some players accidentally high-stuck themselves or had some friendly fire on a nearby teammate. When this happens, the automatic reaction is to give the opposition an infraction, and that’s not always fair. Now, with video review, they can ensure that it was indeed the opposition that was the guilty party. While this is a good thing, some of the really obscure and close offside reviews that can take a significant period of time are annoying. We really should lean on the linesmen more often to make the correct call, and if it’s within an inch or so of being onside, they shouldn’t review it. Offside review should only be for egregious violations of the rule.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

Written Task: Are you going to fight with the ref? Or do you resign yourself to taking an undeserved penalty? Write some dialogue! Are you hot-headed or respectful? Is your player a veteran that has a long relationship with some of the leagues refs? Are they a young player that's not afraid to tell it like it is? IF YOU'RE A GOALIE: same question but different scenario: how do you talk to the ref about players hacking at you after the whistle? (150+ words)

Kawashima has no problems putting his hands up and admitting when he has made a mistake. However, on the flipside of the coin, there are the moments when he gets accussed of something he did not. In a situation like this, where a big play was about to happen, but it got called back due to shoddy reffing. Kawashima would likely flip atleast some shit. He would absolutely dig into the ref telling him how wrong they got it and how they should go and watch the replay to see how wrong they were. In most cases the ref will just shove the complains away and Kawashima would just have to deal with the shit. Likely holding a grudge against the player and ref. However at the end of the day knowing that it is just a game and that not all is lost. it is hard to let go of these injustices, but that is sometimes just the way the cookie crumbles.

[163 words]

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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
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PT Pass

Vadim Askerov Player Page
Vadim Askerov Update Thread

player prawmpt
yeah i mean well first of all thank you for recognizing that i am a veteran not enough citizens in this league with over five point one years of active service in the united states coast guard as well as many dozens of weekend combat training courses and scenerio training with some of facebooks finest military minds you are very welcome for my service and on behalf of my brother and sisters at arms and i thank you for thanking me for our combined service anyways what you need to know is that lenny was born from the trailerswamp and is willing to go onno a monno with anyone at any time regardless of how stupid they dress with their black and white pinstripe high class fashionista garbage if youre gonna try and act big fat tough like one of those old geezer baseball umps you better touch some ice and learn that this is hockey baby even the zebras gotta scrap if youre gonna be a little shit

Oles is not a dirty player! he currently is no where near having the most penalty minutes on the Yukon squad, so the fact that the ref would think he is mischievous is an outrage! Oles skates over to the ref ad has this look in his eyes. You know that look your dad gives you when you're caught throwing a shot over your shoulder rather then drinking it like a man. the "I'm not angry look, just very disappointed". The ref gives me a hug in sadness and is very apologetic, however he cannot go back on the call and he slowly guides me to the penalty box. Inside the box Oles continue to get chirped by the opposing fans which makes the 2 minutes take foreverrrrrrr to expire. Oles gets out of the box eventually and tells the ref he is no longer invited to his birthday party. the ref instantly regrets everything

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First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

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Connor O’Byrne would not be happy to be given the undeserved penalty. He is only in his second year in the shl so he certainly hasn’t developed any kind of control of his anger yet and he knows that he’s already screwed, the ref won’t change his mind and the play won’t be reviewed so he figures he can get some choice words off at the ref and as long as he doesn’t go too hard and get thrown out it’ll be fine.

It starts out with Connor getting in front of the ref and giving him a classic “WHAT?!” To let it be known that he isn’t happy with the refs blindness.

“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SEE THERE?!” Asking the rhetorical question is a good one. Of course he knows the ref saw him supposedly trip the opponent but asking again to make the ref doubt his bad decision is good.

Connor would then skate away and tell some of his teammates that he thinks the ref is a dumbass, to ensure they are aware of his stupidity.
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2022, 02:30 PM by koty_k.)

I feel like video review in hockey is very much needed in today’s game and the game before. Long reviews do not really annoy me. I think referees need to take as much time as needed to make the right call. For the most part they get it right. I think missed calls are just part of the game. Human referees are just human and they make mistakes. However, I do want to strive for maximum accuracy. I still think we should keep human referees and they are just bound to make mistakes from time to time. I do not think any call is okay to miss from time to time. I think all calls need to be accurate as possible. However, calls that are not game changing needs to be as accurate as possible for obvious reasons. I think goal calls and offside calls are fine. You can correct those by replay if necessary. We don’t need cameras to automate these kind of things because there are times that those plays are really close and a miss call from cameras can be ruin the momentum of the game.

189 Words

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(This post was last modified: 10-09-2022, 03:08 PM by vbottas17. Edited 1 time in total.)

Tie game late in the 3rd period, Alexi Piastri pokes a puck free and has a clear lane to the Kraken net... and the whistle blows. "Number 17, blue, 2 minutes for tripping"

"Are you f'n kidding me ref?!?" Piastri can't believe it.
"Open your eyes bro, you're completely f'n with the outcome of this game. You forget your glasses at the hotel before you headed out this afternoon?? How much money just hit your bank account from Carolina?"

"You better get your ass to the penalty box before I send you to the locker room instead punk!"

This isn't the first time veteran referee Cleo Green has been berated by a young SMJHL player. Piastri reluctantly starts skating towards the penalty box but not without chirping more at Green.

"You're an amateur Green, Your eyes never were good back in your playing days and they're obviously getting worse with age. These people didn't come here tonight to watch you try to determine who wins the game, they came to watch actually talented players play hockey."

Have to love the SMJHL.

[Image: Piastri2.png?ex=65ba64d4&is=65a7efd4&hm=...462889f09&]
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hockey prompt

I'm relatively happy with watching video replays over the course of the game. It certainly allows the game to stay more accurate. I am particularly concerned with video repeats related to the exact throws, as well as violations that occurred and then the goal was scored. But there's also an aspect like the serious rule violations and I think this one should be put on the agenda because sometimes a pretty innocent power technique proves quite sharp and is able to injure a team player. I would not like to come to such situations and would like to see a penalty handed down already during the game, not just after the match at the disciplinary committee hearing. These are the things I think are integral to modern hockey because hockey stays faster and without video replays would be a problem to capture all events. Yes, they take time, which is far from good for the intensity of the game, but the game has to be properly convicted, so I'm for them.

Toms Zīle - young talanted latvian goalie

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