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S67 PT #3: It Wasn't Me Due: October 9th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Hockey prompt

I tend to be on the side of technology in the sense that we should use some form of technological aids to help the decisions being made on the ice so the RIGHT call gets made. Now the process should be simple, we don't have to spend 20 minutes debating whether or not an offside was an offside or not, but the decisions should follow precedent. Having multiple camera angles just causes confusion in those scenarios. A part of this process is the human making the actual decisions, where mistakes can happen. Like I said before, the same rule should be implemented the same way for everyone no matter who makes the actual decision, so in that way technology could be the objective entity creating a just and fair playing field. We are probably not at the point where we can have AI decisions being made in real time, but using simple techniques it could be doable.

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Kenneth Lind (S78-)

Tomas Lind (S57-S78)

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@sköldpaddor @High Stick King @Ragnar

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Sophie Bordeleau knows that her leadership skills are important to the Quebec City Citadelles, and thus she would try and suppress her urge to argue with the referee after a bad call. In her youth she had quite a temper, which did lead to developing somewhat of an adversarial relationship with the refs. It could get her into trouble during games, but as Sophie grew up she learned to have a better understanding of things that went on in the game. There was another shift when Sophie got to the SMJHL, as she had to adjust to the expectations and limitations of the referees in the J. Standing at just 5'8", she's definitely had some moments where a call seemed pretty weak as she was simply trying to get position on a bigger player. Being an alternate captain for Quebec however, Sophie does her best to lead by example and to use her skills to get the last word rather than trying to win arguments with the referees.

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PT Pass

[Image: outlaws2.png]  [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]  Mathias Seger #15 | Player page | Update page [Image: outlaws2.png] [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]
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Sigs by Donini, RainDelay, Fever and OrbitingDeath

Hockey Prompt

Reviews are always tough to judge because you love them when they go your way, but you hate them when they go against you - so how do you find a meaning full balance with the review system? I think one major issue is the offside review, as there have been some real close plays that have not affected the out come at all, yet it is called back because of a split second video review that people could not see with their eyes in the moment of the play. These are the ones that I think really slow the game down and that are not needed. I think we need to stick with review for review if the puck passed the goal line as this is a crucial one and is often hard to see if the scrum is there.

Ultimately there is no easy way to decide on video reviews, they are needed but when exactly is to hard to judge.

160+ words

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Let’s talk about everyone’s favourite thing - video reviews. Firstly, we gonna pull a soccer and abbreviate it to VAR cause that’s much more fun and just easier to say all around. Next, I think that video review is a good thing. Yes it can be a tad bit picky but I think I’d rather spend a couple more minutes getting the call right than a year having to hear people bemoaning an incorrect call.

It’s a tough line to walk when you get to the review where the players skate blade is a mm across the blue line - though I’m not sure what the solution is as a middle ground. I don’t think I have a better solution on hand for this problem so I’m not going to say it should be changed - you gotta take the negatives with the good and I’d say that the good outweighs the cons right now. There’s a lot riding on games and I think it’s important that the calls be as correct as reasonably possible.

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Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers

Player Prompt

Following the referee blowing the whistle, Ryosuke Sato skates up to the them in a calm (but angry) manner trying to explain the situation. Sato tells the referee that the defender tripped on their own feet and they can ask others on the ice about the call and even go to video replay if needed. As this discussion is happening, fans are booing the referee and clearly getting heated as the referee discusses with the linemen on the call. After a quick discussion amongst themselves, they approach Sato and explains to him that from their perspective it looked like a trip and they do not think it is necessary to go to video replay. Clearly upset, but accepting of the situation and not wanting to escalate it any further, Sato trudges to the penalty box and just accepts the penalty. However, fans, coaches, and players alike on the North Stars are livid and ready to retaliate on the other team whether it be through goals or physicality.

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

I think video review is good for the game of hockey, but the implementation of it needs some adjusting for it to be fully embraced by players and fans. Video reviews often take far too long in the NHL, and that shouldn't be the case. Either the call on ice was clearly a mistake and it will be an easy fix to overturn it, or it is unclear and the call on the ice should stand. Refs should not need to spend five minutes looking at several slow mo replays to determine if a play was offside or not. The video will be either be quite explicit or not. Watching the same replay over and over doesn't get you a new view of the puck. Furthermore, why are the refs responsible for reviewing the replays when all they have is a small Ipad. Surely, the nhl operations centre has a much better setup for reviewing video.

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StarsnorwayRenegades // PLAYER PAGE || UPDATES \\ RenegadesnorwayStars

Hockey Prompt

Video review right now is hit or miss, there is no consistent standards. It has a lot to do with rules, like goaltender interference which is never rule the same . You will see replays showing clear goalie interference and the goal still stands for god knows why and sometimes barely any contact that wouldn't change the outcome but the goal is still disallowed. The offsides challenge is the absolute worst. Just because one night 4 blind refs let the Dany Briere goal happened when he was 10 feet off ruined the flow of the game for ever. Now a goal might be disallowed 5 minutes later in game time if an non caught offside happen. If the blade of the skate is not touching the blueline and the play goes under review, might as well do something else for 15 minutes and go back. Hockey aint fucking baseball, the action goes too fast for the sport to be regulated by robots. Just need better refs.

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Player Prompt - Refs are a sticky situation for Conner Snooks. He's not the captain of Philly. So he would leave it to the the captain of the Forge and his head coach to tear the ref a new one. But being raised around football in the UK Conner is accustomed to refs literally shitting the bed when it comes to making decisions. And really since the SHL has become sponsored by casinos and gambling companies it really isn't much better in terms of the refs attempting to totally fix the outcome of a game. I mean there's literally a team in the SMJHL in Nevada (where Conner played minors) are you surprised they won the cup last year and hold the record for playoff sweep AND longest winning streak in the regular season? It couldn't be that they are based in the area with the most affluent casinos in the continent.

But alas, Conner would let his captain do the talking, maybe his head coach and then would go to social media and bring up the refs past and that he has been suspended twice already for fixing a game and maybe the SHL should finally do something about it.

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Graphic Task: Show me your player talking to the ref about what happened. Include some speech bubbles!

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For aittokallio, he does argue with the ref a little bit. And its always not to try to convince them about not giving out the penalty. You will always lose that, dont get fooled. Instead what you can talk about is to point out what the other team is getting away with, in order to draw their eyes to that, and to eventually lead us getting a power play. It is always about getting that little bit of an advantage in order to try to win. It is always about trying to get the upper hand on the other team, with any means necissary. And it isnt just yelling over and over at them, we do not want to berate them, as it will make them bitter towards us. But it is just a converstaion and having the respect of the refs. Just to try to get them to our side. Its all about winning

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Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
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Slip McScruff is honestly really relieved in this situation.  In his old age, a breakaway is dangerous for his hips and his back.  At the end of a long shift, some rest time in the box will do him well.  Of course, he's been in this league for a long time and can't let people think he's mailing it in, so he puts up a half-hearted argument with the ref.  When he gets to the box, he of course slams the door and feigns anger.  As soon as the camera turns away, he is chumming it up with his old pal officiating from the box and breaking out his own personal water bottle that he stocks there.

It doesn't help the situation that he tried to sell a really obvious flop as soon as the whistle was blown.  If he could draw a matching phantom, he could feel good about his nap.  Unfortunately the falling player's stick didn't even reach his skates.  The next day this clip was all over the day time sports lowlight packages.

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credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

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Player Prompt

Jimmy Wagner flew past the twisted up Pasta the Turtle, deftly turning the Syndicate defender into rotini, exploding after the deflected puck they were both chasing. The veteran breakout specialist prone to fumbling the bag when alone with the goalie was out to the blue line only to hear the whistle blow as the puck settled on to his tape. 

Eyes to the rafters he let out a sigh and glided to a stop around center ice, biting his tongue and turning to face who cost him his scoring opportunity, someone probably held or tripped a Syndicate player on the transition.

The eyes and outstretched arm of Reffing legend Demmy Miter Smooth were both locked on him and Wagner balked.

"You swept his feet Wags, come on man you can't do that"

With a laugh, Wags resigned himself to his fate. "You know me too well man, love to sweep 'em off their feet" and then in a whisper as he passed the ref, "You missed that one Dem" as it got acknowledged with the faintest shrug. Maybe that was an apology.

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