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S67 PT #3: It Wasn't Me Due: October 9th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

I go up to the refs and say man what on earth are you even looking at as I skate by. The ref stops me and blows his whistle again, signs for a misconduct, and skates to center ice. I follow him right out there as he turns his mic on and as he's announcing another penalty, I am screaming in his face that he is the worst ref I've ever seen, and has no business reffing Simulation Hockey League Junior games. I'm just laying into him, letting him know how bad he's been all game for both sides, and that he looks like he's just calling penalties for the sense of calling penalties, no rhyme or reason for it. I really am angry, then I realize the crowd is completely silent and they can hear what I'm saying through the refs mic. I then lean into the mic and say man this guy stinks and everyone cheers.

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no this cannot be true. i actually simply cannot believe the ref blew the hockey whistle there. what was he even watching? surely he was not wathcing the game of hockey because i simply did not trip that player right there. my stick did not even get caught up in his feet or anything even remotely similar to that. is this ref stupid or what? i am thinking of so many bad words to say to the ref but i hold it in because good temper is a happy temper. i hold it in but i feel the rage building up inside of me. i start sweating and shaking and i go right up into him and say hey man. you do know that i did not trip that player. he smiles and says i know. oh wow no i am in shock. i go to the penalaty box and sit there thinking of all the bad things i did.

[Image: TommyWestbrook.jpg]
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McHits is known as a team leader and is generally thought well of in the league, so if he's on the officials, you know it's something egregious. The assistant captain doesn't bother stirring things up for minimal or borderline decisions, but this is insanity. How am I going to trip the guy when I'm ahead of him?! On a breakaway...heading towards a 1 v 1! I hit hard, but I'm a clean player, and I have more than enough skill to get open without needing to trip defenders. Also, with my poor shooting percentage this season, I'm not going to give up a high percentage shot attempt to trip! Refs hear from my teammates like Banes, Wall, and Moxii all the time, but when I open my mouth, there's clearly been an error. While I do appreciate a bit of trash talk here and there, I try to let my game do the talking. When the officials take that ability away from me like this, yeah, I'm gonna chat with them.

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This topic could be considered a doozy or very polarizing, my stance is that video review in hockey right now is kind of whatever. Long reviews really do not impact me too much. I think missed calls are part o the game which is why I would say the biggest qualm that I have in hockey is the number of goals that get called back for an "offsides" even though in most situations the offsides is unrelated to play or completely unaffecting in the action of the play. The flow of the game gets ruined by that and that often leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I wish hockey offside rules were a little bit more like soccer where "offsides" could actually just be ignored by the referees if the player is completely out of the play or unaffecting the goalies or for hockey, defensive positioning. However that is not the current system in place.

 [156 words]

Written Task: Are you going to fight with the ref? Or do you resign yourself to taking an undeserved penalty? Write some dialogue! Are you hot-headed or respectful? Is your player a veteran that has a long relationship with some of the leagues refs? Are they a young player that's not afraid to tell it like it is? IF YOU'RE A GOALIE: same question but different scenario: how do you talk to the ref about players hacking at you after the whistle? (150+ words)

Nino Di Giuseppe is only a second year player in the SMJHL, and doesn't quite have a good enough relationship with the refs yet to complain about calls. All Nino can do is shake his head and point up to the jumbotron as they show the replay. Luckily, this tripping penalty did not lead to a goal against and the let Di Giuseppe come out of the box a little more level headed. During the next stoppage, Nino made sure to go up the ref and have a little chat about what the ref saw during the play. Building a relationship with the refs is all Nino can do so far in his young career and maybe as time goes on he will become a little more chippy about bad calls that are similar to this one. But for now Nino has kept his mouth shut about bad calls just to make sure he doesn't get a bad rep with a brotherhood of refs that officiate the games.

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(This post was last modified: 10-09-2022, 09:17 PM by Merica. Edited 1 time in total.)

For the most part, Connor McKeil is an even-keeled, laid back, no emotions having centerman, but on some rare occasions he does loose his top, and this happened to be one of those instances.

McKeil wasn’t even close to the defender, and with the game tied up late in the third, losing out on what would have surely been an easy goal simply was too much for Connor to take, especially after a long night and getting drilled by guys over and over again all game.

As soon as the whistle blew McKeil ripped his hockey stick across the ice and pounded sand for the referee.

“Hey what the fuck zebra?”

“Easy McKeil, you tripped hi-“

“Are you fucking serious? I wasn’t even close to that idiot, have you seen him try to skate? He tripped himself.”

“Not how I saw it, now watch the langua-“

“Go fuck yourself Alex, how much they paying you on the side you two faced bag of shit”

He was then thrown out of the game.

“Yeah whatever fuck face”

S2, S5, S18, S22 Challenge Cup Champion
Hall Of Famers: (S7) Alex Reay | (S28) Daniel Merica

[Image: mckeiltbb.png]
[Image: Merica5.gif]
Thanks to Ragnar, Wasty and myself for the sigs.

The key to trying to sway a ref to make decisions to your benefit is to understand that you aren't going to change their mind on the current call. You've got to accept the call. You can calmly explain your side, or explain why a call should have been made, but screaming and hollering won't help you. All it's going to do is make the ref biased against you. Instead, being rationale and giving them something to think about will have them more likely to make the call your way next time. As a goalie, if I'm getting hacked, I pull the ref over after the stop and let him know they got my hand pretty good on the last play. I'll let him know I'm just worried about getting hurt, I don't want to get a broken finger or hand. The ref will most likely keep a closer eye out for whacking, and warn the other team to calm down with the stick work.

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Although I am a goalie, I like the idea of the non-goalie version of this prompt better. So lets say I block a shot during overtime or some other short-handed chance, and there's nothing but daylight after the puck ricochets off my pad. I quickly take off, trying to build momentum in my many pounds of equipment. After all, this game has gone on long enough and clearly someone needs to be the one who ends it. Behind me the defender tries to stop but collapses, clearly unable to keep up with my impressive speed. As I make my way towards center ice, my head is filled of thoughts of how I will score and this will be a clip played on highlight reals for generations. Then, suddenly, a whistle. I stop and turn around, furious that this unelected official would dare to stop my brilliance. He makes the sign for tripping and I am irate. "I didn't touch him!" I yelled, skating over to the referee. He shrugs his shoulders. "Well its either that or I stop the play for taking the puck over center ice as the goalkeeper." I pause, then nod and skate back to the net.

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Written Task: How do you feel about video review in hockey right now? Do long reviews annoy you? Do you think missed calls are just part of the game, or would you want to strive for maximum accuracy? What kind of calls are OK to miss from time to time and what kind of calls need to be as accurate as possible? In a similar vein would you like to see things like goal calls and offsides automated? Should a camera be used to make those calls automatically rather than relying on the ref's human eye? Tell me where you stand on all this kind of stuff! (150+ words)

I am all for technology in hockey. If possible, I would take as little human error and bias as possible. i think it is just what is fair. If there was a penalty to be called, it should be called. It should not not go through because the ref did not see it at the moment because he was busy with something else, or because he decided to not see it. You should be able to win fair and square. It is better that way anyways cause if you do win off a bad call by a ref, or anything like that, then everyone discredit your victory. And losing to a bad call is absolutely gut wrenching. I think there should be a team of refs that are not on the ice and can see anything going on the ice with all the camera angles they need, like that nothing is missed and everything is called as it should be.

160 words

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|Canada |Steelhawks| Armada|

|Canada| Inferno| Knights|

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I was not going to fight over the refs call, but Binko Koivu @goldenglutes, the newest D rookie for the Atlanta Inferno of the Simulated Hockey league by the way, insisted of punching the ref in the familly (house) jewels. As such, I had to join in and get a good hit on deez nuts as well. We might face a suspension but who cares, Atlanta is too strong for the league anyway might as well pass on some aggression while we can. The linesman then tried to stop the fun but alas they would only become victims of @Leppish Pavel Jizziak atomic wedgies. He pulled their underwear so far up the butt crack that it disintegrated and some atomic fission happenend. Nobody knows how but it was spectacular. Then, Pueblo salt the brie cheese @Jepox arrived and told us to stop hitting the refs, he was still chasing a league points record and thus needed us to be on our best behavior so he could get whistles blown in his favor. We apologised to the refs, got our yellow card and then kept playing hckey the way it was meant to be played, with that dawg.

Character Page RD- Quarterback
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Retired players:
-Toki Wartooth
-Nathan Explosion btw
-Angus McFife XVIII

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Simmer pass

“Mike,” Aksel whines as soon as he registers the whistle, “no.”
The ref, who’s been there for three of their games this month and whose daughter specifically for asked Aksel to sign her stick, does not deal with nonsense. He doesn’t even open his mouth, just the arch of a brow is enough to discourage any arguments before they happen.
Aksel opens his mouth to complain again, then closes it, but points to the screens hanging above center ice. Mike rolls his eyes but heads over to the officials, waving the other refs over. The rookie who tripped is pulling out all the bells and whistles, having his team’s medics check out his leg.
It takes a minute, but Mike skates back out and reverses the call on the ice. Since they’re at home, this is met with cheers, and Aksel whispers a quick, “takk” on his way to the bench. He catches a low, “tell Rage to quit slashing around the crease,” and grins.

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gay heghog


Video reviews don't really annoy me, but calls are not always legit in my opinion, especially for goaltending interference. Video reviewing kind of destroy the game sometimes, but it helps referees to not miss an important call. Offsides are the kind of calls that really needs video reviewing because an human eye is not the most perfect reliement. I don't want offsides and goals to be automated lmao. I mean, what if Wes McCauley gets fired because a robot has replaced him? HELL NAH, WE WANT WES! Anyways, I think video reviewing is something we need to keep. Without it, refs could miss an important penalty or a major offside that leads to a winning goal. If something needs to change, it has to be coach's challenge. I think refs should have the last call for that, as they accept or not the coach's demands. In their perspective, refs could tell the coach is his challenge is really necessary or not, so they are not killing the momentum of the game.

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David-Arturri Donskoi
Regina Elk
Hey I'm DAD can I adopt you?

At last! A breakaway chance! This is absolutely brilliant for Speedwagon, a man starved for goals the past season-plus of action with that coach's kid, Aittokallio, hogging them all for himself, and how here's his shot!

And the whistle interrupts those thoughts right as he starts across the blue line. He has to let the puck go by harmlessly, and as he turns, the ref skates and points to him, then lifts his skate and taps that leg.

"You bloody serious right now?" Speedwagon asks, raising his arms out in disbelief.

"Dead serious," the ref says. "Stick took his footing out."

"I had him beat out of his skates, and you're gonna put me away for that! Bloody awful, that whistle!" he says, fuming, though following along to the sin bin. The entire way, the Rage crowd boos the call, and he urges them on, waving his arms up and holding a hand to his ear like he can't hear them. The replay starts on the big screen, and he continues to conduct the disgruntled chorus while he steps into the box, and they see what he saw - he didn't touch anyone. The defender just got saved from the consequences of falling over himself.

"Give my regards to New York's Finest when you need to leave, Stripes!" he shouts before the door closes and he takes a seat, throwing his stick down for show.

Speedwagon Player Page | Speedwagon Updates Page 

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Player Prompt

I have been around the league long enough to know when to express displeasure with the refs. The refs know that I am a very responsible player. I take pride in playing a clean game. So if the refs called me for a trip when I did not commit the infraction, typically it would not be an issue. Those kind of calls happen. But when a blown call prevents me from having a open breakaway that could have change the momentum of the game and swing it in our favor. You better believe I will have some choice words for the refs. I would probably call the ref by his first name as a sign of not acknowledging their position. A subtle but effective jab. It would be an outburst laced with some profanities. Mainly focusing on doing their job correctly and to pay attention to the game. Inside the box there might be some hockey love taps on the glass and a few water bottles destroyed as well. You have to make it known how upset you are. 

-179 words

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM @sköldpaddor @Merica for the Sigs

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