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S67 PT #5: A Nice Big Bonus Cheque Due: October 23rd @ 11:59 PM (PST)
(This post was last modified: 10-20-2022, 12:23 AM by Kyamprac. Edited 1 time in total.)

Once playoffs are over, Sarah Burke is going to take that money and fly somewhere nice, maybe Europe or something. The season was great and all, but it's nice to get away for a little while and relax after spending all season working hard at the hockey. A tour around western Europe would be a dream. When she gets back to LA from her vacation, she's gonna use whatever money is left over to round up a bunch of less fortunate kids and take them on a surprise trip to Disneyland. Not just because every kid deserves a chance to go to Disneyland, but also because she genuinely enjoys the parks and has the most fun sharing it with people who have never been there before. If there's anything leftover after that, she'll donate it to her local animal shelter. Because animals deserve all the love too, probably even moreso than humans sometimes. So yeah. That's my ramble about spending all her money instead of doing something smarter maybe like saving it.. but where's the fun in that.

[Image: kyamprac1.gif]
thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

Sean Davies would start by giving half of his bonus check to his parents as a thank you for always supporting him and funding his time as a youth player growing up. His other family members and longtime friends would get some cash sent there way as well, but he would start with his parents for sure. After taking care of those close to him, Davies would use some of his remaining cash to donate to a charity fighting climate change in the hopes that his contributions could help prevent climate disaster in the future. Of course, Davies would also keep some money for himself, but as a lowkey guy probably wouldn’t know what to do with it. Probably through most of it into some stocks or something that gives passive income for after he retires. For fun and also to celebrate, Davies would use some of his cash to take a trip to Costa Rica in the offseason and explore the rainforest there.


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Update Thread - Player Page
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Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


Player Prompt

After looking at his stats from last season, Kev Kevens knows he has a tough job ahead in trying to negotiate a bonus. Getting 70 points is a good starting point, but he'd need to convince management to ignore the types of numbers that many other players were able to put up, as well as the fact that this was a 21 point decline from last season. How about looking at special teams? 14 powerplay assists this season is one more than last season! However, powerplay goals decreased by 10 so that might not be the best bargaining point either. Kevens was at the bottom of the team in terms of +/- and led the team in PIMs so those are also out of the question. Maybe advanced stats will show something deserving of a bonus? Looks like he had the worst GA/60, SA/60, FF% and second worst CF% on the team. After seeing all these stats for the season, maybe it's best to just take the base contract for this season and run. He should be grateful that the team isn't deducting pay for the sub-par performance.

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate


Kaapo Kampainen has never been a great offensive player prior to joining the Winnipeg Aurora, so his 4-year contract didn't include any sort of bonuses, but with his performances in the past two seasons, Kaapo will be hard at work to negotiate new clauses in his next Aurora contract! Kaapo isn't afraid to give it all on the ice in recent years, ranking 6th in the entire league in hits, even though he isn't known as a dirty player! He wants to have a contractual clause that he gets a bonus if he leads the Aurora forwards in hits, so at least his efforts will be rewarded! Kaapo had also never scored 20 goals or more in a season prior to joining Winnipeg and ever since joining forces with Noel Blanchet and Mikko Rashford, he's been much better at putting the puck in the net, so he'd negotiate a clause to get a bonus if he scores 20 goals or more. The other thing Kaapo hates more than anything is being negative in the +/- department. He wants money deducted if he ends up negative and a bonus if he's positive. That's a good motivation!

194 words

[Image: eMf7wNV.png]


The first prompt and overall that 750k out of character either would go into my personal bank account or in Isaac's bank account for a lovely bonus to the decent bank account to be purchased for training or seasonal equipment honestly. Now in character I think Isaac would actually just donate half of that stuff to his cult to make sure they had the funds and whatever they needed in this reality to keep functioning or make much needed improvements to whatever. Or maybe a huge party? Who knows!

The rest he would personally use for his house or just training equipment at home. Isaac has people to prove wrong and he sure is not skipping on having the facilities to own forwards. Perhaps a therapist to try and calm himself down or discuss his anger issues? Maybe not actually, he would probably hit the therapist so a bit of a waste of money when you think about it.

[160 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

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Creative Prompt:

Justin Time has always been careful with his money and avoided some of the wild spending habits of his peers, but this season marked his rookie debut in the SHL, and a strong performance in spite of an Edmonton roster that was mostly still down in the junior league. After ending the season 4th in Goals Saved Above Average, 2nd in saves, and in the top ten for save percentage, Time outperformed a lot of expectations for a rookie campaign, and is looking forward to spending some money on himself for a change. With a rookie contract and now a bonus under his belt, he's in the market for a real house in the Edmonton area (hopefully not too far from the rink) to replace the small apartment he's been using. After that, whatever's left will go into decorating the basement with Edmonton Blizzard and Quebec City Citadelles merch, and setting up the ultimate hockey cave.

[Image: RAmenAmen.gif]
sig credit: Ragnar, Sulovilen, Enigmatic, Bayley
[Image: kcP9WEd.png] [Image: DNLeeu0.png] [Image: DKMMlC3.png]
[Image: RAmenAmenPride.gif]

Clearly I should not be allowed to do my own contract negotiations, as all I got from Toast was a one season extension and a bust role in San Francisco. In actuality I think I did well on the defensive side of the puck. I had strong numbers in shots blocked and takeaways, and respectable hit numbers. I do think I also did somewhat well when it came to goals, especially relative to defenseman as I was leading all defenseman in goals for a portion of the season. My biggest weakness was points, specifically assists. I was very selfish with the puck this season for no real reason, and it showed in my assist totals. I also had more giveaways than I would have liked, so maybe I thought since I’m not good at passing I’ll just carry the puck myself. It may have worked in the regular season but it clearly did not work against Seattle in the playoffs.

[Image: OX6Yrrn.png]

[Image: hPSkjwC.jpg]
Thank you @xjoverax and @phoenix for the sigs!

Creative Prompt:

I received great news at the end of the season that I hit all my performance bonuses and got a fat cheque for a cool 750K. Now, there's a lot going through your mind when you fall into a pile of cash and I've got a few things I'm going to do with this.

First thing I'm going to do is pay a visit to Los Angeles' sick kids. This is an organization that is near and dear to my heart and I'm always around and spending time there as much as I can. Anything that I can do to help I make sure to do. Donations are always needed so right when I got that cheque I knew I was going to share that with them. Always.

The other thing that I plan to do is take my family and friends on a trip with me in the off-season. They sacrifice a lot for me and I don't get to see them much so I love taking them somewhere and just spend time together.

(175 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

[Image: ERs3IrD.png]


Creative Prompt:

If I were to receive a $750k end of the year bonus, I would honestly do the most boring thing possible with that money. A hockey career is limited in length, and after it’s complete you need to ensure that you have great finances to enjoy the rest of your life upon retiring in your 30s or early 40s. Effectively this money would be invested, in what I am not sure, so that it can hopefully grow and accumulate interest. So that once I am ready to retire, I am completely safe.

Additionally that money would likely be used to pay for children's education, their weddings, and ensure that I can give a solid life for my family. Thing is, I am not flashy as a person, and really hate spending money, even if I have money to spend. I don’t like flashy cars, or clothes or anything really. So honestly the only option I see is re-investing and may using it on fun adventurous vacation, nothing to luxurious.

(169 words)

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pt pass

Pass Forfeit (D) ● Player Profile
Kraken Rage Panthers

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Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3

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Taschen Messer has a few upcoming expenses that an unexpected $750K would really help with. Notably, this coming offseason he's making the big move from Great Falls to Montreal to join the Patriotes now that he's aged out of the Junior league. A healthy chunk of that bonus money will be going towards paying a decent moving company -- he doesn't have a ton of stuff, but moving yourself is the absolute worst, especially when you're technically moving to a different country. Call that maybe $50K. He'll also need to look for a place close to the arena in Montreal, maybe a condo or townhouse. $400K is enough to pay 50% up front for an $800K house, and he'll be able to pay off the remainder before the end of his rookie deal. Budget another $150K for a new ride -- he's thinking electric vehicle. Tesla Model S is the obvious choice, but he doesn't want to look like a crypto douchebro. He's looking into the new electric Porsche Taycan instead. That leaves $150K to split between charitable giving and responsible investing. He'll send $100K to various groups dedicated to helping the less fortunate, and the last $50K goes into various index funds. And that takes care of the bonus! Major expenses covered, charitable causes helped, and investments made for the future, all without needing to touch his base salary! Tash sure is glad he met those incentives this season!

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Creative prompt:

[Image: 1aPc8kk.png]

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Special thanks to Carpy48, Ragnar, Merica, High Stick King, Sulovilen, sothfacekilla, enigmatic and LeSizz for the signatures!

For Liam Slate of the Seattle Argonauts in the Western Conference Simulation Hockey League would have a hard time negotiating any bonuses because he is typically known in the Simulation Hockey League as a trash and bust player. But, if Liam Slate of the Seattle Argonauts went to his Simulation Hockey League General Manager Tig Murphy to negotiate bonuses this offseason based off performance I guess Liam Slate of the Argonaut's would have a few points. One would be for hits. Liam Slate was had the most hits in the entire Simulation Hockey League which is a bit surprising for him, but he could negotiate bonuses for physicals play. Another one would be for assists. Liam Slate has been an assist machine with 46 assists this past season and over 40 last season. Liam Slate would be best served having a assist bonus like maybe for 30 or if he wants to be really confident another 40 but Liam Slate is also getting older so yeah.

167 words

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Made by Rindiee, rum_ham & Carpy

Jacob Mueller S5-S
Julien Dupont S6-S13
S9 Challenge Cup - Calgary Dragons
IIHF Gold - Germany
Rufus Reinhart S13-S24
S14 Challenge Cup - Texas Renegades
Christoffer Björnsson - S25-S35
S25 Four Stars Cup
S26 Tom Corcoran Trophy - SMJHL Top Goalie

Sami Owens - S36-S52
S38 IIHF Bronze - Canada
S39 IIHF Gold - Canada
S42 IIHF Silver - Canada
S51 Challenge Cup Champion - HAM
Liam Slate - S54-Present
S53 WJC Bronze - British Isles
S54 WJC Silver - British Isles
S55 Four Star Cup Champion - Newfoundland Berserkers
S57 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S58 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S60 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S61 IIIHF Gold - Great Britain
S67 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
S68 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
Triple Gold Club

Sad Ketchup -Present
S76 Ryan Jesster Trophy Winner

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