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S67 PT #5: A Nice Big Bonus Cheque Due: October 23rd @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Shoyo Hinata is a young fiscally responsible hockey player. So when Hotdoge announced him that he got a bonus of 750000 dollars he was really happy. He knew exactly where to invest the money. Three-quarters of it would be in a RRSP  and a TSFA. He want to max his contribution in both is account on He will buy an etf , more particularly the XEQT fund. Shoyo  think a lot about his retiree life and he want to have money to enjoy it. The remaining will be in real estate. Shoyo try to buy a lot of appartement building. He convert them in eco friendly places and he keep the rent affordable. He hires a management company to manage the day to day of his operation. It’s is way to give back to the community. So Shoyo won’t see a dollars of his money immediately but  he is setting himself up for the future.

[Image: 75fL0ul.png]
credit to Qwest

There's so many things Nevek Kove would do with a bonus of 750K. First of all, he would probably set aside 250K for a charity in the Quebec City Area, so he can give back to his own community that helped him get where he is today. It's always an honor for him to be able to speak with whoever the charity help. In this case, since it's a performance bonus, he would probably give it to a charity that encourage people to reach their goals too. After that, Nevek would probably buy some tickets to go see his brothers who are currently playing baseball in Milwaukee and in Pennsylvania. He would probably select two games in the season where he can go see both brother playing at home. The fun part is that since it happen in his offseason, he wont miss any hockey! After that he would probably treat himself with some good food.


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I'd say since going crazy at the end of the season and taking the team lead for points should definitley earn myself some bonus cash, I'm going to do it a little different and instead of an all cash incentive I'll demand more icetime, the first shootout position and a few 100 bucks on top of that! I've been super consistent and listen to every word the coach says so it shouldn't be too hard to convince them to change around a few paragraphs on my contract, especially since the red light was lit the most by me last season. Gotta make sure the staff doesn't find out I've been ditching practice this offseason or that would hinder any chances of getting what I want Wink Alright it's time to go up and see the boss, make sure to go out the backdoor and don't say a word to anybody in the building!! *raiya crosses fingers and gulps*

Platoon RAIYA Platoon RABINOV Platoon

My big ol 750k cheque is definitely going to have to go towards my alternate career. Sure I'm best known as a hockey player, but I also have a successful music career that is taking me all around Canada and the world. First think I will want to purchase is some sweet pyrotechnics. Shit is expensive. After that, I will be working on outfitting the tour bus to make travelling across the continent as easy and as fun as possible. First will be a super soft new kingsize bed to ensure great sleep on the trip, after which I'll outfit and flash an arcade machine to bring in all those classic games. Lastly, I'll use it to take the team out for a sweet dinner. They've been great to me all season and helped me adjust to the SHL after years in the juniors. A little pay it back to those who have been so kind

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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Christian Kinsinger would definitely take it and spend some on himself. It's a big amount of money, and taking care of yourself should be important. Kinsinger is a big CSGO fan, so he would definitely look to buy some really nice skins for when he plays, and to own some to loan out to the pros for the big tournaments. Aside from that, Kinsinger would also donate some to charities, and some to friends and people he enjoys. Kinsinger loves to support both the Winnipeg Children's Hospital, as well as children's hospitals back home in Denmark. In addition, while Kinsinger sometimes streams on twitch on his days off, and during the offseason, he also likes to just relax with some twitch streamers, and he knows this would be a good chance to really make a difference for some of the smaller streamers that he enjoys watching, being able to gift them lots of subs and bits and other ways of supporting them.

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Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
[Image: symmshl.gif]

Anyone can buy things, a nice house, a nice car, jewelry, etc. But those things to me are all fleeting. In this time of uncertainty, war, famine, the virus still rearing its ugly head, why not try to do something good if you have the means. So if I got a bonus check like that, I would donate 250,000 to a charity to help Ukrainian refugees, 250,000 to the Ukrainian war effort, maybe buy them a tank or some trucks or something to fight back against the Russians with and 250,000 to local charities in Great Britain where my player is from and in Edmonton where he currently plays. I could use it to start a foundation but I never got the point of those, why does every individual player need a 'brand' these days. You can give to a charity or group without needing a foundation, just be real, a regular person doing good work, that speaks volumes.

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Quote:Written Task: What do you do with you $750k end-of-season bonus? Buy stuff? Like a fancy new car or an indoor pool? Donate it? What kind of charity would you be looking for? Does your player have their own foundation? If so what does it do? Tell me what you plan to do with the money! (150+ words)

Bnana NWaffles would make sure that with the bonus check, all of his previous possible debts have been paid off. Would take some of the money and pay off more of his house. Would make sure that his family is all set, and they don't need financial help, would help some if needed. He would take probably a fifth of the check and donate it to one of the many charities that he is a part of and would love to get a charity started by him. If he had anything left, he would put it towards his streams or would spend the money on a possible new car or renovation of part of the house, the kitchen could definitely use a face lift. While the amount of the check is a large some for sure, it can go very quickly with all of the things that Bnana NWaffles would like to take care of. He also would love to put in money towards training and health!

(167 words)

[Image: BnanaNWaffles.gif]
Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
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Bohdan has already stated numerous times about his charity/ volunteer involvement. He would obviously donate a healthy amount to the organization he helps which is a local program to help people with disabilities play hockey. Back home, he comes from a smaller village. They do not care as much for big houses, and big fancy cars. Instead, he uses the money to help struggling farmers in the area. If he notices a neighbour has a flat tire on their car he will replace the tire for them without saying anything. Just little ways he can help out around the area. He isn't looking for thanks, just wants to see the best for the town that gave him everything he needed. Before he goes back for next season, he will throw a huge party on the streets. Music, food, dancing, maybe even a street hockey game. Just wants to enjoy himself, and spend time with the people he loves. At the end of the day, love and memories beats money.

[Image: Svatos2.png?ex=660626ee&is=65f3b1ee&hm=4...height=350] [Image: sig.png?ex=660330ca&is=65f0bbca&hm=574bd...9bdc77fda&]

Ricky Koivu had a very impressive rookie season, tallying 55 points in his debut season in the shl. Playing on a line with fellow youngster Red Kirkby, Koivu excelled in his first season, which led to a lot of speculation about what his next contract would be. He took an entry level contract that was well below the value he brings to this Philadelphia team, but Koivu is going to play at the peak of his game and secure a contract that matches his value after his impressive rookie campaign with the forge.

With that bonus money, Ricky would buy himself a penthouse in Costa Rica (very good country btw) to chill out on occasion and relax by the beach with no disruptions to his zen lifestyle. His brothers, Paul, Jolmi, Binko, Tommi and Wide Peepo Happy 3, would join him on this vacation so it makes it a nice family trip ahead of the restart of the season. (159 words)

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$750,000 is not a small amount of money to Finn especially since he has just started his professional hockey career. He would probably buy a fairly practical car so he no longer has to rely on his teammates to take him to and from the rink. Finn would also send money home to his parents in Germany to help with their expenses. He never wants his parents to worry about money again.After that, he would take his family on a 2 week vacation through the rest of Europe and then he would also go with his buddies on a trip to a nice beach somewhere. He would also find ways to upgrade his off-season training whether this is through hiring a better trainer and skills coach. The rest of it would go into a savings account where he would slowly invest most of it. The rest would stay as he wants to buy a house once he makes the SHL team in Texas.

Bonus check time! Every season I get one of these is a good time, but this year I'm going to be spending it on a little something extra. Since I will be called up to Chicago next season, I'm looking at getting a place in the city for myself. I'll use a good portion if not all of this money as a downpayment on a place and start living in Chicago full time. I'll buy that now so I can get settled with a lot of off time to get myself aclimated to the city and my new surroundings. Though, it really isn't new since I grew up in Chicago and spent a good portion of my off seasons between there and my parents place. Though, the both lived here and played for Chicago. Corey Kennedy still lives in the city when the season is going on and he isn't in Ireland, so it shouldn't be to much of an adjustment period

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Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

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With this fat bonus check Potential Spam treats it the same way as the other paychecks throughout the season, Buying up gold bars and burying them in one of many sites around town. With this check being pretty sizable Spam had decided that the special occasion called for a special treat. Instead of spending the whole check on gold Spam sectioned off a good hunk for some of the finer things in life like a new hot tub and a popcorn machine. He also splurged and got himself some nice warm slippers for the locker room. The rest of the money went to some of Spam's favorite charities. Most donations were made anonymously as Spam has carefully cultivated a reputation for being relatively aloof to most of the worlds problems but at the end of the day he's not a monster. Most that money ended up going to a few environmental nonprofits to keep pond hockey season long.

With a 750k bonus, my player is incredibly excited to go on a shopping spree to treat himself. The first thing he does is go to the local philly cheesesteak joint and buys himself the works, an incredible monolithic sandwich that will leave anyone stuffed. Then He buys a nice gift to both the goalies for such a solid season and for stopping so many goals. For this year he has new pads with alternate colors for them. The remainder of the bonus is gonna be used to travel around the world, with trips to Japan, Egypt, Brazil and his hometown of Germany. He spares no expenses and gets first class seats for all parts of the trip, including champagne and a meal on every flight. In each stop he also gets souvenirs for the rest of his teammates and family. In Germany he uses some of the money to help out the local rink with some renovations!

Raptors Raptors  Raptors Raptors Raptors Raptors

Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge 

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany 

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Creative Prompt:

Ryosuke Sato has many ideas for the $750,000 bonus that he received at the end of the season. To start, the first thing that comes to mind is to invest a portion of it. In this case, he would invest $500,000 into a general ETF to hopefully accumulate that wealth over the years, especially when he retires. With the rest of the money, Sato is all for giving back to the community so he decides to donate $100,000 to the Children's hospital. Lastly, with the rest of the $150,000, Sato decides to use that amount for himself and his friends, setting aside some for future use, but primarily using that money to fund his hobbies and interests. This particular season, Sato would be spending the money on the newest snowboard gear for the season, as well as sinking in a couple grand into a used project car to work on over the summer. However, we all know most of that remaining money is going towards food!

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[Image: Niz2wua.png]  [Image: iB9r7kM.png]  [Image: 6by0kBi.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

Player Prompt

With Minamino's increasingly elderly status coming into question, there was not doubt in both his mind as well as the Chicago Syndicate management that the right call was to continue to incentive his ability to continue to keep his play at as high of a level as possible. While he still enjoys the scoring touch he once demonstrated in having a league record 60 goals, there's little question that Minamino is capable of such a thing at this point. So now it will be more manageable and realistic objectives. Things like 15 goals, getting more than 30 points would be agreed upon goals that the player hopes to hit at the very least. Yet at the same time, questions of more potential free agents or trades to add to the ever busy rotating Syndicate roster continues to bring up the possibility that maybe Minamino's game needs to continue to focus more on the defensive side, given how limited his ability to spread his focus can be at the moment. Metrics for that become less obvious, more focused on the overall team effect.

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