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S68 PT #3: Celebrate Good Times Due: December 11th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Hockey prompt.

I think celebrating and celebrating goal scores is a pretty beautiful occasion. Each chooses to do it differently and it forgives sharpness to the game because provocative ways of celebrating are often used. I can't say in any way that I'm against styles like this because sometimes it's just what it takes to fuel opponents, which sometimes gives good opportunities to fight for wins in the game ahead. Of course, there will be many who say that style like this is aggressive and can offend someone specifically, but generally looking at hockey as a sport, we need to realise that it's all one big entertainment event to be able to entertain fans. Money is paid for it though and they want to see both beautiful goal celebrations and beautiful victories as well as some sort of provocations and big fights on the ice. I'm just about diversity, however aggressive, and there are no big boundaries in that celebration.

Toms Zīle - young talanted latvian goalie

Chicago was really looking for a different way to begin celebrating their wins, and looked toward their new management, Melvin. Melvin comes from a world of football, and honestly, his favorite moments ever were when the fans would storm the field. While the hockey rink is far smaller than a football field, the Chicago team really began to feel strongly about celebrating with their fans. The team captain, Ben Jammin would make his way onto the ice first, and the players would be able to file in behind him. It would quickly become a tradition that the fans would love and the players wanted to continue time and time again. Eventually, when they came to playing for the Challenge Cup, players would also hoist it onto the field, and the fans began hoisting them up high too. Fortunately for the fans, this was after Melvin had retired and they did not need to figure out a way to raise up a several hundred pound moose.

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What do you think about celebrations in hockey? There aren't many of note, because it seems that most players like to keep it tame. Not only that, but when there is a celebration of note, it makes the media rounds and everyone has to weigh in. So where do you land on it? Should players be respectful and keep things low key, or would you prefer to see them go crazy sometimes? (150+ words)

I really like goal celebrations, even the tame down on one knee, hand up in the air kinda deals. I think that it's one of the few ways you get to see player personalities and creativity in a game where most dudes are just like living and breathing hockey and not much else. I do think that some goals - like own goals and empty nets - shouldn't get big celebrations because that's a little bit too much, but I want to see people go WILD when they get a goal from a wrist shot at the blue line, or from a really sweet pass. Double celebrations! Make it a thing! I think you get to see some creativity at like All Star games and everyone has a gif of that one dude riding his stick down the ice. That is fun and really makes the sport and the players more lovable - get some touchdown dances in there!

156 words

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gay heghog

I love a good celly in hockey. I think it's awesome when a player goes all out after scoring a big goal. I even like when more of the team gets involved or even if they jaw at the goalie a bit. Cellies get the home crowd into the game and get the energy in the building flowing. It's a great way to maintain your home ice advantage or nullify your opponents' advantage.
I do like the idea of the entire team doing a big, coordinated celebration after a win. Off the top of my head, maybe the Dragons could do an impromptu figure skating routine to a bad ass Win song. Or maybe they can bust out some props and do a full on Disney on ice performance or something else over the top. Really get under the other team's skin and humiliate them. Maybe we can bust out some Chinese new year dragons to stay in theme for the team mascot.

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Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
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I have no problem with celebration in sport. It's one of the most raw and emotionally charged settings in modern society and the individuals participating are demonstrating that with their celebrations. Things like Yakupov sliding across the ice on his knees and Bautista launching his bat into a different neighborhood of the Greater Toronto Area are some iconic moments of their sports and demonstrate why it's so great. If someone does something legitimately disrespectful, the others in the league can work it out, but I personally and pretty worn out with unspoken rules and gentlemanly behavior. You can celebrate without being a sore winner and you can be mad about losing without being a sore loser, so let the players dictate what that means and "the media" as a whole can shove it unless they are just out there looking to have fun as well, they live off the game not the other way around.

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Hockey Prompt

I'm honestly of the opinion that those who whine about various celly's by NHL players (or players of any sport to be honest) are dinosaurs. It's such a boomer opinion to get angry about celebrations that are bit more than the standard *throws up arms* celebration. The reality is that when players show emotion, it engages more fans, makes the passion of the game more visible to outsiders which has the potential to draw them in, thus growing the sport. Iconic celebrations are moments that some fans will cherish forever, and in a sport where too much stuff is played as straight as possible, with some misplaced sense of stoic masculinity, It's just genuinely nice to see some emotion and showmanship from the players that represent the sport. It's simply entertaining, it drives engagement and it's a part of the game that will only become more relevant as years go by and the old guard of hockey minds is phased out (161 words)

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sig by me (:

Kezia MacKenzie - LW - Regina Elk - Atlanta Inferno

Hockey Prompt

I distinctly remember the time the Ovechkin scored his 50th goal in his third straight season back in 2009 or so and did his "hot stick" celebration, and I remember how angered some people like Don Cherry were about it. I was in my early teens back then and thought it was so cool, and every time a player would do a celebration like that kids would always do their best to replicate them when they scored goals themselves.

I will never understand why people get so upset by players expressing themselves. Kids love it, and it provides us with iconic moments like Selanne shooting the glove, or Fleury sliding across the ice, there's so many memorable moments of players celebrating. In my opinion we need to be making the game more accessible, and not boring like a lot of people seem to want.

If you can't handle a player on the other team celebrating then you probably just shouldn't be watching sports.

163 words



Hockey Prompt

My stance regarding celebrations in hockey is frankly the same as celebrations in any other sport. I've long criticized baseball and their fans for wanting to start a fight just because a player that hit a home run didn't start running the bases quickly enough, or didn't run the bases fast enough. Hell, even if they flip their bat or do anything other than be sad about hitting a home run. I think the same principle should be applied to every other sport, including hockey. If you score a goal, celebrate with the limit being the difficulty/importance of the goal. If you just get a tip-in to make it 6-2 with your team either up or down, you don't need to be doing a massive celebration because that just makes you look like a twat. Instead if you're scoring the opening goal of a game, enjoy it a bit. In every case though, understand that going above and beyond will put a target on your back or will give motivation to the other team.

It's no surprise to anyone that the PR team with the Maine Timber are once again looking to give back to our fans! After much deliberation and many team meetings the team as a whole have contributed to our all new, very own home ice win ritual!

After each home win the lights in the arena are dimmed way down low and an eerie smoke begins to fill the ice. A twenty foot tall evergreen is brought to center ice through the zamboni doors with the opposing teams logo at the very top. The lights are turned back up and Kesha's Timber starts blasting over the PA as the Timber once again take the ice. 

Egli brandishes  a large axe and is the first to take a swing at the trunk of the tree. The axe gets passed on and on to new teammates until eventually the tree falls, much like their opponents before. 

The logistics? Absolutely stupid. Sustainable? Absolutely not. Do people actually enjoy it? Who cares!

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Username is AJW in ISFL
(This post was last modified: 12-11-2022, 01:26 PM by Accka.)


What do I think about celebrations!? Well I'm happy you asked partner, because I've got quite the opinion on the subject. Am just kidding, I have no actual opinion, but let me think of one on the fly.
Lets talk about my favourite celebration, or as they're called in hockey circles: celly. My favourite celly is the one where the player gets on one knee from speed and sort of scoops up the ice, or like winds up their arm, you know what I mean?
I think cellies are a big part of hockey or any sport really. It's just in human nature to move around a bit when they're happy and have achieved something. I think it's a bit stupid when pople get upset about someone celebrating "too hard", because they think it's "disrespectful".
Like bruh, stop being such a grump and learn how to take the L. You do have to know when to celebrate though, you can't go all nuts after getting an easy one in on a blowout win.


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Finland / Germany  
Big thanks to Pythonic(first sig evah), Sloth(first LAP sig<3) and Ragnar for their sigs<3
Three time playoffs MVP and two time nominee
Triple gold club
Discord: asska


The post game celebration for Nash is typically done at away games. Many arena’s don’t cater to dogs like Nash so it is a postgame tradition for Nash to walk around the building and mark as many areas as he can to assert his dominance over the away teams arena. Nash will trot around with his head held high. The player that is wearing the Hat of skreeing (the team designated player of the game) will trot around the arena with nash to help pick out the best spots. The hat of skreeing is basically a custom plush teddy bear of a Detroit Falcon that is adorned with Rhinestones. The rhinestones are added to the hat of skreeing for every win the falcons get during the season. It starts with zero at the beginning and over the course of the season is continuously added to. This particular season the hat has gotten very heavy with a total of 39 wins in only 48 games played.

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Kenneth Lind (S78-)

Tomas Lind (S57-S78)

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@sköldpaddor @High Stick King @Ragnar

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Hockey Prompt

I am a fan of celebrations, especially team events. When football players do things like form a boat or do the bowling strike celly I just love it. You do something awesome and you celebrate it in a way that is fun, nothing wrong with it. Ovie doing the hot stick celly after torching the league is an earned experience and as a fan, it was a lot of fun for me. I do think there is a time and place and you shouldn't just do it whenever you score; cellying, when you are getting blown out, is just silly and you're asking for trouble. TO hiding a sharpie in his sock because he knew he was scoring a touchdown is another classic that I find absolutely hilarious and would love to see more of in hockey. Have fun, make the game amusing and grow the sport. Stop the boring old school mentality and let loose.

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