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S69 PT #1: Surplus January 29th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

The NHL’s salary cap is both good and bad. It allows teams with far smaller cash flow to still ice a roster that can compete with the most wealthiest franchises. It was implemented to try to curb overspending and the concept of “buying” a Stanley Cup. However, where the real failure falls is in the fine print. A great example of this is when the Tampa Bay Lightning were able to utilize Long Term Injured Reserve to bury the cap hit of a star player, such as Nikita Kucherov, and replace the salary for that player via acquisitions. When the playoffs come around, the cap is no longer applicable, and they activated that player legally. A simple way to fix that loophole is to make it so the cap is applicable during the postseason as well. That way, the rosters are adhering to the same rules in the postseason as well.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

One of the first things that Melvin would do would be to upgrade and invest in new equipment for the players. Everything from hockey skates to the sticks that are used and the pads that the players wear could all be improved, especially if he was to invest a little bit of that money into the safety of players. Additionally, making sure that every single player had a little area to dress in, in the locker room, that could include a small soundproof room for both privacy, but also making sure that every player can get hyped in the way that they need. This might mean having lots of speakers for those who need loud pump me up music, or it might mean having a small meditation chamber within that zone as well, with incense and other things that smell good. Lastly, I think that having more cameras available on the ice would allow the coaches and the players to review their performance more easily. Having iPads or other tablets available on the bench, to let players review plays in real time and come up with plans without it being an intermission between periods would be helpful.

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(This post was last modified: 01-29-2023, 10:54 AM by The__Y-man__100.)

If I had 3 million dollars to spend on upgrades and changes to a hockey team's arena, I would focus on the 3 major areas for the players to boost morale and hopefully performance.

Locker Room: I would install larger lockers with charging stations and built-in video screens for players to watch game footage. I would also add a recovery area with hydromassage tables and a state-of-the-art ice bath.
Lounge: I would create a spacious lounge area with comfortable seating, a large TV, and a fully-stocked kitchen. I would also include a gaming area with a pool table and ping-pong table.

Fitness Room: I would equip the fitness room with the latest strength and conditioning equipment, including a variety of cardio machines, cable machines and free weights. I would also add a yoga and stretching area.

Parking Garage: I would install electric car charging stations, and a automated parking system that allows players to reserve a spot in advance.

Overall, my goal would be to create a comfortable and modern space that makes the players feel like they are at home, so that they can focus on the game and perform at their best.

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First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

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I for one think that the salary cap has been a great addition to the national hockey League. Even though I am a supporter of a Canadian team and no salary cap would inevitably benefit Canadian teams more due to the fact they generally have bigger and more dedicated fan bases than the American teams south of the border. Without the cap you would just end up with super teams that would dominate the league season after season. You would also probably see half the league dissolve due to being constantly mediocre and more than likely losing whatever fans they currently have. My team is useless at hiring good back room staff but a big part of having a competitive team is finding someone that knows how to manage contracts, trades and the all round financials of the team. Take away the cap and you take away the consequences of badly managing your team.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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After Igor Victory, of the Philly Forge, in the Simulation Hockey League, has decided to revamp the area surrounding the new stadium, he was approached again to get the ball rolling for the interior of the rink.BUT, a 3 million dollar budget is pretty weak. So, he went to his people, and they came up with an opportunity to hold an alumni game and have the richest people in the Philly area to bid for the opportunity to play in this once in a lifetime game. If they couldn't physically play, then they used a bit of VR in collab with a new company called Blinder. Blinder and the Forge are trying to raise at least $10 million to revamp the interior of the forge LR. Including a new Sauna, new bikes, better parking spaces, a brand new kitchen with a live in Chef. Each player's stall will have a retractable wardrobe to hold multiple suits, skivvies, jock straps(Igor Victory brand of course), sock vending machine. Gym is now upgraded as well. All the bells and whistles you could ever want.

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render cred: @rum_ham, @Rangerjase @Ragnar @supertardis101 @Jogurtaa @Drokeep @evilallbran @Carpy48 @enigmatic
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Creative Prompt:

There is a lot that we can do with $3 million to add to the Newfoundland player areas at the arena. First, in regards to the locker room, we would rebuild the locker room with players having personalized stalls. Each player's stall would have vented seats for a quick drying of equipment, a skate rack, and glove warmers to name a few. To take care of the lounge area, we would take some of the money and install a gaming room for team enjoyment and bonding, a dark room with pods for sleeping so the players can take naps whenever they feel like it, and a customized dining room with a personal chef for gourmet meals at any time of day. Now when it comes to upgrading the fitness room, the big upgrades that would need to be added is a virtual reality room where the players would be able to work on their reaction times and thought processes to actual in-game situations to be better prepared on the ice. The last thing that would be upgraded in the fitness room with whatever money was left would be better hot tubs and cold tubs for better recovery after games and practices to keep players healthy.

Using the three million dollars I plan to renovate the Knights locker room. It is old and rundown and needs to be brought to the 21 century. We would update all the stalls for the players with a nice sturdy stained Oak millwork and cusioned seats. They will be large enough for even the goalies to have extra room. The bathroom and showers will be upgraded as well. The main focus of the upgrades will be focused in the trainer area adding some much needed equipment to aid  in the recovery process of the players. This would include Ice baths, and saunas for the players. with massage benches and a plethora of new  work out  equipment. We aim to make this the most state of the art facility in the SMJHL even rivaling some of the large market SHL teams. We want to use this as a main recruiting area for out potential prospects and  make sure that people want to come and play here.

Foil Up Boys

well binko has only one plan for how to use those three million dollars and what is that plan you may ask? well i for one am glad that you have asked the question because let me tell you it is a big one for sure (as in the answer is big, but the question itself is also quite big and whether the question or the answer is bigger is up to the reader's interpretation). now what is the answer to that question? well binko would buy 3 million dollars worth of professional soft ice cream machines and put them all over the arena and in the locker room! that's like 3000 ice cream machines! the players can eat all of the ice cream they want, even the visiting players like @5ympathies! of course the hometown players like agnes @micool132 and pebble @Jepox would love it too. pee @hotdog would also love it because we would use lactose free cream in some of the machines so he can partake in the fun as well! fun for the whole team!

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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Good teams are built with good players, and good players are expensive. To keep them, player agents demand long-term contracts that protect the player’s best interests.

All players age, and their performance declines each year after their prime. Contracts that extend beyond a player’s prime carry risks that degrade a team’s ability to compete. However, to keep or attract the very best players, general managers must offer such contracts. This means that many long-term contracts age badly, paying players more than their abilities warrant, which eventually prevents teams from remaining competitive.

The Chicago Blackhawks won three Stanley Cups from 2010 to 2015. Since then, they have made the playoffs only three times and been eliminated in the first round each time. They are now in a massive rebuild.

The Los Angeles Kings won the Stanley Cup in 2012 and 2014. Since then, they have made the playoffs only three times and also experienced three first-round losses.

The Pittsburgh Penguins won the Stanley Cup in 2016 and 2017. They have won only one playoff series since then as their aging roster is hamstrung with salaries that undermine roster flexibility. This means that if they do not win this year, a major rebuild is imminent.

The Tampa Bay Lightning won the Stanley Cup in 2020 and 2021. They took advantage of a loophole that allowed them to exceed the salary cap by nearly $18 million in 2021; teams have no salary caps during the playoffs. The Chicago Blackhawks took advantage of the same loophole during their successful pursuit of the Stanley Cup in 2015.

Personally I think the problem in today's NHL is the slowly increasing cap.

(275 Words)

Zayne Dangle is all about the newest and most sophisticated technology in the locker room. The first is a VR trainer for their goalies. This allows them to see real time moves and analysis of the shooting patterns of the top scorers from around the league. This has not been released yet so Buffalo is the first team to get to test it. Another advancement is the cryogenic chamber that Buffalo has to help speed up the healing process of minor to moderate injuries. It is used for major injuries as well, but the recovery time is still a lot of work on those. Something else that Buffalo has added to their locker room is a full time nutritionist and chef. There is a food line always running while the players are working out. There is always superfoods, foods for recovery and a huge variety of smoothies and milkshakes with protein and other essentials. This is Zayne Dangles favorite part of all.

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     Sig Credit: Ragnar
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Sig Credit: Moosey

Falcons  |  Raptors | Stampede |  Patriotes |  Czechia
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Honestly I think the salary cap is just fine as it is, at first glance. I think if you were to completely remove the salary cap altogether, the teams / organizations with the most money would just stay competitive for decades. As for the smaller markets, they would continually struggle and eventuallly push fans away from the sport instead of drawing more interest... because they're perpetually in a losing and/or rebuild status. However, I do think there's room for improvement on how an organization spends their money as a whole. Entirely too much money is put into advertising and not enough into giving back to the fans. I feel like investment into fandom is at an all time low; the addition of advertising on the boards during live play is the worst example of this. Not to mention some jerseys having ads on them now; at what point is income enough for them?

Words: 150+

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Ohhh I had some BIG upgrades to make to the Great Falls Grizzlies locker room. See, what many people don't know is the minors here in SHL aren't funded very well because the big leagues are jerks and take all the money. So I took some of the Dion family fortune and put it into the great falls facilities!

With the donation we got a new state of the art: Weight room, locker room, trainers area, meeting room. 

I mean for god  sake the main projector in the meeting room was from like 2006. We got all that stuff upgraded. May have cost me a few million dollars, but my new PBE contract with the Toros makes that easily payable. Besides I live modestly anyway despite my giant fortune. 

The new locker room has team color LED lights (that can change if we wanted). It's a giant circle with the GFG head on the floor. Beautiful oak wood lockers. 

The weight room has a stuffed Grizzly doing a bench press, and in addition to the novelty. Brand new racks and weights, also new zero G treadmills for rehab!

191 words

Creative Prompt

3 million sounds like a lot of money to perform renovations, that can quickly disappear. You have to be smart with what you upgrade and make sure that the improvements are the most important. Being in Edmonton, winters come with a ton of snow, ice, salt, and sand. You do not want any of that getting into the locker room. Shoe cleaners will be installed for both locker rooms to keep the outdoor gunk off the wood and carpet inside. This will also keep those dress shoes nice and polished to make all the old men around the league proud that the youth takes care of themselves. Second item is to install underground parking for home players so they will never have to worry about clearing snow and ice off their windshield. Last item is to install heated floors just outside the showers. You ever step out of a shower or bath and are greeted by the cold tile floor of the bathroom? Well we no longer have to worry about that as the floors will be installed with hot water coils under the tile to keep the surface nice and warm on those feet that are crucial to playing the sport. (202)

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After all the changes to the Dragons arena district on the outside, it is now time to take a look at what can be improved on the inside! The Dragons licker room is pretty much a huge mess. We keep hiring cleaning staff every season but they seem to spend more time taking pictures of themselves that get posted on Makela's Instagram. So really the place hasn't been cleaned in forever. Rather than go through all the garbage and try to sort out whose garbage is whose, we basically take a flamethrower to it and just burn it all to ashes. Then we take a leaf blower and just turn it to high pressure and blast all the ash and soot out the back door. We spend a few dollars on getting a new paint job and a little bit of lumber to build new benches and stalls for the players, but then also hire a local artist to paint a super cool mural of a Dragon on the ceiling. Knowing the Dragons players, it will be trashed again by the end of the season!

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Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway

We're gonna use this three million to raise the experience and atmosphere for the fans. We want to offer hometown favorites an opportunity to do business in our arena. Beignes d'Antan, and Brûlerie Rousseau would just be a couple of businesses out of a bunch that we would excited to have in our new arena. To make them feel a part of the game we're gonna put in a smaller sheet of ice that will have netting on both sides of the ice so that the kids can skate or play as the Citadelles are playing. Itll need some mesh netting to seperate from the rest of the rink but kids can be even closer to some of their favorite players in this environment. And then obviously we're gonna have a little museum showcasing our best players from past and present Quebec teams that have paved the way for success and the love for Quebec City as a whole.

164 words

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