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S69 PT #3: Dive February 12th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Matsmith goes hard into the corner trying to win the puck a lot in this game, this time however a stick catches his chin and he goes down. At the slight pain and feel of contact I immediately grab my chin so that the refs can see what happen, but not to the point of flopping around. Sometimes in the corners it's hard for the refs to see exactly what happened. I think of this more as an assist to the refs, than an embellishment of sorts. Now diving, Matsmith would never outright dive. There is a difference in my opinion between acting a bit so the refs can get the call right and acting so that a call if forced to happen. If someone taps your shins and you fall to the ground and roll around like a crazy person, then you also deserve to get a penalty and maybe a bit of a beating. Other than that a little flair from time to time is not a bad thing.

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Hockey prompt

Diving is unfortunately a part of just about every team sport out there. As long as there is money on the line, people will do just about anything to increase their chances at success, and that includes embellishment. For me it has to honestly be one of the most frustrating part of sports, especially when it happens against your team.

That said, those times where it is your team doing it, suddenly you start seeing things that maybe aren't there. People often justify when it's their guy doing it but always call for the harshest punishment when it's the other team doing it.

Personally I'd like to see it call very harshly regardless, but in a sport as fast as hockey, I imagine it can be exceedingly difficult for a ref to call. As viewers we get a million different camera angles on plays and there's still plenty of discussion of what is a dive and what isn't. I guess what I mean to say is that I think occasionally people forget that refs aren't flawless and calling diving is much harder than it looks. In a perfect world, it would never happen in the first place.

197 words



I think Bobby would definitely snap his head back, but continue fighting for the puck in the scrum. Since we aren’t in the playoffs yet, the call is definitely more likely to be called instead of the refs swallowing the whistle and “letting the boys play” which honestly to go on a bit on a rant is the stupidest thing in all of the professional sports, call penalties you phonies. To get back to the topic on hand, you have to do what it takes to win, as long as the embellishing you are doing isn’t taking you out of the play. I’m not saying flop like a soccer player would, but adding a little flourish to the head snap back should be enough to get the call, and if it isn’t, well there’s no harm done. The stick connecting to my face at all is a penalty, so I would argue it isn’t even embellishing, so much as to let the refs know what happened, because if their stick connects to my face, it’s a penalty, even if it doesn’t hurt.

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Signature by @enigmatic

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Player prompt:

It's the final game of the season, the Syndicate versus the Spectres. The game is 3-3 in the 3rd period, and the two teams are tied at 89 points a piece. The puck gets loose in front of the net, and in the ensuing chaos, Chicago goaltender Mat Smith feels the stick of New Orleans defenseman Xavier Doom. It stings for sure but the ref doesn't seem to notice. He knows he can sell it and he'll probably get a call, Doom has a bit of a reputation and it should be a penalty. In the end he continues play as if nothing happened, can't go down and risk a goal against. Maybe he'll argue his case to the ref after the whistle, but during play saving the puck is all that matters. So he doesn't sell the play, but not to "play fair" or whatever, but to make sure he doesn't try something that backfires.

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Hockey Prompt

Embellishment is the unfortunate side effect of the importance of penalty calls in any game, but I think the NHL is better about it than most sports. While I think it would be hard to argue that players don't fish for calls when they get the chance, I rarely see anyone give up on a play in order to try to draw a call, instead just doing enough to try to emphasize what happened. On the rare occasion that a player takes a dive to fake a penalty, the refs are usually good about making the call appropriately and calling the dive. As for the rest, the nature of the game means playing through a penalty is almost always more valuable than embellishing a call, so the issue largely takes care of itself. I don't think that we have a systemic issue in hockey the way we do in other sports, which is one of many reasons why hockey is the best game there is.

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sig credit: Ragnar, Sulovilen, Enigmatic, Bayley
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(This post was last modified: 02-11-2023, 04:28 PM by tweedledunn. Edited 1 time in total.)

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[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
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Considering that it is my opponent's responsibility to remain in control of their stick at all times if I feel it get anywhere near my face I am trying to earn the high-sticking call against them. I would argue that if their stick touches my face, even lightly, there is a call to be made and it is now my job to show to the referee that their stick did in fact hit my face. If the shoe were on the other foot I have no doubt that the Maine Timber would be acting like a chopped tree and laying motionless on the ice. This would set a reputation for my player as a no-nonsense sort of player who the other team needs to be extra careful around, or risk picking up penalty minutes, which would lead to an easier time winning puck battles as opponents begin to hesitate or ease out of battles. This is the four-star championship we are talking about, and we could really use that first-round bye to secure home-ice advantage in the quarterfinals.


Oh hell yeah I'm doing it. I'll be the first to jump into the action to try drawing a penalty. I will not fake tho, I'm not that type of guy. I don't respect guys who fake to draw a penalty. If you want to draw one, jump into the action. It is one of DAD's job. I will always check hard opponents and I will taunt them to the limit. I'm not a fighter, but I know how to talk to opponents so they are pissed. I will not throw punches or anything like that, but I will do something that would pissed off my opponent and they will be the only one punished, as I will simply laugh at them as they screwed their team's chance to score a goal. If my opponent does not bite, I will not start being too agressive because I know I could get a penalty and as a leader I do not want my team's chances to be screwed. I'm a team player, I will not act foolish.

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David-Arturri Donskoi
Regina Elk
Hey I'm DAD can I adopt you?

With the playoffs on the line, I do not think it would make sense to take a chance and rely on the referees to get you into the SHL Playoffs. The New England Wolfpack have been amazing so far this season and I would be disappointed if we had to rely on a penalty in order to make it to the postseason. Instead I think Edward Elric would rather rely on his skill and abilities in the corner in order to come away with the puck and hopefully make some plays in order to score a goal. Edward Elric, like the New England Wolfpack, has been having a fantastic season so far and is among the leaders in rookies in a number of categories. He is 1st in points, 2nd in hits, 3rd in goals and so on and I think if there ever came a moment for Edward to showcase his skills and abilities in order to help the Wolfpack seal the deal and make the postseason, this would be it.

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[Image: jeffiesigs.gif]
Nour is pretty hot ngl

Duncan Mackenzie would one hundred percent embellish the stick to the face if he thought for one second it would give his team a powerplay. Anything to bring his team an advantage. Duncan is willing to do whatever it takes to win. Cheating is a huge part of that. If you are not cheating, you are not trying. Duncan is a big believer in that.

DMack somehow has a reputation of being a fairly clean player. The refs seem to let him get away with a lot, especially for a big guy who likes to hit people and play angry. He knows if his head snaps back, he is likely getting the call to go his way.

After losing to the Seattle Argonaughts two years running, he is about ready to do anything to guarantee victory. He will cheat to the absolute maximum extent of his ability in his quest to do that. As a big leader on the team, he will work hard to show everyone how to do it!

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Aurora Winnipeg Aurora Aurora

Hockey Prompt

The embellishment penalty in the NHL makes almost no sense to me. First off, it is called so rarely that it may as well not even be a penalty. I get that the speed of the game makes the job incredibly hard but we can see clear cut embellishments happen almost every game as fans. Secondly, the fact that the embellishment leads to a penalty for both players does not make sense at all. Personally, I feel that the embellishment should cancel the opposing penalty in most situations. Of course, there are situations when both penalties can and should be assessed, but when there is a phantom trip called off of an embellishment the opposing player should not get tossed in the box as well. Diving just sucks and I want to see it eliminated from the game as soon as possible. I pretty much can’t watch soccer because of all the flopping and would absolutely be gutted to see hockey follow suit. The league needs to call it out when it happens and keep the problem from growing in the future.


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Embellishment in the hockey world and sports in general are part of the games. Now I am not talking about the over the top stuff we see in soccer and basketball. I am talking about a hit with a stick that maybe you dive to the ice instead of "being a man" and walking it off. Technically they did hit you with a high stick, but nobody saw it. Maybe a little theater and acting would get the call to actually happen. While I know a lot of people are not a big fan of it, the fact remains you will never be able to eliminate it completely. Hockey players are tough athletes, probably the toughest in the world. However, sometimes slowing the game down a little bit when something happens is just what your team needs. The other important thing is you can get more penalties called against a certain rival on a certain team based out of Illinois.

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Sig Credit: Moosey

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it is tough to dive as an eel (or as an average eel at least) since the musculature patterns on a Guy are definitely different from those of an Eel. Guy has a lot of different parts connected in different ways whereas an Eel is basically just one long tube - and it's honestly pretty natural to be resilient to hits since the bone structure is different as well. anyway, all taht said, the dumb ass SHL referees don't know any of that so Philippe Eko Eel definitely pretends to be built like a Guy in the way that he takes dives. tough for his legs to get cut out from underneath him since he has neither legs nor an underneath but he's so squirmy and swively that he's figured out exactly how to get all the calls. in fact, pretty much any contact will knock him down to the ice sideways, as he's an eel. Refs haven't yet caught on leading Eel to lead the league in penalties drawn, an advantage for the inferno (i made that up idk what the stats are on that). honestly dan if you're reading this this PT is not your best offer eh lol

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thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

Player Prompt

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When it comes to embellishment, I think hockey and soccer are in the same discussion far too often. Diving and embellishment is a part of the game of soccer and there’s no getting away from that fact. It does, however, occur far too often and has become downright ridiculous (as if it wasn’t before). Hockey players are known to be tough. Because of that, I think it is sometimes necessary for a player to dive or embellish a bit to draw attention to an offender. Especially if that person has been playing dirty.

Personally, I think the number of embellishment calls are fair. Fans are always going to blame the refs no matter what. There are times when it’s called too often and times where it’s called enough. Professional sports are fast paced and judgment calls are made in a split second. Things are going to be missed or called incorrectly.

I won’t even get into player reputations. Hockey is a sport where you need to be tough and there are literally goons out there whose sole purpose is to beat people up. If someone is good at making something look like a penalty when it’s not, I think it’s just the same as someone that is good at tormenting other players and getting away with it.

[217 words]

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