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S69 PT #3: Dive February 12th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

I think embellishing and diving is used as a strategy in the NHL. While it certainly isn't as frequent as in soccer, people will use it, just as they use little hooks and slashes, to try to gain an advantage. I feel like sometimes the thoughts of where someone is diving is a little misplaced.

I think that it can be overblown with highsticks. From experience, I can say that even a light tap mid game stings something fierce and the immediate reaction is to try and fling your head out of the way and put your hands there.

I think the situations we see players really selling it, are plays when there's little shot at the net, but they seem to go down pretty easy. It's rare that we see an embellishment (and I can see why it's difficult to catch) but it's definitely something Ayers are taking advantage of when they feel that stock on their shins.

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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First of all, I have no idea what you mean by embellish it. I don’t think you can embellish a stick that grazes you in the chin, would you like me to hit you with my stick? That’s what I thought. So I’d give them a reaction equal to the magnitude - which is to say that I’d go down in pain clutching my jaw. After a good few seconds of lying there in the fetal position while covering my face, I’d knock one of my fake teeth out. This is usually enough to draw some blood so we’re getting the full 4 minute power play as a result. After that, I get up and start opening and closing my jaw as if to see that it still works - and for a good reason, remember I just took a hockey stick in the face. It was like 1980s hockey taking a baseball swing to the face. And then I look up, see the ref didn’t call anything and the other team has scored while we were essentially a man short. I then go find my tooth.

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Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers

dude a stick touches e e on or off the ice, it can be anywhere, on the ice, on the golf course, in the bedroom, sittin beside ur dad while hes talkin about his midlife crisis, hes gonna start fuckin glowing. Its a thing that he does. Whenever something touches him, like, anything, but hockey sticks in particular because theyre wooden or some shit, hes glowing ooo spooky like the second coming of christ himself. He takes a hit along the board, boom flash of light. He plows another player into their own bench and the arena gets flashbanged. gg. He gets high sticked? The slightest graze? boooom baby you bet your ass the refs already know because they have suddenly been fuckin blinded by the power of holy e itself. e e e e e. Look dude I had no idea what I was doing when I started writing this. Really, it doesnt' count as a dive - but you bet your ass those refs finna know whats coming to them.

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My player believes that in the end what matters to everyone is to win the game. Sometimes what it takes is an embellished call going your way to set things straight. Is it any differing embellishing a high stick than it is to tease a player to draw a roughing call? In my players opinion these two are equally important parts of the game.

Not only is this important in a normal game, but this is a game against our most hated rival the Manhattan Rage. Getting this penalty will not only help us win the game and see them sad but it will also so enrage (lol) them and cause them to get even more flustered. If there is a team that deserves no sportmanship, its the rage. While this is a maneuver that if done too much, can result in less penalties, in this special ocassion and game its pivotal for our team

Raptors Raptors  Raptors Raptors Raptors Raptors

Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge 

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany 

[Image: drokeep.gif]

I feel like the answer to if I would embellish or not depends on the state of the game. It's the playoffs, things don't get called as much anyways. But if we needed a power play, I'd definitely sell it a bit. I wouldn't flop onto the ice and pretend to be dying, that's a bit too much. But I'd definitely draw some attention to it, raise my hands up and sort of stop participating in the play. That should hopefully draw enough attention to the refs and have them make a call.

I don't really think this says much about Leon as a player, although it might say he's a team player - willing to do whatever the team needs for success. There's no ego here, Leon's masculinity or pride won't stop him from selling the call a little bit. I can probably try not to make it blatant, but a little selling never hurt anyone's wallets.

I think Clint Campton of the Hamilton steelhawks would make sure the other guy gets his shit sorted so Clint clampton can take a penalty shot. Why not? Anything to get the leg up. The game is on the line here. Even the smallest advantage could help get us through to the playoffs. Hamilton has been on a rough patch given a lot of players retiring and moving on, but I think this season might start of the onward and upward motion of the Hamilton steelhawks. Now I'm not playing up there yet, I am still on the Yukon Malamutes so it really doesn't effect me yet. I would do the same in juniors too. It's crucial to take any and all opportunities to get the extra edge up on your fellow teams. Especially with the playoffs coming up soon. You can't fault someone for taking that little chance and making a scene to get it

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(This post was last modified: 02-13-2023, 01:42 AM by diacope. Edited 2 times in total.)

First thing I'd do is make sure whenever the opportuny did come I'm positioned right beside the netting because I want to maximize my chances before putting on a show and get a few scraps in the meantime, straight after my first act would be to "accidently" fall into the net itself to add a little shock factor in the mix and throw everybody off from trying to see the actual footage or remember the play, again maximizing my chances here in a must win. Lastly it's all about how you handle the referees, I won't go straight to them after the whistle no, my bench can do their part with the best disgusted faces and loudest slammed sticks to draw a little more attention to the play.. At the same time it'll give my "cut" time to bleed a little more Wink Guess I'm going at it like a bank robbery! No time for errors!! Kraken assemble!!!

Platoon RAIYA Platoon RABINOV Platoon

I would take the dive and try and embellish the high stick. I will try my best to do whatever it takes to win and if I have to look bad and take a dive and maybe get a fine later. I will do it and make sure the ref sees it and makes sure it gets called. I think you have to try and find an edge and try to find different ways to win hockey games. The shl is just a good league and there is a fine line between the best teams and the good teams. Habits like this will help me decide on home ice which is important in my mind. I think you need to take the opporunity if it presents its self and I think you have to be a take any chane you can get to win kind of player to win in this league.

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Me personally I’m embellishin every time I am a dirty liar a trickster a little mischief maker so i gotta do what it takes to help my dawgs win because you know what they say all dawgs go to heaven and if we winnin we heaven bound emotionally so yeah im definitely gonna sell it a bit people forget b jobin was supposed to be an actor if shl didnt work out so he would have that ref eatin out his hand no cap like that one episode of spongebob with handsome squidward when he was falling really dramatically id probably sell it like that to be frank with you. All fair and in love and war and last time i checked this aint love so it must be war ya heard so yeah also b jobin loves his management team so he wants to make em happy so if he hears brother rotti in his ear tellin him to sell the calls well buddy you might as well nickname him the call salesman and make him employee of the decade while youre at it cos no one sells it like him on a blick

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**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**

Embellishments should be called way more often in the NHL. At least if someone gets called for diving, or something along those lines, the alleged penalty that cause the embellishment in my opinion, in many cases should not actually be called. Like if I tripped someone, and they got a penalty for diving, why am I still getting a penalty for tripping, if they were not going to end up falling down if they did not embellish. I understand there being cases where the penalties should actually be off setting, but in so many cases, embellishment is the off setting penalty, not the stand a lone one. Just seems dumb to me. If embellishment is the penalty, make it the penalty, not just some throw in 2 mins so that nobody ends up on a power play. It's just so crazy to me that my post basically consists of one sentence that i have repeated in slightly different ways 8 times and its taken this long to hit 150 words.

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Thanks to JSS for the signature

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As a soccer fan, I'm not opposed to selling a foul. That said, I think there is a clear distinction between selling a foul and flopping. Nobody likes flopping. Flopping is when you create a foul/situation that was not actually warranted by your opponent's play. Selling a foul, on the other hand, is reacting to an opponent foul play/mistake and selling the situation for your team's benefit. With the punishment structure of hockey, I think it's a very complicated issue. In soccer, generally selling a foul will not give you as significant of a goal scoring opportunity as a hockey power play or penalty shot. For that reason, I think that hockey specifically should remain strict on how they enforce penalties. That said, I absolutely detest the dated mentality of "players just need to be tough." They are tough, they're in the NHL, and the armchair intellectuals who whine about the NHL becoming "soft" are pathetic in comparison. They already put their bodies on the line, I fully support player safety & calling fouls as they occur.

I think embellishment being a penalty is necessary to the game of hockey.  We saw what having no embellishment violation (or rewarding embellishment) did to the quality of play in the NBA.  Players like Marcus Smart and James Harden were notable players that would frequently sell a foul.  In other instances shooters would kick their legs out beyond what is reasonable to get free throws on a defender closing out.  The NBA in recent years started calling offensive fouls and swallowing the whistle on these instances (except for half of last season for some reason.)  a similar thing would happen in the NHL with players flopping.  This would be even worse since 2 points in a game of basketball isn’t very valuable but power play that league average is 20-25% is huge. There are some problems with the application and still rewarding embellishment but it isn’t crippling problem to the game of hockey.

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Credit Maxy and Merica for sigs

Creative Prompt

As tempting as it may be to want to just flop on the ice after the stick grazed your face, Ryosuke Sato was not born and raised to do such an act so classless. The sport of hockey is not just about winning or losing, it is about winning with integrity. For example, even if it is the Challenger's Cup final and a powerplay would seal the cup, that win would forever be questioned and tainted by the fact of "what if" as in what if the referees did not call the dive or what if the referees did not call the offside. I would say that it is okay if the call was minor, but if the call was THE deciding factor to the series than it is not ideal. Preferably, the team is able to win decisively even when the odds are stacked against them in terms of advantages because that just shows how deserving of the win it is.

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

I think diving is still an issue in hockey, though better than it was about 10 years before the crackdown (jaysus I've been watching hockey too long). The obvious penalties that look hilarious seem to be on the decline, since the public shaming through fines was a good help, but otherwise I think there's still going to be an incentive to go down when the stakes are high, like in the playoffs. If it's a game seven and a stick gets up to where it could maybe hit someone, why not try and sell it to the refs? I don't love it personally, but ultimately it's just gamesmanship and there's never going to really be a way to get rid of embellishment completely. The dives are always fun to watch from a completely entertainment perspective. It's funny to see players think they can get away with it, and the overexaggerated reactions to minor bumps can just make a whole game.

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if Kezia MacKenzie of the Atlanta Inferno of the Simulation Hockey League were to feel the stick of an opponent graze the stubble of their square chin in the third period of a hockey game in a divisional playoff race in the season of our lord 69 (nice), they would simply dive like hell. thats right, i'm talking an absolute flop of truly epic porportions. You're reading this right, Kezia MacKenzie of the Atlanta Inferno of the Simulation Hockey League has absolutely zero morals, ethics, good intentions, or anything like that. they'll make an absolute fool, a total bafoon of themselves in order to draw a crucial penalty in the third period of a divional hockey game. We're talking drama student level shenanigans, just elegant and inspiring flopping the likes of which has never before been witnessed. the ref would be so blinded by this display of passion that he would forget about the existence of a diving call. (158 words)

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sig by me (:

Kezia MacKenzie - LW - Regina Elk - Atlanta Inferno

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